


스타일시트만 사용해서 html 페이지에 패턴을 생성하는 갤러리.




Style : http://tympanus.net/codrops/

Flipboard Effect
 : http://tympanus.net/Development/FlipboardPageLayout/?page=0

Annotation Overlay Effect with CSS3
 : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CSS3AnnotationOverlayEffect/

Animated 3D Bar Chart with CSS3
 : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/Animated3DBarChart/

3D Bouncing Ball with CSS3
 : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CSS3BouncingBall/

Full Screen Slit Slider
 : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/FullscreenSlitSlider/

Vertical Showcase Slider
 : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/VerticalShowcaseSlider/


Create a Rating System With CSS, Web fonts and Sprites

Quick Tip: Create a Rating System With CSS, Web fonts and Sprites




How to Turn jQuery Accordion into CSS3 Accordion


Have you ever used ordinary accordion plugins in your projects? I would believe so! Most of them use javascript to work (or jQuery). Usually we use such plugins (accordions) to build a promo with images, a little photo gallery, or in case we have to build an advertisement with a list of product features. We did some research and came to the conclusion that sometimes we don’t need to use any script in order to build accordions. We can just use the power of CSS3. We can handle the OnClick event and use custom animation.

download sources

I prepared three versions with accordions. For the first demonstration we use jQuery to build an accordion. I selected liteAccordion jQuery plugin (http://nicolahibbert.com/demo/liteAccordion/) as an accordion plugin for out test purposes. See how it works:

Live Demo

That’s all, our own CSS3-based accordion is complete! You can check it in action:

CSS3 accordion demo

But that’s not all for today, as a bonus, I prepared a third demo for you with an animated accordion.

animated accordion demo

In order to do it I recommend disable onclick behavior, and apply new animation:


Now that is all for today. We have just created three different demos: the first one with jQuery, the second and the third – with pure CSS3. I hope that you like it. Good luck!


소스포지에서 제공되는 HTML5 관련 이슈들~   http://html5center.sourceforge.net/

CSS3 - http://html5center.sourceforge.net/Build-Awesome-Apps-with-CSS3-Animations

Game - http://html5center.sourceforge.net/Bringing-Cut-the-Rope-to-Life-in-an-HTML5-Browser

Geolocation - http://html5center.sourceforge.net/12-Cool-HTML5-Geolocation-Ideas

*** http://david.blob.core.windows.net/html5/css3atat/index.htm ***


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