
JSDares — Learn JavaScript by programming games

Javascript - Reference/Added on May 6, 2013/Add to favorites

JSDares is a series of tutorials that will teach you step-by-step how to program JavaScript via game development. You complete “dares”, short puzzles, by copying the example with as few lines of code as possible. Right now it’s a proof of concept with examples, but soon there will be dare collections to start with.

JS Dares



Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery
Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features.
Works with Internet Explorer 6+, Chrome, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+ and Opera 9.5+




Homepage: http://www.flotcharts.org/
GitHub: https://github.com/flot/flot
Docs: https://github.com/flot/flot/blob/master/API.md
Twitter: http://twitter.com/flotcharts
Demo Page: http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/


Swipe is the most accurate touch slider. Read more










Jo was made for apps, not websites.

Your HTML5 app lives in a single page and Jo helps you create a native-like app experience. Sure, there's some DOM manipulation going on in there, but you don't have to worry about it unless you want to. Build your app with JavaScript, tweak some CSS and call it a day.




Jo is a thin (~12K) candy shell for PhoneGap apps. It's an HTML5 mobile app framework which provides UI widgets, a flexible event model, a wrapper for sound, and a light data layer. Apps are skinnable with CSS3, and work everywhere PhoneGap does... and then some, including Adobe Air and OSX (desktop and dashboard). Read more


Cross-platform Screencast

Back in October, with an old UI theme called "Aluminum", the same Jo app running on a bunch of devices.



Kitchen Sink

DEMO Well, mostly a kitchen sink. Needs updating.

DEMO Another take on a kitchen sink, in progress.


DEMO Using JSONp to fetch some data from an RSS feed.

AJAX File Loader

DEMO Simple file load using AJAX wrapper.








A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this Read more



Build Status

A javascript library for multi-touch gestures

I told you, homeboy / You CAN touch this / Yeah, that's how we living and you know / You CAN touch this


  • Detects Tap, DoubleTap, Swipe, Drag, Pinch, and Rotate gestures
  • DOM Events
  • Debug plugins
  • Custom gestures
  • Chainable instance methods
  • jQuery plugin with events delegation (the on/off methods) available
  • IE8 and older compatibility with jQuery plugin
  • AMD support (RequireJS)
  • Unit tests
  • Option to disable mouse support, so only for touch and pen input.

Getting Started

See the Wiki on GitHub for documentation.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt. Please don't commit the dist versions with your changes, only the changed source files.

Further notes

Created by Jorik Tangelder and developed at Eight Media in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

It's recommend to listen to this loop while using hammer.js.


Top 10 Cool JavaScript Framework for Mobile touch screen platforms





The demand for mobile app development has shot up in recent years. This is owing to the emergence of myriads of smart phones and tablets that people are using for web access. A lot of such devices are touch screen based and that explains why mobile app developers are resorting to applications and frameworks that enable touch based mobile app creation simpler. However, this is not exactly a cakewalk and given the fact developers need to stay updated with prevalent trends and user needs, it can take a toll on creativity.

Mobile app and website development is done using JavaScript most of the times. This is because of the fact it is compatible with major OS and platforms and does not require complex coding. For a mobile developer it is important to know widely used and effective JavaScript frameworks that can be used to develop versatile apps and cutting edge responsive mobile websites.

Hammer.js is a widely used light framework which offers support for popular touch screen gestures like pinch. Drag, swipe, double tap and rotate. It can be used in mobile OS environments including BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile and iOS.

FastClick is a useful library that eliminates the usual 300ms delay existing between a finger tap and initiation of a click event in all mobile browsers. As a result, users get an experience of speedier web browsing on their devices. It offers support for mobile web browsers like Mobile Safari, Chrome, Android Browser and Opera Mobile.

jQueryUI is ideal for those developers who deal with apps built on jQuery JS Library for themes, widget, interaction and visual effect creation. With this framework you can make interactive online mobile apps within short time span.

Swipe is a very useful touch slider, which supports swiping and offers fast response. It has hardly any alternative.

JQUERY.PEP.JS is a plug-in with small footprint that enables kinetic-dragging in desktop and mobiles. It makes use of animate functions of jQuery and CSS animations to allow users add kinetic drag functionality in HTML5 enabled devices. It also has support for stopping, starting and dragging events.

FooTable is a capable jQuery plug-in that is used to make HTML tables on handled devices like tablets and touch screen based smart phones. It allows developers to make the tables appear neat no matter how much data is put in the columns. With this framework, you can convert HTML tables in responsive and expandable tables.

Quo JS i
Quo JS is a JaveScript library that enables developers to pass through HTML documents, deal with Ajax interactions and handle events for efficient mobile web development. With this library, you can generate cross-browser code easily.

TinyNav.js is a small sized jQuery plug-in that enables changing <ol> and <ul> navigations to select dropdowns in small screen devices.

Pointer.js is ideal if you want to unify mouse and touch based events. This is essential because lots of mainstream computers are going to be driven by touch inputs in near future.

Jo enables developers to create web apps as well as native mobile apps with same coding. This can prove to be a real timesaver. It runs on Chrome OS, BlackBerry, Android and iOS. It is Open Source and requires no usage or licensing cost. This framework has UI elements like web form widget and popup widget. The former can be used to make log in screens and the latter is useful for offering users extra information when they click any interface element.

These are the major touch screen specific JavaScript frameworks developers can benefit from. However, there are other popular apps like Sencha Touch that you can try.






GitHub: https://github.com/firebase/firepad


오픈소스 실시간 협업 텍스트 에디터.

ot.js 의 Operational-Transform 활용. Firebase 를 이용해서 특별한 서버는 필요없음.




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