
HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery





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What are HTML5 File Uploads?

Uploading files using HTML5 is actually a combination of three technologies – the new File Reader API, the also new Drag & Drop API, and the good ol’ AJAX (with the addition of binary data transfer). Here is a description of a HTML5 file upload process:

  1. The user drops one or more files from their file system to the browser window by dragging. Browsers that support the Drag & Drop API will fire an event, which alongside other useful information, contains a list of files that were dropped;
  2. Using the File Reader API, we read the files in the list as binary data, and store them in memory;
  3. We use the new sendAsBinary method of the XMLHttpRequest object, and send the file data to the server.

Sounds complicated? Yes, it could use some optimization. Fortunately, there are jQuery plugins that can do this for us. One of them is Filedrop, which is a wrapper around this functionality, and provides features for limiting maximum file size and specifying callback functions, which is really handy for integrating it into your web applications.

Currently file uploads work only in Firefox and Chrome, but upcoming major versions of the other browsers also include support for it. A simple fallback solution for older browsers would be to display a regular file input dialog, but we won’t be doing this today, as we will be focusing our attention on using HTML5.

So lets get started!


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- 한형조 (한국학 중앙연구원 교수)


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더욱 더 고민해야 하는 때라 할 수 있습니다.

혼자서 앓는 병

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아니면 남과 함께 살고 있는지를
알게 됩니다.

- 이어령의《지성에서 영성으로》 중에서 -

* 혼자서
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혼자서 병을 앓아보면 알게 되는 것이 많습니다.
보이는 것, 들리는 것이 달라집니다.
무엇이 사랑인지, 누가 고마운지,
뼛속 깊이 알게 됩니다.



'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

지금 이대로도 충분합니다  (0) 2013.11.08
백발백중  (0) 2013.11.07
허물  (0) 2013.11.05
낙천성  (0) 2013.11.04
뿌듯한 자랑  (0) 2013.11.02

Inserted Android reference links as the first attempt to improve API documentation. More will follow soon.

Also found out accidentally that updated Configuration class is not generated in the latest commit, so I added it as a separate commit.

You can merge this Pull Request by running

  git pull https://github.com/guersam/scaloid wip-improve-apidoc

Or view, comment on, or merge it at:


Commit Summary

  • Generate Configuration class as changed in afb19ef8
  • Add link to Android reference for each generated class

File Changes

Patch Links:


Saltnpaper (솔튼페이퍼) - Heart Storm













친절이란 귀먹은 사람이 들을 수 있고 눈먼 사람이 볼 수 있는 언어. - 마크 트웨인 -
















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