


58 rules for beautiful UI design

The right UI can elevate an application from functional to unforgettable, making the difference between a user who engages once and one…


Crafted to be your ultimate roadmap in the journey of UI design. Whether you are a seasoned designer looking to refresh your approach or a novice eager to learn the ropes, these rules are tailored to help you create interfaces that are not just visually appealing but also intuitively functional. To navigate this complex terrain, I have compiled 58 rules across eight categories, collectively forming the “Elegance Formula” for user interface design.

🫀 Empathy: There is no universal concept of beauty; only when you truly understand your target audience can you create a design that is appealing to them.

🖼️ Layout: The layout is the canvas of your interface; it should guide the user’s eye effortlessly, creating a seamless flow that intuitively connects each element.

🎟 Essentialism: Embrace simplicity; every element in your design should serve a purpose, as clutter can obscure the message and hinder the user experience.

🧭 Guidance: Design should not just please the eye but also lead the user, providing clear pathways and cues for what they should do next.

💎 Aesthetics: Aesthetics go beyond mere appearance; they encapsulate the feel of the design, creating an environment that resonates emotionally with the user.

🛸 Novelty: Innovative designs capture attention, but the true art lies in balancing novelty with familiarity, ensuring users feel intrigued yet comfortable.

🎛 Consistency: Consistency in design breeds familiarity; it ensures the user feels at home across various parts of your interface, building trust and ease of use.

🕹 Engagement: An engaging design is like a good conversation; it keeps the user interested, responds to their actions, and encourages them to come back for more.

Cultural and societal influences play a crucial role in shaping preferences and perceptions

1. Consider Cultural and Societal Influences: Factor in the diverse cultural and societal backgrounds of your audience to ensure your design resonates broadly and respectfully.

2. Understand Industry and Context of Use: Tailor your design to align with the specific industry norms and the practical context in which your interface will be used.

3. Embrace User Demographics: Embrace the diversity in user demographics, incorporating insights about age, gender, profession, and other factors to craft a more tailored and effective interface.

4. Adapt to Your Audience’s Tech-Savviness: Customize your interface to suit the specific tech-savviness level of your target audience

The Nielsen Norman Group’s research across different demographics — highlighting the unique online behaviors and expectations of young adults, the evolving digital literacy and specific usability needs of seniors, and the distinct and varying design requirements for children — emphasizes the critical importance of empathetic and user-centric design in user interface development to cater effectively to each group’s unique characteristics and preferences.

A well-planned layout is not just about placing elements on a screen; it’s about creating a visual symphony that directs, delights, and engages users

5. Embrace Negative Space: Use negative space wisely to create a clean, uncluttered interface that highlights the most important elements and improves readability.

6. Use the Golden Ratio or Rule of Thirds: Incorporate the Golden Ratio or the Rule of Thirds in your design to achieve natural balance and aesthetically pleasing proportions.

7. Establish a Clear Hierarchy with Size, Color, and Spacing: Utilize variations in size, color, and spacing to create a visual hierarchy that guides the user’s eye to the most significant information first.

8. Utilize Grid Systems: Implement grid systems to bring structure and consistency to your layout, ensuring a cohesive and harmonious arrangement of elements.

The welcome screen of the Allset app skillfully utilizes the Z-pattern layout to create rhythm and direct the user’s attention to the ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Log In’ button. By employing grid systems and ample negative space, the design presents multiple options in a manner that is clear and not overwhelming, effectively balancing information display with visual ease.

9. Create a Clear Focal Point: Designate a clear focal point in your layout to capture immediate attention and orient the user’s interaction with your content.

10. Create Rhythm to Direct Attention: Employ rhythmic design elements, such as repeated patterns or structured layouts, to create a visual flow that intuitively directs the user’s attention through the interface.

In addition, consider utilizing F and Z-pattern layouts to match users’ natural scanning habits. Employ the F-pattern in text-dense interfaces, strategically placing crucial information at the top and left.

Simplicity is ultimate sophistication

It’s about stripping away the non-essential elements and focusing on what truly matters to the user.

11. Achieve Simplicity Through Thoughtful Reduction: Prioritize content and features, removing anything non-essential. Focus on the core functionalities to create a streamlined and more user-friendly interface.

12. Organization Helps the System of Many Look Fewer: Use clear categorization and grouping of elements. Implement drop-down menus or tabs to organize content, making the interface less cluttered and more navigable.

13. Don’t Make Users Think: Ensure that navigation and task flows are logical and predictable. Use common UI elements and place them where users expect them to be, reducing cognitive load.

14. Good Design is as Little Design as Possible: Adopt a minimalist approach, using only elements that are necessary for functionality. Avoid excessive use of colors, fonts, and graphics to maintain a clean and focused interface.

The Tesla App is evidently designed with a focus on minimalism and enduring design aesthetics. This is primarily achieved through the reduction of components and labels. The interface avoids the use of intrusive styles and instead, it employs a digital representation of the car itself as the main visual element.

15. Break Up Huge Tasks into Smaller Steps: Design complex processes, like forms or multi-step tasks, into smaller segments. Use progress bars or breadcrumbs to visually indicate the user’s progress and what remains.

16. Savings in Time Feel Like Simplicity: Optimize load times and streamline processes to make interactions quicker. Use smart defaults, autocomplete features, and predictive text to speed up user input and decision-making.

You can find more recommendations in How to simplify your design.

It’s not just about leading the user from point A to point B; it’s about creating a journey that feels natural, effortless, and engaging

The art of designing a user interface involves guiding the user through a digital landscape with intuition and ease.

17. Craft Engaging User Onboarding: Start by designing an engaging onboarding process that educates users about your product from the first interaction. Effective onboarding lays the foundation for the user’s entire experience with your interface.

18. Ensure an Intuitive Flow: Develop your interface with a logical, step-by-step flow that feels natural and requires minimal effort for users to navigate, enhancing their overall experience.

19. Offer Contextual Hints and Tips: Implement contextual assistance such as tooltips, pop-ups, or inline instructions that appear when users need them, aiding in their understanding and use of the interface.

The engaging onboarding process of the ‘How We Feel’ app allows users to immediately grasp the value of the product. Helpful tips and guided recommendations are tailored based on the user’s current feelings, fostering a sense of control and intuitiveness in the user experience.

20. Implement Progressive Disclosure: Strategically reveal information to users, showing only what’s necessary at each step. This approach helps maintain a clean interface and focuses the user’s attention on immediate tasks.

21. Design to Encourage User Actions: Use clear design elements like buttons, icons, and calls to action to guide users towards desired interactions, ensuring these elements are prominent and easily accessible.

22. Provide Feedback for User Actions: Create a system that offers immediate visual or auditory feedback for user actions, acknowledging their interactions and guiding them to the next step in the interface.

Masterfully applied typography helps you stand out, enhance readability and aesthetic appeal

23. Establish Typography Hierarchy: Create a clear hierarchy using different font sizes, weights, and styles to guide the user’s attention to the most important content first.

24. Prioritize Readability: Choose fonts that are easy to read on various devices and screen sizes. Legibility should be a top priority, especially for body text.

25. Reflect Brand Mood: Select fonts that align with your brand’s personality. Whether it’s professional, playful, or elegant, typography should reinforce the brand’s tone.

The Nike Run Club App skillfully employs bold, italic typography as its main focus, evoking a sense of movement and uniqueness without overwhelming, thanks to its sparing use alongside a neutral body font

26. Pair Fonts Wisely: When combining multiple fonts, ensure they complement each other.

27. Limit Font and Style Variations: Too many font types or styles can create a cluttered and confusing interface. Stick to a limited set to maintain a clean and cohesive look.

28. Adjust Line Spacing, Kerning, and Line Height: Proper spacing between letters (kerning), words, and lines improves readability and text flow. Experiment with different settings to find the most visually appealing and readable format.

The right color choices can make a significant difference in how users perceive and interact with a product

29. Contrast is Key: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background to enhance readability and accessibility.

30. Create and Use a Consistent Color Palette: Develop a consistent color palette that reflects your brand identity and use it consistently across your interface to maintain visual coherence.

31. Use the 60–30–10 rule for balancing colors: — 60% dominant color, 30% secondary color, and 10% accent color, to create a visually harmonious interface.

The MasterClass app serves as an exemplary model for the application of the 60–30–10 rule in design, showcasing how this principle can be effectively utilized to enhance user interface aesthetics and functionality.

32. Understand Color Psychology and Cultural Significance: Consider how different colors evoke different emotions and meanings in various cultures. Tailoring your color choices to your audience can enhance the user experience and avoid cultural missteps.

33. Communicate Status with Semantic Colors: Use colors to communicate status intuitively, like red for errors or green for success, to help users understand system feedback quickly.

34. Use Color to Guide Actions: Utilize color strategically to highlight key actions, like buttons or links, guiding the user’s attention to important interactions.

Effective visual content in UI design enhances user engagement and emotional connection

35. Prioritize Content Over Excessive UI Styling: Focus on delivering content through visuals without overwhelming the user with excessive UI decorations. Let the visuals speak for themselves.

36. Purposeful Imagery and Illustrations: Use imagery and illustrations that add meaning to your content. Avoid generic stock photos; opt for custom or carefully selected images that reflect the brand’s identity and message.

37. Keep Text Concise and Straightforward: Complement visuals with clear and concise text. Avoid long paragraphs and opt for bullet points or short descriptions that enhance the visual message.

The Hims app distinguishes itself with a content-first approach, minimizing the reliance on complex UI styling. It employs high-quality visuals, including well-curated photos and short videos, that are consistent with the app’s mood and style, contributing to a cohesive and user-friendly interface.

38. Micro-Interactions & Delightful Animations: Incorporate subtle animations and micro-interactions that enhance user engagement without detracting from the main content.

39. Use Video for Dynamic Storytelling: Implement video content to tell stories or explain complex concepts dynamically. Videos can be particularly effective in conveying messages that are difficult to express through static images.

40. Incorporate High-Quality Product Shots or Renders: For e-commerce and product-based interfaces, use high-quality photographs or 3D renders of products. Detailed and attractive product visuals can significantly boost user interest and sales.

Innovative or unique interfaces will create memorable experiences, leading to higher user satisfaction.

41. Strive for Originality and Uniqueness: Create UI designs that stand out with original concepts and unique elements, differentiating your product in a crowded market.

42. Leverage the Latest Technology: Stay abreast of emerging technologies and consider how they can be incorporated into your design to offer cutting-edge experiences.

43. Be the Most Advanced, Yet Acceptable: Push the boundaries of innovation, but ensure your designs remain user-friendly and accessible to your target audience.

Citizen’s personal safety network empowers users to protect themselves and their communities. Its integration of a personal agent concept is both innovative and user-friendly, offering a novel yet logical enhancement to the experience.

44. Take Inspiration from Other Industries: Look beyond the field of UI design for inspiration, drawing creative ideas from art, architecture, nature, and more.

45. Be Conscious of Latest Trends, But Do Not Follow Them Blindly: Stay informed about current design trends, but use them judiciously to ensure your design maintains its unique identity.

46. Ensure that Novelty Enhances the User Experience Rather Than Complicating It: Novelty should always serve a purpose, enhancing the overall user experience without adding unnecessary complexity.

Consistency creates a sense of familiarity and helps build trust and confidence

47. Develop a Comprehensive Design System: A design system acts as a single source of truth for all design elements, ensuring uniformity across all aspects of the UI.

48. Limit Design Patterns: Using a consistent set of design patterns simplifies the user’s interaction model, making the interface more predictable and user-friendly.

49. Ensure Predictability in Element Behavior: Interface elements should behave consistently throughout the application, so users know what to expect from their interactions.

The Apple Health app serves as an exemplary model of consistent user experience across various devices. Its extensive library of components and templates ensures that new features and updates can be seamlessly integrated, maintaining ease of use and uniformity.

50. Use Standardized Templates: For common page types, standardized templates provide a consistent structure, aiding in user navigation and content comprehension.

51. Maintain Cross-Device Consistency: A consistent UI across different devices and platforms enhances the user experience, making the interface more approachable and accessible.

52. Standardize Content Guidelines: Consistent tone, style, and formatting in content presentation help maintain a coherent narrative across the interface.

Create a more immersive user experience that entertains

53. Introduce Gamification Elements: Incorporate game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users and encourage interaction.

54. Personalization and Customization: Offer users the ability to customize their experience. Personalization can increase the relevance of the interface to the individual user, enhancing engagement.

55. Utilize Storytelling Techniques: Embed narrative elements in the UI to create a more compelling and memorable user experience. Storytelling can guide users through the interface in an engaging way.

The Bloom App effectively incorporates gamification and educational components to assist investors in staying engaged and making well-informed investment decisions. An example of this is the offering of random gift stocks, a type of variable reward, which serves to create a sense of delight and surprise among users.

56. Visually Display Progress: Use visual indicators like progress bars to show users their achievements and progression. This can increase motivation and sense of accomplishment.

57. Incorporate Variable Reward Mechanisms: Implement elements of surprise and delight, such as unexpected rewards or bonuses, to keep users engaged and curious.

58. Integrate Social Features: Include social integration features like sharing achievements or competing with friends to foster a sense of community and encourage continued engagement.


Thank you for reading! If you found these insights helpful, don’t miss out on my poster of “58 Rules for Stunning and Effective User Interface Design.” It’s a practical checklist that you can use to elevate your design skills. You can find it here.


반응형 웹 디자인의 9가지 기본 원칙



반응형 웹 디자인의 9가지 기본 원칙 – KNULAB

반응형 웹 디자인은 다중 스크린 문제에 대한 훌륭한 솔루션이지만 인쇄 관점에서 볼 때 어려움을 겪습니다. 고정 된 페이지 크기가 없으며, 밀리미터 또는 인치가 없으며, 물리적 인 제약이 없




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2) 실시간 협업 시스템 (공동 라이브 디자인)

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  • 스케치는 제플린 zeplin이라는 앱을 따로 사용하여 (핸드오프) 작업물을 내보내는 방식으로 개발자와 소통하는 반면, 피그마는 앱 하나에서 바로 핸드오프 기능을  사용할 수 있습니다.

3) 버전 히스토리 관리

  • 히스토리 영역을 통해 협업자 중 누가 무엇을 변경했는지 확인하고, 필요에 따라 날짜&시간별로 기록되어 있는 히스토리를 확인할 수 있습니다. 때문에 버전 관리 필요 없이 히스토리 기능을 사용하여 편리하게 버전 관리가 가능합니다.
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  • 히스토리뿐만 아니라 피그마 파일로도 저장이 가능하므로 필요시 파일로 내보내기 하여 파일을 관리하실 수 있습니다.

4) 최적화된 어댑티브(ADAPTIVE) 레이아웃 시스템

  • 포토샵은 해상도에 맞추어 매번 새롭게 작업을 해야 하는 것에 비해, 피그마는 외곽 선을 조정하는 것만으로도 대부분의 콘텐츠 레이아웃을 크기에 맞게 자동 조정해 줍니다.

5) SKETCH 파일과의 연동

  • 기존에 작업하던 스케치 파일들을 피그마에 임포트 하여 작업할 수 있습니다.
  • 현재 온라인에 배포되어 있는 스케치 UI 키트들을 피그마에서도 사용할 수 있습니다.


  • 직관적인 인터페이스로 UI 상호작용 및 애니메이션 제작이 가능합니다.
  • 클릭/호버/버튼 동작 등 단순한 인터렉션을 넣어 프로토타입을 제작할 수 있습니다.
  • 모바일에 최적화되어있어 플레이 시 프레임 및 모멘텀 스크롤과 같은 세부적인 부분의 프로토타입 또한 실제 화면처럼 느낄 수 있습니다.


  • 스케치와 거의 비슷한 인터페이스를 다양한 환경에서 사용하실 수 있습니다.
  • 윈도우와 맥 모두 호환이 가능하여 사용 환경이 넓습니다.
  • 프로그램을 설치하지 않아도 사용할 수 있고, 1인은 무료로 사용 가능합니다. 


  • 스케치에서 옮겨올 시 폰트가 깨질 가능성이 높습니다.
    *특히 한글 폰트는 무조건 깨집니다. 앱으로 사용할 시 폰트 깨짐 현상이 줄어듭니다.
  • 심볼 기능이 없으나, 스케치에서 옮겨온 것은 사용이 가능합니다, 단 Figma → Sketch로 파일을 옮기는 것은 불가능합니다.

출처 : https://medium.com/designcodeio/figma-vs-sketch-c01e5e74eddd#.jufkza6p1


Figma VS Sketch

Figma is like Sketch in the browser with real-time collaboration.





애플의 목표는 돈을 버는 것이 아닙니다. 우리의 목표는
위대한 제품을 디자인하고 개발해 시장에 출시하는 것입니다.
좋은 제품을 시장에 내놓으면 사람들이 그 제품을 좋아하게 될 것입니다.
그리고 사람들이 그 제품을 좋아하면 우리는 돈을 벌 것입니다.
그러나 우리는 우선적 목표가 무엇인지 아주 명확히 알아야 합니다.
- 스티브 잡스

‘세상을 더 좋게 만들기 위한 우리의 노력을 시장과 고객이 알아봐서
우리를 선택한 것’이 바로 매출이고,
‘더 좋은 상품과 서비스를 개발하기 위한 원천 자본’이 되는 것이 바로 이익입니다.
회사는 분명 매출과 이익 없이는 살아갈 수 없습니다.
그러나 매출과 이익에 집착하는 대신,
세상과 고객을 위해 더 좋은 가치를 창출하는데 집중하다 보면
자연스럽게 따라오는 것이 바로 매출과 이익입니다.


이해할 수 없는 모순중 하나는 사람들이 여가를 즐길 때보다
일을 하는 가운데 긍정적인 결과를 더 많이 경험한다는 사실이다.
인간의 감정시스템은 목표를 향해 나아가도록 디자인되어 있다.
유전자는 향상과 성취를 향해 끊임없이 달려가도록 우리를 만들어 놓았다.
- 테리 버넘, ‘다윈이 자기계발서를 쓴다면’에서 

우리는 늘 게으름을 꿈꾸고 더 많이 쉴 수 있는 삶을 동경합니다.
그러나 그와 동시에 일에 몰입하고 목표를 성취하고,
일과 학습을 통해 성장하는 데서 짜릿함과 행복을 느낍니다.
일의 의미, 인생의 진정한 목적을 생각해보는 시간을 먼저 가져야 합니다.


파사드(프랑스어: Façade)는 건물의 출입구로 이용되는 정면 외벽 부분을 가리키는 말이다. 한글화하여 순화하려면 '정면'(正面)이 무난할 것으로 여겨진다. 건축에서 파사드의 궁극적 목적은 '소통'이다. 건물의 입면이 다양해지면서 파사드는 건물 외피 전체를 의미하기도 한다.

건축의 관점에서 파사드는 종종 그 건물에서 가장 중요한 디자인적 요소가 된다. 그리하여 파사드가 그 건물의 나머지 부분의 색채, 톤을 잡아준다. 이런 측면에서 '파사드'라는 개념은 은유적으로 사용될 수 있는데, 거시적 관점과 미시적 관점에 대해 사유할 여지를 준다.[1]

많은 경우에 파사드는 역사적인 구조물이며, 지역 법률에 의하여 그 변경이 크게 제한되어 있으며, 가끔 파사드의 변경은 거부감을 발생시킨다.

'미디어 파사드'는 '파사드(Facade)'와 '미디어(Media)'의 합성어로, 건물 외벽 등에 LED 조명을 설치해 미디어 기능을 구현하는 것을 의미한다.

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