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 - J.F.

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10 Best HTML5 Sliders For Designers and

Developers to Beautify Their Websites


With the arrival of HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery, incorporating sliders into your website has turn out to be fairly stress-free. The HTML5 sliders slider are simple to make use of and supplement life to your webpage and make it more attention-grabbing. People would find your website more communicating, fascinating and eye-catching. We have for you all a list of 10 Best HTML5 Sliders to Save your Time.

HTML5 Flow Responsive Slider

1. HTML5-Flow-Respaonsive-Slider

This one is a fluid and responsive design that has the capability of adjusting to size rendering to the parental organizers, thus being functioning with any kind of website.

CCSlider – jQuery 3d Slideshow Plugin

2. CCSlider-jQuery-3d-Slideshow-Plugin

It is an exclusive and completely responsive jQuery slideshow plugin that provisions 3D transitions. It provides 14 stunning 3D transitions and also 16 remarkable 2D transitions. Falling back to 2D changeovers, for the browsers of your choice, where 3D transitions are not reinforced is also promising.

Draggable Infinite Grid with Lightbox

3. Draggable-Infinite-Grid-with-Lightbox

This one has a fluid and responsive design that adjusts rendering to the width and height of the div of your optimal. Its code is clean OOP JavaScript deprived of any jQuery or other libraries, so it is companionable with majority of the HTML pages.

Fullscreen Slideshow With HTML5 Audio And jQuery


This one permits generating a truly cool full-screen photo slideshow with sound auxiliary with the HTML5 audio component. Vegas jQuery plugin has been utilized to make the slideshow, while audio is accomplished with Buzz, a JavaScript audio library

HTML5 Slot Machine Gallery

5. HTML5-Slot-Machine-Gallery

It is also fluid and can adjust to the size of the parental container. It claims 4 dissimilar embed styles: Full Screen, Fixed Measurements, Full Width, and Lightbox Style, which you can select rendering to your requirements.

A HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas & jQuery

6. A-HTML5-Slideshow-wCanvas-jQuery

This slideshow is constructed on top of the new HTML5 canvas component that permits generating and transforming graphics, while also using other component on the page. It is a lovely slideshow with an elegant and striking transitioning consequence.

HTML5 Responsive Slider Gallery

7. HTML5-Responsive-Slider-Gallery

This slider gallery comes in 3 dissimilar embed styles: Full Screen, Fixed Dimensions and Full Width. It is enormously informal to install and accomplish as it is XML compelled. It shows imageries in a exclusive and exciting approach.

CSS3 Cube Slider – jQuery 3D slider

8. CSS3-Cube-Slider-jQuery-3D-slider

This one employs the CSS3 transform property for building 3d cubes components and then animates them into an elegant cube slider. It also provides auto play mode. This permits placing the images in a 3D space.

Stylized Google Maps + Image Slider

9. Stylized-Google-Maps-Image-Slider

This one is a jQuery JavaScript project that was formed around Google Maps. It has the capability of exhibiting Google Maps in numerous elegance. It features an amazing image slider that permits impressive animating pictures on the map.

Fine Slider – jQuery CSS3 slider

10. Fine-Slider-jQuery-CSS3-slider

This one is an astonishing image slider that claims 29 excellent new effects and 16 based on CSS3. It provides numerous evolutions such as 13 normal, 19 css3 based and 3D which you can modify rendering to your best.



인간의 힘은 눈에 보이지 않는 믿음에 기인한다.
믿는 자는 강하며, 의심하는 자는 약하다.
강한 확신은 위대한 행동을 초월한다.
- J. F. 클라크 목사


성 아우구스티누스는
“믿음은 아직 당장 눈에 보이지 않는 것을 믿는 것이다.
그리고 이 믿음에 대한 보상은
당신이 믿은 대로 보게 된다는 것이다.”라고 말했습니다.
보이는 것을 믿는 것은 쉽습니다.
보이지 않는 것을 믿는 것은 어렵지만,
그 믿음이 불가능을 가능케 만들고
존재하지 않던 것을 새롭게 만들어 냅니다.



인간은 역사를 만드는 동물이다.
역사는 단순한 사실의 축적이 아니다.
과거와 현재와 미래를 유기적으로 잇는
서사가 역사다. 역사는 거대한 집단뿐 아니라
개인의 차원에서도 생성된다. 시간의 연속성
속에서 자신을 발견할 때, 우리는 비로소
'살아 있음'을 확인한다. 인생은
'살맛'이 난다.

- 김찬호의《생애의 발견》중에서 -

* 민족의 역사도
한 사람의 개인에서 출발합니다.
거대한 기업의 역사도 한 사람의 작은 발걸음에서
시작됩니다. 아무도 가지 않았던 새로운 길,
아무도 경험하지 못했던 새로운 체험,
한 사람이 기록한 작은 역사책이
새로운 역사를 창조합니다.


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저자 : 마소인터렉티브편집부
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