
10 Best HTML5 Sliders For Designers and

Developers to Beautify Their Websites


With the arrival of HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery, incorporating sliders into your website has turn out to be fairly stress-free. The HTML5 sliders slider are simple to make use of and supplement life to your webpage and make it more attention-grabbing. People would find your website more communicating, fascinating and eye-catching. We have for you all a list of 10 Best HTML5 Sliders to Save your Time.

HTML5 Flow Responsive Slider

1. HTML5-Flow-Respaonsive-Slider

This one is a fluid and responsive design that has the capability of adjusting to size rendering to the parental organizers, thus being functioning with any kind of website.

CCSlider – jQuery 3d Slideshow Plugin

2. CCSlider-jQuery-3d-Slideshow-Plugin

It is an exclusive and completely responsive jQuery slideshow plugin that provisions 3D transitions. It provides 14 stunning 3D transitions and also 16 remarkable 2D transitions. Falling back to 2D changeovers, for the browsers of your choice, where 3D transitions are not reinforced is also promising.

Draggable Infinite Grid with Lightbox

3. Draggable-Infinite-Grid-with-Lightbox

This one has a fluid and responsive design that adjusts rendering to the width and height of the div of your optimal. Its code is clean OOP JavaScript deprived of any jQuery or other libraries, so it is companionable with majority of the HTML pages.

Fullscreen Slideshow With HTML5 Audio And jQuery


This one permits generating a truly cool full-screen photo slideshow with sound auxiliary with the HTML5 audio component. Vegas jQuery plugin has been utilized to make the slideshow, while audio is accomplished with Buzz, a JavaScript audio library

HTML5 Slot Machine Gallery

5. HTML5-Slot-Machine-Gallery

It is also fluid and can adjust to the size of the parental container. It claims 4 dissimilar embed styles: Full Screen, Fixed Measurements, Full Width, and Lightbox Style, which you can select rendering to your requirements.

A HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas & jQuery

6. A-HTML5-Slideshow-wCanvas-jQuery

This slideshow is constructed on top of the new HTML5 canvas component that permits generating and transforming graphics, while also using other component on the page. It is a lovely slideshow with an elegant and striking transitioning consequence.

HTML5 Responsive Slider Gallery

7. HTML5-Responsive-Slider-Gallery

This slider gallery comes in 3 dissimilar embed styles: Full Screen, Fixed Dimensions and Full Width. It is enormously informal to install and accomplish as it is XML compelled. It shows imageries in a exclusive and exciting approach.

CSS3 Cube Slider – jQuery 3D slider

8. CSS3-Cube-Slider-jQuery-3D-slider

This one employs the CSS3 transform property for building 3d cubes components and then animates them into an elegant cube slider. It also provides auto play mode. This permits placing the images in a 3D space.

Stylized Google Maps + Image Slider

9. Stylized-Google-Maps-Image-Slider

This one is a jQuery JavaScript project that was formed around Google Maps. It has the capability of exhibiting Google Maps in numerous elegance. It features an amazing image slider that permits impressive animating pictures on the map.

Fine Slider – jQuery CSS3 slider

10. Fine-Slider-jQuery-CSS3-slider

This one is an astonishing image slider that claims 29 excellent new effects and 16 based on CSS3. It provides numerous evolutions such as 13 normal, 19 css3 based and 3D which you can modify rendering to your best.



Best Collection of Useful CSS Tools for Developers


  • CSS Layout GeneratorThis generator will create a fluid or fixed width floated column layout, with up to 3 columns and with header and footer. Values can be specified in either pixels, ems or percentages.
  • Grid DesignerGenerates fixed and scalable grid layouts along with basic reset and typography.
  • Layout GeneratorsGenerate multi-column and grid layouts with CSS techniques using %, px, or em.

CSS Frameworks


  • TypetesterThe Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen.
  • @font-face GeneratorEasy to use CSS3 @font-face generator from Font Squirrel.
  • CSS Type Set
  • TypeChartLets you flip through, preview and compare web typography while retrieving the CSS
  • CSS-Typoset Matrix and Code Generator
  • CSStxtTool for generating CSS for web typography.
  • EM Calculator AIR ApplicationCalculator for Vertical Rhythm in XHTML & CSS; easily convert px to em based on base font-size and line-height; Padding and margins automatically calculated
  • Em CalculatorEm Calculator is a small JavaScript tool which helps making scalable and accessible CSS design. It converts size in pixels to relative em units, which are based on a text size.
  • PXtoEM


  • CSS Color EditorCSS Color Editor allows you to replace the color scheme of your website without going through the entire CSS file. You choose your local CSS file, select new colors and then download the new CSS file with new color codes automatically replaced for you.
  • Color Palette GeneratorUpload an image to generate a color palette based on the image’s primary colors. Useful for quickly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration.
  • Color Contrast CheckThe Color Contrast Check Tool allows to specify a foreground and a background color and determine if they provide enough of a contrast “when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen”.
  • ColorZillaColorZilla is an extension for Firefox offering advanced eyedropper, color picker, palette viewer and other colorful goodies like: DOM color analyzer, full page zoom, firebug support, etc.
  • HSL to RGB Converter


  • CSS Sprite GeneratorCreates single sprite image and generate the appropriate CSS for you.
  • CSS Sprite – Online CSS Sprite Builder / GeneratorAn online tool to help web designers and web developers to build CSS Sprites. All you need to do is upload multiple files and it will generate sprite image and relted CSS and HTML for you.
  • CSS Sprite GeneratorCSS Sprite Generator will combine the uploaded images into a single sprite and generate the CSS for you.
  • YASC (Yet Another Sprite Creator)This tools is useful when all your sprite images have been created in a single file. The process is fairly straight forward: you upload this file, then visually select each individual item and specify its CSS id; once you have selected all your sprites you can generate all the required CSS with a single click.
  • Nav-o-MaticGenerates navigation markup and CSS for your sprite.
  • SmartSpritesSmartSprites is Java command line utility that will let you easily introduce and maintain CSS sprites in your designs. SmartSprites parses special directives you can insert into your original CSS to mark individual images to be turned into sprites. It then builds sprite images from the collected images and automatically inserts the required CSS properties into your style sheet, so that the sprites are used instead of the individual images.


  • Accessible Form BuilderCreate accessible form with CSS or table layout, including all label elements simply by typing a list of fields that you need.
  • WufooWufoo is an online service that allows anybody to easily build great looking online forms. You can use Wufoo as an easy way to create good-looking, valid CSS/XHTML form markup. It allows you to use your account to design and download the markup and CSS for FREE.

UI Components

  • List-o-MaticCreate CSS-styled navigation blocks based on unordered list <li> items. Get your semantics on!
  • CSS Menu GeneratorGenerates horizontal, vertical & dropdown CSS menus
  • ThemeRollerThemeRoller allows you to design custom jQuery UI themes for tight integration in your projects.

Text Wrappers

  • CSS Text WrapperGenerates HTML/CSS to wrap content to any shape
  • The Box OfficeThe Box Office lets you wrap/float/contour text around freeform images using CSS for usage in HTML pages.

Analysis & Debugging

  • W3C CSS Validation Service
  • CSS AnalyzerCSS Analyzer checks the validity of your CSS against the W3C’s validation service, along with a color contrast test, and a test to ensure that relevant sizes are specified in relative units of measurement.
  • FirebugOne of the post popular web developer tool – Firebug is a Firefox add-on that allows you to edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. You can use Firebug Lite in IE, Opera, and Safari.


  • Primer CSSPrimer undercoats your CSS by pulling out all of your classes and id’s and placing them into a starter stylesheet.
  • Automatic CSS Inliner ToolTool that will automatically transform all of your local styles into inline styles. Useful for styling email news letters.
  • DrawterOnline tool that literally lets you draw your website’s code.


  • Dust-Me SelectorsDust-Me Selectors is a Firefox extension that finds unused CSS selectors
  • CssCleanerWindows desktop application that removes unused CSS Classes from your web application
  • CSS Redundancy CheckerUse this tool to find CSS selectors that aren’t used by any of your HTML files and may be redundant.
  • CSS SuperScrubThis tool can significantly reduce the size and complexity of your CSS by programmatically stripping unneeded content, stripping redundant calls, and intelligently grouping the remaining element names.
  • HeliumJavaScript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS


  • CSS Drive CSS CompressorNormal mode allows you to choose from three levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. You can switch to Advanced mode for greater customization.
  • Robson CSS CompressorA good CSS Compressor still in development.
  • MinifyMe – AIR ApplicationAdobe AIR application that allows you pack multiple files together.


  • CSS SorterFree online tool for sorting CSS files. It organizes CSS rules alphabetically so that it will be easier for you to maintain your CSS files.
  • CleanCSS – CSS Formatter and OptimizerThis tool comes with several options for formatting as well as optimization. It also provides ready made sets of options for various level of balances between optimization and readability. Important feature includes ability to automatically merged the same selectors and properties.
  • StyleneatIt organizes and standardizes your CSS – selectors, sub-selectors and properties – in a structure that makes it easier to define page areas and see how they relate to each other.
  • WordoffStrips the cruft that is pasted into WYSIWYG editors from Word
  • CSS ToolboxFree CSS Validation, CSS Formatter, CSS Compressor

Browser Specific

  • ModernizrA really useful JavaScript library that detects native availability of HTML5/CSS3 features and offers you a way to maintain a fine level of control over your site regardless of a browser’s capabilities. If you prefer using MooTools, you can use MooModernizr (MooTools port of Modernizr)
  • Conditional-CSSConditional-CSS allows you to write maintainable CSS with conditional logic to target specific CSS statements at both individual browsers and groups of browsers. Compilers for Conditional-CSS are available in PHP, C# and C.
  • LitmusLitmus shows you exactly how your designs look on various platform, across every popular web browser.
  • Web Browser CSS SupportDetailed information about CSS support in major web browsers, allows you to pick which browser appear on the information tables.
  • When Can I Use?Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies. Allows you to specify browsers, features, time period, status, search and sorting options.
  • CSS3 support for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8IE-CSS3 is a script to provide Internet Explorer support for several of the popular new styles available in the upcoming CSS3 standard.
  • IE7.jsIE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.
  • IE6 CSS FixerA tool specifically designed to ease the pain of the IE6 CSS debugger.


  • CSS3 pseudo-class Selector Emulationie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo-class selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages, start using these selectors in your style sheets and they’ll work in IE.
  • Dust-Me SelectorsA Firefox extension that finds unused CSS selectors.
  • Sizzle JavaScript Selector LibraryA pure JavaScript CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library. Sizzle supports virtually all CSS3 selectors – this even includes some parts that are infrequently implemented such as escaped selectors (”.foo+bar”), Unicode selectors, and results returned in document order.
  • SelectORacleOnline tool that provides explanation of CSS2 and CSS3 selectors. Simply provide it with some selectors and it will return descriptions of what the selectors will match.
  • YUI Selector UtilityThe YUI Selector Utility brings CSS3 Selector syntax to JavaScript, providing a compact shorthand for collecting, filtering, and testing HTMLElements.
  • YUI StyleSheet UtilityThe StyleSheet Utility allows you to create and modify CSS stylesheets on the fly.

CSS3 Generators


  • XRAYXRAY is a bookmarklet for Internet Explorer 6+, and Webkit and Mozilla based browsers (including Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla). Use it to see the box model for any element on any web page.
  • CSSUtilitiesA JavaScript library that provides unique and indispensible methods for querying CSS style sheets
  • ReCSSThis little bookmarklet makes refreshing your CSS a breeze

Cheat Sheets

Beyond CSS

  • MoreCSSMoreCSS is a JavaScript library that can assist you with all the daily JavaScript things like pop-ups, tabs, tooltips, hyphenation, advanced list styling and more using CSS like syntax.
  • LESS – Leaner CSSLess extends CSS by adding: variables, mixins, operations and nested rules. Less uses existing CSS syntax. This means you can migrate your current .css files to .less in seconds and there is virtually no learning curve. However you’ll need Ruby installed to use it.
  • DtCSSDtCSS is a PHP script that preprocesses your CSS file. It speeds up CSS coding by extending the features to CSS. Such as nested selectors, color mixing and more. DtCSS reads the CSS file with special syntax written for DtCSS, and outputs the standard CSS. It also comes with a smart caching system.

HTML5 CSS3 Tutorial Videos

Best jQuery Typography Plugins To Improve Legibility




jQuery Typography Plugins

Good web designers know how to work with text not just as content, but treating text ( typography ) as a user interface. Words communicate complex ideas and issues. A picture is not worth a thousand words, because pictures ( images ) do not explain, they simply create spectacle without taking responsibility for how they are interpreted, and the web is becoming more and more visual because people do not like to read generally.

Despite the rise of image based websites and videos having deposed words during the past few years – the web continues to be all about typography, and good typography is putting content back in it’s place as being the most important element and web designers need to pay more attention to it.

Typography has long eluded web designers, mainly because the technology was never really available for designers to focus on typography in a consistent, standards compliant way. But in 2013 that has changed. With the emergence of web fonts and services such Typekit and Fonts.com as well as @font-face and Google Fonts. Despite such Type services, we are still lacking the precise control we require over type within web design.

However, there are a range of jQuery Typography Plugins available which grant us some pretty powerful features within allowing us to manipulate web text like never before, and allow one to fine tune their type as well as to create some beautiful type effects. The following jQuery Typography plugins will allow you to have better control over the typography in your designs.



1. FlowType.js

FlowType.JS is a jQuery plugin which can auto-resize the font-size and line-height (according to the width of the element wrapping it) so that our content is displayed just as we prefer. The plugin has options for setting the min/max font-sizes and min/max widths where the resizing will be triggered.


2. FitText

FitText is a simple yet very functional jQuery plugin for making sure a text fits into a defined element. It auto-updates the font-size in accordance with the width of an element wrapping it and guarantees a non-broken layout (because of the font size) even if the page is displayed from a mobile or desktop browser. And, there are some options provided for a fine-tune including the ability to set “level of scaling” and mentioning min-max sizes.


3. Lettering.js

Lettering.js is a jQuery plugin for radical web typography. Web type is exploding all over the web but CSS currently doesn’t offer complete down-to-the-letter control. Lettering.js solves that: it’s a jQuery plugin to give you that control. Kerning type, editorial design, manageable code, and in general complete control can all be easily done with Lettering.js.


4. Type Butter

TypeButter allows you to set optical kerning for any font on your website. If you’re longing for beautifully laid out text that today’ browsers just don’t provide, this is the plugin for you.


5. Bacon

Bacon is a jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line. It’s easier than you might think. You’ll need a block element containing text only that has its height and width set, as well as jQuery, bacon.jquery.js and bacon.jquery.css included in your site. Then just use code similar to the one found on the Bacon website.


6. Baseline.js

Baseline.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you to maintain vertical rhythm set by a typographic baseline, even when adding inline images with awkward sizes. Using Baseline.js couldn’t be easier. Simply include jQuery along with the plugin. It also works with responsive design.


7. Arctext.js

While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let’s you do exactly that. Based on Lettering.js, it calculates the right rotation of each letter and distributes the letters equally across the imaginary arc of the given radius.


8. SlabText.js

slabText is a jQuery plugin that splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space. The ideal number of characters to set on each row is calculated by dividing the available width by the CSS font-size – the script then uses this ideal character count to split the headline into word combinations that are displayed as separate rows of text.


9. jqISO Text

jqISo plug-in is used for creating an arching effect wherein the letters of the targeted text element will increase in size as you approach the center & after that it will slowly taper off as you move on to the last character.


10. Kerning.js

Kerning.js is a small single script, with no dependencies, that allows you to scale your web typography with real CSS rules automatically. Add it to your page, add some CSS rules, and your text will be instantly beautified.


11. Hatchshow

Hatchshow will automatically add a span to each line of text and scale the font size so each line ends up the same width. This is another plugin that’s useful for creating classic or vintage designs.


12. Textillate.js

Textillate.js is a simple plugin for CSS3 text animations. Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text. Simply include textillate.js and it’s dependencies in your project to start creating unique effects. Textillate.js is built on top of the simple, yet amazingly powerful animate.css and lettering.js libraries.


13. Responsive Measures

Responsive Measure is a simple script that allows you to pass in a selector (ideally the container where your primary content will go) which generates the ideal font size needed to produce the ideal measure for your text.


14. Textualizer

Textualizer is a cool jQuery plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text. When transitioning to a new blurb, any character that is common to the next blurb is kept on the screen, and moved to its new position. It currently has the following effects: fadeIn, slideLeft, slideTop, and random.


15. Big Text

BigText jQuery plugin takes a single element and sizes the text inside of its child divs to fit the width of the parent element. Gives the text that lovely vertical alignment.


16. Type Butter

jQuery Typography Plugins

TypeButter allows you to set optical kerning for any font on your website. If you’re longing for beautifully laid out text that today’s browsers just don’t provide, this is the plugin for you!



Check out 10 Useful Mobile JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development below:

1. Titanium Mobile JavaScript Frameworks

Titanium Mobile JavaScript Frameworks

Titanium Mobile JavaScript Framework is one of the most preferred JavaScript frameworks for development of native mobile applications for Android and iOS operating systems. It has a large suite of APIs and a large developer community for helping developers who get stuck at any point during the development of a cutting edge mobile application. There is support for accessing camera and other features of a smartphone.

2. The M Project

The M Project-Mobile javascript Framework

The M Project is another one of the most renowned Mobile javascript Frameworks that has got immensely popular in recent times. It makes use of HTML 5 features for mobile app development for various mobile operating systems. It is based on Model View and Controller model, thereby separating the different aspects of the development process.

3. Jo Mobile Javascript Framework

 Jo Mobile Javascript Framework

Jo Mobile Javascript Framework is HTML5 based mobile development framework that is quite potent and rich in features. Using Jo Mobile, you can develop apps for Android, iOS, Blackberry, webOS and Chrome OS. You can make use of the same code for making native applications for a variety of operating systems.

4. jQuery Mobile

 jQuery Mobile-Mobile javascript Framework

jQuery Mobile is a touch optimized framework for development of web applications that run on mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS. It has been built on jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. It has lightweight code and is easily themeable. There are loads of built-in tools for development of eye-catching applications that have pretty solid functionality. The applications built with jQuery Mobile are robust and quite fast.

jQuery Mobile javascript Frameworks is accompanied with a vast documentation that makes it pretty easy to understand. With little knowledge of jQuery, you can develop intelligent mobile applications for mobile operating systems like Android and iOS within a short period of time.


DHTML X-Mobile javascript Framework

DHTML X is a free HTML and one of most widely-used mobile JavaScript frameworks for developing mobile apps for touch screen devices. It is fast, easy and robust at the same time. Make use of its visual editor that lets you design an incredible user interface for your mobile applications with ease. With its help you can develop great quality user interface with few lines of code.

6. Zepto.JS

Zepto.JS-Mobile javascript Framework

Zepto.JS is another lightweight JavaScript mobile framework that can be utilized for easy development of mobile applications for various mobile operating systems. It weighs only 5kb, which essentially means that it does not take up much bandwidth for developing excellent mobile applications.


XUIJS-Mobile javascript Framework

XUI.JS is the ideal mobile development platform for developers looking for a solution which is robust, flexible and has support for AJAX and event handling etc. You can develop applications for specific browsers as well as for mobile operating systems. An extensive documentation is available for the developers to make use of. Besides that, there is a large user community that can help you out in case you get stuck anywhere.

8. Chocolate Chip Mobile

Chocolate Chip Mobile-Mobile javascript Framework

Besides having an interesting name, Chocolate chip Mobile is an impressive Mobile javascript Frameworks with interesting capabilities. It has a similar syntax as that of jQuery Prototype. Other important features of this framework include event handling with binding and delegation and ethodds like .toggleclass and.css.

9. Embed JS

Embed JS-Mobile javascript Framework

EmbedJS is another excellent framework for developers who are into development of applications for a wide variety of devices such as TVs, tablets, and smartphones etc. It helps you develop impressive mobile applications by writing minimum amount of code. EmbedJS Build Tool can be utilized for customizing your build.

10. Mobilize.JS

Mobilize.JS-Mobile javascript Framework

Converting an existing website into mobile application is made easy by Mobilize.JS mobile app development framework. It has a long list of impressive features and comes loaded with a string of benefits.

60 free resources






This jQuery plugin creates slick, app-like sliding menus for mobile sites.


Fabric textures

These 5 cloth textures are free to download as JPGs.



This is a lightweight and cool looking responsive grid.


Horizontal menu

This is a horizontal slide-out menu with a grid based submenu.


Upload form

This is a mini Ajax upload form.


Minimalistic (free for personal use)

Minimalistic is a minimal WordPress theme with nice brushstroke patterns.


Mobile application UI kit

This mobile application UI kit is downloadable as a PSD.


Flat icon set

Who can have too many flat icon sets?


Flatilicious icons

Seriously, who can have too many?



Create an Android-like UI with HTML, CSS and JavaScript



48 fully scaleable vector icons.



A jQuery plugin for fullscreen scrolling windows.



A useful free slider with gliding backgrounds.



Super smooth CSS transitions and transforms for jQuery.



The fastest PHP object caching system ever, apparently.



A set of useful mobile app UI elements.



A CSS3 and jQuery filter and sort plugin.


Pricing table

A minimal pricing table for designers and developers.



This is a JavaScript library for creating 3D globes in a web browser.


Bootstrap magic

Use this to create your own Twitter Bootstrap theme.


Map icons designer

Icons for Google maps, suitable for map applications.


Transparent UI kit

This is a layered UI kit in a PSD.



A CSS kit for lightweight web apps.


Controls settings

A useful PSD flat control panel.


CSS modal

A modal builder in pure CSS.



This is a quick way to jump-start responsive design projects.


Beach UI

A minimal UI kit in the form of a PSD.


Retina-ready menu

This is a responsive, touch-friendly menu with three layouts for different browsers.



A responsive carousel jQuery plugin.


W2UI library

As set of connected jQuery plugins designed for front end use.


Dark Accordion

A stylish navigation menu in a PSD.



A frontend framework for building responsive sites.


Magnific Popup

A responsive jQuery lightbox plugin.


Nice Less buttons

A set of buttons made in CSS.


Multipurpose website template

A beautifully designed PSD for any purpose.



A 2D drawing API.


Flat UI login form

A trendy login and register form.


Ecommerce flat

A flat ecommerce UI kit in PSD format.


Brand identity

A layered PSD for presenting logo and identity design.


Animation fill code

An app to fill in the necessary code for CSS3 keyframe animations.



This script adds live paragraph, word, and character counting to an html element.


Github Archiveroom

Explore your Github archive in 3D.


iPhone 5 flat

A flat iPhone 5 mockup.



An easily accessible menu anywhere on your page.



A JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling.



A bootstrap skin using flat design techniques.



A JavaScript plugin for bin-packing layouts.


Snaps theme

A free portfolio theme for WordPress.


Easy responsive tabs

A jQuery plugin that optimises horizontal or vertical tabs.


CSS social share button

A flat social tooltip button.



Use Knockout to simplify dynamic JavaScript UIs using the MVVM pattern.


Magazine mockup

A PSD template ideal for showcasing your projects.


Weather icons

A great set of weather icons in PSD format.


Flat icons set

Another set of icons, this time delivered as .png files.


Social media icon set

A free set of social media icons.


Simple icons

Another set of free icons.


Icon hover effects

Round icon hover effects, this time with CSS transitions.


Percentage bars

Flat style percentage bars built with CSS.


Twitter UI

A Twitter client UI built in CSS and HTML.


Music widget

A flat widget music player with simple animations.



1. jQuery Tippy

Tippy is a jQuery plugin that makes it very easy for the users to create simple, flexible and powerful tooltips for website using jQuery. Tippy is highly customizable with default options carefully configured to make it easy for anyone to get started.


Download | Demo

2. jQuery Color Picker Sliders

It is an advanced color selector with support for human perceived lightness. It works in all modern browsers and on touch devices and it’s responsive. This color picker sliders works internally in the CIE Lab color space represented with the CIE Lch color model.


Download | Demo

3. SKDZoom – Stylish image zoomer

SKDZoom is a jQuery stylish CSS3 image zoomer with rounded box and Lens zoom support. Easily customizable color and other options.


Download | Demo

4. jquery tags plugin

This is a jquery plugin that promises to help developers visualize their tags in a neat UI that too with just a single line of code.


5. Simple HTML5 Music Player

Simple HTML5 music Player as it indicates is dedicated to music lovers. Its a skin-able HTML5 Audio player offering a custom design alternative to the generic browser rendered player. It requires jQuery 1.8+ for proper functioning.



6. jQuery Dashboard Portal

jQuery plugin for Dashboard with layout enables users to add forms, presentation, an manage projects depending upon the need.


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7. Image Scale

Inspired from Sproutcore SC.ImageView, the image scale jQuery plugin lets you scale images to fit or fill any target container via two simple properties viz scale and align.



8. Code Callout

Code Callout allows you to create links in your webpages thereby enabling you to highlight and comment on a Gist embedded in the page. When the user clicks the link, the page scrolls to the indicated lines, highlights them and pops up a note. Also you need not start reading all over again you can easily start from where you left by simply clicking the button.


9. Flapper

Flapper is a jQuery plugin that replicates the split-flap well known as Solari displays that are common in train stations and airports. Flapper jQuery plugin can help display words or numbers, with or without formatting them. Available in six sizes, two color themes, and two animation styles Flapper is written entirely in HTML and CSS to let the users make it appear as they desire.


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10.Mikes Modal Library

Mike Modal Library is for creating a Facebook like modal box to be used. It features an image on the left and content on the right. The image scales to the largest size possible while still fitting in your monitors resolution.


11. Ideal Postcodes jQuery Plugin

The Ideal Postcodes jQuery plugin lets you quickly add postcode lookups on a form using Royal Mails Postcode Address File. If the user wishes to look for a valid postcode, a dropdown menu is displayed and the selected address is piped into appropriate fields.


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12. jQuery List Selection

This jQuery is for file managing style rich selection for lists of elements.


13. jQuery Reactify

Make browser click events trigger immediately on iOS and Android with the jQuery Reactify. Clone the repository, place jquery.reactify.js to your project’s JavaScript folder, add <script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.reactify.js”></script> to your HTML and add a script that enables reactify with jQuery.


14. FailSafe

Its a jQuery Plugin that makes your App Robust. Also, it protects your App from lost Internet connectivity and low battery level. When a user loses Internet connectivity or the system charge goes down, this plugin shows a very user-friendly message to the user.

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