
HTML5 Canvas: Lunch Wheel - javascript 룰렛




HTML5 Canvas: Lunch Wheel

In the on going battle to make my lunch time more optimised I decided to learn some Javascript, and how to use the HTML5 Canvas element. Turns out it’s not that hard, and I have now created Click to …





Lunch Wheel



<meta content="IE=EmulateIE7" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
<title>Lunch Wheel</title>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/meyer-reset/2.0/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tinysort.min.js"></script>
<!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jit/2.0.2/Extras/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Helpers
	shuffle = function(o) {
		for ( var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x)
		return o;

	String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
		// See http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html		
		var hash = 5381;
		for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
			char = this.charCodeAt(i);
			hash = ((hash<<5)+hash) + char;
			hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
		return hash;

	Number.prototype.mod = function(n) {
		return ((this%n)+n)%n;
<script type="text/javascript">
venues = {
		"116208"  : "Jerry's Subs and Pizza",
		"66271"   : "Starbucks",
		"5518"    : "Ireland's Four Courts",
		"392360"  : "Five Guys",
		"2210952" : "Uptown Cafe",
		"207306"  : "Corner Bakery Courthouse",
		"41457"   : "Delhi Dhaba",
		"101161"  : "TNR Cafe",
		"257424"  : "Afghan Kabob House",
		"512060"  : "The Perfect Pita",
		"66244"   : "California Tortilla",
		"352867"  : "Pho 75 - Rosslyn",
		"22493"   : "Ragtime",
		"268052"  : "Subway",
		"5665"    : "Summers Restaurant & Sports Bar",
		"129724"  : "Cosi",
		"42599"   : "Ray's Hell Burger"

	$(function() {

		var venueContainer = $('#venues ul');
		$.each(venues, function(key, item) {
                         id:    'venue-' + key
                        ,name:  item
                        ,value: item
                        ,type:  'checkbox'
	                .change( function() {
	                	var cbox = $(this)[0];
	                	var segments = wheel.segments;
	                	var i = segments.indexOf(cbox.value);

	                	if (cbox.checked && i == -1) {

	                	} else if ( !cbox.checked && i != -1 ) {
	                		segments.splice(i, 1);

	                } )

	                    'for':  'venue-' + key
	                .text( item )

		$('#venues ul>li').tsort("input", {attr: "value"});
<script type="text/javascript">
	var wheel = {

		timerHandle : 0,
		timerDelay : 33,

		angleCurrent : 0,
		angleDelta : 0,

		size : 290,

		canvasContext : null,

		colors : [ '#ffff00', '#ffc700', '#ff9100', '#ff6301', '#ff0000', '#c6037e',
		           '#713697', '#444ea1', '#2772b2', '#0297ba', '#008e5b', '#8ac819' ],

		//segments : [ 'Andrew', 'Bob', 'Fred', 'John', 'China', 'Steve', 'Jim', 'Sally', 'Andrew', 'Bob', 'Fred', 'John', 'China', 'Steve', 'Jim'],
		segments : [],

		seg_colors : [], // Cache of segments to colors
		maxSpeed : Math.PI / 16,

		upTime : 1000, // How long to spin up for (in ms)
		downTime : 17000, // How long to slow down for (in ms)

		spinStart : 0,

		frames : 0,

		centerX : 300,
		centerY : 300,

		spin : function() {

			// Start the wheel only if it's not already spinning
			if (wheel.timerHandle == 0) {
				wheel.spinStart = new Date().getTime();
				wheel.maxSpeed = Math.PI / (16 + Math.random()); // Randomly vary how hard the spin is
				wheel.frames = 0;

				wheel.timerHandle = setInterval(wheel.onTimerTick, wheel.timerDelay);

		onTimerTick : function() {



			var duration = (new Date().getTime() - wheel.spinStart);
			var progress = 0;
			var finished = false;

			if (duration < wheel.upTime) {
				progress = duration / wheel.upTime;
				wheel.angleDelta = wheel.maxSpeed
						* Math.sin(progress * Math.PI / 2);
			} else {
				progress = duration / wheel.downTime;
				wheel.angleDelta = wheel.maxSpeed
						* Math.sin(progress * Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / 2);
				if (progress >= 1)
					finished = true;

			wheel.angleCurrent += wheel.angleDelta;
			while (wheel.angleCurrent >= Math.PI * 2)
				// Keep the angle in a reasonable range
				wheel.angleCurrent -= Math.PI * 2;

			if (finished) {
				wheel.timerHandle = 0;
				wheel.angleDelta = 0;

				$("#counter").html((wheel.frames / duration * 1000) + " FPS");

			// Display RPM
			var rpm = (wheel.angleDelta * (1000 / wheel.timerDelay) * 60) / (Math.PI * 2);
			$("#counter").html( Math.round(rpm) + " RPM" );

		init : function(optionList) {
			try {

				$.extend(wheel, optionList);

			} catch (exceptionData) {
				alert('Wheel is not loaded ' + exceptionData);


		initAudio : function() {
			var sound = document.createElement('audio');
			sound.setAttribute('src', 'wheel.mp3');
			wheel.sound = sound;

		initCanvas : function() {
			var canvas = $('#wheel #canvas').get(0);

			if ($.browser.msie) {
				canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
				$(canvas).attr('width', 1000).attr('height', 600).attr('id', 'canvas').appendTo('.wheel');
				canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);

			canvas.addEventListener("click", wheel.spin, false);
			wheel.canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d");

		initWheel : function() {

		// Called when segments have changed
		update : function() {
			// Ensure we start mid way on a item
			//var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * wheel.segments.length);
			var r = 0;
			wheel.angleCurrent = ((r + 0.5) / wheel.segments.length) * Math.PI * 2;

			var segments = wheel.segments;
			var len      = segments.length;
			var colors   = wheel.colors;
			var colorLen = colors.length;

			// Generate a color cache (so we have consistant coloring)
			var seg_color = new Array();
			for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
				seg_color.push( colors [ segments[i].hashCode().mod(colorLen) ] );

			wheel.seg_color = seg_color;


		draw : function() {

		clear : function() {
			var ctx = wheel.canvasContext;
			ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 800);

		drawNeedle : function() {
			var ctx = wheel.canvasContext;
			var centerX = wheel.centerX;
			var centerY = wheel.centerY;
			var size = wheel.size;

			ctx.lineWidth = 1;
			ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
			ctx.fileStyle = '#ffffff';


			ctx.moveTo(centerX + size - 40, centerY);
			ctx.lineTo(centerX + size + 20, centerY - 10);
			ctx.lineTo(centerX + size + 20, centerY + 10);


			// Which segment is being pointed to?
			var i = wheel.segments.length - Math.floor((wheel.angleCurrent / (Math.PI * 2))	* wheel.segments.length) - 1;

			// Now draw the winning name
			ctx.textAlign = "left";
			ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
			ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
			ctx.font = "2em Arial";
			ctx.fillText(wheel.segments[i], centerX + size + 25, centerY);

		drawSegment : function(key, lastAngle, angle) {
			var ctx = wheel.canvasContext;
			var centerX = wheel.centerX;
			var centerY = wheel.centerY;
			var size = wheel.size;

			var segments = wheel.segments;
			var len = wheel.segments.length;
			var colors = wheel.seg_color;

			var value = segments[key];

			// Start in the centre
			ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY);
			ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, size, lastAngle, angle, false); // Draw a arc around the edge
			ctx.lineTo(centerX, centerY); // Now draw a line back to the centre

			// Clip anything that follows to this area
			//ctx.clip(); // It would be best to clip, but we can double performance without it

			ctx.fillStyle = colors[key];

			// Now draw the text
			ctx.save(); // The save ensures this works on Android devices
			ctx.translate(centerX, centerY);
			ctx.rotate((lastAngle + angle) / 2);

			ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
			ctx.fillText(value.substr(0, 20), size / 2 + 20, 0);


		drawWheel : function() {
			var ctx = wheel.canvasContext;

			var angleCurrent = wheel.angleCurrent;
			var lastAngle    = angleCurrent;

			var segments  = wheel.segments;
			var len       = wheel.segments.length;
			var colors    = wheel.colors;
			var colorsLen = wheel.colors.length;

			var centerX = wheel.centerX;
			var centerY = wheel.centerY;
			var size    = wheel.size;

			var PI2 = Math.PI * 2;

			ctx.lineWidth    = 1;
			ctx.strokeStyle  = '#000000';
			ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
			ctx.textAlign    = "center";
			ctx.font         = "1.4em Arial";

			for (var i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
				var angle = PI2 * (i / len) + angleCurrent;
				wheel.drawSegment(i - 1, lastAngle, angle);
				lastAngle = angle;
			// Draw a center circle
			ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, 20, 0, PI2, false);

			ctx.fillStyle   = '#ffffff';
			ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';

			// Draw outer circle
			ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, size, 0, PI2, false);

			ctx.lineWidth   = 10;
			ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';

	window.onload = function() {

		var segments = new Array();
		$.each($('#venues input:checked'), function(key, cbox) {
			segments.push( cbox.value );

		wheel.segments = segments;

		// Hide the address bar (for mobile devices)!
		setTimeout(function() {
			window.scrollTo(0, 1);
		}, 0);
<div id="venues" style="float:left"><ul><li><input id="venue-257424" name="Afghan Kabob House" value="Afghan Kabob House" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-257424">Afghan Kabob House</label></li><li><input id="venue-66244" name="California Tortilla" value="California Tortilla" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-66244">California Tortilla</label></li><li><input id="venue-207306" name="Corner Bakery Courthouse" value="Corner Bakery Courthouse" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-207306">Corner Bakery Courthouse</label></li><li><input id="venue-129724" name="Cosi" value="Cosi" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-129724">Cosi</label></li><li><input id="venue-41457" name="Delhi Dhaba" value="Delhi Dhaba" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-41457">Delhi Dhaba</label></li><li><input id="venue-392360" name="Five Guys" value="Five Guys" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-392360">Five Guys</label></li><li><input id="venue-5518" name="Ireland's Four Courts" value="Ireland's Four Courts" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-5518">Ireland's Four Courts</label></li><li><input id="venue-116208" name="Jerry's Subs and Pizza" value="Jerry's Subs and Pizza" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-116208">Jerry's Subs and Pizza</label></li><li><input id="venue-352867" name="Pho 75 - Rosslyn" value="Pho 75 - Rosslyn" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-352867">Pho 75 - Rosslyn</label></li><li><input id="venue-22493" name="Ragtime" value="Ragtime" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-22493">Ragtime</label></li><li><input id="venue-42599" name="Ray's Hell Burger" value="Ray's Hell Burger" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-42599">Ray's Hell Burger</label></li><li><input id="venue-66271" name="Starbucks" value="Starbucks" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-66271">Starbucks</label></li><li><input id="venue-268052" name="Subway" value="Subway" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-268052">Subway</label></li><li><input id="venue-5665" name="Summers Restaurant &amp; Sports Bar" value="Summers Restaurant &amp; Sports Bar" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-5665">Summers Restaurant &amp; Sports Bar</label></li><li><input id="venue-512060" name="The Perfect Pita" value="The Perfect Pita" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-512060">The Perfect Pita</label></li><li><input id="venue-101161" name="TNR Cafe" value="TNR Cafe" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-101161">TNR Cafe</label></li><li><input id="venue-2210952" name="Uptown Cafe" value="Uptown Cafe" type="checkbox" checked="checked"><label for="venue-2210952">Uptown Cafe</label></li></ul></div>
<div id="wheel">
<canvas height="600" id="canvas" width="1000"></canvas>
<div id="stats">
<div id="counter">30.278136368970777 FPS</div>


Comic.js: Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas and more


Comic.js is a JavaScript library that lets you create cartoon-style drawings for HTML5 Canvas, Raphael.js, D3.js, and SVG.js. You can use it either for drawing comic style shapes or for cartoonizing an already existing SVG.


Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas & Raphael.js & D3.js & SVG.js


Javascript library that acts as plugin for Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js or as lib for the HTML5 Canvas, providing functions for cartoon style drawing.

Provides either methods for drawing comic style shapes (cEllipse, cLine, cRect, ...) or the magic method for cartoonizing an already existing SVG. When using the magic method or drawing on a canvas no further libraries are required.


Cartoonized D3 examples: D3 Cartoonized!

Cartoon R widget built by Kent Russell using comic.js: R Cartoonized!

Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js, Canvas,

using "magic": on images, on drawings










Comic.js: Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas and more



Javascript library that acts as plugin for Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js or as lib for the HTML5 Canvas, providing functions for cartoon style drawing.

Provides either methods for drawing comic style shapes (cEllipse, cLine, cRect, ...) or the magic method for cartoonizing an already existing SVG. When using the magic method or drawing on a canvas no further libraries are required.


screenshot screenshot




Cartoonized D3 examples: D3 Cartoonized!


Cartoon R widget built by Kent Russell using comic.js: R Cartoonized!

Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js, Canvas,


using "magic": on images, on drawings

















Canvas에 대해. Let’s Call It A Draw(ing Surface)




HTML 5 defines the <canvas> element as “a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly.” A canvas is a rectangle in your page where you can use JavaScript to draw anything you want.

Basic <canvas> support
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Opera iPhone Android
7.0+* 3.0+ 3.0+ 3.0+ 10.0+ 1.0+ 1.0+
* Internet Explorer 7 and 8 require the third-party explorercanvas library. Internet Explorer 9 supports <canvas> natively.

So what does a canvas look like? Nothing, really. A <canvas> element has no content and no border of its own.


15 Online HTML5 Tools for Web Designers

by Andy on October 10, 2012


Online HTML5 tools are quite useful for web designers who wants to forge ahead of the competition, and have more satisfied clients. It is of course important to follow developments and keep an eye on new tools that emerge.

HTML5 is the new version of the markup language HTML that has been used for presenting and structuring online contents since the early 90s. It is an internet core technology that was proposed originally by Opera Software. If you want to learn more of it’s background and history these HTML5 infographics can help you. HTML has been standing in the shadow of other frameworks like Flash and IE, but the word is, that this is going to change with the arrival of HTML5. As of today, HTML5 is still being developed, but believe me, it is here to stay.

HTML5 has opened a window of opportunities for web designers. Online web design tools based on HTML5 makes it easier to incorporate audio, video, drag and drop, fonts, animations and graphics into web pages. HTML5 also helps web designers build mobile friendly website themes to ensure excellent user-experience when surfing the Internet on mobile devices. However, since such tools are fairly new, some people may still be unaware of their true potentials. Also, some web designers still want to use Flash and other popular framework as their primary tool set.

Below, I have listed 10 useful online HTML5 tools. They can provide developers and web designers with manoeuvrability in making websites more convenient, productive and attractive.

Moqups – HTML5 App For Creating Wireframes

Moqups is a HTML5 web app for creating wireframes, mockups or UI concepts. You can go to their blog and read more about this highly popular project.


Fontdragr – Online Font Testing Tool

If you are a designer, you might find it difficult to choose a decent font. However, using this online font testing tool can make the process much easier. You can view any font you want in a webpage without changing its CSS or HTML code.


Liveweave – HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Playground

Liveweave is a new playground for developers and designers to test HTML, CSS and Javascript. Liveweave editor has built-in context-sensitive autocompletion for HTML4/HTML5 and CSS2/CSS3, that makes life a lot easier.


Adobe Edge Animate

Edge Animate will allow you to create animated and interactive web contents. It has an easy to use and intuitive interface, precise control, broad reach and more.


HTML KickStart

HTML KickStart is not really a tool, it is a set of HTML5, CSS, and jQuery building blocks for website development. It includes files, layouts, and elements that will give you a headstart and save you hours on your projects.


Stitches – An HTML5 Sprite Sheet Generator

Stitches is a really easy-to-use HTML5 sprite sheet generator. Simply drag and drop image files onto the app, click “Generate” and your sprite and stylesheet will be good to go. Currently compatible only with the latest version of Firefox and Chrome.


Create – Web Editing Interface

Create is a new web editing interface that uses a browser-based HTML5 environment for managing your content. It can be adapted for use with virtually any content management backend.


SpriteBox Online HTML5 Tool

These days, compressing images seems to be the rage. By placing your photos in a Sprite, you can increase the rate of your loading times as well as image transitions. Online Sprite Box Tool will aid in designing photos into sprites with the use of HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.


Online Velocity Sketch Tool

This unique HTML 5 online canvas drawing tool can make creative, strange looking creations. Use this HTML5 tool to come up with something really awesome for your designs.


On/Off Flipswitch HTML5/CSS3 Generator

A beautifully designed and super-easy-to-use tool for generating your own HTML5/CSS3 “On and Off” flipswitches with optional animated transitions.


Online SVG to HTML5 Canvas Tool

Most vector art packages such as Inkscape and Illustrator can export SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics elements. This tool will allow you to convert SVG files into its HTML 5 canvas equivalent.


Online 3D Sketch Tool

This sketch tool uses the capability of HTML canvas in creating 3D drawing. The tool will allow you to draw with dashed lines and vibrate your drawing. You can also rotate the 3D canvas by dragging with the cursor horizontally while pressing down the Space Bar.


Online Pattern Generator Tool

This is an online tool that can be quite useful for creating header and page backgrounds. Designers can even use the tool to create heading backgrounds. The tool will allow you to try out any pattern you want in just a few seconds.


Online XRay Tool

Online XRay Tool allows designers to quickly view the details of various page elements that are present in any webpage with just a few clicks of the mouse. Just drag the website bookmarklet into your own book bookmarks, go to the webpage you like to analyze, click on the XRay bookmark and then click on any element of the page. The tool can take care of HTML5 elements like canvas and give you the design data you need. online-Xray-tool

Online HTML5 Audio Maker Tool

Among the best features of HTML5 is the introduction of the audio tag. This tool will help designers get familiar with the newest audio features being offered by HTML5. Even more interesting is the fact that designers can play, not just with audio, but also with video integration using this HTML5 online tool.


Group Discussion!

Please tell us what you think of these HTML5 tools by adding your comments below. And please, if you have considerable experience with an online HTML 5 tool not included in my list, let me know about it. You are also welcome to share this article to your friends and colleagues.


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