신성한 지혜
사랑한다는 말에는
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모두 들어 있다. 사랑한다고 말하면
신성한 지혜가 그것을 받아들이고, 그후에
영감이 내려온다. 그러니 어렵게 생각하지
말고 단지 사랑한다는 말만으로도
충분하다는 것을 기억하라.
- 이하레이카라 휴 렌의《하루 한 번 호오포노포노》중에서 -
* '신성한 지혜'는
지식으로 얻어지는 것이 아닙니다.
오로지 사랑으로만 가능할 수 있습니다.
그냥 마음안에 품고 있는 것이 아니라
밖으로 표현해야 합니다. 단지 입술로,
작은 몸짓으로, 표현했을 뿐인데
'사람을 살리는' 신성한 지혜가
선물처럼 다가옵니다.
전체 글
- 신성한 지혜 2013.12.03
- [도서구매]마이크로소프트웨어 (월간) 12월호, 차이나 마켓코드, 통일신라시대 밀교계 불교조각 연구 2013.12.02
- NudgePad: Faster prototyping in your browser 2013.12.02
- [jQuery] 15 Best jQuery Grid Plugins for Developers 2013.12.02
- 진정한 강자, 진정한 청춘 2013.12.02
- 타인의 마음을 얻는 방법 2013.12.02
신성한 지혜
[도서구매]마이크로소프트웨어 (월간) 12월호, 차이나 마켓코드, 통일신라시대 밀교계 불교조각 연구
'생활의 발견 > Books' 카테고리의 다른 글
[도서구매] 의사에게 살해 당하지 않는 47가지 방법, 마이크로소프트웨어 2014 (월간) 1월호 (1) | 2014.01.09 |
[도서구매] 앤서니 보텡 - 쿡스투어 (0) | 2013.12.31 |
마이크로소프트웨어 30주년. (0) | 2013.11.05 |
[도서구매] 저스트고 오사카 고베 나라 교토 (2013~2014 최신개정판), 마이크로소프트웨어 (월간) 2013.11월호 (1) | 2013.10.31 |
[도서구매] 중국인 이야기 1 (1) | 2013.10.31 |
NudgePad: Faster prototyping in your browser
NudgePad: Faster prototyping in your browser
NudgePad is an in-browser development environment that makes prototyping much faster. It includes tools for collaborating and working with a team, and it’s expandable.
NudgePad is an IDE that runs in your browser. NudgePad allows you to make websites and apps faster than ever before. NudgePad is collaborative and open source.
Building apps and websites requires many types of tools and many types of talent. NudgePad provides you with an expandable suite of tools to quickly get your work done. NudgePad is a multiuser IDE and teams can collaborate in real time.
Try it
Try it now at http://www.nudgepad.com
'프로그래밍 > Web' 카테고리의 다른 글
[PHP] Nette Framework 2.0: A PHP tool for web development (0) | 2013.12.06 |
[HTML5] Enables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers. (0) | 2013.12.05 |
Martini: Web development with Go (0) | 2013.11.21 |
Web.go: Create web applications with Go (0) | 2013.11.18 |
InfluxDB: An open source database with no dependenceis (0) | 2013.11.13 |
[jQuery] 15 Best jQuery Grid Plugins for Developers
15 Best jQuery Grid Plugins for Developers
1. Freewall
Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts: flexible layout, images layout, nested grid, fluid grid, metro style layout, pinterest like layout with nice CSS3 animation effects and call back events. Freewall is all-in-one solution for creating dynamic grid layouts for desktop, mobile and tablet.
It is based on the width (or height) of a container and the width (height) of a cell unit, It will create a virtual matrix. Scanning the matrix at each cell will find a free cell around to made a free area, then try to fit a block element into it. In case no block can fit the gap, it will resize the block to fill the gap (that is one of the options).
2. S Gallery
S Gallery is a jQuery image gallery plugin that displays images in a responsive grid. It is inspired from the gallery in Sony’s product pages (which is made with Flash) and mimics that completely. Once an item is clicked and focused, it is possible to browse others with prev-next buttons or via keyboard. Returning back to the grid view is possible with a click and, also, a fullscreen option exists (uses HTML5 Fullscreen API).
3. Mason.js
There are various JavaScript-powered solutions for creating dynamic-column grid layouts (like Pinterest). Although most of them are great, sometimes, the grids contain gaps or ragged edges. Mason.js is a jQuery plugin that aims to perfect such grids by filling those gaps smartly. One the grid is created, the plugin calculates where those gaps exist and fills them with either predefined elements or by duplicating the content in the grid. It is possible to define the sizes to be used for elements, the size of columns/rows, breakpoints and if the layout will be fluid or fixed.
4. jQuery.Shapeshift
There are various jQuery plugins for creating Pinterest-like dynamic grid layouts. jQuery.Shapeshift is a strong alternative to them with an an extra touch :the items can be drag ‘n’ dropped (uses jQuery UI). The drag ‘n’ drop doesn’t affect the grid negatively as the grid auto-fills the gaps when needed. It also works on touch devices and responsive layouts. The plugin comes with lots of options to set the margins, enable/disable drag-drops, customize animation and much more.
5. jQuery Nested
Nested is a jQuery plugin for generating multi-column grid layouts with zero gaps. The plugin creates a matrix of all elements, builds a multi column grid and tries to fill any gaps by reordering the elements. There are various other solutions out there that does the same. However, Nested applies one small action: it resizes any element at the bottom of the grid to guarantee the gap-free layout. Its usage is very easy by simply targeting a container element through a jQuery function. And, various options exist for customization like enabling/disabling animation, min. number of columns and more.
6. Wookmark jQuery Plugin
The dynamic column grid layouts are so popular not only because it is used by Pinterest but also because it is a great way of displaying content with different sizes. Wookmark, a Pinterest alternative, has released a jQuery plugin for creating such layouts, that work well on each browser, instantly. The plugin has very few options to set: the container element, offset (vertical/horizontal distance) and width of the items, that’s all. Once initialized, it gets the size of the window and auto-arranges the grid (yes, it is responsive).
7. Grid-A-Licious
Grid-A-Licious is a jQuery plugin that enables us to easily create Pinterest-like floating-grid layouts. There are other resources to create such an output but Grid-A-Licious differs itself by offering a completely responsive solution. Regardless of the screen size or device, the grid fits perfectly as it is floating (no absolute positioning is used) and fluid. The plugin has options to customize the width, gutter and animation (speed, duration, effect, etc.). And, it supports appending/prepending new items to the grid which is useful for dynamic layouts.
8. jPhotoGrid
jPhotoGrid takes a simple list of images and captions and turns it into a grid of photos that can be explored and zoomed. Nearly all of the styling for this plugin is done in css. The trick is to layout the grid by floating the list items. The first thing the plugin will then do, is convert these all to absolutely positioned. This is what allows the plugin to zoom in on an individual image and then return it to its place.
9. Gridster
Gridster is an impressive jQuery plugin to develop iGoogle-like multi-column grids that can be drag ‘n’ dropped and re-ordered. The plugin only requires jQuery (no jQuery UI) and can convert any given HTML structure into the widgets of the grid. And, we are not limited with the elements loaded initially but can add and remove new ones dynamically.
10. Photoset Grid
Photoset Grid is a simple jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid, based on Tumblr’s photoset feature. Originally the plugin was created for the Style Hatch Tumblr themes as a way to use the photoset grid in responsive layouts, but they have since expanded it and released a jQuery plugin for us.
11. Flex
Flex is a fluid asymmetrical animated grid plugin for jQuery. You can mouse over the tiles to see them expand. Flex is an idea inspired by the old flash homepage on Adidas.com.
12. Freetile
Freetile is a plugin for jQuery that enables the organization of webpage content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will attempt to arrange it’s children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by “packing” them in a tight arrangement.
13. Griddy
Griddy is a small JQuery plugin thats creates a simple, customizable grid overlay on top of any element. It can also calculate row heights and column widths automatically based on the number of rows/columns and gutter space. There are few options, including: rows, row height, row gutter, columns, column height, column width, color and opacity.
14. jSquares
jSquares is a jQuery plugin that pops up an image and a description in an overlay on hover. It is basically identical to the image grid found on www.ted.com. There are some parameters can be added when you call jSquares, e.g. caption size, opacity of the images, shuffle speed and etc. It works like a charm in IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 10.
15. jqGrid
jqGrid is an Ajaxed jQuery grid plugin with amazing features. As the grid is a client-side solution that loads data with Ajax callbacks, it can be used with any server-side language like ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, JSP and so. A clever feature is sub grids which shows you a sub grid when a master column is called.
'프로그래밍 > Script' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Node.js] Object Playground: Visualize and experiment with JavaScript objects (0) | 2013.12.04 |
[jQuery] ReStable - Responsive tables to list jQuery plugin (0) | 2013.12.03 |
[jQuery] 15 JQuery Lightbox Plugins For Visually Enhancing Images (0) | 2013.11.28 |
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [17th November-23rd November] (0) | 2013.11.26 |
[jQuery] 15 jQuery Mobile Plugins for Mobile Devices (0) | 2013.11.25 |
진정한 강자, 진정한 청춘
진정한 강자, 진정한 청춘
진정한 강자는
고독을 이겨낸 사람이라고 한다.
고독을 이겨내려면 고독을 이야기할 수
있는 상대가 있어야 한다. 그러기 위해서
사람에게는 사람이 필요하다. 청춘은
절대로 무소의 뿔처럼 혼자서 가서는
안 된다. 함께 어울려서 위로하며
가야 한다. 고독해서는 안 된다.
- 홍영철의《너는 가슴을 따라 살고 있는가》중에서 -
* 저도 청년 시절 고독했습니다.
고독해서 책을 읽었고, 고독해서 글을 썼습니다.
책과 글쓰기가 고독을 이기게 하는 친구였습니다.
고독한 시간 함께 있어주는 사람이 있다는 것은
엄청난 행운입니다. 좋은 친구를 가진 것이
진정한 강자, 진정한 청춘입니다.
타인의 마음을 얻는 방법
타인의 마음을 이해하는 일에는 요령이 있다.
누구를 대하든 자신이 아랫사람이 되는 것이다.
그러면 저절로 자세가 겸손해지고,
이로써 상대에게 좋은 인상을 안겨준다.
그리고 상대는 마음을 연다.
-괴테, ‘괴테의 말’에서
‘이해하다’는 뜻의 영어단어에 바로 그런 뜻이 내포되어 있습니다.
즉 타인의 밑(Under)에 서야(Stand)
진정으로 그 사람을 이해 (Understand) 할 수 있다는 것입니다.
늘 역지사지(易地思之)하고 Under Stand 하는 자세만으로도
타인의 마음을 훔칠 수 있으리라 생각해 봅니다.
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