
HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery





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What are HTML5 File Uploads?

Uploading files using HTML5 is actually a combination of three technologies – the new File Reader API, the also new Drag & Drop API, and the good ol’ AJAX (with the addition of binary data transfer). Here is a description of a HTML5 file upload process:

  1. The user drops one or more files from their file system to the browser window by dragging. Browsers that support the Drag & Drop API will fire an event, which alongside other useful information, contains a list of files that were dropped;
  2. Using the File Reader API, we read the files in the list as binary data, and store them in memory;
  3. We use the new sendAsBinary method of the XMLHttpRequest object, and send the file data to the server.

Sounds complicated? Yes, it could use some optimization. Fortunately, there are jQuery plugins that can do this for us. One of them is Filedrop, which is a wrapper around this functionality, and provides features for limiting maximum file size and specifying callback functions, which is really handy for integrating it into your web applications.

Currently file uploads work only in Firefox and Chrome, but upcoming major versions of the other browsers also include support for it. A simple fallback solution for older browsers would be to display a regular file input dialog, but we won’t be doing this today, as we will be focusing our attention on using HTML5.

So lets get started!


전화번호 입력 포멧



Formatter.js: Conform user input to predefined patterns



formatter.js Build Status

   ___                    __  __              _   
  / _/__  ______ _  ___ _/ /_/ /____ ____    (_)__
 / _/ _ \/ __/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ __/ -_) __/   / (_-<
/_/ \___/_/ /_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\__/\__/_/ (_)_/ /___/

Format user input to match a specified pattern


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Sometimes it is useful to format user input as they type. Existing libraries lacked proper functionality / flexibility. Formatter was built from the ground up with no dependencies. There is however a jquery wrapper version for quick use.

On Bower

bower install formatter


Vanilla Javascript

  • uncompressed: formatter.js
  • compressed: formatter.min.js

new Formatter(el, opts)

var formatted = new Formatter(document.getElementById('credit-input'), {
  'pattern': '{{999}}-{{999}}-{{999}}-{{9999}}',
  'persistent': true


  • uncompressed: jquery.formatter.js
  • compressed: jquery.formatter.min.js


  'pattern': '{{999}}-{{999}}-{{999}}-{{9999}}',
  'persistent': true


  • pattern (required): String representing the pattern of your formatted input. User input areas begin with {{ and end with }}. For example, a phone number may be represented: ({{999}}) {{999}}-{{999}}. You can specify numbers, letters, or numbers and letters.
    • 9: [0-9]
    • a: [A-Za-z]
    • *: [A-Za-z0-9]
  • persistent: [False] Boolean representing if the formatted characters are always visible (persistent), or if they appear as you type.



jquery 실행시 jquery~~.min.map이 없다고 에러날때.



http://jquery.com/download/ 에 가서 버전에 맞는 min.map 파일을 다운 받아라.







Riot.js: A tiny client-side MVP framework



The 1kb client side MVP framework

Riot is an incredibly fast, powerful yet tiny client side framework for building large scale web applications. Despite the small size all the building blocks are there: a template engine, router, event library and a strict MVP pattern to keep things organized. Your views are automatically updated when the underlying model changes.

Current frameworks base their existence on false assumptions.

  1. There's a big mass of common problems
  2. MVC (or MVP) requires a framework
  3. jQuery leads to spaghetti

All of these statements are wrong.

Current applications could be faster, simpler and smaller. They could be maintained with less people, less knowledge, and less worries.

Riot is a manifesto for vanilla JavaScript and jQuery.

Release December 2013 • Get notified on Facebook






Useful jQuery Tutorials For Web Developers And Designers



Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3

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Animated Form Switching with jQuery

In this tutorial we will create a simple animated form switch with three very common forms. The idea is not to leave the page when the user goes to another form but instead make the new form appear within the same container, expanding or contracting to the dimensions of the new form.


How to Make Custom Flat Styled Google Maps with jQuery and Flat UI

In this tutorial we will show you how to make custom flat styled google map with jquery and flat UI.


Password strength verification with jQuery

In this tutorial, we’ll construct a form that gives the user live feedback as to whether their password has sufficiently met the complexity requirements we will establish.


Vertical Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn vertical scroll menu with jquery tutorial.


Shiny Knob Control with jQuery and CSS3

In this tutorial we will be writing a jQuery plugin for creating a shiny knob control. Aptly named knobKnob, this plugin will use CSS3 transformations and jQuery’s new event handling methods to give visitors of your website a new way of interactively choosing a value from a range.


Make Pretty Charts For Your App with jQuery and xCharts

In this tutorial you will learn about pretty charts for your app with jquery and xcharts.


How to Create Login Form with CSS3 and jQuery

In this tutorial we will learn how to create login form with CSS3 and jQuery.


A Simple Movie Search App w/ jQuery UI

In this tutorial, we are using jQuery UI’s autocomplete widget, to build a simple AJAX movie search form. The script is going to use TheMovieDatabase.org‘s free API, to provide auto suggestions against a vast database of movie titles.


In this tutorial you will learn beautiful slide out navigation a CSS and jQuery.


Frame Warp jQuery Plugin

There is the option of using one of the numerous lightbox plugins to do this, but the plugin we will be creating in this tutorial has a lot of advantages over a generic lightbox script.


How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3

In this tutorial we will code a responsive image slider from the Impressionist UI. We will code it using the FlexSlider plugin for the functionality and style it using CSS3.


Animated Content Menu with jQuery

In this we will create a slick animated content menu with jQuery for a restaurant theme. The menu items will be animated and when clicked, a content area with more information will appear.


Read more: http://www.smashingapps.com/2013/11/01/useful-jquery-tutorials-for-web-developers-and-designers.html#ixzz2jdeQOSvJ



Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [20th October-26th October]

Best jQuery Plugins of the Week

1. Scroll effect a la Google

Developed by Eric Wennerberg this is a cool tool for Google+ users. If you have used the Google+ app for Android you probably have noticed the cool scroll effect. With this jQuery Plugin you will be able to recreate it with ease.

2013-10-17 22_08_13-Smooth scrolling effect á la Google Demo - Eric Wennerberg

Download | Demo

2. PaginateMyTable

Developed by Andrey Gubal PaginateMyTable is a jQuery plugin for HTML table pagination.

2013-10-17 21_52_08-PaginateMyTable - paginate Html table easily with jQueryDownload | Demo

3. jQuery List Sorter

Developed by Aman Dogra, jQuery List Sorter as the name says is for sorting lists that behave like tables. Its similar to the jquery tablesorter plugin.


Download |Demo

4. simulateTouch

SimulateTouch by Martin Krause enhance your automated tests by simulate touches and gestures.


5. jQuery Keymap

Create your own keymap to display the keybinings of your software with jQuery.


Download | Demo

6. Flat jQuery Piechart

Developed by Eric Wennerberg Flat jQuery Piechart jQuery plugin is for implementing a pure CSS piechart. This plugin is a part of Flatmin Responsive Framework.


Download | Demo

7. Bootstrap Image Gallery

Developed by Sebastian Tschan Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery.

2013-10-17 21_56_26-Bootstrap Image Gallery

Download | Demo

8. jQuery Selectric

Devloped by Leonardo Santos Selectric is a latest jQuery plugin that helps users stylize and manipulate HTML selects.

2013-10-17 21_31_57-jQuery Selectric

Download Demo

9. sevenSeg

Developed by Brandon L White, sevenSeg is a jQueryUI plugin for creating vector-based (SVG) seven-segment displays. Bindings for Knockout included.

2013-10-17 21_39_54-sevenSeg.js

Download | Demo

10. jQuery Validamesta

Developed by Enrique Urzua Garcia jQuery Validamesta plugin is for validation targered to be used more with tag attributes


11. Ezdz [izy-dizy]

Developed by Jay Salvat jQuery plugin to turn standard input type file into a nice drag and drop zone with validators and previews. This plugin uses HTML5 File, Drag and Drop API so it works properly on modern browsers.

2013-10-17 21_46_26-CodePen - A Pen by jaysalvat

Download | Demo

12. jQuery Expandify plugin

Developed by Matthew Holt, Expandify is a lightweight plugin that can be used to expand and contract textareas according to the height of user’s input up to a maximum number of rows.

Download | Demo



TidyTime.js: A friendlier way to display time

Want to display a time-based update in people-friendly language? TidyTime.js is a jQuery plugin that does just that, converting standard time formats into personable declarations of time.




Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [29th September-5th October]

1. jQuery fbpagestarter

Developed by Tachun LIN this is a front-end starter kit that makes it easy to create a page tab on Facebook. It comes loaded with features like loading and initialization, Facebook’s JS SDK, Facebook login, dialogs (add page tab, Feed, OAuth, Requests, Send), canvas Methods (setSize, setAutoGrow, scrollTo), 810px Grid system and many more.



2. Custombox

Developed by Julio De La Calle Cutomebox is a jQuery Modal Window Effects with transitions CSS3.


3. jQuery Diamonds

If you are bored of seeing straight grids here is a cool plugin that will cut down your boredom. Diamond jQuery plugin lets you easily do just that. Developed by Moquan Chen this jQuery pluginlets you create the diamond grid.


Download | Demo

4. jQuery Zentable

Developed by Jose R. Cabanes, Zentable is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library that allows you to show and manipulate tabulated data on a web page but with functionalities typically expected from native application such as scrolling with the mouse wheel, resizing column widths or using keys to move through the data. So, users can easily show and manipulate tabulated data on a web page, with or without AJAX.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

5. jQuery Fading Slide Toggle

Developed by Don Walter, Fading Slide Toggle is a jQuery plugin to trigger a slideUp or slideDown while fading in or out at the same time.


6. jQuery Mobile Slide Menu

Developed by Don Walter jQuery Mobile Slide Menu is a plugin to create a simple side aligned sliding menu for jQuery Mobile. You can access the menu either by hitting the menu icon or by swiping your finger from left to right, to slide the menu out. Also, you can hide it with the menu icon or by swiping your finger from right to left to slide the menu back in.


7. App Framework UI plugin

App Framework UI plugin enables you to use jQuery and App Framework UI instead of using appframework.js without worrying about conflicts with jQuery plugins and App Framework.


8. jQuery CloneYa

Developed by Saurabh Shukla Clone Ya is a jQuery plugin for cloning elements in a nested manner.


9. Captall

Developed by Erwin Van Wesemael, Captall is a jQuery plugin that lets you add a caption to any DOM element with good options so it can be adjusted to everyone’s needs.


Download | Demo

10. Bootstrap TouchSpin

Developed by István Ujj-Mészáros Bootstrap Touchspin is a mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo



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