
혼자 있는 즐거움

나는 대부분의 시간을
혼자 있는 것이 더 유익하다고 생각한다.
나는 혼자 있는 것을 좋아한다. 나는 고독만큼
사귈 만한 동료는 찾지 못했다. 생각하거나
일하는 사람은 어디에 있든 늘 고독하다.
고독은 한 사람과 동료 사이에 있는
공간의 거리로는 측정되지 않는다.
하버드 대학의 혼잡한 도서관에서
책에 파묻혀 있는 학생은 사막에
홀로 있는 탁발승보다
더 고독하다.

- 헨리 데이비드 소로의《혼자 있는 즐거움》중에서 -

* 바쁘고 정신없는
이 시대를 살아가는 모두에게는
오롯이 혼자만의 시간이 필요합니다.
누군가와 함께 보내는 시간은, 혼자 보내는
시간에 비해 유쾌하고 속상하고 즐겁고 슬프고...
그렇게 감정변화의 폭이 큽니다.


가끔은 혼자 보내는 일상이

생각을 정리하게 하고
평온한 마음도 가져다 줄 것입니다.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

소설가의 눈  (0) 2013.12.10
여행 백일몽  (0) 2013.12.09
행복이 무엇인지...  (0) 2013.12.06
정답이 없다  (0) 2013.12.05
우울증 치유  (0) 2013.12.04







Nette Framework 2.0: A PHP tool for web development



행복이 무엇인지...

흔히 행복이 무엇인지
묻고, 찾고 싶어한다. 그것은
마치 공기처럼 보이지도 않고,
잡히지도 않기 때문이다. 시간의
흐름을 전혀 의식하지 못하고,
자기가 하고 싶은 일을
하는 것이 행복이다.

- 조정래의《정글만리》중에서 -

* 행복은 성공에 있지 않습니다.
실패했다고 모두 불행한 것도 아닙니다.
성공이 오히려 불행의 시작이 될 수 있고
실패가 행복의 새로운 시작일 수 있습니다.
성공과 실패의 결과에 상관하지 않고
자기 일에 몰입하는 것, 결과가 아닌
과정에 집중하는 것, 그것이
진정한 행복입니다.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

여행 백일몽  (0) 2013.12.09
혼자 있는 즐거움  (0) 2013.12.07
정답이 없다  (0) 2013.12.05
우울증 치유  (0) 2013.12.04
신성한 지혜  (0) 2013.12.03

나는 오뚜기 인생을 살아왔다.
시련은 성장의 기회고, 행복은 성장의 대가다.
시련이 많다는 건 운이 좋은 일이다.
더 크게 성장할 수 있기 때문이다.
이 시련도 또 흘러간다. 기회는 언제나 있다.
-박찬호 선수 (뉴욕 양키스 방출 직후 올린 글)


‘이 세상의 거의 모든 성공스토리는
문제나 장애를 똑바로 인식하고
그 문제를 기회로 바꾼
사람들에 의해 창조되었다’는 글을 본 적이 있습니다.
그렇게 보면 문제나 장애는 성공스토리를 빛내주는
훌륭한, 아니 절대 필요한 소재라 할 수 있습니다.


Enables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers.





HTML5 video made easy

All it takes is a single line of code to make HTML5 video and audio tags work in all major browsers.

How to enable video and audio tags in all major browsers

To make HTML5 video and audio tags work in all major browsers, simply add the following line of code somewhere in the <head> of your document.

<script src="http://api.html5media.info/1.1.6/html5media.min.js"></script>

That's it! There is no second step!

How to embed video

You can embed video into your page using the following code.

<video src="video.mp4" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the video wiki page.

How to embed audio

You can embed audio into your page using the following code.

<audio src="audio.mp3" controls preload></audio>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the audio wiki page.

Why use html5media?

HTML5 video and audio tags were designed to make embedding a video as easy as embedding an image. They were also designed to give users a faster experience by doing away with browser plugins such as Adobe Flash.

Unfortunately, older browsers don't support HTML5 video and audio tags, and even modern browsers don't support a consistent set of video codecs, making embedding a video rather difficult.

The html5media project makes embedding video or audio as easy as it was meant to be. It's a fire-and-forget solution, and doesn't require installing any files on your server. Unlike many other HTML5 video players, it allows people to use the video controls supplied by their own web browser. It's one of the smallest, fastest solutions available, and as browser technology improves it will become even faster.

Free Open Source HTML5 Video Players Collection




In this post we’ve collected the best HTML5 based video player which you can use in your project.

Flow Player

The HTML5 video player for the web. The only completely responsive HTML5 player on the market.



Enables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers. The html5media project is open source and can be found on GitHub.



jPlayer is the completely free and open source (MIT) media library written in JavaScript. A jQuery plugin, (and now a Zepto plugin,) jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages.



Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS library that makes it easier to work with and build on HTML5 video. This is also known as an HTML5 Video Player.



A first-rate HTML5 / FLASH and YOUTUBE web player. Codo Player solves the problem of various browser/platform video support mismatches in order to reach maximum possible audience.


Open Standard Media (OSM) Player

With the onset of HTML5, there is a dramatic paradigm shift in the wake for online media content delivery. For well over 6 years, this industry has been dominated by the proprietary Adobe Flash Player, which has been used to deliver high quality media to audiences far and wide. This reign is coming to a dramatic end as new Open Standard technology takes its place. Yes, HTML5 is here, and we present to you the Open Standard Media (OSM) Player!

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-Osmplyer

FlareVideo HTML5

  • HTML5 video with Flash fallback
  • Easy CSS/HTML/JS customization and theming
  • Full screen support

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-flarevideo

JW Player

What about skinable open source JW Player, this solution is all about Flash and HTML5 working together as part of a single video player. The player automatically falls back to the Flash or HTML5 mode when needed. This solution supports the major CDNs, YouTube, Adobe’s Flash Media Server, HTTP streaming, major advertising networks, analytics providers, and more. JW Player as well has a range of add-ons to extend the players functionality. By choosing the JW Embedder, it will also provide hosting solutions and mobile support for iPhone, iPad, and devices.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-jwplayer

OIPlayer jQuery plugin HTML5 Video Player

OIPlayer attaches itself to all video and/or audio tags it encounters. Besides the general configuration of the plugin itself, it uses for each individual tag the attributes the respective tag has like poster, width, controls, autoplay etc. It support Safari (v4.0+), Google Chrome (v5.0+), Firefox (v3.5+), Internet Explorer (v6.0+) with Flash or Java installed And maybe some untested others with HTML5 support, Flash or Java installed.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-oiplayer


MediaElement.js is a complete HTML5 audio and video player in pure HTML and CSS. Based on Video for Everybody it uses a custom Flash or Silverlight player that mimics the native HTML5 API for older browsers. MediaElement.js builds a fully skinnable player with features like support for the HTML5 track element, fullscreen video, and even ambilight. Additionally, it includes support for sub-titling and has plugins for WordPress, Drupal, jQuery, and BlogEngine.NET. With MediaElement.js, video controls are doing using HTML /CSS for cross-browser consistency.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-mediaelementjs

HTML5 Video Org

HTML5 is a set of web standards being developed by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working GroupThe HTML5 standard includes many new features for more dynamic web applications and interfaces. One such component being specified and implemented is the ‘video’ element.Using an HTML5 Javascript Library, your videos can be played back on the latest mobile devices and even on older browsers that require Flash.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-html5org

Fry Player HTML5 Video

FryPlayer is one of open source and easy to use HTML5 video player. It has a play and pause button, also possible to set volume sound. Ability to skin, buffering, and full screen mode.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-fryplayer

Projekktor HTML5 Video Player

Projekktor (pr-jkk-tr) is a free, open source (GPL) HTML5 based video player written in Javascript. It solves cross browser and compatibility issues, adds eye candy and provides extremely powerful non standard features.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-projekktor


Open Video Player (OVP) is an initiative encompassing the use of open standards, best practices, and established development methodologies in the development of media player applications.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-ovpplayer

Custom video player with jQuery HTML5 CSS3

Building our own custom video player with HTML5 video, JavaScript and CSS3 is fairly easy. By using JavaScript only for the actual functionality of the controls, and CSS3 for everything that involves the look and feel of the player, we get a powerful, easily customizable solution.

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-customvideoplayer

LeanBack Player

LeanBack Player is a HTML5 Video Player with multiple supports widely used desktop browsers and mobile devices

HTML5 Video Players Open Source-leanback


UUhistle.org: A program visualization tool

UUhistle.org is a program visualization tool for beginner programming education. Use UUhistle.org to improve your code-tracing skills, as well as your understanding of programming concepts and programming-language constructs.




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