20 Most Popular Responsive jQuery Plugins
Lettering.js is a beautifully scripted jQuery plugin for typography. Lettering.js has superseded the conventional way of including the typography fonts on the website with a very fast script coded in jQuery.
Like Google, you can also enable your websites search bar to suggest the results for the desired query. This Jquery plugin, powered by Twitter, namely Typehead.js has made it possible to make your search bar function like that.
Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.
This plugin transforms your standard scroll bar into a sleek and trendy one. You can adjust the color according to your need.
DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n'drop file uploads with image previews. It’s synonymous to the WordPress upload area.
FittextJS has been a very successful plugin for displaying gigantic texts on the display screen. Earlier to FittextJS, images were used by the website designers which caused conflicts on the basis of responsiveness, but, now this plugin has not only hastened the process but also has solved the problem of responsiveness.
Swipe is a perfect responsive slider suitable for websites desiring a full width slider below the header. Some of its features are responsiveness, resistant bounds and scroll prevention.
FlexNav is perhaps the best Jquery plugin for responsive menus. Easy to setup and easy personalization are its key features.
Flexisel is a beautifully designed responsive carousel jQuery plugin for a display of seamless images.
Website designers generally ignore the importance of preloading images. This jQuery plugin will preload all the images on the website, increasing the overall loading speed of the website on the browsers. Especially recommended for websites with image galleries.
Magnific Popup is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device.
Tiny Circle slider is a circular slider/carousel. That was built to provide web developers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circle slider can blend in on any web page. It was built using the javascript jQuery library.
This plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on Map using Google Map API V3.Map Marker is very useful when you have a list of data & you want to show all of them on Map, too.
A cool jQuery slideshow with diverse variation of transitions for your website.
This user friendly responsive plugin will integrate a minimal audio player on your website for listening online music. Some of the features like being adaptive to browsers, showing the pre-loaded (buffered) audio and image-less CSS, have made it distinctive from other such kinds of plugins.
This jQuery script is designed to highlight the links on websites that are actually generating conversation (on Facebook, at least). Like Google analytics, this plugin can be considered as Facebook analytics. The only difference this plugin is making is the display of analysis report to the general public rather than the administrator only.
The jQuery spellchecker is a lightweight plugin that can be used to check the spelling of text within a form field or within a DOM tree. Can come handy with the content writers.
Any List Scroller is the jQuery plugin to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content.
A jQuery plug-in to create a cool striped gallery object.
Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs. Every time the container of the carousel gets re sized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.