


Galleria — A responsive JS image gallery framework

Galleria is a responsive image gallery framework built in JavaScript. It makes it simple to create attractive image galleries for the web adn mobile. It doesn’t require programming skills, makes it easy to pull content from several sources (including Flickr, Picasa, and YouTube), and is free without any restrictions. You can even create tailored themes for your projects on a single core.



30 jQuery UI Framework Plugins


jQuery, is it a popular buzzword or an effective JavaScript, what to say and how to define it? Yes, they both add values to the word jQuery. It is a popular JavaScript and a rocking word in the web industry nowadays. jQuery is being used by 40% of the websites nowadays. And, its demand is getting more and more because of its updated and feature content plugins. The functional boundaries are constantly getting pushed forward by the jQuery plugins because of the actual release of new plugins every now and then.

The web designer face the biggest challenge in their life about how to satisfy the customers with their websites and do you say it is not that much tough to make it possible? You can’t because you might have experienced the same. This popular JavaScript library is in the list of most commonly used script libraries that too by most popular websites.

It is needless to say that jQuery plugins increases performance and attractiveness of a blog. So since beginning we have been contributing informative articles about jQuery. We have previously published jQuery scrolling plugins, jQuery plugins for Responsive websites, jQuey plugins and coding techniques and many more. If you are a newbie you may find this guide to jQuery very helpful. In order to help you to find some of the freshest jQuery plugins, we have rounded up a list of 30 amazing jQuery plugins.


This JavaScript library will make your web content look like a real time book. It has developed for HTML 5 applications. And, you can expect this to go well with other gadgets like tablets and even Smartphones. It’s a very less space occupying plugin, say something around 15 kilobytes.

dd Slick

It is one another small size JavaScript plugin which will let the users to create a dropdown box in their web pages and the thing is it not only allows the texts as dropdown lists, but also it lets you include images too.


You want to depict some graphs in your web pages? Here you go with this JavaScript plugin. Sparklines will let you create small inline charts. The input data for the charts should be provided through JavaScript or using inline in the HTML.


As the name suggests, this query will provide you a way for creating a simple slideshow. The slideshow will contain all features like a normal one say the auto play, slide transition effects, fade etc.


Here again the name suggests the functionality of the plugin. This plugin will let you magnify the picture easily and quickly. You should be ready with two copies of the same pictures that you want to zoom.


This jQuery plugin deals with creating animation characters and background animations using java script and HTML. It is one another light weight and simple jQuery. Make your website more animated and lively with the help of this plugin.

Hover intent

It’s a plugin where the main goal is to work based on the web user’s intent. It is similar to that of the function of jQuery’s built-in-hover functionality, but expresses some difference in terms of mouse movement.


You wish to embed the Google maps in your website? Make it possible using this plugin. You can customize it as per your needs and again, the size of this plugin is too small.


A plugin used for editing the contents. This functionality requires very few lines of JavaScript code.


If you want to support not only images, but also videos, flash and other image formats, then this plugin will be more useful for you. Almost all of the web browsers will accept this plugin and the setup is too simple.

Ajax fancy captcha

A big challenge for all web owners is to protect their website from bots and spams. And, this plugin helps you with that by providing you the way for creating captcha.

Star Rating plugin

As the name suggests, this plugin is for providing ways to create a rating functionality in your website. You can simply turn out your radio boxes into star ratings with very simple code.


When you have so many pages in your website, there you will find this plugin very useful. The users can be easily navigated through pages, if you use this plugin to include page numbers on your website.

Tablesorter 2.0

This plugin will let you sort the tables, if you have any in your website in a sortable format. It is possible to sort even linked data in the table using this plugin.


It’s a plugin for developing full customized and useful drag-drop calendar. You can easily customize this calendar as per your needs and requirements. You can use your own feed format for the data for calendar.

Date picker

Selecting particular date ranges is possible with this jQuery plugin. It will provide you a standard form of input field. You will get either a popup or inline calendar with this plugin.


Shortened URLs are really useful. Sharing your favourite links to others goes easier with the help of shortened URLs. And, that’s become possible with the help of lLy1 jQuery plugin.


You could have seen table of contents in book front page. And, this became more common nowadays in websites too. And, the same can be achieved using this jQuery plugin. It makes user to navigate to the particular content topic or page that they wish to access.


Create warnings, ideas, errors, alert messages etc. using this plugin. It will be useful for almost all of the website owners because displaying error or warning messages is more needed now for user’s support and convenience.


Do you have to more content in your website and want to add a customized scrollbar to your webpage? Just get it done through this plugin.


You can add tabs to your website using this plugin. You will find similar type of plugins a lot, but this will be more useful and flexible.

Progress bar plugin

The name itself explains that this plugin is used to indicate the progress status of either loading your website or a particular topic or whatever progressing stages it is.

Color picker

The color picker which you will generally see available in photoshop or any photo editors can be added to you website using this jQuery plugin.


A tooltip plugin, more user friendly and at the same time more feature rich will have lots and lots of useful features. You will get tips in speech bubble format, rounded corner edges format etc.


This plugin will let you insert grids in your webpages or in a particular place in your website. It is possible to toggle between front and back of the webpage.

Kendo UI

Its programming interface, MVVM framework, Data Source, internationalization and many other features makes it the most desirable jQuery plugins for web developers.


You can create shadow and drop shadows for images using this jQuery plugin. Such kind of shadow appearing images will generally look appealing and attractive.


This plugin will be helpful for creating calculation form using JavaScripts. This is the initially released version and lots of development has been made recently.


This phrase you could have seen in almost all of the websites. You may be at the bottom of the website and you can suddenly reach the top using the button ‘Back to Top’.


This plugin allows automatic resizing of the text based on the text area space and height. When used this plugin, the text area will grow when the input length grows.


jQuery’s success and popularity is all because of the web development community globally and everyone deserves the full credit for it. It continues to grow more and it is more thriving. Just get informed about all jQueries and be a successful web developer!

Source: http://designmodo.com/jquery-ui-framework-plugins/#ixzz2LxmU3odk



60+ Responsive Web Design Tutorial Roundup – Spoil Your Mobile visitors!

by Lars on February 19, 2013


Time to learn responsive web design and development techniques? In this huge collection, I am sure you will find the responsive web design tutorial you need to get started!

With more than 1 billion mobile Internet users, the demand for building professional and user-friendly mobile websites is exploding right now. Up to date statistics show that close to 12% of internet users are browsing from mobile devices and the number is constantly growing. This leaves us with no doubt about investing time and money into spoiling mobile visitors on our website.

Many web designers use responsive frameworks as the foundation in their web project to leverage the many hours of work, experience and maturity experts put into many of them. It is also a popular trend to take offset in a responsive website HTML5 template or a WordPress theme with a build in responsive layout.

Ethan Marcotte started the responsive web design trend back in May 2010. He wrote an article about the need for a more flexible approach to web design, “Responsive Web Design,” for A List Apart. Today most new websites are responsive somehow, but the responsive behavior vary a lot. Some websites and templates have several designs that are perfectly adapted to specific view port sizes, while many still only have one layout for pc screens and one for small mobile devices. The effort required to do it right should not be underestimated. Checking a few well-written responsive web design tutorials is a good start to learn and find inspiration.

Please take time to leave a comment and share this resource with co-workers that you think need to learn about responsive web design.


Responsive Column Layouts – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn a very simple CSS trick to create a responsive column layout using nth-of-type pseudo class.

Responsive Web Design using CSS3 - MORE INFO


This responsive web design tutorial explain you how to use CSS 3 @media property (known as media queries) and working with Internet Explorer using Modernizr.

CSS Only Responsive Layout With Smooth Transitions – MORE INFO


A tutorial on how to create a 100% width and height smooth scrolling layout with CSS only.

Responsive Design With CSS3 Media Queries – MORE INFO


This responsive web design tutorial will show you how to create a cross-browser responsive design with HTML5 & CSS3 media queries.

Responsive Pricing Tables Using :target for Small Screens – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn how to make a fluid pricing table, then alter the way it’s displayed at different viewport sizes using media queries.

Creating a CSS3 Responsive Menu – MORE INFO


This tutorial aims to provide step by step instructions to enable you to create a responsive navigation menu that adapts to varying screen sizes, with the help of CSS media queries.

Create a Responsive Web Design Template – MORE INFO


In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a (very simple looking) web template that is responsive from desktop size down to mobile version.

Responsive Design in 3 Steps – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn how to do the basic logic of responsive design and media queries in 3 steps (assuming you have the basic CSS knowledge)

Responsive Data Tables – MORE INFO


This tutorial will show you how to create and format a responsive data table.

Turn Any Site Into a Responsive Site – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you some techniques on how to take your current site and turn it into a mobile friendly one, with little effort.

Typography Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial will be discussing typography vis a vis responsive web design. Our focus will be on typography strictly in relation to responsive web design only.

Responsive Menu Concepts – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you four concepts on how to handle navigation menus for small screens.

CSS Effect: Space Image Out to Match Text Height – MORE INFO


This responsive website tutorial will teach you how to properly space out images to match text height.

Scalable Navigation Patterns in Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial focuses on how to deal with deep navigation in the landscape of a templated environment.

Building a Responsive Layout with Skeleton: jQuery Plugins – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn various jQuery plugins to utitlize in order to pull Twitter and Flickr feeds to a page, plus a responsive slider plugin for our features area at the top.

Responsive Resume – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to create a mobile responsive resume to attract new projects.

Techniques for Gracefully Degrading Media Queries – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to implement CSS Media Queries for mobile web.

CSS Elastic Videos – MORE INFO


In this responsive web design tutorial, you will learn how to make embedded videos elastic (responsive) to browsers.

Build a Responsive Filterable Portfolio with CSS3 Twists – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to inherent visual appeals of filterable portfolios using straight-forward markup, CSS3 and a little bit of jQuery.

How to Build a Responsive Thumbnail Gallery – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn how to build a responsive thumbnail gallery.

Responsive Content Navigator With CSS3 – MORE INFO


This tutorial will show you how to create a content navigator with CSS only.

Responsive Coming Soon HTML5 Page Tutorial – MORE INFO


In this tutorial we’ll create a coming soon template, 100% responsive, that will help you keep your users informed while you are building a new website.

Convert Menu to Dropdown – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to convert your regular row of links into a drop down menu.

Build Responsive Site Week Designing Responsively Part 1 – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you the basics of creating a responsive website for mobile devices.

Create a Responsive Web Design with Media Queries – MORE INFO


In this tutorial how to convert a previous WordPress theme design into a responsive layout, while taking into consideration the design’s original grid structure.

Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial is intended both for beginners and advanced web designers in creating mobile responsive websites.

Designing for a Responsive Web – MORE INFO


In this tutorial, you will learn the do’s and don’ts of designing websites for mobile responsiveness.

CSS Responsive Navigation Menu – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how make a responsive toggle on hover menu which is more user friendly.

Build a Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Web Page With Skeleton – MORE INFO


In this tutorial you will learn how to use a boilerplate called Skeleton to take the headaches out of designing and building a responsive web page.

How to Use CSS3 Orientation Media Queries – MORE INFO


This tutorial will focus on the orientation of media queries and also demonstrate on how to use it.

Adaptive Layout Media Queries – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to create a beautiful website employing adaptive layouts and optimized for the latest mobile devices.

Responsive Images Experimenting with Context Aware Image Sizing – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes for responsive layouts that utilize dramatically different image sizes at different resolutions.

Responsive Web Design: A Visual Guide – MORE INFO


This tutorial shows how to build a mobile responsive site thru a video presentation. It covers all the basic things needed to get you started.

Elements of Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


In this tutorial, an in depth discussion of the elements of web design is presented.

Responsive Web Nav – MORE INFO


This tutorial walk you through on how to build a simple navigation from the ground using the CSS3 media queries and jQuery to display it in a small screen size like the smartphones properly.

User Opt-out Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


Responsive Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial is going to walk you through how to create an adaptive web experience that’s designed mobile-first

How to Use CSS3 Media Queries to Create a Mobile Version of Your Website – MORE INFO


In this tutorial, you will learn how to convert an existing website into a mobile responsive website.

Handling Typography Responsive Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial covers how to effectively format font types to be responsive as well.

The Sparkbox Responsive Design Process – MORE INFO


A graphic tutorial about responsive web design process.

Big Menus, Small Screens: Responsive, Multi Level Navigation – MORE INFO


In this responsive website tutorial to responsive navigation, you will learn how to use an approach that can accommodate large, multi-level navigation menus using media queries and jQuery, whilst trying to keep markup simple and external resources minimal.

Responsive Horizontal Layout – MORE INFO


This tutorial will show you how to create a horizontal layout with several content panels.

Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


This responsive web design tutorial aims to show how to create a responsive design of a web page adaptable to different screen resolutions, and providing a concrete example.

Optimizing your emails for mobile devices With the @media query – MORE INFO


A quick tutorial on how to properly handle emails using the @media query.

Fluidgrids – MORE INFO


This tutorial pretty much discusses how to make grids fluid and resize according to the browser’s window.

Responsive Design – MORE INFO


This tutorial is about how to apply responsive design feature into your web layout.

Creating Responsive Stylish with CSS3 and HTML5 – MORE INFO


This tutorial provides a basic introduction on how to make responsive sites using HTML5 and CSS3.

5 Useful CSS Tricks for responsive Design – MORE INFO


A tutorial of 5 most commonly used CSS tricks along with sample cases for coding responsive designs. They are simple CSS properties such as min-width, max-width, overflow, and relative value — but these properties play an important part in responsive design.

Responsive Web Design – MORE INFO


Working with Fluid Images in Dreamweaver CS6 – MORE INFO


In this tutorial, you will see how to manage fluid images integrated within the website using Dreamweaver CS6.


Technical Reference – Intel® HTML5 App Porter Tool - BETA


The Intel® HTML5 App Porter Tool - BETA is an application that helps mobile application developers to port native iOS* code into HTML5, by automatically translating portions of the original code into HTML5. This tool is not a complete solution to automatically port 100% of iOS* applications, but instead it speeds up the porting process by translating as much code and artifacts as possible.

It helps in the translation of the following artifacts:

  • Objective-C* (and a subset of C) source code into JavaScript
  • iOS* API types and calls into JavaScript/HTML5 objects and calls
  • Layouts of views inside Xcode* Interface Builder (XIB) files into HTML + CSS files
  • Xcode* project files into Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2012 projects

This document provides a high-level explanation about how the tool works and some details about supported features. This overview will help you determine how to process the different parts of your project and take the best advantage from the current capabilities.

How does it work?

The Intel® HTML5 App Porter Tool - BETA is essentially a source-to-source translator that can handle a number of conversions from Objective-C* into JavaScript/HTML5 including the translation of APIs calls. A number of open source projects are used as foundation for the conversion including a modified version of Clang front-end, LayerD framework and jQuery Mobile* for widgets rendering in the translated source code.

Translation of Objective-C* into JavaScript

At a high level, the transformation pipeline looks like this:

This pipeline follows the following stages:

  • Parsing of Objective-C* files into an intermediate AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
  • Mapping of supported iOS* API calls into equivalent JavaScript calls.
  • Generation of placeholder definitions for unsupported API calls.
  • Final generation of JavaScript and HTML5 files.

About coverage of API mappings

Mapping APIs from iOS* SDK into JavaScript is a task that involves a good deal of effort. The iOS* APIs have thousands of methods and hundreds of types. Fortunately, a rather small amount of those APIs are in fact heavily used by most applications. The graph below conceptually shows how many APIs need to be mapped in order to have certain level of translation for API calls .

Currently, the Intel® HTML5 App Porter Tool - BETA supports the most used types and methods from:

  • UIKit framework
  • Foundation framework

Additionally, it supports a few classes of other frameworks such as CoreGraphics. For further information on supported APIs refer to the list of supported APIs.


Backgrid.js – A set of core Backbone UI elements


Dated Added → Feb 16, 2013Categories → Framework

Backgrid.js is a set of components for building semantic and easily stylable data grid widgets. It offers a simple, intuitive programming interface that makes easy things easy, but hard things possible when dealing with tabular data.
The goal of Backgrid.js is to produce a set of core Backbone UI elements that offer you all the basic displaying, sorting and editing functionalities you'd expect, and to create an elegant API that makes extending Backgrid.js with extra functionalities easy.
Backgrid.js - A set of core Backbone UI elements


jquery와 angulars 같이 사용하기.

requireJS로 시작했다가 무거운거 같아서 그냥 같이 쓰는걸로 해봤다.

문법적인 문제는 발견되지 않았다. 너무 간단한 테스트라서 그럴지도.



 : index.html에 require.js와 main.js, angular.js, controllers.js 등을 녹여넣었다.

* index.html

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app>
        <title>jQuery+RequireJS Sample Page</title>
        <!-- This is a special version of jQuery with RequireJS built-in -->
        <script data-main="scripts/main" src="scripts/require-jquery.js"></script>
    <body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl" >
        <h1>jQuery+RequireJS Sample Page</h1>
        <p>Look at source or inspect the DOM to see how it works.</p>
        <div id="mydiv">aaa</div>
        <p>Total number of phones: {{phones.length}} </p>
        <p>Angulars Templates - http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_02</p>

 <p>Nothing here {{'yet' + '!'}}</p>
 <p>1 + 2 = {{ 1 + 2 }}</p>
 <p class="hello">{{hello}}______</p>

* main.js - require.js에서 사용함. 

 require(["jquery"], function($) {
  $("#mydiv").html("Hello this is RequireJS talking");

require(["jquery", "jquery.alpha", "jquery.beta"], function($) {
    //the jquery.alpha.js and jquery.beta.js plugins have been loaded.
    $(function() {

// angular.JS, controllers.js 를 LOAD.
require(["angular"], function($) {

require(["controllers"], function($) {


* controllers.js - angular.js에서 사용 

 function PhoneListCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.phones = [
    {"name": "Nexus S",
     "snippet": "Fast just got faster with Nexus S.",
     "age": 0},
    {"name": "Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi",
     "snippet": "The Next, Next Generation tablet.",
     "age": 1},
    {"name": "MOTOROLA XOOM™",
     "snippet": "The Next, Next Generation tablet.",
     "age": 2}
  $scope.orderProp = "age";  
  $scope.hello = "Hello, world!"; 



* index.html 에 다 순차적으로 호출하였다.(require.js 사용안함) 

 <!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app>
        <title>jQuery+RequireJS Sample Page</title>
        <!-- This is a special version of jQuery with RequireJS built-in -->
        <script src="scripts/angular.js" ></script>
      <script src="scripts/controllers.js"></script>
      <script src="scripts/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>
      <script src="scripts/jquery.alpha.js" ></script>
      <script src="scripts/jquery.beta.js" ></script>
             $("#mydiv").html("Hello this is RequireJS talking");
    <body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl" >
        <h1>jQuery+RequireJS Sample Page</h1>
        <p>Look at source or inspect the DOM to see how it works.</p>
        <div id="mydiv">aaa</div>
        <p>Total number of phones: {{phones.length}} </p>
        <p>Angulars Templates - http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_02</p>

 <p>Nothing here {{'yet' + '!'}}</p>
 <p>1 + 2 = {{ 1 + 2 }}</p>
 <p class="hello">{{hello}}______</p>








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