
Gridlex: Flexbox grid system

Gridlex is a simple flexbox grid system. There are three different ways to use it: the basic way where you add a class; the precise, cell-by-cell way; or the automatic, where you just tell it how many cells you want in the grid.


Just a Flexbox Grid System

v. 2.0.5

The concept is simple: you need to wrap your .col in a .grid.

What can we expect?

  • Basically each column is the same width as every other cell in the grid.
  • But you can add sizing classes to individual columns.
  • For responsive designs, you can add classes based on media-queries.
  • Top, bottom, or middle. For the grid. And for the columns.
  • Grids can be nested. Always. Directly in a column.

Less, Sass, CSS?

I just wanna use it in my page!

To use Gridlex out of the box, call the gridlex.css or gridlex.min.css file in your project :



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