
전화번호 입력 포멧



Formatter.js: Conform user input to predefined patterns



formatter.js Build Status

   ___                    __  __              _   
  / _/__  ______ _  ___ _/ /_/ /____ ____    (_)__
 / _/ _ \/ __/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ __/ -_) __/   / (_-<
/_/ \___/_/ /_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\__/\__/_/ (_)_/ /___/

Format user input to match a specified pattern


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Sometimes it is useful to format user input as they type. Existing libraries lacked proper functionality / flexibility. Formatter was built from the ground up with no dependencies. There is however a jquery wrapper version for quick use.

On Bower

bower install formatter


Vanilla Javascript

  • uncompressed: formatter.js
  • compressed: formatter.min.js

new Formatter(el, opts)

var formatted = new Formatter(document.getElementById('credit-input'), {
  'pattern': '{{999}}-{{999}}-{{999}}-{{9999}}',
  'persistent': true


  • uncompressed: jquery.formatter.js
  • compressed: jquery.formatter.min.js


  'pattern': '{{999}}-{{999}}-{{999}}-{{9999}}',
  'persistent': true


  • pattern (required): String representing the pattern of your formatted input. User input areas begin with {{ and end with }}. For example, a phone number may be represented: ({{999}}) {{999}}-{{999}}. You can specify numbers, letters, or numbers and letters.
    • 9: [0-9]
    • a: [A-Za-z]
    • *: [A-Za-z0-9]
  • persistent: [False] Boolean representing if the formatted characters are always visible (persistent), or if they appear as you type.



jquery 실행시 jquery~~.min.map이 없다고 에러날때.



http://jquery.com/download/ 에 가서 버전에 맞는 min.map 파일을 다운 받아라.







Riot.js: A tiny client-side MVP framework



The 1kb client side MVP framework

Riot is an incredibly fast, powerful yet tiny client side framework for building large scale web applications. Despite the small size all the building blocks are there: a template engine, router, event library and a strict MVP pattern to keep things organized. Your views are automatically updated when the underlying model changes.

Current frameworks base their existence on false assumptions.

  1. There's a big mass of common problems
  2. MVC (or MVP) requires a framework
  3. jQuery leads to spaghetti

All of these statements are wrong.

Current applications could be faster, simpler and smaller. They could be maintained with less people, less knowledge, and less worries.

Riot is a manifesto for vanilla JavaScript and jQuery.

Release December 2013 • Get notified on Facebook






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Animated Content Menu with jQuery

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Read more: http://www.smashingapps.com/2013/11/01/useful-jquery-tutorials-for-web-developers-and-designers.html#ixzz2jdeQOSvJ


Closure Library: A cross-browser JavaScript library

The Closure Library, from Google, is a well-tested, broad, cross-browser JavaScript library that lets you pull only what you need from a set of reusable UI widgets and controls. It also lets you pull from a variety of lower-level utilities for server communication, unit testing, rich-text editing, animation, DOM manipulation, and more.

closure library


 Bootstrap Playground - www.bootply.com



bootstrap 프레임워크로 화면구성을 쉽게 할 수 있다.






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