[VSCODE] 확장프로그램 - Auto Rename Tag
[VSCODE] 확장프로그램 - Auto Rename Tag
Auto Rename Tag - Visual Studio Marketplace
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag
Add entry into auto-rename-tag.activationOnLanguage to set the languages that the extension will be activated. By default, it is ["*"] and will be activated for all languages.
"auto-rename-tag.activationOnLanguage": ["html", "xml", "php", "javascript"]
The setting should be set with language id defined in VS Code. Taking javascript definition as an example, we need to use javascript for .js and .es6, use javascriptreact for .jsx. So, if you want to enable this extension on .js file, you need to add javascript in settings.json.
From 1.44, VS Code offers the built-in auto update tags support for HTML and Handlebars that can be enabled with the setting editor.linkedEditing. If this setting is enabled, this extension will skip HTML and Handlebars files regardless of the languages listed in auto-rename-tag.activationOnLanguage