php나 python은 이제 default.


CanCanCan: A continuation of the Ruby authorization gem

CanCanCan is a continuation of the dead CanCan project, the authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails. It’s a full authorization library, which restricts which resources a particular user can access.



Galileo: Shell search for your GitHub repos



Galileo. Search your starred GitHub repos from the shell


RubyMotion Query: A jQuery-like library for RubyMotion




RubyMotionQuery - RMQ

A fast, muggle, nonpolluting, zero-dependency, jQuery-like library for RubyMotion.

The RMQ Introductory Guide and other info is a great place to start.


Some of the very cool features:

  • selecting (querying) views
  • traversal through view hierarchy (moving around the tree)
  • tagging
  • events and gestures
  • animations
  • stylers and stylesheets
  • colors
  • fonts
  • image utilities
  • app
  • device

Tested on iOS, not OS X (nor is there any OS X specific code)

Other wrapper libraries

There are a lot of great wrappers out there such as Teacup and Sugarcube. I've used these and I enjoy them. However, many of the wrappers heavily pollute the standard classes, which is great if you like that sort of thing. RMQ is designed to have minimal pollution, to be very simple and high performance (it will be when it's done). RMQ shouldn't conflict with anything.

RMQ doesn't require any other wrapper or gem.

If you preferred jQuery over Prototype, you'll love RMQ.

Some of the code in RMQ came from BubbleWrap and Sugarcube. Not too much but some did. I thank you BubbleWrap and Sugarcube teams for your work.



ExtJS4 MVC 설치하기

1.Download Sencha Ext JS

2.Download Sencha Cmd
C:\Sencha 에  Extjs4 라이브러리를 압축해제해서 옮긴다.


설치할때 디렉토리 선택에서 C:\만 선택하면 Sencha 폴더 생기면서 거기에 알아서 설치된다.


설치완료 후 확인은 명령프롬프트 창을 열고 "sencha"명령을 실행해서 아래와 같이 나오면 설치가 잘 된것이다.



다운로드 받은 Extjs4 파일은 C:\Sencha 폴더로 이동한다.

3.ruby 다운로드 ( Sencha cmd에서는 1.8~1.9버전만 지원한다. )

테마 컴파일을 하기위해서 ruby를 다운로드 받는다.


빌드 과정에서 테마를 위판 sass컴파일용 compass를 설치하자.
C:\Sencha>gem install compass


혹여 윈도우 7에 경우 정상적으로 설치 되지 않는 경우가 있는데 이때는 아래 사이트를 참고하여 수동으로 compass를 설치할 수 있다.

 해당 Ruby 설치 폴더에 가서 gem을 실행해라. 아니면 path를 설정하든지





4.애플리케이션 생성

아래 명령을 실행하여 waniMvc라는 애플리케이션을 생성하자.
C:\Sencha> sencha -sdk C:\Sencha\ext- generate app waniMvc c:\Sencha\waniMvc




4.웹서버 실행 

아래 명령을 실행하여 웹서버 실행.
C:\Sencha> sencha  fa web -port 8000 start -map C:\Sencha\waniMvc

http://localhost:8000 에서 화면 확인.





Prerender: Let search engines crawl your JS apps


Prerender Service

This is a node server that uses phantomjs to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. It should be used in conjunction with prerender_rails or prerender-node middleware to serve the rendered HTML to crawlers for SEO. You don't have to run this service on your own since I have it deployed on Heroku already. Get started in two lines of code using Rails or Node

It is also meant to be proxied through your server so that any relative links to things like CSS will work.

It is currently deployed at http://prerender.herokuapp.com, or you can deploy your own.


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