19세기 중반을 살았던 소로는
분주함을 극복할 방안으로 평화의 장소를 마련했다.
오늘날과 같은 디지털 시대에도 집 안에서 구역을
나누는 방법은 셀 수 없이 많기 때문에 어떤
집에서든 그와 같은 장소를 마련할 수 있을
것이다. 집 밖으로 나가는 것만으로
그런 공간을 창조할 수도 있다.
자연을 즐길 수 있는 곳이라면
어디든 디지털 세상의
은신처가 될 수 있다.

- 윌리엄 파워스의 《속도에서 깊이로》중에서 -

* 내가 지금 있는 곳이
평화의 장소이기를 바래봅니다.
내가 머문 곳이면 어디든지 평화가 있기를 빌어봅니다.
그래서 내가 아끼고 사랑하는 사람에게 평화가
늘 함께 하기를 진심으로 기원합니다.
평화를 나누고 평화를 주는 것이
최고의 행복입니다.
최고의 선물입니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

스포트라이트  (0) 2012.12.27
곡선의 길  (0) 2012.12.26
더 현명한 선택  (0) 2012.12.24
한 때 우리는 모두가 별이었다.  (0) 2012.12.22
놓아주기  (0) 2012.12.21



50 Most Useful jQuery Plugins from 2012

Topics]Javascript / jQuery / Web DesignAuthor]


With hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands) of new plugins being released this year – what a great jQuery year it has been. From that colossal total we have worked really hard filtering down all of the those plugins to bring you the 50 that we feel are the most innovative, most ground-breaking and, more importantly, the most useful.

Last year, we gave you a roundup of the top 50 jQuery plugins from 2011. And today, we have put together the top jQuery plugins of this year, that is, 2012.

We have split all of the plugins into the following categories: Web Page Layout Plugins, Navigation Plugins, Form Plugins, Slider & Carousel Plugins, Chart & Graph Plugins, Image Effect Plugins, Video Plugins, and finally, everything else in-between. And mixed in with all of that you will find plenty of plugins that will help with your responisve layouts.

Web Page Layout Plugins



equalize.js is a useful jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of any element.

equalize.js →



Freetile will organize your content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will arrange it's children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by "packing" them in tightly.

Freetile.js →



Gridster is a plugin thathelps you build intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.

gridster.js →



Zoomooz.js is an easy-to-use plugin for making any web page element zoom. It supports 3D transformations, hides elements that are not shown while transforming, can have kinetic scrolling and eve works in Internet Explorer.

Zoomooz.js →



Wookmark is a plugin for creating a dynamic, multi-column layouts. It lays out a series of elements in a dynamic column grid.

Wookmark →

jQuery HiddenPosition

jQuery HiddenPosition

jQuery HiddenPosition is a plugin that lets you position any element to any element, even if they are hidden. This plugin works like the position plugin from jQuery UI, except for the addition of also being able to work with hidden elements.

jQuery HiddenPosition →



Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.

Stellar.js →



turn.js is a ightweight (only 15K) plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. It will work on tablets and smartphones.

turn.js →

Responsive Measure

Responsive Measure

Responsive Measure is a simple script that allows you to pass in a selector (ideally the container where your primary content will go) which generates the ideal font size needed to produce the ideal measure for your text.

Responsive Measure →

jQuery Scroll Path

jQuery Scroll Path

jQuery Scroll Path is a plugin that lets you define your own custom scroll path. It uses canvas flavored syntax for drawing paths, using the methods moveTo, lineTo and arc. To help with getting the path right, a canvas overlay with the path can be enabled when initating the plugin.

jQuery Scroll Path →

Navigation Plugins



HorizontalNav →



stickyMojo is a lightweight, fast and flexible sticky sidebar plugin. It is and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+ and will degrade gracefully in older versions of IE.

stickyMojo →



ddSlick is lightweight plugin that allows you to create a custom drop down with images and descriptions.

ddSlick →

jQuery Collapse

jQuery Collapse

jQuery Collapse delivers an accessible and lightweight solution to a widely adopted interface pattern (known as progressive disclosure). It includes features like cookie persistence, ARIA compliance, and is designed to be flexible and modular enough to be used in many different scenarios.

jQuery Collapse →

jQuery Accordion

jQuery Accordion

The idea behind Akordeon is to provide a lightweight and customizable interface for collapsible panels that can hold any kind of data in a limited space.

jQuery Accordion →

Form Plugins

jQuery Complexify

jQuery Complexify

Complexify helps your users accurately gauge the quality of their password and then give them visual feedback to enforce a minimum level of security.

jQuery Complexify →

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload is a file upload widget with multiple file selection, drag & drop support, progress bars and preview images.

jQuery File Upload →

jQuery Credit Card Validator

jQuery Credit Card Validator

The jQuery Credit Card Validator detects and validates credit card numbers. It’ll tell you the detected credit card type and whether the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card.

jQuery Credit Card Validator →



Filtrify is an advanced tag filtering plugin. You can search tags within tags and filter items by multiple tags from different categories and get live feedback on the number of items containing related tags.

Filtrify →



Mailcheck is a jQuery plugin that suggests the right domain when your users misspell an email address.

mailcheck →

Slider & Carousel Plugins

Responsive Carousel

Responsive Carousel

responsive-carousel is a carousel script that will work with mouse, touch, and keyboard. The default package includes the slide/drag transition that you can apply by adding a data attribute and including some additional CSS. There are also other extensions available within the source folder, such as flip and fade transitions, autoplay, keyboard handling, pagination, and more.

Responsive Carousel →



iosSlider is a jQuery plugin for a responsive, customizable and cross-browser content slider. It can be used as a content slider, carousel, scrolling website banner, or an image gallery.

iosSlider →



RSlider is a full screen responsive image and content slider. With a nice and simple design it will adjust automatically to the width of your browser.

RSlider →



Fresco is a responsive lightbox plugin. It can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. It comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.

Fresco →

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a "page flip" navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text.

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin →



Adaptor is a lightweight content slider that offers a simple interface to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions. Currently, there is only 3D support for webkit and Firefox, all other browsers will fallback gracefully to a simple fade transition.

Adaptor →



rcarousel is a jQuery UI continuous carousel with some cool features. It is highly customizable and supports even older browsers (Not IE6 though).

rcarousel →



Rhinoslider is a flexible multiple effects slider/slideshow. It can be used as a simple fading or sliding jQuery slideshow or as a rich effects jQuery slider.

Rhinoslider →



"Sequence is a slider plugin with infinite style." It provides the complete functionality for a website slider without forcing you to use a set theme. In fact, Sequence has no in-built theme.

Sequence.js →



Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable jQuery photo viewer.

Glisse.js →



µslider is a jQuery content slider plugin. It’s very easy to use because it only has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly.

µslider →



ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slideshow using images inside a single container.

ResponsiveSlides.js →

Chart & Graph Plugins



Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaël to make drawing time-series graphs easy.

Morris.js →

jQuery Org Chart

jQuery Org Chart

jQuery OrgChart is a plugin that allows you to render structures with nested elements in a easy-to-read tree structure.

jQuery Org Chart →

Web Typography Plugins



Bacon is a jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line.

Bacon →



Textualizer is a cool plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text.

Textualizer →



slabText is a jQuery plugin that splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space.

slabText →



trunk8 is a text truncation plugin to jQuery. When applied to a large block of text, it will cut off just enough text to prevent it from spilling over.

trunk8 →

Image Effect Plugins



tiltShift.js is an awesome jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect.

tiltShift.js →

jQuery Picture

jQuery Picture

jQuery Picture is a plugin that adds support for responsive images to your web pages. It supports both figure elements with some custom data attributes.

jQuery Picture →



ImageMapster lets you activate HTML image maps without using Flash. It works just about everywhere that Javascript does, including modern browsers, Internet Explorer 6, and mobile devices like iPads, iPhones and Androids.

ImageMapster →

Responsive Img

Responsive Img

Responsive Img is a jQuery plugin that swaps an image’s src attribute based on its container’s width when the DOM is ready and when the browser is resized. Using a PHP file, Responsive Img creates new images on the fly the first time they’re needed and puts them on your server. Therefore, you can add Responsive Img to any site, without creating new images.

Responsive Img →



Backstretch is a simple plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page.

Backstretch →

And all the rest…

jQuery Transit

jQuery Transit

jQuery Transit creates super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery.

jQuery Transit →



noty is a jQuery notification plugin that lets you easily create alert, success, error and confirmation messages.

noty →

jQuery Map Marker

jQuery Map Marker

The jQuery Map Marker Plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on a map using Google Map API V3.

jQuery Map Marker →



jHERE is a lightweight (only 4kb &# 1.95kb Gzipped) jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add interactive maps to your website. You get a powerful map API, highly customizable markers, event handling and info bubbles and comes with KML support and data visualization via heatmaps.


jQuery Vector Maps

jQuery Vector Maps

JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to renders vector maps. It works in all modernern browsers and legacy support for older versions of IE 6-8 is provided via VML.

jQuery Vector Maps →



SocialCount is a lightweight (2.93KB after Min+GZip) and easy to use jQuery plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets. It currently supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

SocialCount →



Tooltipster is a lightweight and easy to style jQuery plugin that helps you easily create clean HTML5 validated tooltips.

Tooltipster →



BigVideo.js makes it easy to add fit-to-fill background video to your website. It can play silent ambient background video, or a series of videos. you can also use it to show large background images.

BigVideo.js →



Calendario is an experimental jQuery plugin for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to calendars. The aim is to provide a suitable layout for both, small and big screens and keeping the calendar structure fluid when possible.

Allofthelights.js →

주문왕은 은나라 감옥에 갇혀 있는 동안 주역을 만들었고,
공자는 진나라에서 곤경에 처했을 때 춘추를 썼다.
굴원은 초나라에서 추방되자 이소경을 지었다.
좌구명은 한쪽 눈이 실명되고 나서부터 국어를 쓰기 시작했다.
손자는 다리가 잘리는 형벌을 받고 나서 손자병법을 완성했으며,
여불위는 촉나라로 귀양 갔기 때문에 여람을 남길 수 있었다.
한비는 진나라에 붙들렸기 때문에 세난, 고분을 쓸 수 있었다.
-사마천, [사기]에서 (이상민 지음, [365 한줄 고전]에서 인용)

인류 최대의 역사적 작품들은
한결같이 최악의 고난 속에서 탄생했습니다.
정약용은 귀양 가서 500여 권의 저서를 남겼고,
사마천 역시 치욕스런 궁형을 받고 나서
위대한 사기를 완성시킬 수 있었습니다.
평탄하기만 한 삶에선 걸작이 나오지 않습니다.
고난과 역경은 신이 내린 인생 최대의 축복이라 할 수 있습니다.

아주 잠깐만이라도
판단과 오해의 악순환을 멈출 때,
문제 뒤에 숨어 있는 무의식적 신념과
느낌을 깨달을 수 있게 된다.
그런 통찰은 자연스럽게
더 현명한 선택을
할 수 있게 한다.

- 타라 브랙의《받아들임》중에서 -

* 인생은 선택입니다.
늘 판단하고 오해도 하고 선택하며 삽니다.
때로 잘못된 선택을 했더라도, 그것을 받아들이고
다음에는 더 나은 선택을 할 수 있도록 자신의
통찰력을 길러가는 것이 우리의 삶입니다.
그 통찰력과 더불어 우리의 선택도
더 현명하게 진화합니


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

곡선의 길  (0) 2012.12.26
평화의 장소  (0) 2012.12.25
한 때 우리는 모두가 별이었다.  (0) 2012.12.22
놓아주기  (0) 2012.12.21
1만 시간의 법칙  (0) 2012.12.20

입으로 말하는 사랑은 외면하기 쉬우나 행동으로 증명하는 사랑은 저항하기 어렵다. - 스탠리 무니햄

2012.12.23 수영일지 - 고양시 철인3종 장거리 수영대회 출전

아침 7시 30분까지 스윔가 회원들 만나기 위해 와산교 편의점 앞으로 이동.

만나서 고양시 어울림 누리로 이동.

선수등록 후 자동발급받은 탈의실 번호표 들고 탈의실 자동키 가져옴. 발급 후 20분 안에 키를 가져와야 함.

신발장은 2시간  후에 자동감김 됨으로 신발은 신발장에 안넣는것이 좋다.

그러고, 9시 30분 까지 워밍업 시간이라 9시에 입수해서 5바퀴 돌고 나옴.

두꺼운 옷입고 계속 윔업.

3.9km 3조 출전은 오후 1시 20분 예정이라 관람석에 앉아서 멍때리고 있음.

관람석에서의 외로움도 잠시, 11시쯤 슈슈와 장인어른 도착.

쇠고기죽 간단히 한그릇 먹고 12시에 탈의실 입실. 장거리 2조 출발.

탈의실에서 할일없이 배회하며 화장실에서 장도 좀 비우고.


12시 50분쯤 바디넘버링하고.

1시 30분에 스타트. 난 8번 레인 6번. 8레인에 10명 입수.

1번부터 5초 간격으로 입수한 상태에서 출발.

추월은 안해야지 다짐을 했건만. 너무 천천히 가시는 분들이 많아서 추월은 안할수 없었음.

한바퀴 돌때마다 기본 2회는 추월했어야함.

추월이 더 힘듬. 오버하지 말고.

25바퀴 이후부터는 생각 나지않음. 추월하겠다는 생각말고는.

턴 지점에서 슈슈와 스윔가회원분들의 응원이 여러번.

응원에 반응할 여유라곤 눈꼽만치도.

마지막 바퀴 전에 뽁망치로 머리를 때려준다.

심판이 뽁망치 들고 있는 것만 자꾸 보게된다.

3시 10분이 지나서쯤인가 드디어 뽁망치.

머리를 불쑥 내밀었다. 때리기 좋도록~ ㅋㅋㅋ

그렇게 마지막은 발차기 대시로 마무리.


그렇게 메달 받고, 조금 기다렸다 기록증도 받고.

집에 가서 장인어른과 생고기 구이 한번 하고.

늦도록 잠이 오지 않는다.









'운동일지 > 수영' 카테고리의 다른 글

2013.01.07 수영일지  (0) 2013.01.07
철인, 자전거, 마라톤 추천 사이트  (0) 2013.01.02
2012.12.18 수영대회 일정 나왔다.  (0) 2012.12.18
2012.12.17 수영일지  (0) 2012.12.17
2012.12.16 수영일지  (0) 2012.12.16

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