This is the site for developers of the Selenium browser automation framework. If you're developing with the framework, please go to Selenium HQ.
If you're a user of Selenium, and would like the latest documentation, please head over to Selenium HQ. If you'd like to report an issue, please click on the "Issues" tab above
If you're a user of WebDriver, and would like to file some bugs, then please also click on the "Issues" tab above. For documentation aimed at developers of the webdriver framework itself, please head over to the wiki.
The Selenium project hosts an implementation of the W3C WebDriver spec.
User Documentation
Related Projects
The following projects are related to Selenium and you may find it interesting:
Note the alternative language bindings are supported independently, and not by the selenium project.
Developer Documentation
Please consult the wiki or the project issue tracking for documentation relevant for working on the selenium framework itself. Suggested starting places for newbies are the BuildingWebDriver page, for instructions on how to build the software, the ArchitecturalOverview to understand how the pieces fit together, and perhaps the JsonWireProtocol for an insight into how the RemoteWebDriver works.