
basicContext: Easy menus for your website


basicContext makes it easy to create menus for your website or app. It works with all kinds of events, always stays on screen, and is written in Vanilla JS.




Easy-to-use context-menu for your website or webapp.

Context Screenshot


Name Description Link
Basic demo basicContext works with all kind of events Try it on CodePen
Position demo basicContext never leaves the visible screen-area Try it on CodePen
Scroll demo basicContext is scrollable when the context height is bigger than the browser height Try it on CodePen


  • Works in all modern browsers
  • Written in Vanilla JS
  • Stays within the viewport and never opens outside the visible screen-area (Demo)
  • Scrollable, when the height of the context-menu is bigger than the height of the browser (Demo)


basicContext is written in Vanilla JS and only dependents on the following browser APIs:

All of these APIs are capable of being polyfilled in older browser. Check the linked resources above to determine if you must polyfill to achieve your desired level of browser support.











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