
꿈속의 나는 젊고 어여쁜 신부다.
그녀는 이기적이고 참을성이 부족하고
천진난만하다. 열정과 꿈을 간직하고 있으며,
심지어는 자신한테 정답이 있고
뭐든 자기 뜻대로 된다고 생각한다.
그녀를 생각하니 웃음이 나온다.
그녀는 지금 어디 있을까?
그녀를 만나면 기분이 어떨까?

- 폴라 다시의《마음 여행》중에서 -

* 지금 나는 어디 있나요...
열정과 꿈을 간직하고 있으며
마음만 먹으면 무엇이든 뜻대로
이룰 수 있다고 믿었던 젊고 어여쁜 나.
이제는 꿈속에서만 만날 수 있는 젊은 날의 나.
삶의 시간속에서 몸은 나이가 들어가지만
마음은 언제나 '젊고 어여쁜 나'로 남아
늘 함께 하고 싶습니다.


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류수영&박형식 신라면 광고
박형식의 눈까뒤집는 맛표현 최고 ㅋㅋㅋ




Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [3rd August-9th August]




Let me begin this article with an obvious question. Did you all check the jQuery plugins Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [27th July - 2nd August] we came up with last week. It’s Saturday and we are here yet again with the list of best jQuery plugins which we promised to come up with each passing week.

Promising to help you in proper web designing, the jQuery plugins let you expand your horizon as sometimes your knowledge of programming can limit the design perspective not enabling you to give wings to your creative talent.

With the ever increasing competition in the designing world clients these days are seeking nothing but the best. Here jQuery plugins come into play for these form the strong base for designing and development. As of now let me not take too much of your time and start with this weeks’ list of best jQuery plugins.


Best jQuery Plugins of the Week

1. jQuery URL Shortener

As the name clearly indicated this jQuery plugin helps in shortening URLs using Google URL shortener API.


Download | Demo

2. Bootstrap Tokenfield

Bootstrap Tokenfield is an advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support.


Download | Demo

3. Retinize

Retinize is a jQuery plugin that upscales images to look correctly on retina screens and is particularly useful for pixel art when you don’t want to store an upscaled version.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

4. jQuery Scrollbox

Its a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that lets users scroll a list like carousel or traditional marquee.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

5. jQuery Scanner Detection

Its a small plugin that helps keeps the track of when the scanner viz barcode, QR Code are being used.


Download | Demo

6. jQuery finderSelect

This jQuery Plugin activates file explorer type selecting to all elements supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

7. Yet Another DataTables Column Filter (Yadcf)

Yadcf is a jQuery plug-in enables the user to easily add filter components to table columns and works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.


Download | Demo

8. jQuery noInput

Its a jQuery plugin for displaying inline labels similar to HTML 5′s placeholders that enables you to style the placeholder text.


Download | Demo

9. HeapBox

As a webdesigner or a webdeveloper you know how hard it is to deal with native HTML forms look or functionality. Heapbox is a jQuery powered by jQuery that helps write JavaScript.


Download | Demo


Quail is a plugin that focuses on checking content against accessibility guidelines.


Download | Demo

With this we come to an end of this weeks list keeping you all anticipating as to how many cool jQuery plugins we will come up with next week.


8 Tips for Print Designers Switching to Web & Digital Design




More designers are working across platforms these days, switching back and forth between print and digital projects. Although much of the theory is the same, in practice there are a lot of technical differences when it comes to working on something that will be printed versus a website. It takes a specific set of knowledge and skills to work effectively and efficiently in both environments.

But it is possible. Here we share eight tips for print designers making the switch to digital projects. (And I can vouch for every single tip as a designer who has made the switch.)

Design is Fluid


One of the things that does not change in print design is size. Every document is designed and printed at a certain size. (And frequently on a single medium as well.)

This just is not how the web works. Every user could look at a website using a different browser width and height, or look at the site on a mobile phone or tablet. So every design must account for a variety of sizes and devices.

Familiarize yourself with responsive design, what it is and how it works. Responsive design (sometimes called RWD) is an approach to website design where sites are created to view optimally regardless of device – desktop, tablet or mobile. Designers create the design using fluid, proportion-based grid concepts and flexible typography and images.

In addition to size changes, space is “unlimited.” As a designer you are not stuck in the constraints of a 4 by 6 inch postcard or 11 by 17 poster. The canvas goes on for as many pages as you like and can scroll almost infinitely.

Learn a Little HTML


If you want to design for the web, you have to know the basics. And you can start by training yourself. (Check out this previous Design Shack article for a list of great places to start.)

Start with a little HTML, the language of the web. With just a little understanding of HTML, you can learn to easily change colors, fonts and sizes on a website. HTML is the foundation that everything web-based is built on and without it, you will struggle in digital design.

Once you get comfortable with the basics of HTML, branch out to CSS and basic code. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, allow you to create and alter a set of styles for your website based on a style sheet. It creates a set of design rules and can be used to create website hierarchy and maintain visual consistency. Understanding basic coding concepts will help you understand why things work they way they do on the web. Although coding looks like gibberish at first, it makes sense once you really start to look at it.

You don’t have to be a master of HTML or CSS or code to create a great digital project, but it will help tremendously.

Create Dynamic Content

Print design is innately flat. Text and images are rest on top of some type of paper or other flat surface. Digital design is dynamic and active. Remember this and use it to your advantage.

Objects can move, include sound or links and even tools that make items pop up or hover when the user gets close to them. Web and digital projects should be designed for the user experience. This might be quite a change from some of the philosophies you are used to in the print world.

It is also important to use common visual cues and user interface actions so that your website works in a way that users expect and know how to use.

Color is Different


Print designers work in CMYK. Digital design is based in RGB or HEX color.

Just as CMYK color is explained using numbers to represent color values of basic hues to make every possible color, RGB works using the same concept. RGB – red, green, blue – are mixed in different amounts to create every color in the digital spectrum.

The difference is in how colors are created. CMYK – cyan, magenta, yellow, black – is created by combining colors in the printing process. RGB is a combination of colors displayed in light.

Colors are named with RGB values (from 0 to 255 or each color) to create 16 million different combinations.

HEX values are an extension of RGB color and every value corresponds to an RGB color. A HEX value is simply the HTML expression of an RGB color. Colors are named using # followed by a six-digit number, where each number pair refers to red, green and blue. (HEX values also contain letters to represent numbers greater than 99.)

Understanding Web Typography


Print designers may be used to the idea that they can use any font and have an unlimited number of typefaces available. (Depending on licensing, of course.)

Web typography can be somewhat trickier, although it is improving all the time. The biggest challenge is understanding type and browser compatibility. Not every typeface will render the same way on different devices.

Then there are basic web standards and readability concerns that come from reading on a screen. Like it or not, sans serif typefaces are pretty much the standard when it comes to body text on the web. And the often-shunned typeface Arial, is everywhere. Why? Because it always renders as Arial. No surprises there.

The rest of the things you know about type remain the same. Practice good kerning, leading and tracking. Scale text proportionately to other type and elements in the design for a neat, clean overall look.


HTML.js: Enjoy working with the DOM




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