
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week


1. tableOperations

Developed by Patrick Coffey, tableOperations is a plugin that lets you easily create tables with select-able rows and operations that can be easily performed on few selected rows.


2. Character Countdown

Developed by Michael Lynch Character Countdown is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you display countdown of the remaining characters eligible in an input or text area.


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3. jQuery.creaseFont

Developed by Sentences / Nico R, creaseFont is jQuery plugin that lets you resize the Font on the whole Page or in some elements for your ease.


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4. Reading Time

Developed by Michael Lynch, Reading Time is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that is used to display an estimated time to read some text making it easier for users to read time.


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5. Geopost

Developed by Michael Lynch, Geopost is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you generate a postal code based on your current location.


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6. jQuery TimeCircles

Developed by Wim Barelds, TimeCircles jQuery plugin provides a nice looking way for counting down towards a certain time or counting up from a certain time. The image below clearly shows that it is visually appealing countdown or timer worth checking out.


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7. Tunez

Tunez by Michael Lynch is a simple, lightweight plugin that lets you display the recently scrobbled tracks on Last.fm.


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8. Bootstrap Form Helpers Color Picker

Bootstrap Form Helpers Color Picker by Vincent Lamanna is a cool color picker jQuery plugin for Bootstrap.


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9. Open Weather

Open Weather by Michael Lynch is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that is used to display the current weather of city using free OpenWeatherMap API.


10. jQuery Img Alt Appender

This is a cool jQuery plugin that shows alt attribute in image elements by inserting text after the image.


11. Markdown

Markdown by Can Geliş is a jQuery plugin that provides necessary wrapper functions for a markdown editor to enable users to create their own markdown editor with ease.


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12. jQuery Domify

Domify by James Westgate is a jquery plugin that can be used to encourage progressive enhancement of markup inside noscript tags which are replaced by document fragments that can be processed by a callback function before being added to the dom.


13. PlusAsTab

PlusAsTab is a cool jQuery plugin for using numpad plus key as a tab key equivalent. With this plugin, elements can be marked as plussable, enabling you to use + on the numeric keypad to navigate page.


Demo | Download

14. EmulateTab

EmulateTab is a jQuery plugin that lets users emulate tabbing between elements on a page. This plugin is useful in developing.


Demo | Download

Do share with us more cool, helpful and best jQuery plugins you know about or have created. Make sure to drop in in the comments below.



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