
[javascript] Vue.js 응용 프로그램 디버깅을위한 Chrome devtools 확장 프로그램.

GitHub :  https://github.com/vuejs/vue-devtools

크롬브라우저에서 확장프로그램 들어간 다음 "vue.js" 로 검색하면 나옴. 설치!


Important Usage Notes

  1. If the page uses a production/minified build of Vue.js, devtools inspection is disabled by default so the Vue pane won't show up.

  2. To make it work for pages opened via file:// protocol, you need to check "Allow access to file URLs" for this extension in Chrome's extension management panel.


Works with vuex for time-travel debugging:



Manual Installation

Make sure you are using Node 6+ and NPM 3+

  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm install (Or yarn install if you are using yarn as the package manager)
  3. npm run build
  4. Open Chrome extension page
  5. Check "developer mode"
  6. Click "load unpacked extension", and choose shells/chrome.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dev
  4. A plain shell with a test app will be available at localhost:8080.

Testing as Firefox addon

  1. Install web-ext

    $ npm install --global web-ext

    Or, for Yarn:

    $ yarn global add web-ext

    Also, make sure PATH is set up. Something like this in ~/.bash_profile:

    $ PATH=$PATH:$(yarn global bin)
  2. Build and run in Firefox

    $ npm run build
    $ npm run run:firefox

    When using Yarn, just replace npm with yarn.



[Web] DevTools의 새로운 기능 (Chrome 60)




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