
부가서비스, 확장프로그램


Chrome to Phone  : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-chrome-to-phone-ex/oadboiipflhobonjjffjbfekfjcgkhco?hl=ko



Google Chrome to Phone 확장 프로그램을 사용하면 링크 및 기타 정보를 크롬에서 개인 Android 기기로 전송할 수 있습니다.

이 확장 프로그램을 설치하면 링크, 지도, 현재 선택한 텍스트와 전화번호를 내 Android 기기로 손쉽게 전송할 수 있는 버튼이 Google 크롬에 추가됩니다. 링크나 웹페이지
의 선택 영역을 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하여 내 Android 기기로 보낼 수도 있습>니다.

이 기능을 사용하려면 휴대전화에도 'Chrome to Phone' Android 애플리케이션을 설치>해야 합니다. 애플리케이션은 마켓에서 다운로드할 수 있으며('Chrome to Phone' 검색
), Android 2.2('Froyo') 이상이 탑재된 휴대전화에서 사용하실 수 있습니다.

참고: 이 확장 프로그램을 설치하면 다음 약관에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. - http://chrome.google.com/extensions/intl/en/gallery_tos.html 해당 제품의 소스 코드는
 개발자 웹사이트에서 Apache 2.0 라이센스를 부여받아 사용하실 수 있습니다.


Chrome 웹 스토어 : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/apps?hl=ko


responsive 도구 :  Dimensions

Json 데이터 검증 : JSON Formatter

                     Javascript Tools

소스 공유 :           GitHub







Easily test responsive websites, even offline.

Dimensions is a responsive web design testing tool. It is the easiest way to test responsive websites at different viewports. It works offline & is compatible with LiveReload.


* Draggable handle to find breakpoints
* Works with local or remote servers
* Preview Mode shows your site in various types of devices
* Works with JS auto-refreshers including LiveReload

More devices will be coming soon! Head over to http://dimensionsapp.com and add feedback on which devices you would like to see.

Responsive web design testing tool













공개되는「도로명주소의 우편번호 DB」는 안전행정부에서 제공하는 도로명주소-지번주소
매칭테이블에 현재 사용되는 지번우편번호를 부여한 자료이며, 향후 도로명주소 체계에
맞는 새 우편번호로 개편할 예정입니다.




Pure — Small, responsive CSS modules for every project


Homepage: http://purecss.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/yui/pure/


Pure는 설치가 간단한, 반응형 CSS 모듈이다.


Pure is a set of small, responsive CSS modules that can be used in all of your web projects.

 There are modules for everything from grids to forms to menus and much more,

all with a minimal footprint (ranging from .6KB for the tables module to 1.4KB for the forms module).








ICEcoder — In-browser code editor


브라우저에서 사용 할 수 있는 오픈소스 코드에디터.

IE에서는 사용하기 어렵다. 일반적인 에디터 기능은 구현되어 있다.


ICEcoder is an open-source code editor that lets you work directly within the browser, whether you’re online or offline. It includes broken tag indicators, highlighting themes, secure login, and much more.



You can run ICEcoder either online or locally, on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms. The only requirement is to have PHP 5 available (5.3 recommended). You can have this either as a vanilla installation or via a program such as WAMP or XAMPP (for Windows) or MAMP (for Mac).




Homepage: http://icecoder.net/
GitHub: https://github.com/mattpass/ICEcoder
Docs: http://icecoder.net/manual
Demo Page: http://icecoder.net/_coder/






Windows — Full-screen scrolling windows




Windows is a jQuery plugin for creating full-screen scrolling windows. It sets up the basic SASS for sequential full screen windows and a jQuery plugin for managing their positions while the user scrolls.




'프로그래밍 > Script' 카테고리의 다른 글

30+ Innovative New jQuery Plugins  (0) 2013.06.10
[JAVASCRIPT] select 관리  (0) 2013.06.05
Cytoscape.js  (0) 2013.06.03
How to enable JavaScript in your browser  (0) 2013.05.30
[jQuery] 30 jQuery Plugins for Amazing Website Design  (0) 2013.05.30





Cytoscape.js (GitHub: cytoscape / cytoscape.js, License: LGPL, npm: cytoscape), developed at the Donnelly Centre at the University of Toronto by Max Franz, is a graph library that works with Node and browsers. This library is for working with “graphs” in the mathematical sense – interconnected sets of nodes connected by edges.

The API uses lots of sensible JavaScript idioms: it’s event-based, functions return objects so calls can be chained, JSON definitions of elements can be used, and nodes can be selected with selectors that are modelled on CSS selectors and jQuery’s API. That means you can query a graph with something like this: cy.elements('node:locked, edge:selected').

Styling graphs is also handled in a natural manner:

Graph style and data should be separate, and the library should provide core functionality with extensions adding functionality on top of the library.

Max and several contributs have been working on the project for two years now, so it’s quite mature at this point. The project comes with detailed documentation, a build script, and a test suite written with QUnit.


How to enable JavaScript in your browser


자바스크립트 사용 가능한 브라우저 인지 체크.




30 jQuery Plugins for Amazing Website Design





30 jQuery Plugins for Amazing Website Design.mht

1. jQuery Nested

1. jQuery Nested

jQuery Nested claims to be different than the rest because it is the only one out there that offers a complete gap-free layout. Whether you see sites on PC, tiltable tablets or smartphones, the grid just moves and makes sure that there are no gaps or idle spaces in between.

2. jResponsive

2. jResponsive

When you need to add jQuery driven layouts that can be changed, edited, and resized the way you want, jResponsive is the solution for creating smooth transitions and effects without the complicate coding.

3. FlexNav

3. FlexNav

FlexNav offers a different kind of experience for fluid, fast, smooth, and seamless transition effects to dropdown menus, which is optimized for devices that are usually touch-navigated.

4. scrollNav.js

4. scrollNav

For a cute-looking side-screen scroll navigator that changes font face depending on the sections of your webpage, aside from the fact that this plugin jquery follows you when scrolling deep down, scrollNav.js does things wonderfully.

5. ClassySocial

5. ClassySocial

ClassySocial combines the classy touch of jQuery effects and the connectivity of various social networking sites, all in one cool impressive package.

6. jQuery Github

6. jQuery Github

You can have your favorite Github Repositories displayed on your page nice and slick with unique jQuery plugins.

7. Flaunt.js

7. Flaunt

This jQuery tool can address the demand for fast-loading and smooth scrolling nested navs.

8. Sidr

8.Sidr – Creating Facebook-Like Side Menus

If you want to have the same effects found in the new Facebook user interface where pressing a button creates a sliding motion that reveals options and links, the Sidr does just that, far better and smoother.

9. Magnific Popup

9.Magnific Popup – Truly Responsive Lightbox

Those who want to have a jQuery-driven photo lightbox can use Magnific Popup, which lessens the burden of your users in waiting for long loading times, while maximizing functionality.

10. slideToucher

slideToucher – Touch Enabled jQuery Plugin for Content Swiping

slideToucher can help you move through the pages left and right, up and down by merely touching the screen and not using the scrolling bars found on the edges of the screen.

11. Flexisel

Flexisel – Responsive Carousel Plugin

Easily defined for providing a flexible carousel, Flexisel provides users an experience of going through different items with seamless effects and faster image loading.

12. Swipebox

Swipebox – A Touchable jQuery Lightbox

Basically, Swipebox is a jQuery-powered lightbox that can be flexible as a keyboard-navigated item in a desktop and swipe-driven lightbox in mobile devices.

13. Photoset Grid

13. Photoset Grid

Setting images in a grid becomes easy with jQuery plugins because all you need to set are the pictures, the grid properties, and everything else will take care of itself, regardless of image size.

14. LiquidSlider

LiquidSlider – A Responsive jQuery Content Slider

Thanks to CSS3, HTML5, and jQuery elements added with LiquidSlider, you can now enjoy clicking through tabs while seeing the responsive layout designs , whether you click one tab after another, or if you skip.

15. dropdown.dot.js

dropdown.dot.js – Flexible Dropdowns Based on dot.js Templates

You can now have a unique-looking dropdown menu, which can also be placed with numbers, all for only 2.4kb, which is very lightweight.

16. Unslider

Unslider – A 'Super-Tiny' jQuery Slider

Though it presents a full-page slider that can be navigated by touch, mouse, or keyboard, Unslider is one of those “small but terrible” jQuery plugins when it comes to size against performance all for 3kb.

17. typeahead.js

typeahead.js – A Fully-Featured Autocomplete Library

This jQuery plugin has been designed based on Twitter’s autocomplete search tool, which you can work with your own sets of data.

18. iCheck

iCheck – Customize Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

iCheck helps you create and customize your own set of checkboxes and radio buttons, while assuring clean transitions thanks to jQuery plugins.

19. Image Picker

Image Picker

Image Picker utilizes animation selection with the help of images that can be set in grid, which works whether you click items from the dropdown menu or directly clicking the image.

20. Chardin.js

Chardin.js – Simple Overlay Instructions for Apps

Creating overlay instructions for your site can never be more amazing with this tool where the animation complements well with the texts and the lines.

21. Textillate.js

Textillate.js – A Plugin for CSS3 Text Animations

You can now experiment with text animation with jQuery plugins that lets you see the results of various effects applied to text, which works together with jQuery, animate.css, and lettering.js.

22. jtwt.js

jtwt.js – A Plugin to Display Your Recent Tweets

jQuery-powered recent tweet updates anyone? jtwt.js is the tool you can use for this alternative way of presenting such updates in your site.

23. imageloader.js


Instead of just seeing images pop up after it has been loaded, imageloader.js provides a smooth fade-in effect that makes image appearance more subtle.

24. jQuery Alpha Image Plugin

jQuery Alpha Image Plugin

Setting images to transparent or semi-transparent is actually difficult, but jQuery Alpha Image Plugin addresses that problem very easy with codes.

25. bPopup

bPopup – A jQuery Modal Pop-Up Plugin

For those who wanted to edit and add properties to their popups, bPopup has been created for just that very purpose.

26. Sieve

Sieve – Add an Interactive Search Filter to Any Content

If you have a site that stores database of different things and you want to be searchable within your site, using Sieve jQuery plugins should provide an appeal as the bar is populated depending on what is sought.

27. Perfect-Scrollbar

Perfect-Scrollbar – A jQuery Scrollbar Plugin

Perfect-Scrollbar presents clean, sharp, and auto-fading scrollbars on images, which can also be resized.

28. Pronto

Pronto is one of those special jQuery plugins that is different from the rest of what’s available in this list. Instead of just being a plugin for certain site parameters, it speeds up site page load through HTML5 pushState().

29. scrollUp


When you want “scroll to top” links to become more fashionable and presentable, then this should work for you.

30. jQuery.Pin

jQuery Pin – Pin Any Element Within a Container


jQuery.pin is a creative way of pinning topmost elements that does not go away when scrolling down.





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