
How to add or increment single item of the Python Counter class


How to add or increment single item of the Python Counter class

A set uses .update to add multiple items, and .add to add a single one. Why doesn't collections.Counter work the same way? To increment a single Counter item using Counter.update, you have to add i...


python 에서  Counter 증가시키명서 리스트 적용하기. 

>>> c = collections.Counter(a=23, b=-9)

#You can add a new element and set its value like this:

>>> c['d'] = 8
>>> c
Counter({'a': 23, 'd': 8, 'b': -9})


>>> c['d'] += 1
>>> c
Counter({'a': 23, 'd': 9, 'b': -9} 

#Note though that c['b'] = 0 does not delete:

>>> c['b'] = 0
>>> c
Counter({'a': 23, 'd': 9, 'b': 0})

#To delete use del:

>>> del c['b']
>>> c
Counter({'a': 23, 'd': 9})
Counter is a dict subclass

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