
Quintus: An HTML5 game engine

Framework - HTML5 - Javascript

Quintus is a simple and easy-to-learn JavaScript HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop games. It’s thoroughly documented, and there are plenty of demos and examples to check out.



Framework7: An HTML framework for building iOS7 apps


Framework7 is a fully featured HTML framework just for building hybrid (Phonegap) and web-based apps with a native iOS7 feel. It’s ultra lightweight while remaining flexible.



Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps


Framework7 is on early development stage, so many things may be changed and sorted in a short time.

Getting Started

  • Clone/download this repo
  • Start building your App from changing Kitchen Sink, or from a clean template from dist/ folder


Because Framework7 uses Ajax for navigation between pages you will need a server. So to make it work you should put dist folder (or Kitchen Sink) on a server. Or, as an option, you may use Grunt's server. Just run:

$ grunt server
  • Kitchen Sink will be available on http://localhost:3000/kitchen-sink/
  • Dist - on http://localhost:3000/dist/

Kitchen Sink

Framework7' JS and CSS files in Kitchen Sink are temporary linked to build/ to make development process easier on this stage. So to make it work you need to build Framework7 (see Build section) or to re-link JS and CSS files to dist/ folder.



If you have questions about Framework7 or want to help others you are welcome to special forum athttp://www.idangero.us/framework7/forum/





Mithril: A JavaScript application framework

Mithril is a framework for building awesome JavaScript applications. It’s only 3kb gzipped, has no dependencies, has a small API, is easy to learn, and has safe-by-default templates.


Mithril  - http://lhorie.github.io/mithril/

A Javascript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications

See the website for documentation




Molecule: An HTML5 game framework

Molecule is an HTML5 game framework that’s lightweight, easy to use, and cross-platform compatible. It has no external dependencies and even includes its own basic but powerful physics engine.



Molecule - HTML5 Game Framework

This is the official repository for the Molecule HTML5 Game Framework. All documentation, features and examples can be seen on the official website: http://www.moleculejs.net






Vafpress Framework: Easy WP admin for your theme

vafpress framework


Hackathon Starter Template: A barebones start for Bootstrap

bootstrap starter template


Brainy.io: Share Backbone code between server and client


Homepage: http://brainy.io/
GitHub: http://github.com/brainyio


a bare bones Backbone boilerplate using RequireJS




a client side boilerplate implementing Backbone and RequireJS.




Koa: A next-gen Node.js web framework



Expressive middleware for node.js using generators


Expressive middleware for node.js using generators via co to make web applications and APIs more enjoyable to write. Koa's middleware flow in a stack-like manner allowing you to perform actions downstream, then filter and manipulate the response upstream. Koa's use of generators also greatly increases the readability and robustness of your application.

Only methods that are common to nearly all HTTP servers are integrated directly into Koa's small ~400 SLOC codebase. This includes things like content-negotiation, normalization of node inconsistencies, redirection, and a few others.

No middleware are bundled with koa. If you prefer to only define a single dependency for common middleware, much like Connect, you may use koa-common.


$ npm install koa

To use Koa you must be running node 0.11.9 or higher for generator support, and must run node(1) with the --harmony flag. If you don't like typing this, add an alias to your shell profile:

alias node='node --harmony'

Another option, if you would like to use koa with node 0.10.x (the current stable branch), or are tired of typing the --harmony flag, is to use gnode to spawn your node instance. However note that performance degrades quickly compared to 0.11.x.




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