

A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript.

Link : https://github.com/raimohanska/bacon.js

Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming concepts like map and filter. Stop working on individual events and work with event streams instead. Transform your data with map andfilter. Combine your data with merge and combine. Then switch to the heavier weapons and wieldflatMap and combineTemplate like a boss.

It's the _ of Events. Too bad the symbol ~ is not allowed in Javascript.

Here's the stuff.

You can also check out my entertaining (LOL), interactive, solid-ass slideshow.

And remember to give me feedback on the bacon! Let me know if you've used it. Tell me how it worked for you. What's missing? What's wrong? Please contribute!



A JavaScript standard library based on the Ruby core-lib

RubyJS is a JavaScript implementation of all methods from Ruby classes like Array, String, Numbers, Time and more.





100% JavaScript

RubyJS is built on top of JavaScript. It runs in all browsers. No additional tools needed.

Works like Ruby

Easily port code from Ruby to JavaScript. Become productive in JavaScript in hours. Fully tested with rubyspec.

Fast and small

20 kilobytes minified and gzipped. It is as fast or faster than comparable libraries.

Utility belt or OO

Use RubyJS like a utility belt, transforming arrays, string and continue with native objects. Or use the fully-fledged RubyJS objects and make use of their mutator (aka bang) methods.

All-in-one Library

String, Array, Time, Numbers, Range, and more. RubyJS gives you the power of multiple 3rd party libraries, with one coherent API. So you only have to learn, manage and update one.

Ruby Features

Block arguments, destructive (bang-) methods, duck-typing, special variables, mixins.



Getting Started with RubyJS

 :   http://rubyjs.org/getting-started.html




Front-End 개발에 대한 자료

A huge list of frontend development resources I collected over time. Pull requests are welcome. Website coming soon.




Frontend Development


Flippant.js — A tiny library for flipping things over






cujoJS — Build modular, maintainable web apps


Homepage: http://cujojs.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/cujojs
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cujojs



cujojs's Repositorieshttps://github.com/cujojs/repositories



RESTful HTTP client for JavaScript

 : https://github.com/cujojs/rest 

Javascript library 추가하기  - APTANA


link : https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/JavaScript+Library+Support


JavaScript Library Support

메타 데이터의 끝으로 건너뛰기
메타 데이터의 시작으로 이동


Studio ships with the ability for users to extend support for JavaScript libraries in content assist. Below is a list of libraries and content assist files we've located that should be compatible with Studio. This is not a complete list, and compatibility is not guaranteed, but if you see something on this list and it doesn't work, please let us know.

Dojo (http://dojotoolkit.org)

The XML files Dojo ships require a little bit of massaging to be readable by the Studio content assist processor.

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).

Alternately, to update docs to a newer version (should one come out)

ExtJS/Sencha (http://extjs.com)

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).


Drop the VSDoc files into your Web Project.

jQuery (http://jquery.org)

Install the jQuery ruble and reference it:

  1. Commands > Install Bundle > jQuery
  2. Right click on a project, select Properties > Project Build Path and select the checkbox for jQuery 1.6.2.

If you already have the jQuery bundle:

  1. Choose Commands > Bundle Development > Update User Bundles


  1. Find the Aptana Rubles folder on your system
  2. Delete the Ruble
  3. Restart Studio
  4. Install the Ruble again as above

OpenLayers (http://openlayers.org/)

There is a current bug with adding the single http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js file to a project to get content assist. As a workaround:

Note that this technique will not actually show documentation on the classes. For that, we need a SDOCML file which could be created from the source Natural Docs.

YUI (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/)

Drop the SDOCML file into your Web Project.


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