
[python] konlpy 하다가 그래프에 한글 안나올때, 어제는 안되고 오늘은 되네.


맥북에서 그래프에 한글 계속 안나오다가, 오늘 해보니까 또 나오네. 뭔 조화인가? 오타인가? 

Troubleshooting: For those who see rectangles instead of letters in the saved plot file, include the following configurations before drawing the plot:

from matplotlib import font_manager, rc
font_fname = 'c:/windows/fonts/gulim.ttc'     # A font of your choice
font_name = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=font_fname).get_name()
rc('font', family=font_name)

Some example fonts:

  • Mac OS: /Library/Fonts/AppleGothic.ttf



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