[DATABASE/POSTGRESQL] 마이그레이션 : SQL Server → PostgreSQL
2021. 10. 13. 10:05
▶ 데이터 타입
SQL Server | PostgreSQL | |
BIGINT | 64-bit integer | BIGINT |
BINARY(n) | Fixed-length byte string | BYTEA |
BIT | 1, 0 or NULL | BOOLEAN |
CHAR(n), CHARACTER(n) | Fixed-length character string, 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 8000 | CHAR(n), CHARACTER(n) |
DATE | Date (year, month and day) | DATE |
DATETIME | Date and time with fraction | TIMESTAMP(3) |
DATETIME2(p) | Date and time with fraction | TIMESTAMP(p) |
DATETIMEOFFSET(p) | Date and time with fraction and time zone | TIMESTAMP(p) WITH TIME ZONE |
DECIMAL(p,s), DEC(p,s) | Fixed-point number | DECIMAL(p,s), DEC(p,s) |
DOUBLE PRECISION | Double-precision floating-point number | DOUBLE PRECISION |
FLOAT(p) | Floating-point number | DOUBLE PRECISION |
IMAGE | Variable-length binary data, ⇐ 2G | BYTEA |
INT, INTEGER | 32-bit integer | INT, INTEGER |
MONEY | 64-bit currency amount | MONEY |
NCHAR(n) | Fixed-length Unicode UCS-2 string | CHAR(n) |
NTEXT | Variable-length Unicode UCS-2 data, ⇐ 2G | TEXT |
NUMERIC(p,s) | Fixed-point number | NUMERIC(p,s) |
NVARCHAR(n) | Variable-length Unicode UCS-2 string | VARCHAR(n) |
NVARCHAR(max) | Variable-length Unicode UCS-2 data, ⇐ 2G | TEXT |
REAL | Single-precision floating-point number | REAL |
ROWVERSION | Automatically updated binary data | BYTEA |
SMALLDATETIME | Date and time | TIMESTAMP(0) |
SMALLINT | 16-bit integer | SMALLINT |
SMALLMONEY | 32-bit currency amount | MONEY |
TEXT | Variable-length character data, ⇐ 2G | TEXT |
TIME(p) | Time (hour, minute, second and fraction) | TIME(p) |
TIMESTAMP | Automatically updated binary data | BYTEA |
TINYINT | 8-bit unsigned integer, 0 to 255 | SMALLINT |
UNIQUEIDENTIFIER | 16-byte GUID (UUID) data | CHAR(16) |
VARBINARY(n) | Variable-length byte string, 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 8000 | BYTEA |
VARBINARY(max) | Variable-length binary data, ⇐ 2G | BYTEA |
VARCHAR(n) | Variable-length character string, 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 8000 | VARCHAR(n) |
VARCHAR(max) | Variable-length character data, ⇐ 2G | TEXT |
XML | XML data | XML |
▶ 함수
SQL Server | PostgreSQL | |
DATEADD | Add an interval to datetime | INTERVAL expression |
ISNULL(exp, replacement) | Replace NULL with the specified value | COALESCE(exp, replacement) |
출처: https://icodebroker.tistory.com/6429 [ICODEBROKER]