
Progression.js: Create friendlier forms

Progression.js is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to add real-time hints to your forms. It also lets you include project updates for each field.




20 Fresh jQuery Plugins


AnimatedScroll: jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll

AnimateScroll is a beautiful jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of the element where you want to scroll to.

jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll

Demo Download

Echo.js: Simple JavaScript Image Lazy Loading

Echo.js is a simple image lazy loading library, it’s less than 1KB minified. Lazy-loading works by only loading the assets needed when the elements ‘would’ be in view, which it’ll get from the server for you upon request, which is automated by simply changing the image src attribute.

Echo.js: Simple JavaScript Image Lazy Loading

Demo Download

Multi-Level Push Menu

An experimental push menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements.

The result is a “push” menu that can (theoretically) contain infinite nested sub-menus. When opening a sub-level, the whole navigation pushes the content more, allowing a slice of the parent menu to be visible. Optionally, this slice can be visible or not, in which case the sub-menu will simply cover its parent.

Multi-Level Push Menu

Demo Download

jQuery Flat Shadow: Create Long Shadows Flat UI

Long shadow effects are widely used to create a depth for any element in flat design. jQuery Flat Shadow is a plugin which can add this fading shadow to everything targeted.

jQuery Flat Shadow - Create Long Shadows Flat UI

Demo Download

tidyTime.js: Display More Friendly Time with jQuery

tidyTime.js takes any regular time and changes it into more human friendly dialogue such as “It’s just gone noon. It’s quarter past 8 in the evening, it’s nearly half past 4 in the afternoon, it’s just gone 25 to 6″ and more. By adding additional text before and after the time you are able to create powerful friendly interaction with users.

tidyTime.js: Display More Friendly Time with jQuery

Demo Download

Taggd: jQuery Plugin to Tag Images

Taggd is a jQuery plugin that help you create tags on images with, or without a popup!

Taggd: jQuery Plugin to Tag Images

Demo Download

UIKIT: Lightwight Front-end Framework

UIkit is a front-end framework, built by YOOtheme, for creating cross-browser and responsive layouts faster.
It is lightweight, has a modular structure and uses LESS for styles + jQuery for the JavaScript.

UIKIT: Lightwight Front-end Framework

Demo Download

slimMenu: Multi-Level Responsive Menu

slimMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin, which is made to create responsive and multi-level navigation menus on the fly. It converts an unordered list with any depth into a menu with sub-menus and, for smaller screens, the menu becomes a drill-down navigation. It is touch-friendly and has several options for customization like the animation or its speed.

slimMenu: Multi-Level Responsive Menu

Demo Download

Tabulous.js: Create Tabs with Effects

Tabulous.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that simplifies creating them with a plain HTML structure. The tabs created can be styled with CSS and multiple switching effects exist (slide, scale, scale up and flip).

Tabulous.js: Create Tabs with Effects

Demo Download

Owl Carousel: Touch-Enabled and Responsive Carousels jQuery Plugin

Owl Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows us to create responsive carousel sliders so quickly. The plugin is touch-friendly and capable of featuring any HTML content with almost any markup.

Owl Carousel: Touch-Enabled and Responsive Carousels jQuery Plugin

Demo Download

Summernote: WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap

Summernote is a super simple WYSIWYG editor on Bootstrap. It’s open source and easy to install. Lightweight (Summernote: 30Kb), Smart User Interaction, Customize by Initializing options, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera ,Internet Explorer 9+ (IE8 support coming soon)

Summernote: WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap

Demo Download

flipLightBox: Responsive Lightbox jQuery Plugin

flipLightBox is a responsive Lightbox that is extremely easy to implement and doesn’t require additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries.The coolest feature of flipLightBox is that it has optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes.

flipLightBox: Responsive Lightbox jQuery Plugin

Demo Download

jquery.arbitrary-anchor.js: Smooth Scrolling For Any Element On Page With jQuery

With jquery.arbitrary-anchor.js , you can easily create useful and neat dynamic anchor scrolling by simply adding a jQuery/CSS selector after the hash (#) in your page’s URL. This plugin extends the normal anchor functionality, that is, an anchor tag with a name value attribute will still get scrolled to as normal. The same goes for an element with an ID which matches the hash. This little plugin will take care of everything else.

Smooth Scrolling For Any Element On Page With jQuery

Demo Download

Minified.js: Lightweight JavaScript Library

Minified.js is a very strong alternative to these frameworks and it comes with an impressive size, less than 4kb minified. Minified.js is a client-side JavaScript library, comparable to jQuery and MooTools in scope. Its features include DOM manipulation, animation, events, cookies and HTTP requests.

Minified.js: Lightweight JavaScript Library

Demo Download

RTP.Slider.js: Touch Enable and Responsive Slider Plugin

RTP.Slider.js is a versatile and flexible slider. Strong support for fluid / responsive Designs, mobile browsers and touch devices. It has nearly every feature that you can find in other sliders on the web.

RTP.Slider.js: Touch Enable and Responsive Slider Plugin

Demo Download

Tabby: Lightweight and Mobile First Toggle Tabs

Tabby is a lightweight JavaScript and CSS kit for mobile-first toggle tabs. It’s style-light so you can easily modify it to fit your design.

Tabby: Lightweight and Mobile First Toggle Tabs

Demo Download

Sticky-Kit: jQuery plugin for Making Smart Sticky Elements

Sticky-Kit is a very handy jQuery plugin that simplifies creating/managing such sticky elements and comes with features for complex use.

Sticky-Kit: jQuery plugin for Making Smart Sticky Elements

Demo Download

S Gallery: Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin with CSS3 Animations

S Gallery makes use of HTML5′s FullScreen API, and relies heavily on CSS3 animations goodness and CSS3 transforms, so it will work only in browsers that support these features. Once an item is clicked and focused, it is possible to browse others with prev-next buttons or via keyboard.

Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin with CSS3 Animations

Demo Download

On Scroll Effect Layout: Beautiful Scroll Effects

An on scroll effect template that animates the sides of sections once they are in the viewport. It works with adding a class for animating the two sides of a section.

There is an example effect defined and also some media queries for dealing with smaller screens.

On Scroll Effect Layout: Beautiful Scroll Effects

Demo Download



Showcase Of Fresh And Free jQuery Plugins And Tutorials

App Showcase with Grid Overlay

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial about creating a simple grid overlay with subtle transitions for an app showcase.

Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial on how to create a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.

Mini Help System with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we are going to create a mini help system with jQuery. This will be a small widget which will display help text or a guide to users of your web application. The widget content is going to be searchable in real time, and all matching terms will be highlighted.

jQuery Animated Bar Plugin: jqBar

( Demo | Download )

This is a simple jQuery plugin for creating animated vertical and horizontal bars. The plugin is called jqBar. jqBar can be used in variety of situations where you want to present data with some visual effects. It helps you crate beautiful bar charts to represent skill set or can be used as a progress bar. Plugin is very light weight and can be completely customized.

Charts For Your App with jQuery and xCharts

( Demo | Download )

Make Pretty Charts For Your App with jQuery and xCharts.

iOS-Style Content Slider using jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial I want to focus on one useful plugins called iosSlider. This is an open source project with numerous options for customizing your own media slideshow. This includes typical animations and effects for when the user clicks or hover over slideshow items.

Create a Sticky Navigation Header Using jQuery Waypoints

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a navigation bar that stays with you as you scroll down — and we’ll also throw a gimmick or two into the mix to polish it off.

Interactive Infographic with SVG and CSS Animation

( Demo | Download )

Learn how to build an interactive animated infographic using SVG, CSS and JavaScript.

PUtting CSS Clip to Work: Expanding Overlay Effect

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial about how to create a simple expanding overlay effect using the CSS clip property and CSS transitions.

Slider Pagination Concept

( Demo | Download )

An experimental slider pagination using the jQuery UI slider. The idea is to use a simple navigation concept that preserves layout and style while allowing content to stay easily accessible.

Make a Google Powered Shopping Search Website

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we will be making a simple product search engine. Using jQuery and PHP, we will tap into Google’s Shopping Search API and return a list of items available for purchase, along with prices, photos and other useful information.

How to Create a Simple Multi Item Slider

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.

Responsive & Tough Friendly Audio Player

( Demo | Download )

A jQuery audio player plugin that is responsive and touch-friendly. The UI is css-only, no images used.

Calendario: A Flexible Calendar Plugin

( Demo | Download )

A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.

Simple Effects for Drop Down Lists

( Demo | Download )

A jQuery plugin for transforming select inputs into drop-down lists with some simple expanding effects.

How to Make a Tumblr-powered News Ticker

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we are going to use it as the foundation of a news publishing system. We are going to develop a simple widget which cycles through the most recent posts on a Tumblr blog, and presents them as news items to your users. Adding news will be done by creating new blog posts in your Tumblr dashboard.

Create Attractive Coming Soon Template with CSS 3D and Javascript

( Demo | Download )

We are going to make an attractive coming soon html template with CSS3, CSS 3D transform and jQuery. Let’s go a little wild with CSS3 even though some old browsers won’t support it. However, for CSS 3D transform part, we will make it degrades gracefully. Instead of the awesome 3D flipping effect, we will be substituted with just a simple hide and show effect.

jQuery Responsive Horizontal Accordion Image Slider: Raccordion

( Demo | Download )

This is a multi purpose responsive accordion image slider plugin raccordion. Its a horizontal image slider that adjusts according to the size of the browser width. raccordion slider adds variety and style.

3D Flipping Circle with CSS3 and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will create a circle with a handle which will open once the little handle is clicked, creating a realistic 3D flipping effect with the help of CSS 3D transforms and shadows/gradients.

How to Make a Mac OSX-like Animated Folder with CSS3

( Demo | Download )

In this short tutorial, we are going to make a OSX-like folder with CSS3, by utilizing 3D transforms, gradients and box shadows. In addition, we are going to use jQuery UI and its drag and drop interactions to build a pretty interactive demo.

Create a Beautiful Password Strength Meter

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will be creating a beautiful password strength indicator. It will determine the complexity of a password and move a meter accordingly with the help of the new Complexify jQuery plugin.


( Demo | Download )

A jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect. This is a proof of concept and currently only works in Chrome & Safari 6.

Vertical Showcase Slider with jQuery and CSS Transition

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial on how to create a responsive vertical fullscreen slider that moves its sections in opposite directions. We’ll be using jQuery, CSS Transitions and media queries to make the layout adaptive.

Custom Drop Down List Styling

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial on how to create some custom drop-down lists. We’ll show you five examples with different looking drop-down menus and lists for various purposes.

Creative Web Typography Styles

( Demo | Download )

Let’s create some interesting web typography effects with several CSS techniques and the help of lettering.js.

Live Album Previews with CSS3 and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

Here we are going to make a script for previewing the contents of an album with a slideshow-like animation. This can be used in photo galleries, online shops, profile pages and more. The example is inspired by Facebook, where you hover over an album and get a slideshow of some of the photos contained inside it.

Slicebox Revised

( Demo | Download )

Slicebox, the jQuery 3D image slider plugin, has been updated. We’ve done some major improvements and added new features.

Fullscreen Video Slideshow with Bigvideo.jg

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial about how to create a slideshow-like fullscreen video background using BigVideo.js, a jQuery plugin for big background video.

Fullscreen Pageflip Layout

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left.

Responsive CSS Timelinge with 3D Effect

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial about how to create an experimental CSS-only timeline with a 3D effect. The idea is to expand a content area when the associated radio input is selected.

Creative CSS Loading Animations

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we’ll show you how to make some creative css-only loading animations also known as activity indicators.

Basic Ready to Use CSS Styles

( Demo | Download )

This is a collection of some basic styles that can come in handy when creating your own style definitions. Learn how to make some useful classes for simple styles and how to apply them to a variety of elements.

Hexaflip: A Flexible 3D Cube Plugin

( Demo | Download )

HexaFlip is a JavaScript UI plugin that let’s you use 3D cubes as interface elements. Dive into the process of creating the plugin and learn some best practices regarding flexible UI plugins.

Animated CSS3 Photo Stack

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we are going to build an animated photo stack, which will use all kinds of fancy effects to transition between a set of images. The effects are implemented purely using CSS3, which means that they run smoothly on modern browsers and mobile devices. We will also make the photo stack advance automatically, so you can use it as a slideshow.

Make a Web App with Instagram-like Filters

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we are going to make a simple web app that allows you to drag a photo from your computer into the browser window, and apply instagram-like filters on it.

Dropbox File Uploader With Twitter Bootstrap

( Demo | Download )

Here we are going to use this feature to create a simple application that allows people to attach a photo from their Dropbox account, crop an area with the Jcrop plugin, and download the result. Additionally, we will make use of Twitter Bootstrap to show dialog windows, and PHP on the backend for the actual photo cropping.

How to grab Dribbble feed with jQuery and CSS3

( Demo | Download )

As a web developer, third party API integration is something you will have to face. Especially with the current trend, we have facebook, twitter, flickr etc. Today, we are going to look at dribbble’s API. Dribbble is a place to show off your design, it’s based on invitation basis, therefore, most designs are of high quality.

Photo Booth Strips with Lightbox

( Demo | Download )

A tutorial about how to create some neat scrollable photo booth strips and integrate Lightbox 2 and customize it in order to make it responsive and touch-device friendly.

How to Build a ToDo Application with Web SQL and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

This tutorial will take you through the step by step development of building a ToDo App entirely powered by Web SQL. You will learn about getting started with Web SQL, understanding transactions, following best practices and how to write re-usable functions.


Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [3rd August-9th August]




Let me begin this article with an obvious question. Did you all check the jQuery plugins Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [27th July - 2nd August] we came up with last week. It’s Saturday and we are here yet again with the list of best jQuery plugins which we promised to come up with each passing week.

Promising to help you in proper web designing, the jQuery plugins let you expand your horizon as sometimes your knowledge of programming can limit the design perspective not enabling you to give wings to your creative talent.

With the ever increasing competition in the designing world clients these days are seeking nothing but the best. Here jQuery plugins come into play for these form the strong base for designing and development. As of now let me not take too much of your time and start with this weeks’ list of best jQuery plugins.


Best jQuery Plugins of the Week

1. jQuery URL Shortener

As the name clearly indicated this jQuery plugin helps in shortening URLs using Google URL shortener API.


Download | Demo

2. Bootstrap Tokenfield

Bootstrap Tokenfield is an advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support.


Download | Demo

3. Retinize

Retinize is a jQuery plugin that upscales images to look correctly on retina screens and is particularly useful for pixel art when you don’t want to store an upscaled version.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

4. jQuery Scrollbox

Its a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that lets users scroll a list like carousel or traditional marquee.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

5. jQuery Scanner Detection

Its a small plugin that helps keeps the track of when the scanner viz barcode, QR Code are being used.


Download | Demo

6. jQuery finderSelect

This jQuery Plugin activates file explorer type selecting to all elements supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

7. Yet Another DataTables Column Filter (Yadcf)

Yadcf is a jQuery plug-in enables the user to easily add filter components to table columns and works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.


Download | Demo

8. jQuery noInput

Its a jQuery plugin for displaying inline labels similar to HTML 5′s placeholders that enables you to style the placeholder text.


Download | Demo

9. HeapBox

As a webdesigner or a webdeveloper you know how hard it is to deal with native HTML forms look or functionality. Heapbox is a jQuery powered by jQuery that helps write JavaScript.


Download | Demo


Quail is a plugin that focuses on checking content against accessibility guidelines.


Download | Demo

With this we come to an end of this weeks list keeping you all anticipating as to how many cool jQuery plugins we will come up with next week.


Mean: A scalable JavaScript boilerplate



15 Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins




Constructing a responsive website is not at all any easy task however; the most difficult part is preparation and coding of responsive website’s navigation. Unfortunately, as of now we do not have a universal solution for this difficult part as now because it all depends on the way of the menu you are about to use. Also, a lot depends on your website i.e., if it’s a small or large website. For small websites, most people will prefer a menu with a drop down or a small toggle menu. However, for large websites such as e-commerce ones, you will have to go for a navigation which is known as drawer style.

So, one thing is for sure that solutions differ and today we will cover all styles and their solutions for your convenience and these solutions will be found in jQuery plugins. Below are 15 Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins.

You May Like : 15 Tabs Navigation Tutorials with jQuery & CSS

jQuery Sidr


Sidr is a plugin that is user-friendly and will accomplish the task of creating a responsive side menu just like Facebook. It will help you in creating menus on both side of your page, so use it according to your convenience.

Navgoco: Multilevel Slide Menu


Are you tired of unordered list of links? Well, Navgoco is indeed a perfect solution for you as it will turn those lists into vertical and beautiful multi-level side navigation.

Responsive Menus Flexnav


FlexNav is basically used to create a robust drop-down menu. It is also the chief example for jQuery and of course media queries that are being used in mobiles. It supports touch as well as keyboard.

Smart Menus jQuery


I consider this plugin to be a great one as it has a lot of features. It will allow you to create both vertical and horizontal responsive list based menus. The good news is that it will work on almost any device.

jQuery Menu-Aim


this plugin is basically for drop-down menus. This will help your system in detecting it a user is hovering over an item in a dropdown list or is finding a way into contents of a submenu. Menu-aim plugin determines the directions of the users and act accordingly.

Side Toggle Menu

Side Toggle Menu

If you want to add sideways menu bar within your layout, Side Toggle menu is the best option for you. It works two ways; moving over the page or by overlapping the page.

jQuery slimMenu

jQuery slimMenu

It is basically a lightweight jQuery plugin and helps users’ in creating navigation menus on multiple levels.



This is my personal favorite as I love animated style menu and that too when they are paneled and this is exactly what jPanelMenu is all about. I am sure you are aware of such menus; they are seen all over Mobile Facebook and Twitter. As far as transitions are concerned, they are controlled by CSS and you get to witness flawless transitions.

Responsive Flaunt.js


If you are looking to build a nested navigation out of the box which should be responsive as well, Flaunt.js is the best option for you.

Naver Responsive Navigation


This is one of the best plugins if you are looking to turn a simple navigation into a mobile version that is user friendly. It works automatically so less effort.



It is extremely a lightweight plugin i.e., 368 bytes that will help you in converting <ul> and <ol> menus. These will convert the menus into dropdown that offers selection as well.


If your browser is at mobile width, this tiny plugin will convert the site’s navigations into a mobile one.



This is an interesting plugin because it spans a parallel navigation appropriate for the entire width of its container and also provides an option to the user i.e., if the user wants to go for a responsive version or not.



You can create amazingly slick and sleek sliding menus and that too with using a single stroke of JavaScript and it is following:


It is as simple as that. This single line makes things smooth and convenient for you.



This media query will help you in converting a simple menu into a mobile responsive one. It is basically a lightweight JS, which can convert a simple menu into a mobile one.





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