
jQueryConfig: Optimize the size of jQuery


jQueryConfig lets you optimize your jQuery installation by only using the parts you need. It can save up to 35% of the overall size.



Homepage: http://www.jqueryconfig.com/


GitHub: https://github.com/mopelabs/jqueryconfig





풀버전은 jQuery 파일을 다운받아 쓸 필요없이 필요한 부분만 들어가있는 jQuery 라이브러리 파일을 다운받아 사용할 수 있는 기능 페이지.



http://www.jqueryconfig.com/ 화면에서 사용하기 싶은 jQuery 요소만 선택하고 메일 주소 입력하면 끝.





사용할 내용만 압축해서 메일로 보내준다. 아래는 메일 내용.


//--- 메일 내용 시작



The attachment of this email contains the jQuery build "jquery-1.11.3-" as you configured it on jqueryconfig.com.


In addition to the jQuery core, the modules you included are:

+ event

+ css

+ ajax

+ jsonp

+ ready

+ global

+ amd

+ deferred

+ script



If you want to build another jQuery configuration, just visit jqueryconfig.com again.


Please, test your jQuery build before using it.


Best Regards,


The jQueryConfig team



//--- 메일 내용 중략.







jQuery fontIconPicker: Add an icon picker to your admin forms

The jQuery fontIconPicker makes it simple to add an icon picker and search function to your administration forms. It can be triggered on a SELECT or TEXT input, and has multiple usage options.

아이콘 셀렉트/콤보 버튼, 선택  -  http://codeb.it/fonticonpicker/


jQuery fontIconPicker is a small (1.58kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms. 



 How it works
 Basic: Load from SELECT input field
 Load from TEXT input field (no empty icon, no search)
 Load icons from Fontello JSON config file
 fontIconPicker validation
 Change icon set on the fly
 Trigger event on icon change
 ACF { fontIconPicker WordPress plugin
 Browser compatibility





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