
"아름다운 것을 보고 싶으냐?
내 삶의 기쁨이 무엇인지, 내가 무엇을 위해 사는지,
내 모든 삶을 가치 있게 하는 것이 무엇인지
보고 싶으냐? 여기 있다. 봐라."

- 켄 가이어의《영혼의 창》중에서 -

* 어디선가
"여기 있다. 봐라."
알려주는 순간이 있습니다.
사람을 통해서든, 자연을 통해서든...
진정한 삶의 가치와 아름다움을 발견하는 순간입니다.
눈처럼 희고 깨끗한 '영혼의 창'을 열어
새 공기를 마시는 순간입니다.
다시 태어나는 순간입니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

젊어지는 식사  (0) 2013.07.03
집중력  (0) 2013.07.02
삐뚤삐뚤 날아도...  (0) 2013.06.29
아는 만큼 보인다?  (0) 2013.06.28
긍정 에너지  (0) 2013.06.27

가장 광범위하게 퍼져 있는 오해는 ‘준다는 것은
무엇인가 빼앗기는 것, 희생하는 것’이라는 오해다.
주는 것은 가난해지는 것이라고 생각한다.
그러나 주는 것은 잠재적 능력의 최고의 표현이다.
준다고 하는 행위 자체에서
나의 힘, 나의 부, 나의 능력을 경험한다.
고양된 생명력과 잠재력을 경험하고 매우 큰 환희를 느낀다.
-에리히 프롬, ‘사랑의 기술’에서


주는 행위의 위대한 점은
그것이 받는 사람에게 뿐만 아니라
주는 사람에게도 엄청난 이익을 가져다준다는 점입니다.
헌신하는 풍습은 주는 행동에서 기쁨을 느끼게 합니다.
그리고 더 많이 줄수록 주는 행위를 더욱 즐기게 됩니다.


일시적인 충동이 아니라 연속적인 작은 성과가 위대한 업적을 이룬다. - 빈센트 반 고흐 -


제 눈물을 떨어뜨려
제 뿌리를 파헤치는 사랑.
제 가슴속에 무덤을 파는 사랑.

잘못된 것처럼 보이는
젊은 날의 서툰 사랑이 있어,
사랑이란 단어가
더 뚜렷하게 빛나는 것입니다.

- 이록의《사랑이 가까워지면 이별이 가까워진다》중에서 -

* 삐뚤삐뚤
잘못 나는 것처럼 보이는 나비가 꽃을 찾아 앉습니다.
지금, 조금은 잘못된 것처럼 보이는 것들도
지금, 조금은 엉터리처럼 보이는 것들도
마음만 흔들리지 않는다면
지치고 포기하지만 않는다면
언제가 꽃을 찾아 앉는 나비처럼
지금의 시간이 빛나는 삶의 활주로가 될 거예요.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

집중력  (0) 2013.07.02
"여기 있다. 봐라."  (0) 2013.07.01
아는 만큼 보인다?  (0) 2013.06.28
긍정 에너지  (0) 2013.06.27
내 인생 내가 산다  (0) 2013.06.26
Javascript library 추가하기  - APTANA


link : https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/JavaScript+Library+Support


JavaScript Library Support

메타 데이터의 끝으로 건너뛰기
메타 데이터의 시작으로 이동


Studio ships with the ability for users to extend support for JavaScript libraries in content assist. Below is a list of libraries and content assist files we've located that should be compatible with Studio. This is not a complete list, and compatibility is not guaranteed, but if you see something on this list and it doesn't work, please let us know.

Dojo (http://dojotoolkit.org)

The XML files Dojo ships require a little bit of massaging to be readable by the Studio content assist processor.

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).

Alternately, to update docs to a newer version (should one come out)

ExtJS/Sencha (http://extjs.com)

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).


Drop the VSDoc files into your Web Project.

jQuery (http://jquery.org)

Install the jQuery ruble and reference it:

  1. Commands > Install Bundle > jQuery
  2. Right click on a project, select Properties > Project Build Path and select the checkbox for jQuery 1.6.2.

If you already have the jQuery bundle:

  1. Choose Commands > Bundle Development > Update User Bundles


  1. Find the Aptana Rubles folder on your system
  2. Delete the Ruble
  3. Restart Studio
  4. Install the Ruble again as above

OpenLayers (http://openlayers.org/)

There is a current bug with adding the single http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js file to a project to get content assist. As a workaround:

Note that this technique will not actually show documentation on the classes. For that, we need a SDOCML file which could be created from the source Natural Docs.

YUI (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/)

Drop the SDOCML file into your Web Project.

APTANA plugin - Syntax HighLighter






* APTANA에서 추가.

  [Help] - [Install New Software] - [Add]



Eclipse platform plugin

EclipseColorer is based on a native Colorer-take5 library, so each platform has its own native part library. By default the package contains plugin's stuff compiled for win32, Linux(x86 and x86_64) and MacOS (ppc and x86 platforms).


  • Enchanced and fixed word wrapping mode.
  • Automatic folding support for mostly all (200+) supported languages
  • Per-type customizable color schemas and editor parameters.
  • Automatic errors and todo comments annotation.
  • Paired constructions highlighting and matching.
  • Shortcuts for pairs matching.
  • Different color schemes.
  • Replacement of tabs with spaces option.
  • Choosing of currently used syntax mode in editor (list of all available types).
  • Dynamic library reloading.
  • Powerful and flexible outliner for all common languages.
  • Errors list is included into the outliner view.
  • Colored sources generation into HTML files (Available in the navigator's context menu).
  • Find more in screenshots section.





Jindo는 NHN에서 제작한 Javascript Library 이다. 사내의 Javascript Application 제작시에 반복적으로 발생하는 로직을 컴포넌트화 하여 결과물의 품질을 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 작성되었다.





아래 그림과 같이 Jindo는 desktop에서 사용하는 프레임워크와 컴포넌트, 모바일에서 지원하는 프레임워크와 컴포넌트로 구성되어 있다.




- Jindo Jindo Mobile
한국어 버전 [http]API Reference [http]API Reference
영어 버전 [http]API Reference [http]API Reference

Jindo Component

Jindo Mobile Component

지원 브라우저

Desktop Mobile
(6.0 이상)
(2.1 ~ 4.1)
(2 이상)
(3.0 ~ 6.x)
(4.0 이상)
(3.0 이상)
(10.0 이상)


Jindo 사용시 유용한 도구를 지원하고 있다.

현재 지원도구에는 진도추출기와 진도업데이터가 있으며 지속적으로 개선 및 추가할 예정이다.


  • 서비스 코드에서 사용하는 Jindo 만을 추출해서 서비스에 최적화된 custom Jindo 파일을 생성한다.
  • 파일 크기가 줄어들고 불필요한 스크립트가 실행되지 않기 때문에 로딩성능에 향상을 가져올 수 있다.
  • 진도추출기가이드


  • Jindo 를 사용 중인 서비스에서 Jindo Library 를 업그레이드 할 때 주의해야 할 변경사항을 엑셀보고서로 출력해준다.
  • Jindo Library 업그레이드에 대한 막연한 불안감을 해소하고 비용을 절감해 줄 수 있다.
  • 진도업데이터가이드

21 Amazing jQuery Pagination Plugins


Easy Paginate jQuery Plugin for Pagination

Demo || Download

With pagination controls you are able to glance through easily and simply through the items found on the list. This plugin allows easy implementation which are very useful and important to use it in you projects. It main function is to check large number items on the list quickly.


jPages: jQuery Pagination Plugins

Demo || Download

jPages is a client-side pagination plugin but it gives you a lot more features comparing to most of the other plugins for this purpose, such as auto page turn, key and scroll browse, showing items with delay, completely customizable navigation panel and also integration with Animate.css and Lazy Load.


jQuery Simple Content Sorting Plus Plugin

Demo || Download ]


This plugin creates a simple content sorter for your content and allows you to control your content with pagination!

WordPress Smart Pagination Plugin

Demo || Download ]

Smart Pagination WordPress Plugin includes custom pagination to your website in just a couple of mintes


Beautiful Data: jQuery Pagination Plugins

Demo || Download ]

Beautiful Data is a great way to turn a boring HTML table into something that supports features like paging and sorting. This jQuery plugin can also access data from CSV and JSON just by specifying the source file.



Demo || Download ]

jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc)


AJAX Pagination using jQuery and PHP with Animation

Demo || Download

This is one of the best plugins that is easy to use and users and developers do not have to refresh the sites every now and then. It mostly uses animation and is becoming one of the popular website functions.


Easy pagination with jQuery and Ajax

Demo || Download

It maintains your data only in a fixed size and allowing you to navigate easily backwards and forward. The information can now be easily digest into smaller pieces.it reduces the load on the server and the page reloading.


Extreme Makeover: jPaginator CSS3Edition

Demo || Download

This tutorial is mainly designed for the beginners and takes very few minutes to be completed. It contains a lot of pages links that can be navigated along first so that you can be able to select them. Your experience in the websites are really improved by the slider for animating links.


jQuery Quick Pagination

Demo || Download

It enables the user to generate quick long list and page contents into numbered format. It is important part of the website as it allows designers and other developers to neatly separate their websites content very easily and efficiently tom access pagination without messing up with things.



Demo || Download

This is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a JavaScript which control pagination interface and functionality. The plugin present is controlled with a special class and attributes of HTML elements. It is pretty simple and unique and yet functional.


jQuery Pagination Plugin

Demo || Download

They enable you to display more than one page with the present navigational elements in order to move from one page to the next. When there are large list to search for results or articles it is able to display them in grouped amount of different pages.


jQuery Pagination Revised

Demo || Download

This plugins contains a wide variety of features which are used for effective working of the website. The long list in a huge page can be separated into multiple pages. The site layout is improved with the database and other properties with full control to adapt to the style properly.


jPaginate-jQueryPagination System Plugin

Demo || Download

The new version comes with instant HTML pagination which has the speed and property to allow you separate a series of elements. The splitting of series put elements into organized pages which give it more appealing appearance.


jQuery Pagination Plugin: Smart Paginator

Demo || Download

jQuery Pagination plugin makes the task very easy and simple for different navigation logic that is already incorporated for customization purposes. On the client side it filter the data of the user automatically due to presence of Smart Pagination jQuery and it allows addition of Pagination.


jPaginate: A Fancy jQuery Pagination Plugin

Demo || Download

You can be able to glide through the different pages by hitting over the arrows. The pagination plugin with sensibility to apply animation on page numbers for efficacy. It also provides many short links on one side to the pages on the other end.


Pajinate-A jQuery Pagination Plugin

Demo || Download

It is among one of the flexible and simple plugin that comes with different tools to separate long lists into different various break up pages. The point between paginated page loads is very minimal and it is the simpler app to serve as side implementations.


Pagination with jQuery, MySQL and PHP

Demo || Download

This is a flexible jQuery plugin which comes in a manner to show you how implement Pagination. It is contain in the JavaScript which comes with PHP jQuery and MySQL. The script contained is very easy and simple to use.


Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution

Demo || Download

It allows you to convert and change unordered file of different items into a search engine optimization friendly which are put to navigate pages. The user uses it to comment on their treads or other type of configured contents.


Simple Pagination

Demo || Download

The jQuery plugin enables easy and simple pagination. They simplify the different kinds of tasks, they also come with 3CSS themes which are simple to use and allows customization of your website. It get most of its support from Bootstrap.



Demo || Download

It fun to use it as it comes with a slider which you can ask for an unlimited number of pages to be open. It contains unique elements which you can use. It also comes with CSS page which enable easily customization of the website.



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