
25 Survival Items You Can Make At Home  https://urbansurvivalsite.com/survival-items-you-can-make-yourself/

25 #Survival #Items You Can #Make At #Home  

1. Soap

Soap is something every prepper should learn how to make. Hygiene will be even more important during a long-term disaster where sanitation is on the decline, diseases are on the rise, and doctors are unavailable.

2. Deodorant

While not a necessity for survival, deodorant can do wonders for your morale and humanity by keeping you smelling fresh.

3. Lotion

You’ll want to keep your skin in good and healthy condition so it doesn’t get itchy or cracked. Disasters are hard enough as it is, so anything that will minimize discomfort is worth doing.

4. Antibiotic Wound Cream

Being able to dress wounds properly is essential in any survival situation, and having an easy-to-make recipe on hand will keep you from having to scavenge for antibiotic ointment.

5. Poultice

You’ll want to have some sort of substance to ease your pain and bring inflammation down when you suffer wounds and injuries, and poultice is an herbal solution you can forage for and find in many different areas.

6. Candles

For anyone surviving without electricity (or with limited access to it), candles are quite beneficial as a source of light, heat, and as a bug repellent.

7. Oil Lamp

An oil lamp is even better than a candle since it provides a little more light can’t get knocked over as easily. All you need is a wick, a mason jar, and some olive oil.

8. Fuel

A sustainable life after SHTF may require some sort of fuel to power engines and generators for transportation and generating power. Fortunately, there is a DIY process for making your own ethanol.

9. Charcoal

If you learn to make your own charcoal, you can keep grilling out no matter how long it takes for grocery stores to get charcoal back in stock. It’s actually easier than you might think, it just takes a little time.

10. Char Cloth

Char cloth is a very useful material to help you in the fire-starting process, giving you excellent tinder that will light instantly in many different conditions.

11. Fire Starter

Having a tried and true fire starter can be the difference between life and death in a survival scenario. Having a good fire starter will make it far easier to get a fire going.

12. Waterproof Matches

Waterproof matches are exceedingly useful for anyone spending time outdoors and starting their own fires, as they can be used even in wet and cold weather.

13. Tin Can Stove

This is a simple stove that uses a few candles to heat up things like canned food and warm drinks, and even make flatbread.

14. Rocket Stove

A rocket stove is easy to make and can do wonders for your survival cooking, allowing you to bridge the gap between proper kitchen cooking and roughing it over a campfire without any cooking utensils.

15. Solar Oven

In a survival situation you will most likely not have access to a stove, but you can increase your odds of survival by learning how to create your own solar cooker, which uses the energy of the sun to heat up a chamber for cooking.

16. Water Filter

Having drinkable water is one of the basic essentials for human survival. Knowing how to make your own water filter can save your life in a survival situation.

17. Aquaponics Garden

For a more long-term sustainable food option, try your hand at balancing the ecosystems of a garden and an aquarium with an aquaponics garden.

18. PVC Bow

For hunting game small to large and even for protection, fewer DIY weapons are more useful and simpler to make than a bow reinforced with PVC.

19. Traps

Carrying enough food in a bug out bag to survive for months at a time is practically impossible. Instead, try carrying a few homemade traps or the materials to make one.

20. Paracord Belt

You never know when you’ll be in a situation where a few feet of rope could make all the difference. Wearing a paracord belt is a great way to carry a great length of rope at all times.

21. Hard Tack

This simple snack only has three ingredients (flour, salt, and water), and it’s very easy to make. Plus, it will last for years.

22. Beef Jerky

The great thing about beef jerky is that it’s very portable and lasts a long time. If you’re on the move or working hard all day, a delicious piece of beef jerky from your pocket can be a great pick-me-up.

23. Butter

Having homemade butter on hand will be extremely useful for cooking when the SHTF, particularly if you’re tied down to cooking outdoors without non-stick cookware.

24. Emergency Bread

This is a recipe for a simple flat bread that is surprisingly filling. You can make ordinary sandwiches with it, or you can use it as a tortilla to make wraps, burritos, or whatever you want.

25. Zeer Pot

Extend the life of your food and keep it fresh with a homemade Zeer pot. Zeer pots have been used in many rural locations in Africa and the Middle East as a way to naturally refrigerate food and keep it fresh longer.

Over time, I’m going to add a lot more to this list. What are some other survival items that are easy to make? Leave your comment below.

지금과 같은 평상시에는 언제든지 돈만 지불하면 필요한 물건을 사서 쟁여놓을 수 있다. 그러나 만약 재난이 발생하여 혼란한 세상이 되었을 때, 그리고 그 재난상황이 장기화된다면 결국 스스로 직접 만들어 사용하거나 그 물건을 가진 사람과 물물교환을 해서라도 얻어야 할 것이다. ( 재난상황에서 쇼핑몰이 정상적으로 운영되겠는가 ? ^^ )

1. 항생 연고 Antibiotic Wound Cream - 송진연고

Being able to dress wounds properly is essential in any survival situation, and having an easy-to-make recipe on hand will keep you from having to scavenge for antibiotic ointment.

2. 전천후 화덕 - 탄통스토브

최소의 땔감으로 ( 불에 타는 모든 것들을 땔감으로 활용) 필요한 모든 요리와 체온보호를 위한 가장

경제적인 화덕,난로

3. 깡통 스토브 Tin Can Stove

This is a simple stove that uses a few candles to heat up things like canned food and warm drinks, and even make flatbread.

4. 로켓 스토브 Rocket Stove

A rocket stove is easy to make and can do wonders for your survival cooking, allowing you to bridge the gap between proper kitchen cooking and roughing it over a campfire without any cooking utensils.

5. 비누 Soap

Soap is something every prepper should learn how to make. Hygiene will be even more important during a long-term disaster where sanitation is on the decline, diseases are on the rise, and doctors are unavailable.

6. 로션 Lotion - 송진연고

You’ll want to keep your skin in good and healthy condition so it doesn’t get itchy or cracked. Disasters are hard enough as it is, so anything that will minimize discomfort is worth doing.

7. 찜질습포 Poultice

You’ll want to have some sort of substance to ease your pain and bring inflammation down when you suffer wounds and injuries, and poultice is an herbal solution you can forage for and find in many different areas.

8. 양초 Candles

For anyone surviving without electricity (or with limited access to it), candles are quite beneficial as a source of light, heat, and as a bug repellent.

9. 오일램프 Oil Lamp

An oil lamp is even better than a candle since it provides a little more light can’t get knocked over as easily. All you need is a wick, a mason jar, and some olive oil.

10. 연료 Fuel -

A sustainable life after SHTF may require some sort of fuel to power engines and generators for transportation and generating power. Fortunately, there is a DIY process for making your own ethanol.

11. 숯 Charcoal

If you learn to make your own charcoal, you can keep grilling out no matter how long it takes for grocery stores to get charcoal back in stock. It’s actually easier than you might think, it just takes a little time.

12. 탄화면 Char Cloth

Char cloth is a very useful material to help you in the fire-starting process, giving you excellent tinder that will light instantly in many different conditions.

13. 파이어스타터 Fire Starter

Having a tried and true fire starter can be the difference between life and death in a survival scenario. Having a good fire starter will make it far easier to get a fire going.

14. 방수성냥 Waterproof Matches

Waterproof matches are exceedingly useful for anyone spending time outdoors and starting their own fires, as they can be used even in wet and cold weather.

15. 태양열 오븐 Solar Oven

In a survival situation you will most likely not have access to a stove, but you can increase your odds of survival by learning how to create your own solar cooker, which uses the energy of the sun to heat up a chamber for cooking.

16. 물 정수필터 Water Filter

Having drinkable water is one of the basic essentials for human survival. Knowing how to make your own water filter can save your life in a survival situation.

17. 아쿠아포닉스 정원 Aquaponics Garden

물고기 양식(Aquaculture)과 수경재배(Hydroponics)의 합성어로 물고기와 작물을 함께 길러 수확하는 방식을 말한다. 즉, 물고기를 키우면서 발생되는 유기물을 이용해 식물을 수경 재배하는 순환형 시스템이다.

[네이버 지식백과] 아쿠아포닉스 (시사상식사전, pmg 지식엔진연구소)

18. PVC 활 PVC Bow

For hunting game small to large and even for protection, fewer DIY weapons are more useful and simpler to make than a bow reinforced with PVC.

19. 덪 Traps

Carrying enough food in a bug out bag to survive for months at a time is practically impossible. Instead, try carrying a few homemade traps or the materials to make one.

20. 파라코드 벨트 Paracord Belt

You never know when you’ll be in a situation where a few feet of rope could make all the difference. Wearing a paracord belt is a great way to carry a great length of rope at all times.

21. 건빵,비스켓(Hard Tack)

This simple snack only has three ingredients (flour, salt, and water), and it’s very easy to make. Plus, it will last for years.

22. 육포 (Beef Jerky)

The great thing about beef jerky is that it’s very portable and lasts a long time. If you’re on the move or working hard all day, a delicious piece of beef jerky from your pocket can be a great pick-me-up.

23. 버터 (Butter)

Having homemade butter on hand will be extremely useful for cooking when the SHTF, particularly if you’re tied down to cooking outdoors without non-stick cookware.

24. 비상식량 Emergency Bread

This is a recipe for a simple flat bread that is surprisingly filling. You can make ordinary sandwiches with it, or you can use it as a tortilla to make wraps, burritos, or whatever you want.

25. 항아리 냉장고 Zeer Pot

Extend the life of your food and keep it fresh with a homemade Zeer pot. Zeer pots have been used in many rural locations in Africa and the Middle East as a way to naturally refrigerate food and keep it fresh longer.

[출처] 집에서 만드는 생존용품 (서바이벌 리스트) |작성자 메그


[POI] POI 엑셀 - Using newlines in cells ( 셀에서 줄바꿈 )
cs.setWrapText( true );


// 엑셀 파일 로드
HSSFWorkbook wb = excelService.loadWorkbook(sb.toString());
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("cell test sheet2");
sheet.setColumnWidth((short) 3, (short) 200);	// column Width
HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle();
HSSFFont font = wb.createFont();
font.setFontHeight((short) 16);
font.setBoldweight((short) 3);
cs.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT);	// cell 정렬
cs.setWrapText( true );
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
	HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(i);
	row.setHeight((short)300); // row의 height 설정
	for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
		HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) j);
		cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString("row " + i + ", cell " + j));
		cell.setCellStyle( cs );
// 엑셀 파일 저장
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(sb.toString());



egovframework:rte2:fdl:excel [eGovFrame]

Excel 파일 포맷을 다룰 수 있는 자바 라이브러리를 제공하여, 사용자들이 데이터를 Excel 파일 포맷으로 다운받거나, 대량의 Excel 데이터를 시스템에 올릴 수 있도록 지원하기 위한 서비스이다. Excel 서비스는 Apache POI 오픈소스를 사용하여 구현하였으며 주요 Excel접근 기능 외에 Excel 다운로드, Excel 파일 업로드 등의 기능이 있다. 엑셀 파일을 생성하여 지정된 위치에 저장하는 기능을 제공한다. HSSFWorkbook 인스




[Java] 문자열 치환(Replace) 사용법 & 예제

String a = "무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세 ";	
a= a.replace("대한", "민국");	

//결과값 : 무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 민국사람 민국으로 길이 보전하세
String a = "무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세 ";	
a= a.replaceAll("대한", "민국");

//결과값 : 무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 민국사람 민국으로 길이 보전하세

‘사람들에게 고맙다고 말하기’, ‘주의 깊게 경청하기’, ‘부드럽게 질문하기’,
‘가볍게 인사하기’, ‘상대방 덕분이라고 말하기’, ‘미소 짓기’처럼
사소한 행동들이 실적을 상승시키는데 도움을 주는 반면,
언뜻 생각하면 사소해 보일지라도 정중하지 않게 행동할 경우
대가를 치를 수 있다.
정중한 사람이 빠르게 승진한다.
- 크리스틴 포래스, ‘무례함의 비용’에서

정중하게 행동하는 사람들에게 정보를 공유할 가능성은 59%,
조언을 구할 가능성은 72%, 정보를 부탁할 가능성은 57% 높다고 합니다.
이처럼 정중함은 팀의 협업 능력을 크게 활성화 시킵니다.
정중함은 직원들에게 더 안전하고, 더 행복한 느낌을 줍니다.
직원들은 정중한 리더를 존중하고 따릅니다.


어느 때, 문득 풍경이
사람에게 말을 걸어오는 일이 있다
가슴 떨리고 황홀한 일이다. 나의 경우,
이런 희귀한 행운은 일상에서 보다 여행지에서
경험해본 특별한 느낌이다. 심지어 해와 달도 내가
보아오던 것과 다른 것처럼 여겨진다. 나 자신까지도
낯설게 생각되는 때도 있다. 처음 보는 사람에게
속이야기를 털어놓는가 하면 깊숙이 숨겨온
비밀을 끄집어내 바람을 쏘이기도 한다.
여행길 위에서 사람은
한결 가벼워진다.

- 신영길의〈길따라 글따라〉중에서 -

* 그렇습니다.
풍경이 말을 걸어올 때가 있습니다.
매일 대하던 일상의 풍경이 아니라 여행지에서 만난
낯선 풍경이 뜻밖의 말을 걸어오는 때가 있습니다.
그 경이로운 경험이 어떤 사람에게는 둘도 없는
인생의 터닝포인트가 됩니다. 여행하면서 만난
사람과의 인연도 값진 경험입니다. 서로의
아픔과 상처를 함께 털어내며
함께 웃습니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

새해 복 많이 지으세요!  (0) 2020.01.02
희열을 느끼는 순간  (0) 2019.12.31
상대를 바꾸려는 마음  (0) 2019.12.28
간디의 길  (0) 2019.12.27
몸이 내는 소리  (0) 2019.12.26

내가 그렇게 하고 싶은가?
그럼 그렇게 하면 되고
상대한테 바랄 필요 없습니다.

상대를 바꾸려 하니 내가 지치고
상대가 바뀌었으면 하니
미워지는 것이기 때문에.

- 글배우의《지쳤거나 좋아하는 게 없거나 》중에서 - 

* 누군가를 만날 때 
그게 연인이든 친구든 내가 상대에게 한 만큼 
나에게 돌아오길 바랐던 적이 매우 많습니다.
그 바람대로 되지 못한다고 느껴지면 관계가 
끊어질 것이란 생각이 문득 들기도 합니다. 
어쩌면, 그동안 저는 내가 바라는 대로 
상대를 바꾸려고 했는지도 모릅니다.
나는 있는 그대로 봐줬으면 하고 
바라면서 말이죠.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

희열을 느끼는 순간  (0) 2019.12.31
낯선 풍경이 말을 걸어왔다  (0) 2019.12.30
간디의 길  (0) 2019.12.27
몸이 내는 소리  (0) 2019.12.26
건강한 기도  (0) 2019.12.26

Internet Explorer 에서의 ajax 에서의 한글 깨짐 현상

IE에서만 encodeURI를 적용하는게 맞다.

// 윈도우인지 다른 브라우저인지 확인 
            var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
            var postData;
            // 윈도우라면 ? 
            if (ua.indexOf('MSIE') > 0 || ua.indexOf('Trident') > 0) {
                postData = encodeURI(sendData);
            } else {
                postData = sendData;

                url: "thumnailUpload.php", // Url to which the request is send
                type: "POST",             // Type of request to be send, called as method
                data: postData, // Data sent to server, a set of key/value pairs (i.e. form fields and values)
                contentType: false,       // The content type used when sending data to the server.
                cache: false,     



'프로그래밍 > Script' 카테고리의 다른 글

JSFIDDLE - https://jsfiddle.net/  (0) 2020.01.10
12 Extremely Useful Hacks for JavaScript  (0) 2019.12.31
JSON Editor Online  (0) 2019.11.26
[jQuery] AJAX Cross Origin plugin  (0) 2019.10.21
javascript, nl2br, nl to &nbsp;  (0) 2019.09.11

30년 이상 100만이 넘는 사람들을 연구한 결과
낙관적인 기대가 성취의 중요한 변수로 나타났다.
특정 매출을 달성할 수 있다고 믿는 영업사원은
비관적인 영업사원에 비해 55%나 높은 성공적인 결과를 나타냈다.
신념은 노력의 결과물에 직접적인 영향을 미친다.
- 마틴 셀리그만 교수 

긍정적인 신념은 우리를 성공의 길로 이끕니다.
스스로에게 성공한 사람이라는 메시지를 전달하면
두뇌는 그것을 사실로 믿고 그렇게 기능합니다.
부정적인 신념을 몰아내야 잠재력을 이끌어낼 수 있고
자신이 예상했던 잠재력 이상으로 능력을 발휘할 수 있습니다.


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