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(博學而詳說之, 將以反說約也)
글을 널리 배우고 상세히 이치를 설명하는 까닭은
많은 지식을 자랑하고 화려함을 다투고자 해서가 아니다.
융화하고 관통해서 반대로
지극히 요약된 경지에 도달해서 설명하려고 해서이다.
- 맹자



헨리 워즈워스 롱펠로는

‘성격에서도, 방법에서도, 스타일에서도,
그 어디에서도 탁월함의 최고는 간결함이다’

레오나르도 다빈치는 ‘간결함은 궁극의 정교함이다.’,
아인슈타인은 ‘과학의 가장 기본이 되는 아이디어는
절대 단순해야 하고, 모두가 이해할 수 있는 표현이 가능해야 한다’

간결함의 기술(art of simplicity)을 이야기 하고 있습니다.



흉내를 내겠다는 마음이 아니라,
진심으로 경의를 갖고 상대를 바라보아야
합니다. 겉모습만 따라 하지 말고 마음가짐을
흉내 내봅시다. 이때 잊지 말아야 할 것은
여러분 역시 누군가의 거울이
되고 있다는 사실입니다.

- 마스노 슌모의《있는 그대로》중에서 -

* 모든 것은
흉내내기에서 시작됩니다.
흉내를 내다보면 비슷해집니다.
닮아지고, 어느 순간 넘어서게 됩니다.
누군가 거울 삼아 흉내내고 싶은 사람이
반드시 있어야 합니다. 온 마음과 존경을 담아
흉내를 내다보면, 어느새 내가 누군가의
거울이 되어있는 모습을
발견하게 됩니다.



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핵심인력이 없어야 기업이 장수할 수 있다.  (0) 2014.01.16
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진정한 감사  (0) 2014.01.11
아프리카 두더지  (0) 2014.01.10
140 Best jQuery Plugins of the Year 2013



Best Useful jQuery plugins of the Year 2013

1. AnimatedScroll.js

This useful jQuery plugin by Yevhen Tiurin helps smooth, animated document scroll to a specific element, supporting native jQuery UI easings making it easier for the users.


Download | Demo

2. jQuery validVal

Fred Heusschen developed this plugin with the aim to help users with it cool feature which is that of embracing the power of HTML5.


Demo | Download

3. jQuery Image Gallery

This jQuery plugin by Sebastian Tschan with features like The plugin comes with features like swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects helps display images with the touch-enabled, responsive and customizable blueimp Gallery carousel in the dialog component of jQuery UI.


Demo | Download

4. jQuery mmenu

This jQuery plugin enables users to create slick app look alike sliding menus for their website.


Demo | Download

5. DD Icon Menu

Dynamic Drive has come up with a plugin named DD Icon Menu that helps create an icon based vertical menu which is fixed on the left edge of the browser window and expands to show sub menus on Mouseover.


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6. Captall

Erwin Van Wesemael developed a jQuery plugin named Captall that enables users to add a caption to DOM element and comes with nice options to let you adjust the way you want to.


Download | Demo

7. Scroll effect a la Google

Eric Wennerberg’s Scroll effect a la Google lets Google+ users to enhance their overall experience.


Download | Demo

8. noty

noty is a notification plugin developed by Nedim Arabacu to help users create alert success.


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9. jQuery dotdotdot

dotdotdot jQuery plugin is for advanced cross-browser ellipsis on multiple line content that helps users in making their task easier.


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10. jQuery Tancolor

Nicholas Tan Jerome has come up with a jQuery plugin named Tancolor for letting users process image using filter algorithm.


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11. jQuery HideSeek

HideSeek by Dimitris Krestos is a simple and customizable live search jQuery plugin that helps users in various projects making their task easier and less time consuming.


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12. FilthyPillow

FilthyPillow is a jQuery plugin developed by Adrian Fraiha that i one sentence can be defined as a small and visually appealing calendar and date-time picker.


Download | Demo

13. Character Countdown

Character Countdown is a jQuery plugin that helps display a countdown of the remaining characters eligible in an input in a visually appealing manner.


Demo | Download

14. jQuery.creaseFont

CreaseFont is a jQuery plugin that helps resize the font on the whole page or in selected elements for users to do their job in hassle-free manner.


Demo | Download

15. Geopost

Geopost is a jQuery plugin by Michael Lynch that is a made simple, lightweight to help users generate a postal code based on current location of the user.


Demo | Download

16. jQuery TimeCircles

jQuery TimeCircles developed by Wim Barelds is a jQuery plugin that provides a superb countdown towards a certain time or to count up from a certain time.


Demo | Download

17. Tunez

Tunez is a jQuery plugin by Michael Lynch that helps display recently scrobbled tracks on Last.fm.


Demo | Download

18. Bootstrap Form Helpers Color Picker

Bootstrap Form Helpers Color Picker is a plugin that is developed by Vincent Lamanna for Bootstrap.


Demo | Download

19. jQuery List Sorter

List Sorter is a jQuery plugin that is developed by Aman Dogra is a jQuery plugin that helps sorting lists that appear to be like tables.


Download |Demo

20. PlusAsTab

PlusAsTab is a jQuery plugin for using the numpad plus key that is configurable as a tab key equivalent.


Demo | Download

21. EmulateTab

EmulateTab is a jQuery plugin that as the name hints is developed for emulating tabbing between elements on a page.


Demo | Download

22. iToggle

iToggle is a jQuery plugin by Sébastien Roch that helps users replace the checkbox that gets hidden far away from the viewport.

2013-11-07 15_32_33-Edit fiddle - JSFiddle

Download | Demo

23. jQuery Sliding Pop Hover

jQuery Sliding Pop Hover is a jQuery plugin for sliding a div over other div on mouse hover developed a Nagesh Vanam.


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24. jQuery Date and Time picker

Date and Time Picker is a jQuery plugin for date time manipulation is form and is developed by Chupurnov Valeriy.


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25. bigSlide

bigSlide developed by Adam D. Scott is a small jQuery plugin that helps create off-screen slide panel navigation.



26. Featherlight

Featherlight developed by Noël Raoul Bossart is an ultra slim jQuery lightbox plugin that is flexible and has cool features like minimal css and no inline css use, name-spaced, customizable via configuration object and many more that together make it an ultimate pick.


Download | Demo

27. PhotoJShop

PhotoJShop is a JavaScript library for photo editing that uses the canvas and reproducing most usual filters. It is developed by Alejandro U. Alvarez.

2013-11-07 15_27_31-PhotoJShop

Download | Demo

28. jQuery spinner

jQuery spinner is a number-spinner based on jQuery. It comes with different features to make it the right choice among the users.

2013-11-07 15_58_40-Jquery-spinner by xixilive

Download | Demo

29. Leroy Zoom

Leroy Zoom is a lightweight and easy to use image zoom and magnify jQuery plugin that is developed by Edison Machado.

2013-11-07 16_11_29-Leroy Zoom DemoDownload | Demo

30. jQuery stickUp

StickUp by Liran Cohen is a jQuery plugin that lets users create a sticky element or navigation bar easily.



31. Bootstrap TouchSpin

Bootstrap TouchSpin plugin is a touch friendly input spinner component that is specifically developed for Bootstrap 3 and is developed by István Ujj-Mészáros.


Download | Demo

32. EasyZoom, jQuery image zoom plugin

EasyZoom based on the original work by Alen Grakalic is a plugin that supports touch-enabled devices and is easily customizable with CSS. It is a highly optimized jQuery image zoom and panning plugin that makes the users’ tasks easy.

2013-11-07 16_35_28-EasyZoom, jQuery image zoom plugin

Download | Demo

33. jQuery Reel

jQuery Reel is a jQuery plugin that is developed by Petr Vostřel for image tag enhancement for 360 degree object movies, vistas and panoramas.

2013-11-07 16_39_51-jQuery Reel Plugin

Download | Demo

34. Excolo-Slider

Excolo Slider is a simple jQuery slider plugin that features autoplay slideshow, mouse slider navigation, pagination to help slide images easily. This plugin supports responsive design and touch for easy sliding.


Demo | Download

35. jQuery dynamicForm

dynamicForm is a jQuery plugin developed by Ian Ashcroft that helps in dynamic form section management.

screen-capture-10Demo | Download

36. jQuery Press and Hold Button

‘Press and Hold button’ is a jQuery plugin that helps user make a button and is a great substitute for ‘Are You Sure’ dialog boxes. held down for a period of time.


Demo | Download

37. Stagehand

Cameron Daigle developed by Stagehand is a plugin that focuses on designers and developers for describing, visualize and debug complex interface interactions.


38. Owl Carousel

Owl Carousel is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful responsive carousel sliders and best of all its a touch enabled plugin.

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39. Tipue drop

This is a search suggestion box jQuery plugin that is an open source and responsive plugin for users to handle various projects.

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Demo | Download

40. CLNDR.js

CLNDR is a jQuery plugin that is developed by Kyle Stetz to create calendars.

2013-12-14 04.39.58 pm

Demo | Download

41. CarouFredSel

carouFredSel is a jQuery plugin that adds carousels to your website, turns HTML elements into a carousel and comes with its own WordPress plugin.


Demo | Download

42. JeeGoo Popup

JeeGoo Popup developed by Erik van den Berg is a lightweight and flexible application popup jQuery plugin.


Demo | Download

43. highchartTable

highchartTable plugin enables users to convert HTML data tables into Highcharts graphs.


Demo | Download

44. jQuery Clock or Timer plugin in retro flip-count down style

Clock or Timer by Chupurnov Valeriy as the name says is a retro flip-count down style plugin which does the assigned tasks easily.


Demo | Download

45. Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders

Bootstrap color picker slider is a plugin that comes with color swatches and works in all modern browsers and on touch devices to be of optimum help for users.


Demo | Download

46. sGlide

This jQuery is a jQuery plugin that helps users generate simple, light-weight slider that is easily customizable and styled with the help of regular CSS.


Demo | Download

47. dynomap jquery plugin

For those who always wished to get a responsive image map plugin to interact with areas on the map and custom callbacks, here is the one named dynomap.


Demo | Download

48. jQuery fbpagestarter

fbpagestarter is a jQuery plugin that enables loading and initialization, fb dialogs like page tab, requests, Facebook login,setSize, setAutoGrow, scrollTo, 810px Grid system and much more. This cool plugin is developed by Tachun LIN.



49. jQuery Keymap

Keymap is a jQuery plugin that lets you create keymap that help display the keybinings of your software that comes with jQuery.


Download | Demo

50. Galpop Image Gallery

Galpop Image Gallery by Richard Hung this is a jQuery plugin that helps in image gallery pop-up and can be controlled with the left and right arrow keys.

2013-12-14 02.40.26 pm

Demo | Download

51. Quick Parallax Scroll

Ali Cigari developed a jQuery plugin and named Quick Parallax Scroll that helps create a parallax background for various pages.


Demo | Download

52. ContentShare

ContentShare is a jQuery plugin that lets users share the exact content on a page that they find worth sharing. Well, for your information. this plugin helps supports Facebook and Twitter by default and users can add more networks if they wish to.


Demo | Download

53. Tipr

Tipr developed by Tipue is a simple jQuery tooltip plugin that helps users in various endeavors.

2013-12-14 02.46.57 pm Demo | Download

54. jQuery aniJS

aniJS is a jQuery plugin that is developed by Rijad Dizdarevi. It is an image sprite sheet jQuery animation plugin that proves to be helpful for users.


Demo | Download

55. Decoy

Arthur Corenzan developed a jQuery Decoy plugin that lets users make decoys for the elements speedily and with ease.



56. Offreg

Offreg is a jQuery plugin that using Canvas creates a print offset effect on any image source by altering the pixel data.

2013-12-14 04.50.58 pm

Demo | Download

57. jVanilla Menu

jVanilla using an existing pure CSS drop-down menu adds enhancements viz. animations, submenu levels and timeout delays to it.


Demo | Download

58. jQuery Responsive Lazy Loader

Responsive Lazy Loader developed by J-Et. Martin is a jQuery plugin that enables users to load images renditions as per CSS display and breakpoints.


Demo | Download

59. jQuery Fullscreen Editor

Fullscreen Editor is a jQuery plugin that transforms textfields to customizable editors. This plugin comes loaded with features that help it do the task easily.

2013-12-14 04.19.14 pm

Demo | Download

60. Flat jQuery Piechart

Flat jQuery Piechart is a jQuery plugin that is developed by Eric Wennerberg for implementing CSS piecharts.


Download | Demo

61. Bootstrap Image Gallery

Bootstrap Image Gallery plugin by Sebastian Tschan is developed to help users create touch-enabled and easily customizable image and video galleries for designers, artists and photographers.


Download | Demo

62. iCheck

iChech by Damir Sultanov is a customizable jQuery plugin lets identical inputs across various browsers and devices, touch devices support others.


Demo | Download

63. Snap.svg

Snap. svg is a jQuery plugin that helps create an interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics to appear like being made specifically for that particular screen.


Demo | Download

64. Mimeo

This jQuery plugin namely Mimeo which is developed by Ben Plum promises to provide users with responsive images.


Download | Demo

65. OmniWindow

OmniWIndow is a jQuery plugin that comes with 150 lines of code written specifically for programmers and is a customizable modal window plugin.


Download | Demo

66. jQuery Selectric

Selectric by Leonardo Santos a cool new jQuery plugin that is used for stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.


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67. Squishy

Squishy is a a plugin that resizes text that exactly fit the container without bothering you to do the needful. All you have to do just link the script file and include a declaration.


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68. sevenSeg

Developed by Brandon L White, sevenSeg is a jQueryUI plugin to create segment displays that come with bindings for Knockout.


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69. AutoHideInput

Vitalii Tereshchuk developed by jQuery plugin that makes sure that users have that additional security for secure fields.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

70. jQuery Diamonds

Bored of seeing the images in simple straight grids? Well, Moquan Chen has developed a jQuery plugin that lets user view images in cool diamond grids.


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71. Trip.js

EragonJ developed a light-weight jQuery plugin named Trip. It helps users customize a tutorial trip easily and flexibly.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

72. Blindify

Stathis Goudoulakis created a plugin and named it Blindify. It helps build nice looking slideshow with a blinds effect to transition in vertical or horizontal manner as per your heart’s desire.


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73. Transfer Numbers Plugin

Tom Rutka developed a plugin named Transfer Numbers. It helps users transfer various numerical that fly from element to the others easily.


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74. BeaverSlider

Simonellez developed a cool jQuery plugin and named it BeaverSlider that lets users create slideshows without any fuss.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

75. Autumn.js

Autumn by Jeremiah Reid is a jQuery plugin that helps users to generate deterministic colors in their designs.


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76. jQuery Wave

Wave is a plugin that helps users in drawing waves with the help of HTML5 canvas 2d.


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77. Flat jQuery Calendar

Developed by Eric Wennerberg this is a jQuery plugin that is created to help users implement a calendar on their websites with ease.


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78. Dolly.js

Lunar Logic by Dolly is a jQuery UI widget that enables users to add spreadsheet-like cell cloning capabilities to HTML tables in easy manner.


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79. PlusSlider

Developed by Jamy Golden, this a responsive and agnostic jQuery content slider/fader plugin.


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80. Ajaxify your site

Arvind Gupta developed a plugin to Ajaxify your website in fuss-free manner and named it Ajaxify.


81 LiveGraph for jQuery

Developed by Lampieg, LiveGraph is a jQuery plugin to create dynamic graphs for scaling and getting live update.



82. AppStore.js

Ram Swaroop who is talented developed created an AppStore to lets users create trendy and responsive App showcase or an App center without coding.


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83. Listplus

Listplus plugin enables users to add sorting, grouping and filtering to html lists with ease.


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84. jQuery Polaroid Gallery

This is a photo gallery plugin integrating into any website with help of updated web technologies.


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85. Persona Assistant

Andrew Chilton came up with a cool jQuery plugin and named it Persona Assistant. This plugin lets users perform common Persona tasks easily.


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86. Glowspot background hover effect

Glowspot background hover effect by Graham Breach is a jQuery plugin that displays glowing area in the background of the selected elements using an HTML5 canvas. Users got to move the cursor over the tabs and see what this plugin does.


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87. AnimateScroll

This is yet another plugin by Ram Swaroop. It lets you to scroll any part of the page in style easily. Supporting more than 30 unique scrollings this becomes an ideal pick.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

88. Squiggle – like a strike-through, scribble out your text content with a Squiggle

Squiggle is a jQuery plugin that lets users generate a canvas ‘scribble’ over text and copy it on the clipboard.



89. jQuery Month selector by Mickael Maison

As the name hints, this is a jQueryUI Widget for displaying and selecting Month using the mm.itemselector widget.


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90. ContentShare by Ram Swaroop

Ram Swaroop doesn’t seem to stop coming up with cool plugins. ContentShare is his yet another jQuery plugin that helps users share the exact content on a page which they want to.

91. 3dEye.js

Developed by Paul Shan, this lightweight plugin helps make a 3D view of any object. Besides, it is cross browser supportable,and runs smoothly in iOS and Android which makes it a useful plugin altogether.


Download |Demo

92. downCount – Simple Countdown clock with offset by Sonny T.

downCount as the name clearly says is a countdown plugin that accounts for timezone.

93. Ion.Sound by IonDen

Ion.Sound lets users play with sounds. This plugin includes a library for playing small sounds.

94. IE8 expand select width

IE8 expand select width is a cool jQuery plugin to expand width automatically to easily read long options in IE8.


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95. Shadow UI by Amsul

With the help of this plugin by Amsul users can easily create Shadow DOM based UI components like dropdowns, modals, popups, tooltips, blobs and likewise.

96. Starscroll – A parallax scrolling starfield

Starscroll adds a fullscreen starfield generated in canvas which is controlled by css to any div.


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97. EasyZoom by Marvin Elia Hoppe

EasyZoom by Marvin Elia Hoppe is an image zoom support.


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98. jQuery Bricks

Florian Ferbach developed this jQuery Bricks plugin with the aim to help users built walls with HTML elements.


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99. jQuery MultiDialog

MultiDialog jQuery plugin is a full featured Modalbox/Lightbox application. It is flexible, easy to use and extendable plugin that fits into the jQuery UI Widget family.


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100.Ion.Tabs by IonDen

Ion.Tabs plugin with simple tabs help generate events and call backs and is easy to set up. Features like cross-browser support such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE(8.0+ makes it a good plugin to pick.


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101.flipLightBox – Responsive Lightbox jQuery Plugin

This is a responsive lightbox plugin that comes with ease to implement and doesn’t require additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries and solves the purpose.


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102. jQuery Matt Tabs

Developed by Matt Hall, this is a simple jQuery plugin that lets users create tabbed interfaces easily.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

103. jQuery URL Shortener

URL Shortner says it all. This is a jQuery plugin that helps in URL shortening.


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104. InstaPIXEL by Eric Howard

InstaPIXEL as the name somewhat gives the idea is a plugin to pixelate an image on a canvas element.


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105. SO_Tag: Tagging system based on StackOverflows tag search

SO Tag is a jQuery Tagging system that is totally based on StackOverflows tags alongwith the descriptions.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

106. Retinize

Retinize helps users to upscale images to appear cool on retina screens and is useful for pixel art if users don’t wish to store an upscaled version.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

107. jQuery Scrollbox

This is a simple and lightweight plugin for scrolling a list like carousel or traditional marquee.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

108. Scrolld.js by Charlie Geiger

Charlie Geiger developed an open source plugin for precise scrolling and pixel-perfect layouts along with navigation using real-time updated data values.


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109. HeapBox

Heapbox is a jQuery that is powered by jQuery to help users write JavaScript with ease and makes the task of the user less time consuming.


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110. jQuery Bank by Katsuya Noguchi

Bank comprises of library to enable users to build bank account forms, formats and validating inputs.


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111. QUAIL

Quail is a jQuery plugin developed by developer Kevin Miller. The plugin checks the content on your website against accessibility guidelines.


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112. jQuery Tippy

Tippy lets users create simple, flexible and powerful tooltips for website using jQuery.


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113. searchSelect by Odd Hill

searchSelect plugin is for searchable and scrollable select lists whilst default button style is not changed. Simply run the plugin on any html select element for making the select list that is searchable and scrollable.


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114. jQuery Color Picker Sliders

jQuery Color Picker Sliders is a responsive plugin that works in all modern browsers and on touch devices and is an advanced color selector with support for human perceived lightness.


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115. Simple HTML5 Music Player

Simple HTML5 Music Player is a skin-able HTML5 Audio player that provides custom design alternative to the generic browser rendered player for music lovers.



116. jQuery confirmOn

Loran Kloeze has developed a plugin named confirmOn to show a confirmation box when the provided events are triggered.


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117. Flapper

Flapper is almost similar to split-flap that is well known as Solari displays common in railway stations and airports. It helps display words/numbers by either formatting them or leaving as they are.


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118. Ideal Postcodes jQuery Plugin

Ideal Postcodes jQuery plugin helps in adding post-code lookups on a form using Royal Mails Postcode Address File. A dropdown menu is displayed and the selected address is piped into appropriate fields to make users get the right code.


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119. Flexible jQuery slider plugin

Mamod Mehyar has developed this flexible Slider plugin to help you create a flexible slider with multiple parallax effects that too without limits or predefined styles.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

120. FailSafe

FailSafe helps users get out of that problem when their is loss of Internet connectivity or the system charge goes down. FailSafe plugin shows a very user-friendly message to the user in such cases and help them.


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121. Albumize

Albumize is a jQuery plugin that enables users to manage their collection of images in the web page as albums. It lets users browse albums, add cover image to albums and switch between albums in simple fuss-free manner.


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122. imgcolr grabs image color

Sway Deng developed a jQuery plugin named imgcolr that grabs the dominant color of a given image’s borders.


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123. jQuery Dashboard Portal

Dashboard Portal is a jQuery plugin for Dashboard that comes with layout and lets users add forms, presentation, and also manage projects depending upon the need.


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124. Vanderlee Coverflow

Martijn van der Lee has developed a jQuery plugin and named it Coverflow. The plugin uses the concepts of “selected”, “inner” and “outer” to cover coverflows and also access an existing ones.


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125. SKDZoom – Stylish image zoomer

This is a stylish CSS3 image zoomer that comes with easily customizable colors,rounded box and Lens zoom support, and other options to make the task of user easier.


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126. Picture Box

Picture Box enables you view zoom-in pictures with navigation. Also, users can easily switch to fullscreen mode to view pictures with arrow keys.


Demo | Dwonload

126. jQuery Selz

This jQuery plugin is developed to open Selz product hyperlinks in overlay and lets your visitors complete their purchase directly onto your site. All in all, selling and buying goes easily with this plugin.


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127. jQuery Responsive Tabs

Developed by Jelle Kralt, jQuery Responsive tabs is a plugin that promises to provide responsive tab functionality.


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128. jQuery Rotate

Developed by Jakub Jankiewicz Rotate is a simple plugin that adds CSS rotate property and animation.


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129. jQuery shiner

Shiner is a jQuery plugin that is developed to change the opacity of items in a list thereby giving the impression of a cross-fading slide show.


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130. jQuery finderSelect

finderSelect is a jQuery plugin that activates file explorer type. It supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.

best-jquery-pluginsDownload | Demo

131. Juicy Slider

Developed by Van Ting, Slider is a responsive slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery.It adjusts image size by computing the corresponding aspect ratio of images and viewport. best-jquery-plugins

Download | Demo

132. colpick Color Picker

Developed by Jose Varga, colpick Color Picker is a simple lightweight Photoshop-like color picker that is apt pick for designers.


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133. jQuery Video Lightning

Andrew Carpenter is a developer who has developed this video lightning simple jQuery plugin turns any element into a lightbox or popover link for Youtube and Vimeo videos.


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134. Shuffle.js

Glen Cheney has developed the Shuffle.js a responsive and fast plugin that promises to help in categorizing, sorting, and filtering a responsive grid of items.


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135. Pan and zoom jQuery

Developed by Damien Corzani, this is a jQuery plugin that enables users to manage zooming and moving on a given dom element easily and speedily.


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136. jQuery Micro

Jakub Jankiewicz has come up with a jQuery plugin names Micro which is a Pico/Nano like editor for the web.


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137. Balanced Gallery

Ryan Epp hs developed this jQuery plugin that promises to evenly distributes photos across rows or columns making the most of the space provided.


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138. jQuery Wikipedia

Wikipedia you all know is a great source of information. As the name hints, this jQuery plugin easily reloads data from Wikipedia about Wikipedia API using JSON.



139. Digital Slideshow

Digital Slideshow as the name tells is a jQuery Plugin that is available for free download and can be used in open source commercial projects.


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140. jQuery.BgSwitcher

BgSwitcher is a jQuery plugin that lets users switch the background images with effect.


Download | Demo

The number of best jQuery plugins 2013 has gone long but believe me I did not get tired jotting down these plugins and I anticipate you all too didn’t get bored. Did you? Do let us know what do you think of the plugins we have listed above and which ones are of your use.



20대에는 미친 듯이 몰아치는 열정만 빛나 보였는데,
나이가 들수록 '열정'보다 '열심'이 미덥다.
화려하고 요란한 뜨거움 보다 우직한 성실함에게
웃으며 손을 들어주고 싶다.
눈부시게 잠깐 빛나는 사람보다
평범한 날들이 쌓여 은은히 빛나는 사람에게 손을 들어주고 싶다.
- 위서현, ‘뜨거운 위로 한 그릇’에서



열정이 성공을 만듭니다.
그러나 순간적인 불타오름,
남에게 피해를 주는 뜨거움이 아닌,
묵묵히 오래가는 뚝배기 같은 열정이라야 진정한 의미를 가집니다.
인생은 단기 승부가 아니기 때문이고,
인생은 남과 함께 만들어갈 때 비로소 완성되는 것이기 때문입니다.


암벽 등반

"암벽 등반은 기초 훈련이
가장 중요한데 의욕만으로 덤볐다가는
큰일 납니다. 왜 나에게 물어보지 않았습니까?"
케리는 협상도 잊은 채 남사장에게
암벽등반에 관한 설명을
하기 시작했다.

- 조우성의《내 얘기를 들어줄 단 한 사람이 있다면》중에서 -

* 암벽 등반은 위험한 운동입니다.
전문가로부터 잘 배워야 하고, 기초훈련도
반드시 거쳐야 합니다. 교육도 기초훈련도 없이
의욕만으로 덤볐다가는 목숨을 잃을 수도 있습니다.
우리의 인생 행로도 암벽 등반과 같습니다.
그래서 멘토가 있어야 하고,
철저한 기초 훈련도


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

진심으로 믿을 수 있는 관계  (0) 2014.01.15
흉내내기  (0) 2014.01.14
진정한 감사  (0) 2014.01.11
아프리카 두더지  (0) 2014.01.10
비를 즐기는 법  (0) 2014.01.09

진정한 감사

진정한 감사는
대가를 바라는 것이 아니라
마음으로부터 우러나온 것입니다.
진심으로 감사하는 사람에게는 더 좋은
것으로 채워지지만, 그렇지 못한 사람은
있는 것도 빼앗기는 것이
감사의 법칙입니다.

- 전광의《작은감사 큰행복》중에서 -

* 진정한 감사는
긍정적인 마음에서 나옵니다.
삶속에서 감사는 행복의 첫걸음이기도
합니다. 새해를 맞아 부모님, 부부, 자녀,
친구들에게 진정한 감사의 마음을 가지고
문자나 전화로 사랑합니다, 감사합니다,
그렇게 전해 보세요.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

흉내내기  (0) 2014.01.14
암벽 등반  (0) 2014.01.13
아프리카 두더지  (0) 2014.01.10
비를 즐기는 법  (0) 2014.01.09
꿈 시장에 불경기는 없다  (0) 2014.01.08

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