1. Creating a List
To conjure a list into being:
# A list of mystical elements
elements = ['Earth', 'Air', 'Fire', 'Water']
2. Appending to a List
To append a new element to the end of a list:
3. Inserting into a List
To insert an element at a specific position in the list:
# Insert 'Spirit' at index 1
elements.insert(1, 'Spirit')
4. Removing from a List
To remove an element by value from the list:
elements.remove('Earth') # Removes the first occurrence of 'Earth'
5. Popping an Element from a List
To remove and return an element at a given index (default is the last item):
last_element = elements.pop() # Removes and returns the last element
6. Finding the Index of an Element
To find the index of the first occurrence of an element:
index_of_air = elements.index('Air')
7. List Slicing
To slice a list, obtaining a sub-list:
# Get elements from index 1 to 3
sub_elements = elements[1:4]
8. List Comprehension
To create a new list by applying an expression to each element of an existing one:
# Create a new list with lengths of each element
lengths = [len(element) for element in elements]
9. Sorting a List
To sort a list in ascending order (in-place):
10. Reversing a List
To reverse the elements of a list in-place:
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