
15 jQuery CSS Plugins to Speed Up Your Coding



1. Stickup

Stickup is a simple jQuery plugin that “sticks” an element to the top of the browser window while scrolling past it, always keeping it in view. This plugin works on multi-page sites, but has additional features for one-pager layouts.
Although stickUp was made to work on any kind of website, it was originally designed for the “one-pager” style of websites. By using CSS the sticky navigation menu item will be highlighted as it’s correlating content is scrolled in and out of view.


2. CircleType.js

Circletype.js is a lightweight , tiny jquery plugins that helps you to set type on a circle. Its quite useful and only 2.7 kb jquery plugin. It has numerous features such as it uses any font, adjust letter spacing as usual with CSS, flip it around so it reads counter-clockwise instead, set the radius manually or let CircleType.js figure it out for you, work in fluid and responsive layouts and plays well with FitText.js.


3. Glide.js

Glide.js is a lightweight (4.5kb minified) jQuery plugin for creating sliders. It has completely customizable OOCSS markup and uses CSS3 transitions but has fallback to JavaScript. The slider is responsive; it’ll adapt well to all devices and comes with touch support.


4. Animo.js

Animo.js is a powerful little tool for managing CSS animations. It includes features like Stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion. Animo includes the amazing animate.css library by Dan Eden which provides you with nearly 60 beautiful animations from attention seekers to entrances and exits. He has also added a few helper animations to the library.
Animo’s only dependency is jQuery 2 or later. The source includes animate.css plus the helper animations made specifically for animo but you can use whatever stylesheet of animations you’d like.


5. Salvattore

Salvattore is a jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration. Salvattore organizes your HTML elements according to the number of columns you specify. Each of the items in your container is placed within these columns, one by one. To get started simply add a data-columns attribute to the container.
In your CSS file you can set the number of columns you want to be created inside that element. To create a responsive columnar design, just use media queries. Items are appended and prepended on the same container without conflicts. You can combine this API with your XHR functions to have a dynamic layout with live content.


6. Mixit Up

MixItUp is a light-weight but powerful jQuery plugin that provides beautiful animated filtering and sorting of categorized and ordered content. It plays nice with your existing HTML and CSS, making it a great choice for fluid, responsive layouts. It’s perfect for portfolios, galleries, blogs, or any categorized or ordered content.
MixItUp uses jQuery to decide which elements to hide, show or re-position based on your filters, and then applies the power of CSS3 transitions to smoothly animate these elements to their new locations. MixItUp is optimized for the current generation of modern, CSS3-ready browsers. Due to its light-weight and efficient approach, It works beautifully and smoothly on all modern devices including smartphones and tablets.


7. Fancy Input

Fancy Input
Fancy Input, a jQuery plugin, doesn’t focus on the styling part but makes the fields attractive (and fun-to-use) by adding CSS3-powered effects. The plugin hides the input field, places a span element containing the character pressed and applies CSS3 transitions to each element (letter). There are multiple built-in effects and it works with both input + textarea fields.


8. Transit

Transit is a super-smooth CSS transitions & transformations for jQuery. You can make transition on any CSS property. They will happen much smoother than if you were to use jQuery’s default .animate(). You can easily translate, rotate, scale, skew and etc.
Transit degrades older browsers by simply not doing the transformations (rotate, scale, etc) while still doing standard CSS (opacity, marginLeft, etc) without any animation. Delays and durations will be ignored. It is released under MIT License.


9. CSS Emoticons

jQuery CSS Emoticons Plugin
The CSS Emoticons plugin is a simple jQuery plugin (and stylesheet) that allows you to turn any text emoticons on the page into cute little smiling faces with pure CSS3 styling (no images whatsoever). The result is great-looking emoticons that leave the text exactly as written (so that the text emoticons actually get copied and pasted with the text if you select a block of text from the page). This uses the CSS3 properties, transform, border-radius, box-shadow, gradient, and transition (when supported).


10. Minimit Anima

Minimit anima
Minimit Anima is a jQuery plugin to animate with transforms and transitions. It’s hardware accelerated css3 animations which is built to have fast animation execution, and it has an api similar to jquery animate, with animations queuing.
By default the anima method do automatic fallback animation on browsers not supporting transitions or transformed. It also does scale, rotate and skew animations on browsers without transitions from jquery.transform.js already included in the plugin.


11. Tooltipster

Tooltipster is a powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS. Tooltipster allows you to use any HTML tag you can think of inside your tooltips. This means you can insert things like images and text formatting tags.


12. ScrollUp

ScrollUp is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a customisable “Scroll to top” feature that will work with any website, with ease. To create a visible line to help determine an ideal scroll distance from the top, assign a valid CSS color to the activeOverlay setting.


13. Textillate.js

Textillate.js is a simple plugin for CSS3 text animations. Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text. Simply include textillate.js and it’s dependencies in your project to start creating unique effects. Textillate.js is built on top of the simple, yet amazingly powerful animate.css and lettering.js libraries.


14. Motio

Motio is a jQuery plugin for simple but powerful sprite based animations and panning. Motio is called on an element representing animation container, where animation is delivered as a CSS background image.
In sprite based animations, container should have the dimensions of one sprite frame. E.g, if you have 10 frames in a horizontal sprite that is 1000 x 100 pixels big, the container should be 100 x 100 pixels big. In panning, container size doesn’t play any role, just the background image should be seamless.


15. Photobox

Photobox is a CSS3 Image Gallery JQuery Plugin. It is beautiful and posses a great look & feel. Both the script & CSS are only 7k each. It uses silky-smooth, hardware accelerated, CSS3 transitions and animations for better performance.
It works also on IE9 and above, but clearly not as nice as in normal browsers. Image can be zoomed in and out with mousewheel and navigated using mousemove to move around. The bottom row of thumbnails can be navigated by mouse movement. It supports keyboard keys for navigation and closing the gallery view.



Soulmate: Develop a fast autocomplete feature




Redis-backed service for fast autocompleting - extracted from SeatGeek



Soulmate is a tool to help solve the common problem of developing a fast autocomplete feature. It uses Redis's sorted sets to build an index of partially completed words and the corresponding top matching items, and provides a simple sinatra app to query them. Soulmate finishes your sentences.

Soulmate was designed to be simple and fast, and offers the following:

  • Provide suggestions for multiple types of items in a single query (at SeatGeek we're autocompleting for performers, events, and venues)
  • Results are ordered by a user-specified score
  • Arbitrary metadata for each item (at SeatGeek we're storing both a url and a subtitle)

An item is a simple JSON object that looks like:

  "id": 3,
  "term": "Citi Field",
  "score": 81,
  "data": {
    "url": "/citi-field-tickets/",
    "subtitle": "Flushing, NY"

Where id is a unique identifier (within the specific type), term is the phrase you wish to provide completions for, score is a user-specified ranking metric (redis will order things lexicographically for items with the same score), and data is an optional container for metadata you'd like to return when this item is matched (at SeatGeek we're including a url for the item as well as a subtitle for when we present it in an autocomplete dropdown).

See Soulmate in action at SeatGeek.


Cheet.js: Easter eggs made easy




easy easter eggs (konami code, etc) for your website.


Dynamic HTML5 visualization



Envision.js: Create dynamic HTML5 visualizations





  • Modern Browsers, IE 6+
  • Mobile / Touch Support
  • Pre-built Templates
  • Adaptable to Existing Libraries


Envision.js ships with all it's dependencies. It uses:


To use Envision.js, include envision.min.js and envision.min.css in your page. To display a visualization, either use a Template or create a custom visualization with the Envision.js API.


미국 시인 존 그린리프 휘티어는
"인간이 사용하는 가장 슬픈 말은 무엇일까?"라는 물음에 이렇게 답했다.
"말이든 글이든 인간의 언어 중 가장 슬픈 말은
'아, 그때 해볼걸!' 이다."
(Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these; "It might have been!" )
-이미도, ‘똑똑한 식스팩’에서 인용


이미도 선생은 영어단어 Risk의 본질적 뜻은
도전이라 말합니다.
따라서 ‘take a risk’는 ‘위험을 감수하라’ 보다는
‘도전하라’, ‘모험하라’로 해석해야 한다고 주장합니다.

가장 위험한 도전은 도전하지 않는 도전입니다.
(The biggest risk is not taking one.)


살이 찌는 이유

'키리에엘레이송'이라고 외치며
십자가에 못 박히신 예수님의 뒤틀린 몸,
그리고 조국을 걱정하며 벌거벗고 물레를 돌렸던
마하트마 간디의 몸을 생각하면서 내 스스로
나의 안이한 삶에 대해 용서를 빌었습니다.
정말 내가 나의 조국이나 인류의 괴로움과
슬픔을 하루라도 내 몸처럼 걱정했더라면
이렇게 살이 찔 수 있겠습니까.

- 이어령의《지성에서 영성으로》 중에서 -

* 살이 찌는 이유,
여러가지가 있을 겁니다.
살 찌는 것이 다 나쁘다 할 수도 없습니다.
그러나 자신의 '안이한 삶' 때문에 살이 찐다면
한 번쯤 깊이 생각해 볼 필요가 있습니다.
안이한 개인적 삶에서 벗어나 때로는
나의 조국, 인류의 슬픔도 생각하며
살아야 나도 건강해집니다.
살찔 틈이 없습니다.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

마음이 상하셨나요?  (0) 2013.12.18
칼국수  (0) 2013.12.17
내가 나를 인정하기  (0) 2013.12.14
암수 한 쌍, 새가 부르는 이중창  (0) 2013.12.13
읽기와 쓰기  (0) 2013.12.12
내가 나를 인정하기

솔직히 인정하라,
저돌적으로 일을 할 때 아드레날린의
급상승이 가져오는 짜릿한 기분을.
'내가 중요하고 능력 있는 사람이구나'하는
느낌도 든다. 결국 당신은 바쁠 수밖에 없는
사람이다. 도취감에 빠져 있는 동안 항상
외부 세계로의 모험을 추구하고
현실에서 처한 문제를 회피한다.

- 데비 맨델의《여자, 스트레스에 마침표를 찍다》중에서 -

* 저는 저 스스로를 인정할 줄 몰랐습니다.
늘 회피하기에 바빴죠. 현실을 부정하며 살기에
급급했습니다. 결혼 후 신랑을 통해 요즘 인정하는 법을
배웁니다. 모든 면에서 조금씩 인정하고 받아들이려 하니
한결 마음이 편하고 사는게 수월하게 느껴집니다.
아직도 많이 서툴지만 앞으로 나 자신을 더욱
먼저 알고 스스로를 믿고 스스로 자아를
받아들이는 노력을 더 열심히
하려고 합니다.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

칼국수  (0) 2013.12.17
살이 찌는 이유  (0) 2013.12.16
암수 한 쌍, 새가 부르는 이중창  (0) 2013.12.13
읽기와 쓰기  (0) 2013.12.12
죽은 돈, 산 돈  (0) 2013.12.11

페이지 내에서 위치 찾아 갈때








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