
우유에 대한 불편한 진실 (Got the Facts on Milk?) [축약본, 한글 자막]






여행은 그대에게 세가지 유익함을 준다. 첫째는 타향에 대한 지식, 둘째는 고향에 대한 애착, 세번째는 자신에 대한 발견이다. - 브하그 -


여행은 인간을 겸손하게 만든다. 세상에서 인간이 차지하는 영역이 얼마나 작은 것인가를 깨닫게 해준다. - 프리벨 -



20 Useful Chrome Extensions for Developers


Google chrome is one of the most popular, fastest and widely used browser amongst internet users. Google chrome not only enables users to browse web pages quickly but also provides rich user experience. Google chrome has something special for every type of users whether they are bloggers, developers or gamers. Chrome enhances its usability by providing outstanding extensions, plugins and add-ons. No doubt Firefox has more reliable and loyal users and completion is tough between these two internet giants but if you are still not ready to leave Firefox yet, make sure you give a chance to chrome with outstanding chrome extensions.

In this article I have gathered 20 Useful Chrome Extensions for Developers that are special hand-picked and definitely help developers for their development related tasks. I hope you will find the list handy and following chrome extensions would be helpful for you to handle complex projects. Enjoy.

1. BuiltWith

The BuiltWith Chrome Extension lets you find out what a website is built with by a simple click on the builtwith icon!
BuiltWith is a web site profiler tool. Upon looking up a page, BuiltWith returns all the technologies it can find on the page. BuiltWith’s goal is to help developers, researchers and designers find out what technologies pages are using which may help them to decide what technologies to implement themselves.


2. Codenvy IDE

Codenvy IDE
Codenvy is a cloud IDE enables you to code, build, debug in the cloud, and deploy to your PaaS of choice. Teams can collaboratively build SDKs, APIs, Web apps and mobile apps with Codenvy. We support HTML5/JavaScript, Java, Node.JS, Android, Spring, PHP, Ruby and Python. Because you can deploy directly to a PaaS environment, migrating from development to staging and deployment takes just a few clicks. The environment is collaborative and workspaces can be screen shared like WebEx, collaborative like Google Docs, and forked like GitHub.


3. Postman Rest Client

Postman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Postman is a scratch-your-own-itch project. The need for it arose while one of the developers was creating an API for his project. After looking around for a number of tools, nothing felt just right. The primary features added initially were a history of sent requests and collections.


4. JSON Editor

JSON Editor is a tool to view, edit, and format JSON. It shows your data in an editable treeview and in a code editor. It features view and edit JSON side by side in treeview and a code editor, Edit, add, move, remove, and duplicate fields and values, change type of values, sort arrays and objects, colorized values, color depends of the value type.


5. Coding the Web

Most of us learning HTML feel lazy to write code and save it and then run it. when it comes to CSS and JavaScript it becomes too tedious a task to handle..the solution is this application…Its made to make u even lazier by displaying a preview of your html code by the click of a button. just write your html,css and JavaScript code in the corresponding tabs on left side and see a preview of your code on right side by clicking Preview Button..


6. Web Developer

The Web Developer extension adds a toolbar button to the browser with various web developer tools.


7. Firebug Lite

Firebug Lite provides the rich visual representation we are used to see in Firebug when it comes to HTML elements, DOM elements, and Box Model shading. It provides also some cool features like inspecting HTML elements with your mouse, and live editing CSS properties.


8. Clear Cache

Clear Cache lets you quickly clear your cache without any confirmation dialogs, pop-ups or other annoyances.
You can customize what and how much of your data you want to clear on the options page, including: App Cache, Cache, Cookies, Downloads, File Systems, Form Data, History, Indexed DB, Local Storage, Plugin Data, Passwords and WebSQL.


9. Handcraft

Handcraft is a web-based prototyping tool for interaction designers and front-end developers. The design process doesn’t end with a wireframe or mockup. Bring your design into the browser and use HTML, CSS and Javascript to handcraft interactive prototypes that get sign off faster.


10. Dimensions

Dimensions is a responsive web design testing tool. It is the easiest way to test responsive websites at different viewports. It works offline & is compatible with LiveReload.


11. GistBox

GistBox is the best interface to Github Gists. Organize your snippets with labels. Edit your code. Search by description. All in one speedy app.


12. Resolution Test


Resolution Test changes the size of the browser window for developers to preview their websites in different screen resolutions. It includes a list of commonly used resolutions and the ability to customize that list. It also gives users the option to turn on Google Browser Size,


13. CSS Shack


CSS-Shack allows you to create Layers Styles (just like you would in any other image editing software), and export them into a single CSS file, or copy them to the clipboard.


14. Codev

codev.it is the best designed online code-editor with built-in SQLite editor, Compiler, Time Tracker, Automatic Backup.


15. Pendule

Pendule is extended web developer tool for chrome which helps developers with style sheets, forms, JavaScript, images, CSS, browser sizes, and many more.


16. Koding

Koding is an Online Development Environment including Code Editor, Cloud Hosting, Database Administration, and Collaboration with access to a Web-based file system and FTP & SVN integration. Kdigen is enriched with numerous number of features such as free developer accounts, lets you connect to your own FTP servers, shell access to your files and also online coding support for various languages such as php, peral, python and many more.


17. MyQuery Builder

MyQuery Builder is a browser-based MySQL query editor for PHP web developers that makes building MySQL queries easy. MyQuery Builder is an integral part of a web developer’s workflow. MQB lets you build MySQL queries visually with drag-and-drop ease, deconstruct your existing MySQL queries and open them in the visual SELECT Query Builder, convert MySQL queries you create to site-ready PHP code, upgrade your existing PHP MySQL code from older standards to new, and generally offer a drag-and-drop approach to what has typically been the realm of arcane tools or hard to use wizards.


18. Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script
Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications


19. Cookies

Cookies is a free, powerful and easy-to-use Visual Cookie Editor. Cookies helps you more effectively manage all cookies stored within your browser, including 3rd party cookies. The interface is clean and well organized.


20. Shift Edit

ShiftEdit is an online PHP, Ruby, Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor with built-in (S)FTP and Dropbox. Ideal for web development.



새로운 아이디어에 엉뚱한 구석이 없으면
그 아이디어는 별로 희망이 없다.
위대한 정신은 언제나
평범한 정신으로부터 격렬한 반대에 부딪친다.
- 알버트 아인슈타인


하루 14만명이 이용하는 숙박공유업체,
에어비앤비 창업자 브라이언 체스키는
“3년 전엔 모두 우리보고 미쳤다고 하더니 지금은
‘왜 이 생각을 못했을까’라고들 한다”고 이야기합니다.
반대가 심할수록 획기적인 아이디어일 가능성이 높습니다. (쇼펜하우어)
사람들이 새로운 아이디어를 비웃지 않는다면
창의적이지 않다는 뜻일 가능성이 높습니다.

사막은 사람을 푸르게 한다.
풀 한 포기 없는 사막에선
사람 스스로 푸르더라.
두려워 마라.
그대가 지금 황량한 사막에 홀로 있어도
온 세상을 푸르게 할 수 있는 주인공이다.

- 허허당의《바람에게 길을 물으니 네 멋대로 가라 한다》중에서 -

* 꿈과 희망.
색깔로 치면 어떤 색일까요.
어쩌면 틀림없이 푸른 색이 아닐까 싶습니다.
그 어떤 황량한 곳에서도 꿈과 희망을 잃지 않으면
푸르게 빛날 수 있습니다. 한 그루의 푸른 나무가
사막 전체를 푸르게 할 수 있습니다.
'푸른 기적'을 일으킵니다.



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