About Starbucks India:Starbucks is renowned for sourcing and roasting the finest whole-bean coffees, creating a global haven for coffee enthusiasts. Beyond exceptional coffee, Starbucks promises a delightful experience with pleasant service in a welcoming atmosphere.Mission: Inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.Vision: Establish Starbucks as t..
https://uxdesign.cc/58-rules-for-stunning-and-effective-user-interface-design-ea4b93f931f6 58 rules for beautiful UI designThe right UI can elevate an application from functional to unforgettable, making the difference between a user who engages once and one…uxdesign.ccCrafted to be your ultimate roadmap in the journey of UI design. Whether you are a seasoned designer looking to refresh your app..
비전 프로 출시 D-2 Vision Pro Review: 24 Hours With Apple’s Mixed-Reality Headset | WSJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xI10SFgzQ8 실리콘밸리 시간으로는 3일, 한국시간으로는 2일 후 애플의 신형 디바이스인 비전 프로가 판매를 드디어 시작하는데요. 미국의 미디어와 유튜버들의 제품 리뷰와 영상이 본격적으로 공개되기 시작했어요. 유튜브나 뉴스검색을 통해서 찾아보실 수 있는데요. 리뷰어들의 소감 중에서 재미있는 것을 정리해봤어요. 무겁다 : 실제 무게도 있지만 메타 퀘스트와 달리 무게가 앞에 쏠려있는 점이 문제. 가상 키보드는 별로 : 비전 프로로 일을 하고 싶다면 실물 키보드를 추천. 안경은 못쓴다 : 안경을 쓰고 ..
https://medium.com/@anirudh.munipalli/10-powerful-css-properties-that-every-web-developer-must-know-e5d7f8f04e10 You probably never heard of them, but you will love them once you know. CSS. A language which is responsible for nearly every website in the world. With so many properties, CSS is pretty huge. Finding good properties among them is like trying to read a binary file by yourself (pls don..
[ICON] ion-icon 아이콘 사용하기 https://ionic.io/ionicons Ionicons: The premium icon pack for Ionic Framework Ionicons is an open-sourced and MIT licensed icon pack. ionic.io Installation If you're using Ionic Framework, Ionicons is packaged by default, so no installation is necessary. Want to use Ionicons without Ionic Framework? Place the following Basic usage To use a built-in icon from the Ionicons..