
자바스크립트와 유사한 루아(LuaScript)라는 언어를 사용하는 모바일 최적화된 플랫폼입니다. 물리엔진이 강력해서 앵그리버드를 30분만에 만들죠.

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- CoronaSDK로 앱 만들기

[출처] 자바스크립트 개발자를 유혹하는 CoronaSDK를 아시나요? (웹앱을 만드는 사람들의 모임 (HTML5, CSS3,webapp,jQuery,웹앱)) |작성자 원강민



CoronaSDK 2012.971

SDK Download : https://developer.coronalabs.com/downloads/coronasdk



Corona SDK on Windows Build 2012.971

CoronaSDK-2012.971.msi (73.4 MB)
md5: cb6637d45a7a142f8c8345fd86dbbbae

Includes Corona SDK Simulator, sample apps, and free 30 day trial versions of Corona Project Manager, Kwik, and Spriteloq.

Please note: Due to Apple's restrictions, you cannot build for iOS on Windows.

System Requirements:
Windows XP or later, 1 GHZ processor

Device support:
Android OS 2.2 or greater (ARMv7). Corona-built apps will not install on Android ARMv6 devices.




Corona SDK on Mac OS X Build 2012.971

CoronaSDK-2012.971.dmg (85.9 MB)
md5: 11a974b0c1723e42f78a68863724fdf8

Includes Corona SDK Simulator, sample apps, and free 30 day trial versions of Corona Project Manager, Kwik, and Spriteloq.

System Requirements:
Mac OS® X 10.7 or later, Intel Mac

Device support:
iOS 4.5 or greater (includes support for iOS 5 and iOS 6). Android OS 2.2 or greater (ARMv7). Corona-built apps will not install on Android ARMv6 devices.






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