
The Holy Grail jQuery Plugin of CSS Design






The joy of creating jQuery Plugin resides in the fact that you can wrap a big deal of jQuery code that otherwise could end up spread all over your codebase, and by establishing a jQuery Plugin, you can confine a coherent set of functionalities in a self-contained component, and then work on this component in order to make it useful for a very wide community of web developers.

In Holy Grail plogin code, we start by creating a immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) in JavaScript code. The IIFE is a design pattern that provides the self-containment of private functions variables and functions within the plugin scope, thus avoiding the pollution of JavaScript's Global Environment. JavaScript developers will easily recognize the IIFE pattern by the following code:


              /* code */ 

In the above code, the outermost pair of parentheses wrap the function in an expression and immediately forces its evaluation. The pair of parentheses in the last line of code invokes the function immediately.

Notice that, within the jQuery plugin development, it's important to pass the jQuery reference as a parameter in our IIFE expression, so that the dollar sign ($) can be used safely within the scope of the plugin, without the risk of external libraries overriding the dollar sign:


              /* Our Holy Grail jQuery Plugin code goes here. Notice the $ sign will never have a meaning other than the jQuery object. */ 

Next, we create the function that will hold and execute the whole of our Holy Grail plugin functionality. Notice the options parameter, which will contain all the initialization settings needed to configure the bar chart according to the Holy Grail plugin requirements:


              $.fn.holygrail = function (options) {
                    //as expected, our holy grail plugin code falls here.

Inside the plugin function, the context is given by the this JavaScript keyword. Most often than not, developers will be tempted to reference the context by enclosing it using the dollar sign (i.e. jQuery) function: "$(this)", instead of just this. This is a common mistake, since the this keyword already refers to the jQuery object and not the DOM element inside which the bar chart is being created:


              $.fn.barChart = function (options) {
                    var self = this;

In the above JavaScript code, we are storing the value of the this object in the self reference. This is needed specifically inside functions, where the this keyword behaves as the context for the function itself, instead of the context for the outermost plugin function. Thus, the self will be used as the context for the bar chart plugin instead.

The plugin code starts by defining a series of settings that will become the default values for the most common configurations. This will provide our plugin users with convenient standard values that can be either configured (allowing a flexible charting component) or ignored (so that the plugin user can provide the smallest set of startup configuration).

As the plugin component gets more sophisticated, it's generally a good idea to provide a more complete and comprehensive set of default settings, in order to give users a powerful, flexible and unobtrusive plugin.


            $.fn.holygrail = function (options) {

                var self = this;

                // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
                var settings = $.extend({
                    headerContent: options.headerContent,
                    centerContent: options.centerContent,
                    leftContent: options.leftContent,
                    rightContent: options.rightContent,
                    footerContent: options.footerContent
                }, options);


The above code snippet shows the plugin settings: there is a different plugin configuration for each of the page's sections: headerContent, centerContent, leftContent, rightContent and footerContent:


		|         header        |
		|      |        |       |
		| left | center | right |
		|      |        |       |
		|         footer        |

The plugin code itself is all about gathering the content elements and rearranging them in a way that the resulting rendering complies with the above layout:


			/// <reference path="jquery-1.9.1.min.js">
			(function ($) {

				var HolyGrail = {};

				var raster;

				$.fn.holygrail = function (options) {

					var self = this;

					// Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
					var settings = $.extend({
						headerContent: options.headerContent,
						centerContent: options.centerContent,
						leftContent: options.leftContent,
						rightContent: options.rightContent,
						footerContent: options.footerContent
					}, options);

					var body = $('body');
					var hgHeader = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-header' });
					var hgContainer = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-container' });
					var hgCenter = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-center', 'class': 'hg-column' });
					var hgLeft = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-left', 'class': 'hg-column' });
					var hgRight = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-right', 'class': 'hg-column' });
					var hgFooter = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'hg-footer' });


					$(this.headerContent).attr({ 'class': 'hg-pad' });
					$(this.centerContent).attr({ 'class': 'hg-pad' });
					$(this.leftContent).attr({ 'class': 'hg-pad' });
					$(this.rightContent).attr({ 'class': 'hg-pad' });
					$(this.footerContent).attr({ 'class': 'hg-pad' });


10 Best jQuery Plugins to Create Dynamic Layouts


pintrest 같은. 그리드. Grid





SuperScrollorama is a popular jQuery plugin for creating supercool scrolling and animation, powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine. This is a powerful tool, and with great power comes great responsibility. Use wisely. A little subtlety can go a long way.



Scrolldeck is a jQuery plugin for making scrolling presentation decks.



Shapeshift is an amazing jQuery plugin which creates a column based grid system that allows drag and drop even between multiple containers.

jQuery Nested


jQuery Nested plugin is for a gap free, multi column grid layout experience.



Freetile is a plugin for jQuery that enables the organization of webpage content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will attempt to arrange it’s children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by “packing” them in a tight arrangement.



Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive drag-able layouts from elements spanning multiple columns.



Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet.



With Stellar, parallax has never been so easier. Precisely align elements and backgrounds. Add some simple data attributes to your markup, run $.stellar() – that’s all you need to get started.



PageSlide is a jQuery plugin, by Scott Robbin, which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane.

jQuery Full Content


This is a nice jQuery plugin for presentation style layout. It will dynamically position a container within the width and height of the browser window, and will smoothly scroll between each container.

30 Awesome jQuery Plugins All Designers Should Check Today



Browser dialog boxes never looked so good. Try this jQuery plugin. An unobtrusive customizable Javascript notification system. Includes modal dialogs and non-modal notifications.


Avgrund Modal

Avgrund is a jQuery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses interesting concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations (e.g. in IE 6-9 has standard behavior).



iCheck is created to avoid routine of reinventing the wheel when working with checkboxes and radio buttons. It provides an expected identical result for the huge number of browsers, devices and their versions. Callbacks and methods can be used to easily handle and make changes at customized inputs.


Long Press

With Long Press, you can insert rare characters as easily as on Android or iOS.



Websites have a responsibility to users to accurately tell them how good a password is, and this is not an easy job. Complexify aims to provide a good measure of password complexity for websites to use both for giving hints to users in the form of strength bars, and for casually enforcing a minimum complexity for security reasons


jQuery Knob

This cool jQuery plugin allows you to create really cool circular knobs that spin as you scroll.



The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.



Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.


Fancy Input

Use this plugin if you want to make HTML input field typing fun with some CSS3 effects. This plugin does not have any current plans to support any version of IE.



A handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows.



Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.


Super Scrollorama

With this super jQuery plugin, you can create super cool scroll animations in any website.



Parallax has never been easier. Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.



Scrollpath is a plugin for defining custom scroll paths. It uses canvas flavored syntax to draw lines and arcs.



Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide a ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.



While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let’s you do exactly that. Based on Lettering.js, it calculates the right rotation of each letter and distributes the letters equally across the imaginary arc of the given radius.



Bacon is a jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line.



A jQuery plugin for radical web typography. Web type is exploding all over the web but CSS currently doesn’t offer complete down-to-the-letter control. So this jQuery plugin gives you that control.



FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.



Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.



Freetile is a plugin for jQuery that enables the organization of webpage content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will attempt to arrange it’s children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by “packing” them in a tight arrangement.



nanoScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Mac OS X Lion-styled scrollbars for your website.



Tubular is a jQuery plugin that lets you set a YouTube video as your page background. Just attach it to your page wrapper element, set some options, and you’re on your way.



A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element.



iPicture creates interactive pictures with extra descriptions, embedded video, links or everything else using javascript and css3.



Adipoli is a simple jQuery plugin used to bring stylish image hover effects.



A jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect. This is a proof of concept and currently only works in Chrome & Safari 6.



Amazing jQuery plugin for creating draggable 360s.



An easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside your web application or site.


jQuery Countdown

A simple jQuery plugin for creating a countdown timer. It shows the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds to your event, as well as an animated updates on every second.


jQuery PointPoint

This jQuery plugin draw users’ attention to a specific part of the page, in the form of a small arrow that is displayed next to their mouse cursor.


Social Feed

A jQuery plugin which shows a user feed from the popular social networks.



A tiny jQuery plugin for displaying progress in a visual and engaging way. jQuery.Percentage Loader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a progress widget in more visually striking way than the ubiquitous horizontal progress bar / textual counter. Installation and use is quick and simple. It makes use of HTML 5 canvas for a rich graphical appearance with only a 10kb (minified) javascript file necessary (suggested web font optional), using vectors rather than images so can be easily deployed at various sizes.



A powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS.



Toolbar allows you to quickly create tool tip style toolbars for use in web applications and websites. The toolbar is easily customizable using the Twitter Bootstrap icons and provides flexibility around the toolbars display and number of icons.



20 Most Popular Responsive jQuery Plugins


1. LetteringJS

Lettering JS

Lettering.js is a beautifully scripted jQuery plugin for typography. Lettering.js has superseded the conventional way of including the typography fonts on the website with a very fast script coded in jQuery.


2. TypeheadJS


Like Google, you can also enable your websites search bar to suggest the results for the desired query. This Jquery plugin, powered by Twitter, namely Typehead.js has made it possible to make your search bar function like that.


3. StellarJS


Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.


4. Perfect-Scrollbar

Perfect Scroll bar

This plugin transforms your standard scroll bar into a sleek and trendy one. You can adjust the color according to your need.


5. DropZoneJS


DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n'drop file uploads with image previews. It’s synonymous to the WordPress upload area.


6. FitText


FittextJS has been a very successful plugin for displaying gigantic texts on the display screen. Earlier to FittextJS, images were used by the website designers which caused conflicts on the basis of responsiveness, but, now this plugin has not only hastened the process but also has solved the problem of responsiveness.


7. Swipe.js


Swipe is a perfect responsive slider suitable for websites desiring a full width slider below the header. Some of its features are responsiveness, resistant bounds and scroll prevention.


8. FlexNav


FlexNav is perhaps the best Jquery plugin for responsive menus. Easy to setup and easy personalization are its key features.


9. Flexisel


Flexisel is a beautifully designed responsive carousel jQuery plugin for a display of seamless images.


10. ImageloaderJS


Website designers generally ignore the importance of preloading images. This jQuery plugin will preload all the images on the website, increasing the overall loading speed of the website on the browsers. Especially recommended for websites with image galleries.


11. Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin : Magnific Popup

Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin : Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device.


12. Tiny Circleslider

Tiny Circleslider

Tiny Circle slider is a circular slider/carousel. That was built to provide web developers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circle slider can blend in on any web page. It was built using the javascript jQuery library.


13. jQuery Map Marker

jQuery Map Marker

This plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on Map using Google Map API V3.Map Marker is very useful when you have a list of data & you want to show all of them on Map, too.


14. Camera : jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Touch Support

Camera : jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Touch Support

A cool jQuery slideshow with diverse variation of transitions for your website.


15. Responsive Touch-Friendly Audio Player

Responsive Touch Audio jQuery script

This user friendly responsive plugin will integrate a minimal audio player on your website for listening online music. Some of the features like being adaptive to browsers, showing the pre-loaded (buffered) audio and image-less CSS, have made it distinctive from other such kinds of plugins.


16. Huge on Facebook

Huge on Facebook

This jQuery script is designed to highlight the links on websites that are actually generating conversation (on Facebook, at least). Like Google analytics, this plugin can be considered as Facebook analytics. The only difference this plugin is making is the display of analysis report to the general public rather than the administrator only.


17. jQuery Spellchecker

Spell Checker jQuery

The jQuery spellchecker is a lightweight plugin that can be used to check the spelling of text within a form field or within a DOM tree. Can come handy with the content writers.


18. Any List Scroller

Any List Scroller

Any List Scroller is the jQuery plugin to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content.


19. jQuery Stripe

Stripe jQuery

A jQuery plug-in to create a cool striped gallery object.


20. jQuery Liquid Carousel Plugin

jQuery Liquid Carousel plugin

Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs. Every time the container of the carousel gets re sized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.


18 Best jQuery Carousel Plugins


jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery Carousel plugin allows users to present their website contents such as videos, images, and text in creative and attractive way. jQuery carousel plugins make it easy for developers to easily use and implement plugins to achieve desire and visually stunning looks for their websites.

In this article we have gathered 18 free best jQuery Carousel plugins that will make your tasks easy and help you to easily present your website contents and images in creative and innovative way. Following jQuery carousel plugins are absolutely free and each of them comes with different features, functionality and several options for customization. I hope you will find these plugins handy, useful and right choice for your next and upcoming projects.

If you like the article you might be interested in our other article on 15 Best jQuery Image Slider Plugins

1. Tiny Circleslider

Tiny Circleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide web developers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any webpage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. It supports iPhone, iPad and Android as well. A interval can be set to slide automatically every given milliseconds. You can fire a callback after every move. It is easy customizable and lightweight with only 130 lines of code. The minified size is only 4 KB.

Source & Demo

2. Flexisel

Flexisel is a jQuery carousel plugin that works well on screen sizes down-to-mobile. It has settings for enabling autoplay, defining the animation speed and stopping on hover or not.The standard layout of Flexisel adapts to different screen sizes but also, the plugin provides an option to customize the “number of visible items” for the screen sizes preferred which offers a great experience for users.

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3. Cycle 2

Cycle, a pretty old yet very popular jQuery slideshow plugin now has a new, improved version: Cycle2. The plugin is perfect for anyone looking to create a completely customized slideshow as it does not declare any markup or style. And, its functionality is flexible too. Cycle2 supports responsive layouts, has options for everything (global and per slide) and can be extended easily using a full-featured API.

Source & Demo

4. Minimit Gallery

Minimit Gallery is a highly customizable, library agnostic plugin that does galleries, slideshows, carousels, slides, practically everything that has multiple states in less than 10kb Using Minimit Gallery you have more time to focus on the ideation and the dynamics of your interface, all the logic functionality instead is managed by the plugin. It’s designed for advanced JavaScript/Jquery programmers because you need to code all the animations and the css of the gallery. It has been tested on IE7+, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

Source & Demo

5. CarouFredSel

jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into an infinite, circular carousel. It can scroll one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, automatically, by pressing buttons or keys on the keyboard.
You can dynamically add and remove items to/from the carousel. It is compatible with most popular (jQuery) lightbox-plugins. The carouFredSel-plugin was built using the jQuery-library. It is licensed under the MIT-license.

Source & Demo

6. Slider Kit

Slider Kit is a very flexible jQuery plugin that enables us to create almost any type of slideshows like photo galleries, news sliders, carousels and more. It has support for both horizontal + vertical sliders and items can be navigated via buttons, mousewheel, image click or keyboard. There are lots of options provided like auto-start being on/off, animation types, and navigation being an infinite loop or not, starting position of the slideshow and much more.

Source & Demo

7. Tiny Carousel

Tiny Carousel is a lightweight carousel for sliding html based content. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. Tiny Carousel was designed to be a dynamic lightweight utility that gives webdesigners a powerfull way of enhancing a websites user interface.

Source & Demo

8. jCoverflip

jCoverflip has been developed to enable fast and granular customization of the look and feel and feature set. It has many features like drag or click functionality to showcase featured content items or demand by the users, ability to showcase both images and content associated with an item, module integration with Drupal or standalone version and many more.

Source & Demo

9. jQuery Image Scale Carousel

It is a jQuery plugin which auto-scales the images into appropriate height and width keeping their aspect ratio. The plugin simply converts an array of images to a slider and supports manual browsing with previous-next controls and auto-play. The download package also includes a PHP-based example which creates the “images array” itself by scanning a given directory.

Source & Demo

10. Slides js

SlidesJS is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions.

Source & Demo

11. Agile Carousel

Agile Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows us to create flexible (both in function and design) slideshows. The plugin uses JSON for the data format of the slides. So, they can easily be provided remotely and integration with any other system (like CMSs) will be easier. You can select between “fade” or “slide” as the transition effect, duration of the transitions and intervals between each slide can all be defined.

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12. Barouseul

Barousel is a jQuery plugin to easily generate simple carousels where each slide is defined by an image + any type of related content.

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13. Circular Content Carousel

This plugin uses slider which holds the content along with their brief description, when users click on content a small box expands next to the content slider, where users can read and see the detail information related to the topic and slider yet navigates.

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14. Elastislide

Elastislide is a responsive jQuery carousel plugin that will adapt its size and its behavior in order to work on any screen size. Inserting the carousel’s structure into a container with a fluid width will also make the carousel fluid.

Source & Demo

15. Cloud Carousel

Cloud Carousel is a free option with 3D effects. The images rotate in a circular fashion with realistic perspective and reflections are also show.

Source & Demo

16. jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin

The Infinite Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows you to showcase any number of images and videos in a carousel-like fashion. Unlike some other carousels, the Infinite Carousel displays items in a continuous loop no matter how you navigate. Try out the demos below to see how versatile the Infinite Carousel is.

Source & Demo

17. jQuery Liquid Carousel Plugin

Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs. Every time the container of the carousel gets resized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.

Source & Demo

18. jCarouseul Lite

jCarousel Lite
jCarousel Lite is a jQuery plugin that carries you on a carousel ride filled with images and HTML content. Put simply, you can navigate images and/or HTML in a carousel-style widget. It is super light weight, at about 2 KB in size, yet very flexible and customizable to fit most of our needs.

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APTANA plugin - Syntax HighLighter






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Eclipse platform plugin

EclipseColorer is based on a native Colorer-take5 library, so each platform has its own native part library. By default the package contains plugin's stuff compiled for win32, Linux(x86 and x86_64) and MacOS (ppc and x86 platforms).


  • Enchanced and fixed word wrapping mode.
  • Automatic folding support for mostly all (200+) supported languages
  • Per-type customizable color schemas and editor parameters.
  • Automatic errors and todo comments annotation.
  • Paired constructions highlighting and matching.
  • Shortcuts for pairs matching.
  • Different color schemes.
  • Replacement of tabs with spaces option.
  • Choosing of currently used syntax mode in editor (list of all available types).
  • Dynamic library reloading.
  • Powerful and flexible outliner for all common languages.
  • Errors list is included into the outliner view.
  • Colored sources generation into HTML files (Available in the navigator's context menu).
  • Find more in screenshots section.

21 Amazing jQuery Pagination Plugins


Easy Paginate jQuery Plugin for Pagination

Demo || Download

With pagination controls you are able to glance through easily and simply through the items found on the list. This plugin allows easy implementation which are very useful and important to use it in you projects. It main function is to check large number items on the list quickly.


jPages: jQuery Pagination Plugins

Demo || Download

jPages is a client-side pagination plugin but it gives you a lot more features comparing to most of the other plugins for this purpose, such as auto page turn, key and scroll browse, showing items with delay, completely customizable navigation panel and also integration with Animate.css and Lazy Load.


jQuery Simple Content Sorting Plus Plugin

Demo || Download ]


This plugin creates a simple content sorter for your content and allows you to control your content with pagination!

WordPress Smart Pagination Plugin

Demo || Download ]

Smart Pagination WordPress Plugin includes custom pagination to your website in just a couple of mintes


Beautiful Data: jQuery Pagination Plugins

Demo || Download ]

Beautiful Data is a great way to turn a boring HTML table into something that supports features like paging and sorting. This jQuery plugin can also access data from CSV and JSON just by specifying the source file.



Demo || Download ]

jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc)


AJAX Pagination using jQuery and PHP with Animation

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This is one of the best plugins that is easy to use and users and developers do not have to refresh the sites every now and then. It mostly uses animation and is becoming one of the popular website functions.


Easy pagination with jQuery and Ajax

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It maintains your data only in a fixed size and allowing you to navigate easily backwards and forward. The information can now be easily digest into smaller pieces.it reduces the load on the server and the page reloading.


Extreme Makeover: jPaginator CSS3Edition

Demo || Download

This tutorial is mainly designed for the beginners and takes very few minutes to be completed. It contains a lot of pages links that can be navigated along first so that you can be able to select them. Your experience in the websites are really improved by the slider for animating links.


jQuery Quick Pagination

Demo || Download

It enables the user to generate quick long list and page contents into numbered format. It is important part of the website as it allows designers and other developers to neatly separate their websites content very easily and efficiently tom access pagination without messing up with things.



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This is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a JavaScript which control pagination interface and functionality. The plugin present is controlled with a special class and attributes of HTML elements. It is pretty simple and unique and yet functional.


jQuery Pagination Plugin

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They enable you to display more than one page with the present navigational elements in order to move from one page to the next. When there are large list to search for results or articles it is able to display them in grouped amount of different pages.


jQuery Pagination Revised

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This plugins contains a wide variety of features which are used for effective working of the website. The long list in a huge page can be separated into multiple pages. The site layout is improved with the database and other properties with full control to adapt to the style properly.


jPaginate-jQueryPagination System Plugin

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The new version comes with instant HTML pagination which has the speed and property to allow you separate a series of elements. The splitting of series put elements into organized pages which give it more appealing appearance.


jQuery Pagination Plugin: Smart Paginator

Demo || Download

jQuery Pagination plugin makes the task very easy and simple for different navigation logic that is already incorporated for customization purposes. On the client side it filter the data of the user automatically due to presence of Smart Pagination jQuery and it allows addition of Pagination.


jPaginate: A Fancy jQuery Pagination Plugin

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You can be able to glide through the different pages by hitting over the arrows. The pagination plugin with sensibility to apply animation on page numbers for efficacy. It also provides many short links on one side to the pages on the other end.


Pajinate-A jQuery Pagination Plugin

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It is among one of the flexible and simple plugin that comes with different tools to separate long lists into different various break up pages. The point between paginated page loads is very minimal and it is the simpler app to serve as side implementations.


Pagination with jQuery, MySQL and PHP

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This is a flexible jQuery plugin which comes in a manner to show you how implement Pagination. It is contain in the JavaScript which comes with PHP jQuery and MySQL. The script contained is very easy and simple to use.


Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution

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It allows you to convert and change unordered file of different items into a search engine optimization friendly which are put to navigate pages. The user uses it to comment on their treads or other type of configured contents.


Simple Pagination

Demo || Download

The jQuery plugin enables easy and simple pagination. They simplify the different kinds of tasks, they also come with 3CSS themes which are simple to use and allows customization of your website. It get most of its support from Bootstrap.



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It fun to use it as it comes with a slider which you can ask for an unlimited number of pages to be open. It contains unique elements which you can use. It also comes with CSS page which enable easily customization of the website.


30+ Innovative New jQuery Plugins




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Responsive Touch-Friendly Audio Player

This responsive audio player is the perfect example of jQuery at work. You simply include the plugin codes and create any typical HTML5 audio element. This will automatically be converted into a touch-friendly audio player with a dazzling CSS3 user interface.

open source audio player jquery plugin


I am sure plenty of designers & developers recognize the sliding side menu. This became popularized from iOS mobile applications using sliding menu buttons in the toolbar. And now this effect may be replicated for websites using only jQuery and the Sidr plugin. Check out the live demo and see how this could work in your own projects.

side opening navigation menu plugin


Do you remember seeing all these lazyload image plugins? There are so many various options, and even some free open source WordPress plugins have been released. This particular image loader plugin follows a much nicer example with all images loading in a sequential order, following a fading effect. The live demo is a prime example of how you can apply this to your website.

imageloader preloading images jquery plugin


Although Swatches may not have a practical use in many website layouts, it is a wonderful jQuery plugin for toying with specific colors. This plugin will create a div area using a palette of related colors based on your input choice. Generating your own color scheme may be difficult and this is a unique open source tool for the job.

jquery plugin color swatches hex value

Hot on Facebook

Hot on Facebook is a rather obscure idea. But the plugin does work perfectly in all standards-compliant browsers, so for those who enjoy Facebook sharing this is for you! Hot on Facebook will take a URL and check the total number of FB shares. Then it will be displayed on the page as a social media sharing badge.

hot on facebook plugin jquery open source


The open source Toolbar.js script is fairly easy to run, but has its limitations. This plugin will create a small tooltip menu of icon links which appears on any element you choose. It can be immensely powerful coupled with a user profile or other icon-command interface. However the effect is rather obscure, so don’t be surprised if you have a hard time fitting this into your layout.

Toolbar.js plugin jquery open source javascript

jQuery PowerTip

As for handling regular tooltip hovers you may consider jQuery PowerTip. This is a fairly new plugin released as open source on Github. You can check out the live demo to see a better example, but the simplest explanation is creating tooltip popup menus when hovering over some HTML element.

open source jquery powertip tooltips plugin


The jQtimeline plugin offers very unique functionality which I have never seen before. You can build a horizontal timeline with date events setup throughout the list. In this way, users may click on an event to display more information. It certainly has its practical uses but will take a bit of custom code to get working properly.

open source timeline dynamic jquery plugin


The Swipebox plugin is a mobile responsive jQuery image gallery. This is especially designed for mobile webapps and websites which are made responsive for smartphones and tablets. The image gallery will take up the entire screen, and you can even touch-to-swipe between other images in the slideshow.

mobile responsive swipebox jquery plugin


MixItUp has a lot of various custom options and I would say this is closer to an intermediate jQuery plugin. You will need to understand a few concepts when customizing the default setup and adding this into your page. But it will allow quick sorting of elements within a set gallery like portfolio items, images, photographs, and so much more.

jquery css3 image sorting portfolio gallery listing plugin

jQuery Spellchecker

Designers who are familiar with the in-browser spellcheck may be a fan or may completely hate it. This jQuery plugin offers a different solution where you may edit the callback function to display related vocabulary. It is a daring plugin which is completely free to use, but also requires a bit of customization to get working correctly.

jquery open source plugin spellcheck code


ScrollUp is in my top 5 new favorite plugins just for its ease of use and pre-built styles. Simply include the JS files into your webpage and setup the offset distance from the top. Then after a visitor scrolls beyond this limit a small fixed div will appear in the bottom corner. It is an excellent alternative to coding your own button from scratch.

jquery scrollup plugin open source codes

Nod Frontend Validation

Nod is a frontend validation plugin for HTML input forms. Using jQuery you may setup the actual basis for what is considered good and bad data, then check these values after the user submits the form. It will not go through until all of the criteria are met.

jquery nod frontend form validation plugin open source


Select dropdown menus have always been stuck in their own CSS styles. There are some posts online which delve into customizing your own select menu, but often not supported by all browsers. This jQuery plugin Select2 is an enhancement on the typical HTML select field. Just include the plugin within your heading and all select menus can be updated with a small bit of code.

select2 dropdown menu input fields open source plugin


Aside from the other great jQuery tooltip plugin, I have to recommend Tooltipster for their alternative codebase. I have used Tooltipster in a few projects and it works just as described. Many of the options are so easy to implement, and this allows developers to customize their own tooltips with just a few CSS properties.

jquery open source tooltips web design jq plugin


This strange carousel-style plugin allows you to create a dynamic rotating panel of elements. The jQuery Vortex plugin is fairly new, and there are still updates being applied on a regular basis. However I think it is worth a mention since the techniques are still not as mainstream as you might expect.

jquery open source vortex plugin spinning carousel


iCheck is one of the best jQuery plugins I have ever found to update your input fields. Checkboxes and radio buttons will receive a totally new look when you choose the proper skin and color style. I will admit that iCheck is a bit deceiving with so many confusing options at first. But the more you practice the easier it will get to include this plugin within your website(s).

icheck input fields menus form plugin

Any List Scroller

ALS or Any List Scroller is a typical jQuery plugin for image slideshows. But instead of displaying the images in a bigger view, they are rotated like a typical homepage items scroll container. There are options to include arrows on both sides and allow visitors to manually switch between internal elements.

als list feature plugin jquery rotation content


Tumbo is a fairly rudimentary plugin for quickly displaying a feed out of your Tumblr blog. This can be updated to display the contents from any Tumblr blog just by using the subdomain URL. Obviously not everybody will have a need for this, but it is good to know that developers are working their way through APIs like Tumblr built into JavaScript plugins.

tumbo tumblr theme api pulling content jquery plugin


Speaking of APIs – this Spectragram plugin is a quick method for accessing photos off Instagram. You simply include the JS files into your header and then specify a user or search query. The Spectragram plugin will pull all related results and link back to the original shot.

instagram api spectreagram jquery open source plugin

jQuery Stripe

The jQuery Stripe plugin offers a more traditional image gallery. Each photo will only display as a small vertical sliver which you may click to show the whole image. There are also arrows on the right and left sides to change between views. I don’t think it is the best option but it can be an offbeat solution for atypical website layouts.

side opening navigation menu plugin


SocialCount handles another strange feature which does get a lot of requests. This plugin will allow you to quickly pull out the numbers for Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ shares. Merely enter the target URL and you can display social media badges anywhere in your webpage.

social count widgets buttons jquery plugin

Custom Scrollbar Plugin

jQuery Custom Scrollbar is a fascinating plugin which deserves a lot of attention. This has been online for quite a while now, but the effects still never cease to amaze. You can quickly make a div element with an overscroll feature using these custom scrollbars. It is perfect for handling custom content which should not take up the entirety of the layout.

open source custom scrollbar plugin demo screenshot


Smallipop is yet another beautiful jQuery tooltips plugin. You should look at some of the examples to see how this would be implemented. Each tooltip plugin follows its own rules and they may or may not appeal to everyone. But I think Smallipop is a great choice for developers getting started in JavaScript libraries.

jquery open source plugin smallipop tooltips


jPanelMenu is another popular jQuery plugin for using a sliding navigation. You may quickly include these codes within your website to add the effects on any page. Just target the open/close element and whenever the user clicks, it will display your hidden navigation. Take a peek at the live demo to see this effect in action.

jquery jpanelmenu open source plugin navigation


Intro.js is an introduction guided tour plugin for jQuery. There are a lot of options and custom settings you may choose, but this also allows for a more unique website performance. I think Intro.js is the best jQuery plugin for creating a guided website tour. The CSS is easily malleable and you can demo with all sorts of different layouts.

intro tour guided website functions jquery plugin


The list of shadowboxes and lightboxes has grown tremendously since 2011. I think the jQuery plugin Lightbox_me is another beautiful example of this feature. You can setup images, forms, videos, and other HTML right within a modal lightbox. The JS codes are easy to learn and the plugin does not require a whole bunch of custom edits.

lightboxme lightbox shadowbox popup jquery plugin

jQuery Carousel

I think the abitgone jQuery Carousel is definitely a peculiar option. This will display prev/next links right within the image div encapsulating all of the other images. It looks really nice in smaller spaces and you can resize the example to anything you need. I feel it is worth looking into but it may not come out as your favorite option.

jquery jq plugin development open source carousel images


Are you familiar with how Google Images currently displays results? This is how jQuery Superbox works using your own static images. Visitors have the ability to browse thumbnails and once they click, a new div will open up displaying the full image. I really like this plugin because the user experience mimics Google very closely. And since people are already familiar with Google it provides a seamless exchange of data without much confusion.

jquery superbox image gallery showcase open source


KGallery is another beautiful jQuery image gallery with slideshow features. The default icons are not permanent and you can obviously update other bits of the user interface. What really catches my attention is the option to include smaller image thumbnails within the gallery design. It is a fairly simple plugin to setup and I would recommend testing the live demo to see how you feel about the implementation.

kgallery interface jquery plugin open source

jQuery Litelighter

Plenty of great syntax highlighters have been released over the past few years. But jQuery Litelighter is another plugin I really appreciate for the simplicity and graceful nature. You can generate highlighted syntax for nearly any popular language, and it should work using any of the most common web browsers.

jquery lite lighter highlighting syntax code


bxSlider simply has one of the best user experiences for an image slideshow. You can implement this right onto your homepage or within any other page of the site. It will provide a solid design for users who are familiar with image slideshow features. Also the jQuery codes are very minimalist and do not bog down the website over long loading times.

responsive jquery bxslider plugin slider


The MeanMenu plugin is a newer release and certainly worth looking into. I really like how the default navigation design will automatically resize based on the total number of internal links. Also you can include sub-menu links which offers visitors a quicker view of your nav menu. The design is not a great choice for everybody, however it is a solid plugin and may prove useful on some website projects.

responsive meanmenu plugin open source jquery

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