Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [15th September-21st September]


Best jQuery Plugins of the Week

1. Ion.Tabs by IonDen

Ion.Tabs as the name hints is a jQuery tabs plugin that promises easy and well done tabs with many options and skin support. This jQuery plugin supports many groups of tabs at one page, generates events and call backs, is easy to set up, and features cross-browser support viz. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE(8.0+).


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2. Drag Multiple Plugin by Doug Ross

Drag Multiple is a jQueryUI plugin that enables the selection, drag and drop of multiple ui-draggable elements.


3. Double by Arthur Corenzan

Ever wished to change an element’s properties, style and behavior and instantly restore to what it was before the mess? Well, that’s what Double is developed for. This jQuery plugin lets you make a double, change it and eventually recall the original without any fuss. All in all, double is a jQuery plugin for hiring doubles for your elements.


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4. InstaPIXEL by Eric Howard

InstaPIXEL is a jQuery plugin to pixelate an image on a canvas element. This plugin pixelates the attached canvas with any image.


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5. SO_Tag: Tagging system based on StackOverflows tag search

SO Tag is a jQuery Tagging system based on StackOverflows tags with descriptions. In simple words it is a simple tagging system that allows a set of tags hat that are stored in a database.


erfg Download | Demo

6. CLNDR by Kyle Stetz

CLNDR is a calendar plugin that uses HTML templates to enable you to write markup and styles that have access to useful calendar data.


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7. Chinese region picker for jQuery plugin

Its a best region picker plugin for jQuery in China and is based on Chineserp. The data is provided by Chinese region db.

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8. aciWorker – Abstract web workers and not only

Developed by Dragos Ursu, aciWorker is a jQuery plugin that can be used to bring abstraction to web workers and allow JavaScript code execution even in their absence.


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9. Scrolld.js by Charlie Geiger

Scrolld.js is an open source plugin for jQuery. It provides a method for highly precise scrolling for pixel-perfect layouts and navigation using real-time updated data values.


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10. jQuery LiveEditor by Mattias Aslund

LiveEditor is a jQuery plugin that displays input editors when the user hovers over an editable control. It allows users to edit information in detail views or tables.


11. jQuery Bank by Katsuya Noguchi

As the name clearly hints Bank is a jQuery plugin with library for building bank account forms, formatting and validating inputs.

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12. jQuery Chain

Chain is a jQuery plugin to chain async functions to execute sequentially, current function’s return value or returned deferred object resolve parameters will be transfer to next function as parameters.


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13. jQuery AjaxGetContent by Implico

AjaxGetContent is a jQuery plugin that allows to transform classic website into a dynamic, ultrafast page, based on content loading using AJAX. All content remains visible for Google, the back/forward browser buttons are working, address bar changes.

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14. List Item Selector Plugin by Pravin Kalekar

This is a jQuery plug-in for list items selector.You will get to see the list on the left hand side from which you can select and move the items you want to the right hand side.


15. Two levels collapsable lists by Sébastien Roch

This jQuery plugin enables collapsing/expansion and search nested lists. The search is case insensitive and does not have to start from the beginning of the word for example ‘merica’ will match ‘America’.


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16. jQuery InstaPull by Kirk Bulis

This is plugin for jQuery users who want to pull Instagram photos according to tag and likes into a specified container without any fuss.


17. jQuery ScrollWatched by Kirk Bulis

This is a jQuery plugin for triggering event handlers when an element scrolls in/out of view.



18. jQuery Twitter Autolink by Graham Swan

This jQuery plugin automatically creates links for URLs, email addresses, @-mentions, and hashtags in embedded tweets.




19. jQuery Sticky by Bruno Tarmann & Gareth Nolan

Sticky is a jQuery plugin to easily add functionality to fix elements to the top of the page on scroll.



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