
Framework7: An HTML framework for building iOS7 apps


Framework7 is a fully featured HTML framework just for building hybrid (Phonegap) and web-based apps with a native iOS7 feel. It’s ultra lightweight while remaining flexible.



Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps


Framework7 is on early development stage, so many things may be changed and sorted in a short time.

Getting Started

  • Clone/download this repo
  • Start building your App from changing Kitchen Sink, or from a clean template from dist/ folder


Because Framework7 uses Ajax for navigation between pages you will need a server. So to make it work you should put dist folder (or Kitchen Sink) on a server. Or, as an option, you may use Grunt's server. Just run:

$ grunt server
  • Kitchen Sink will be available on http://localhost:3000/kitchen-sink/
  • Dist - on http://localhost:3000/dist/

Kitchen Sink

Framework7' JS and CSS files in Kitchen Sink are temporary linked to build/ to make development process easier on this stage. So to make it work you need to build Framework7 (see Build section) or to re-link JS and CSS files to dist/ folder.



If you have questions about Framework7 or want to help others you are welcome to special forum athttp://www.idangero.us/framework7/forum/





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