
Swipe is the most accurate touch slider. Read more










Jo was made for apps, not websites.

Your HTML5 app lives in a single page and Jo helps you create a native-like app experience. Sure, there's some DOM manipulation going on in there, but you don't have to worry about it unless you want to. Build your app with JavaScript, tweak some CSS and call it a day.




Jo is a thin (~12K) candy shell for PhoneGap apps. It's an HTML5 mobile app framework which provides UI widgets, a flexible event model, a wrapper for sound, and a light data layer. Apps are skinnable with CSS3, and work everywhere PhoneGap does... and then some, including Adobe Air and OSX (desktop and dashboard). Read more


Cross-platform Screencast

Back in October, with an old UI theme called "Aluminum", the same Jo app running on a bunch of devices.



Kitchen Sink

DEMO Well, mostly a kitchen sink. Needs updating.

DEMO Another take on a kitchen sink, in progress.


DEMO Using JSONp to fetch some data from an RSS feed.

AJAX File Loader

DEMO Simple file load using AJAX wrapper.








A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this Read more



Build Status

A javascript library for multi-touch gestures

I told you, homeboy / You CAN touch this / Yeah, that's how we living and you know / You CAN touch this


  • Detects Tap, DoubleTap, Swipe, Drag, Pinch, and Rotate gestures
  • DOM Events
  • Debug plugins
  • Custom gestures
  • Chainable instance methods
  • jQuery plugin with events delegation (the on/off methods) available
  • IE8 and older compatibility with jQuery plugin
  • AMD support (RequireJS)
  • Unit tests
  • Option to disable mouse support, so only for touch and pen input.

Getting Started

See the Wiki on GitHub for documentation.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt. Please don't commit the dist versions with your changes, only the changed source files.

Further notes

Created by Jorik Tangelder and developed at Eight Media in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

It's recommend to listen to this loop while using hammer.js.




Homepage: http://damirfoy.com/iCheck/
GitHub: https://github.com/damirfoy/iCheck/


iCheck lets you create highly customized checkboxes and radio buttons using jQuery. It lets you build inputs that are identical regardless of platform, supports touch devices, includes keyboard accessible inputs, and is on 1KB gzipped. There are 15 options for customizing the checkboxes and radio buttons, along with 8 callbacks to handle changes, and 6 methods for making changes programmatically.


    Plugin features

    • Identical inputs across different browsers and devices — both desktop and mobile
    • Touch devices support — iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone
    • Keyboard accessible inputsTab, Spacebar, Arrow up/down and other shortcuts
    • Customization freedom — use any HTML and CSS to style inputs (try 6 Retina-ready skins)
    • jQuery and Zepto JavaScript libraries support
    • Lightweight size — 1 kb gzipped
    • 25 options to customize checkboxes and radio buttons
    • 8 callbacks to handle changes
    • 7 methods to make changes programmatically
    • Saves changes to original inputs, works carefully with any selectors

    Top 10 Cool JavaScript Framework for Mobile touch screen platforms





    The demand for mobile app development has shot up in recent years. This is owing to the emergence of myriads of smart phones and tablets that people are using for web access. A lot of such devices are touch screen based and that explains why mobile app developers are resorting to applications and frameworks that enable touch based mobile app creation simpler. However, this is not exactly a cakewalk and given the fact developers need to stay updated with prevalent trends and user needs, it can take a toll on creativity.

    Mobile app and website development is done using JavaScript most of the times. This is because of the fact it is compatible with major OS and platforms and does not require complex coding. For a mobile developer it is important to know widely used and effective JavaScript frameworks that can be used to develop versatile apps and cutting edge responsive mobile websites.

    Hammer.js is a widely used light framework which offers support for popular touch screen gestures like pinch. Drag, swipe, double tap and rotate. It can be used in mobile OS environments including BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile and iOS.

    FastClick is a useful library that eliminates the usual 300ms delay existing between a finger tap and initiation of a click event in all mobile browsers. As a result, users get an experience of speedier web browsing on their devices. It offers support for mobile web browsers like Mobile Safari, Chrome, Android Browser and Opera Mobile.

    jQueryUI is ideal for those developers who deal with apps built on jQuery JS Library for themes, widget, interaction and visual effect creation. With this framework you can make interactive online mobile apps within short time span.

    Swipe is a very useful touch slider, which supports swiping and offers fast response. It has hardly any alternative.

    JQUERY.PEP.JS is a plug-in with small footprint that enables kinetic-dragging in desktop and mobiles. It makes use of animate functions of jQuery and CSS animations to allow users add kinetic drag functionality in HTML5 enabled devices. It also has support for stopping, starting and dragging events.

    FooTable is a capable jQuery plug-in that is used to make HTML tables on handled devices like tablets and touch screen based smart phones. It allows developers to make the tables appear neat no matter how much data is put in the columns. With this framework, you can convert HTML tables in responsive and expandable tables.

    Quo JS i
    Quo JS is a JaveScript library that enables developers to pass through HTML documents, deal with Ajax interactions and handle events for efficient mobile web development. With this library, you can generate cross-browser code easily.

    TinyNav.js is a small sized jQuery plug-in that enables changing <ol> and <ul> navigations to select dropdowns in small screen devices.

    Pointer.js is ideal if you want to unify mouse and touch based events. This is essential because lots of mainstream computers are going to be driven by touch inputs in near future.

    Jo enables developers to create web apps as well as native mobile apps with same coding. This can prove to be a real timesaver. It runs on Chrome OS, BlackBerry, Android and iOS. It is Open Source and requires no usage or licensing cost. This framework has UI elements like web form widget and popup widget. The former can be used to make log in screens and the latter is useful for offering users extra information when they click any interface element.

    These are the major touch screen specific JavaScript frameworks developers can benefit from. However, there are other popular apps like Sencha Touch that you can try.


    75+ Mobile App Development Tutorials – Start Your App Success Today!


    Mobile app development is big business and one of the areas of opportunities for creative individuals and small teams of developers to make a stand. It may take several attempts to design and implement a blockbuster App; however, if your App hit the top charts of e.g. Apple App Store your opportunities are amazing.

    Apps are simply defined small software programs executed on mobile devices such as iPads, Android smartphones etc. Apps are often designed with a very specific and simplified set of functions and to be easy to use on small screens and everyone seems to love downloading tons off Apps. Just check out this collection of mobile stats to get an idea of the popularity and opportunities related to App development. Some of the numbers are from 2012, but 400 million accounts in Apple App Store and $5 billion in payouts to App developers sounds like sweat music for anyone with a development talent.

    So how do you get started? First, you need to choose the target platform and architecture to use. I have previously described the different App architectures in an article at LinkedIn that you may want to check out. Please note that you may choose to develop hybrid and cross device compatible Apps, but often these may not be as powerful as native Apps for e.h. iOS or Android.

    To help you get started with the decision and learning process, I have collected some of the best tutorials available free online and categorized them into the following sections: iOS, Android and Hybrid App and App-framework tutorials.

    iOS App tutorials

    How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App – MORE INFO


    This iPhone 5 app development tutorial will show you how to create an offline HTML5 iPhone application. More specifically it will walk you through the process of building a Tetris game.

    How To Create Your First iPhone App (2012 Edition) – MORE INFO


    The first thing to look at when embarking on any product development or entrepreneurial venture is your goals for the project.

    User interface design for iPhone apps – MORE INFO


    Designing for iOS4 devices is totally different from designing for the web. Sarah Parmenter explains how to create the perfect user interface for your app

    How to Prototype Web and Mobile Apps in 30 Minutes – MORE INFO


    A crash course on designing and testing interactive user interfaces using Apple Keynote or Microsoft Powerpoint + Keynotopia User Interface Libraries.

    Beginner’s Guide To IOS Development: The Interface – Part I – MORE INFO


    The good news is, iPhone application development is not as hard as you might think, and this post exists as a comprehensive guide to walk you through the complete process of building an application for iPhone.

    Getting Started with iPhone Development – MORE INFO


    In this article we take a look at the tools involved and go through the main steps in getting your first “Hello World!” iPhone app off the ground.

    Design an iOS interface – MORE INFO


    The main functions of the radio app that we’re going to look at here are the ‘browser’, which enables users to browse through different radio stations; and the ‘player’

    Build an iPhone arcade game – MORE INFO


    Hello Monday walks you through how to turn a rejected concept into a GPS-based arcade game

    Get started with geofencing on iOS – MORE INFO


    Explore the location-based services provided by the iOS Core Location framework in Kevin McMahon’s guide to building and testing a geofencing-enabled application

    Design a photorealistic app icon in Photoshop – MORE INFO


    Roman Jusdado reveals how to use Photoshop’s layer styles to create an Instagram-esque iOS icon from scratch

    How To Create A Simple iPhone App on iOS 5 Tutorial: Part 1/3 – MORE INFO


    Create an entire functional app from scratch. By the end, you’ll have tried out many areas of iPhone development, and ready to dig in further.

    Create an explosive iPad game – MORE INFO


    Appcelerator Titanium is a fantastically versatile tool for creating mobile apps, as Anton Mills demonstrates with this game for the iPad.

    Building a Caterpillar Game with Cocos2D: Introduction – MORE INFO


    Recreating the popular Atari game Centipede using the Cocos2D game engine for iOS. Centipede was originally developed for Atari and released on the Arcade in 1980.

    Design an iPad app UI – MORE INFO


    Apposing’s Dave Brown reveals how to prototype a user interface for an iPad app in Photoshop

    Get started as an iOS developer – MORE INFO


    Got an idea for a killer app but don’t know where to begin? Daniel Bramhall of Visioa explains everything you need to know to start programming for Apple devices

    Build an iPad app with Sencha Touch – MORE INFO


    Create a web app that feels native on the iPad and other mobile devices, using the Sencha Touch library. Robert Douglas of mobile design specialists ribot explains how

    Getting Started Building iPhone Apps in Xcode 4.2 – MORE INFO


    The newest version of Xcode comes packaged with a few noticeable interface changes. For beginners and intermediate users it can be difficult figuring out even the most basic functionality.

    Preparing an application for distribution – MORE INFO


    Creating an application can be extremely exciting for any developer but before you get your application published, you need to get it ready. iOS and Mac developer/designer Daniel Bramhall explains how

    iOS Newsstand Tutorial – MORE INFO


    A new way to distribute magazines

    iOS SDK: Send E-mail In-App – MORE INFO


    Demonstrate how to allow your users to send e-mail without leaving your application using the MFMailComposeViewController class.

    iPhone Programming Tutorial – Local Notifications – MORE INFO


    Push notifications solved many of the issues associated with background processing.

    Showing an Alert in iPhone – MORE INFO


    In this blog, we’ll see how to show an alert.

    Simple iPhone app development tutorial – MORE INFO


    This tutorial will help you create a simple app. The app will not do anything special but it will implement stuff inorder to make simple stuff.

    Learn How To Develop For The iPhone – MORE INFO


    How to build an alternate page and style sheet for the iPhone and iTouch. We will cover how to detect if the user is using an iPhone to view your page as well as the orientation of the device – whether it be landscape or portrait.

    Introduction to iPhone SDK Development – MORE INFO


    This tutorial looks at development with the iPhone SDK. You will learn information about the iPhone platform, how to setup and configure your development environment, and the steps necessary to create a simple fortune cookie application!

    Design & Build a Small Business App: Project Setup – MORE INFO


    In this three part tutorial series, it will show you how to design and build a small business app from scratch.

    Building a Hangman iPad App with Flash – Programming Gameplay – MORE INFO


    This tutorial will focus on the ActionScript and game logic necessary to actually program hangman

    Importing & Exporting Documents in iOS – MORE INFO


    This article will walk you through the different techniques you can employ to allow documents to be imported or exported from your iOS application

    SMS Bubble UI in iPhone Apps – MORE INFO


    This article will walk you through the steps to create an UI that is similar to the SMS application.

    EmailSend Application in iPhone – MORE INFO


    In this application we will see how to Email Send in iPhone. So let see how it will worked.

    Design & Build a 1980s iOS Phone App: Design the Contacts Screen – MORE INFO


    Application will function much like the default iPhone version with one very important aesthetic twist: our design is inspired by the 1980s.

    ImageClick Application in iPhone – MORE INFO


    In this application we will see how to image capture in iPhone without using camera. So let see how it will worked.

    Android App tutorials

    Google Maps Android API v2 – Tutorial – MORE INFO


    This tutorial describes the usage of Google Maps in your Android application. It is based on Eclipse 4.2, Java 1.6 and Android 4.2.

    Android SDK Tutorial – Learn how to install Android SDK – MORE INFO


    This page describes how to install the Android SDK and set up your development environment for the first time.

    Android Development For Absolute Beginners – MORE INFO


    Videos for Android development for beginners.

    Android Application Development Tutorial – 4 – MORE INFO


    Setting up an Android project

    ICanLocalize – Android Localization Tutorial – MORE INFO


    In this tutorial we show how to write multilingual Android apps.

    Android Sample Apps – MORE INFO


    The Android SDK includes many sample apps that can help you learn Android by inspecting how different APIs are used to build a mobile application.

    Android Google Maps Tutorial – MORE INFO


    The Android platform provides easy and tight integration between Android applications and Google Maps.

    Android Application Development Tutorial – 13 – MORE INFO


    Introduction to Android manifest

    User interface design for Android apps – MORE INFO


    Android apps can be just as beautiful as their iOS counterparts. Richard Leggett, co-director of Bitmode Ltd, digs deep into the styling and theming and explains how to use just XML and image files to add a fresh look and feel to your app

    Getting Started with Android Development – MORE INFO


    In this inaugural article of the Android series, it will get you started with Android development without requiring you to wade through pages of technical documentation.

    Making Android apps voice output accessible – MORE INFO


    Integrating core accessibility into Android app development is relatively straightforward to do and should be considered as business as usual for every project

    Mobile HTML5: PhoneGap vs Appcelerator Titanium – MORE INFO


    PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium are both very popular open-source JavaScript frameworks for packaging and deploying mobile applications.

    Getting To Know The Android Platform: Building, Testing And Distributing Apps – MORE INFO


    The number of apps for iOS grew exponentially, and every company, big and small, rushed to create their own app to support their business.

    Android Text-To-Speech Application – MORE INFO


    In this tutorial will going to show you how to quickly introduce TTS capabilities into your application.

    Discover Facebook’s developer tools – MORE INFO


    Techlightenment’s systems architect Chas Coppard gives us a rundown of the APIs and plug-ins available to connect your site to Facebook

    How to build an Android app – MORE INFO


    Two ways to create simple applications for Android

    PhoneGap Tutorial Series – #6 Writing Your Own Plugin – MORE INFO


    Creating your own PhoneGap plugin for iOS development.

    Android Bootcamp Series 2012 Video Tutorials – MORE INFO


    Back by popular demand and updated for Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), Marakana is excited to bring you Android Bootcamp 2012.

    Build a Facebook Open Graph app – MORE INFO


    Facebook recently unveiled the Open Graph as its next generation platform. Mat Clayton shows you how to build a simple demo app on the Open Graph

    Automate your Android app testing – MORE INFO


    Don’t trust humans to do all of your testing – not even experts. John Senner, Koa Metter and Emory Myers of MokaSocial reveal how to delegate the dirty work

    Android Application Development Tutorial – 17 – MORE INFO


    Adding music with media player

    Write and Publish an app for your Android Smartphone – MORE INFO


    Will walk you through the tedious process of writing your first app on the Android cellphone.

    Android Full App, Part 8: Creating an AppWidget for the home screen – MORE INFO


    This is the eight part of the “Android Full Application Tutorial” series. The complete application aims to provide an easy way of performing movies/actors searching over the internet.

    Android Application Development Tutorial – 47 – MORE INFO


    Passing a string between activities

    Hybrid App and App-framework tutorials and resources

    Get Started with Hybrid Application Frameworks – MORE INFO


    This wiki page will give an overview of what hybrid applications are, what tools and frameworks are out there to help create them, and some teasers for upcoming examples if you wanted to get involved.

    Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart – MORE INFO


    Looking for the right mobile framework? Compare all major mobile frameworks and choose the one that fits best.

    App Framework Cookbook – MORE INFO


    This cookbook presents fundamental App Framework concepts and features, by way of example, to give you the practical knowledge needed to begin creating more sophisticated applications for your domain.

    PhoneGap From Scratch: Introduction – MORE INFO


    Want to learn how to use PhoneGap, but don’t know where to get started? Join us as we put together “Sculder”, not only a tribute to an excellent science fiction TV series, but a fully-fledged native mobile application for the believer in you!

    Getting Started with PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build – MORE INFO


    Are you brand new to PhoneGap? Where do you start? What about PhoneGap Build? There are a ton of resources out there and I’ve pulled it all together to help you get started, get some tips, and figure out where to get help.

    Getting started with PhoneGap – MORE INFO


    In this excerpt from the PhoneGap Beginner’s Guide, Nitobi/Adobe’s Andrew Lunny goes over the biggest roadblock developers find with the mobile development framework: getting started and building simple apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry

    Build a game for iOS and Android with Corona – MORE INFO


    Jonathan Beebe of Ansca, Inc explains how to easily create a fun 2D physics game for iOS and Android mobile platforms using the Corona SDK

    Introduction to PhoneGap Development – MORE INFO


    PhoneGap is an open source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Create cross-platform games with GameMaker: Studio – MORE INFO


    Make simple games without code and learn to program as you go along. Gavin Smart introduces GameMaker: Studio

    Two-Minute Tutorial 1 Part 1 – MORE INFO


    This Two-Minute Tutorial (TMT1 Part1) shows how to use AppLaud and the PhoneGap Media API to play an audio file, and use jQuery Mobile for a simple UI using buttons and updated text display. It also shows two ways to access the audio file: as a url, and locally (from the device) using the project’s /assets folder.

    Code a real-time survey with HTML5 WebSockets – MORE INFO


    Phil Leggetter explains how to use WebSockets and Pusher to build a demo application, plus how to layer a user experience on to an app using progressive enhancement

    PhoneGap basics: What it is and what it can do for mobile developers – MORE INFO


    Joe Bowser on using PhoneGap to develop across mobile platforms.

    PhoneGap Tutorial Series – #1 Project Structure and Internals – MORE INFO


    PhoneGap is an open source framework for writing applications using typical web technologies like HTML, CSS, and javascript.

    Build a login form for your mobile app with DHTMLX Touch – MORE INFO


    In this introduction to open source JavaScript framework DHTMLX Touch web developer Alexandra Klenova explains how you can implement a login form for a mobile web app and send form values to the server with Ajax

    Create a custom theme in jQuery Mobile – MORE INFO


    We present an exclusive excerpt from jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials, on the basics of theming and building and using a custom theme for your app

    Developing Better PhoneGap Apps – MORE INFO


    If you’ve started researching what it would take to get from mobile web to native app, you’ve likely come across PhoneGap—a framework allowing you to wrap a mobile web app and deploy it as if it were written natively.

    Styling the user interface of a Sencha Touch application – MORE INFO


    In this exclusive excerpt from their book on the Sencha Touch mobile JavaScript framework, John Clark and Bryan Johnson explain how to customise your app and use the Sencha theme engine with SASS and Compass

    Tutorial – building a Phonegap app – MORE INFO


    PhoneGap is an open-source framework for quickly building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML and JS. It is used for building something called hybrid apps which are a mix between native smartphone apps and web apps.

    Hook into native events with PhoneGap – MORE INFO


    Develop cross-platform apps with web standards: Matt Gifford introduces PhoneGap


    8 jQuery Form Label (HTML5 Placeholder) Plugins




    HTML5 Placeholder Example

    <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Your email..." />

    Let’s take a look at the plugins!

    1. Sticky Placeholders jQuery Plugin

    Tested works IE7+

    2. jQuery Form Labels Plugin

    The jQuery FormLabels Plugin is a result of working with hundreds of different clients, sites, and especially forms. Every form is different, so building a uniform label generator was not an easy task.


    3. jQuery Placeholder Plugin

    This is a simple plugin for jQuery that provides support for the HTML5 placeholder attribute in browsers that do not already support it.

    Source + Demo

    4. jLabel

    A jQuery plugin that formats text input fields with unobtrusive labels featuring interactive suggestions.

    Source + Demo

    5. Sign in Form Placeholders

    Tested works IE7+

    Source + Demo

    6. In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin

    A simple plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when text entry begins.


    7. movinglabels

    A jQuery Plugin, presented by Ape Unit GmbH, coded by Paul Lunow.

    Source + Demo

    8. Advanced jQuery Placeholder Plugin (cross-browser support)

    Plugin that enables you to use the Placeholder attribute inside your input fields.



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