
내가 올라가야 했던 모든 산과
내발에 멍이 들게 했던 모든 바위와
내가 흘려야 했던 모든 피와 땀과 때와
앞이 안보이는 폭풍들과 살이 타는 것 같은 더위에 대해
내 마음은 감사에 찬 노래를 부르나니
이들이 날 강하게 만들어 주었으니까.
- 제임스 케이시의 시, ‘가파른 경사지를 오르다’


역경을 성공으로 가는 디딤돌로 대하는 사람들이 있는가 하면
묘비로 대하는 사람들도 있습니다.
(존 맥스웰, ‘어떻게 배울 것인가’에서 인용)
실패를 배우고 더 발전할 수 있는 기회로 본다면 그렇게 될 것입니다.
실패를 심적인 타격으로 여기면 그 또한 그렇게 될 것입니다.
(스포츠 심리학자 짐 로허)

선택은 우리 몫입니다.

Text editor -텍스트에디터 : Brackets




IDE 편집툴. 구글에서 지원.





New Features In Sprint 35

  • New Find/Replace UI: Replace now uses a streamlined, much cleaner UI supporting the same features as Find, including incremental search and highlighting. New case-sensitive and regular expression toggle buttons for easy access in Find, Find in Files, and Replace.
  • Launching Live Preview on Mac: On Mac, Chrome does not need to be relaunched when starting Live Preview.
  • Faster Start-up: Brackets now loads up to 50% faster thanks to minified JavaScript and pre-compiled LESS.

System Requirements


  • Multicore Intel processor
  • Mac OSX v10.6, v10.7 or v10.8
  • 256MB of RAM (2GB of RAM recommended for Live Development)
  • 200MB of available hard-disk space for installation
  • 1280x800 display with 16-bit video card


  • Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
  • 256MB of RAM (2GB of RAM recommended for Live Development)
  • 200MB of available hard-disk space for installation
  • 1280x800 display with 16-bit video card


Installation Instructions

  1. Save the installer file to a location on your hard drive.
  2. Locate the installer and double-click to start the install process.
  • Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) by default will not allow Brackets to run since it is not digitally signed. To work around this, right-click the Brackets .app and choose Open, then click Open on the dialog that appears. You only need to do this once.
  • Windows allows you to specify a custom install location. We do not recommend you install over an existing copy of Brackets.

실무에서 사용하는 최고의 코딩툴은 어떤게 있을까요?  


Overview  - http://docs.seleniumhq.org/

This is the site for developers of the Selenium browser automation framework. If you're developing with the framework, please go to Selenium HQ.

If you're a user of Selenium, and would like the latest documentation, please head over to Selenium HQ. If you'd like to report an issue, please click on the "Issues" tab above

If you're a user of WebDriver, and would like to file some bugs, then please also click on the "Issues" tab above. For documentation aimed at developers of the webdriver framework itself, please head over to the wiki.

The Selenium project hosts an implementation of the W3C WebDriver spec.

User Documentation

Related Projects

The following projects are related to Selenium and you may find it interesting:

Note the alternative language bindings are supported independently, and not by the selenium project.

Developer Documentation

Please consult the wiki or the project issue tracking for documentation relevant for working on the selenium framework itself. Suggested starting places for newbies are the BuildingWebDriver page, for instructions on how to build the software, the ArchitecturalOverview to understand how the pieces fit together, and perhaps the JsonWireProtocol for an insight into how the RemoteWebDriver works.






Nightwatch: Easy browser automated testing


마이크로소프트웨어 2014.2월호, 파괴자들



마이크로소프트웨어 (월간) 2월호
저자 : 마소인터렉티브편집부
출판 : 마소인터렉티브(잡지) 2014.01.29


저자 : 손재권
출판 : 한즈미디어(한스미디어) 2013.11.12



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