"내가 항상 이기는 건,
되돌아갈 힘을 남겨두지 않고 그 순간만은 모든 힘을 쏟아붓기 때문이야"
- 영화 <가타카GATTACA> 中 -
"내가 항상 이기는 건,
되돌아갈 힘을 남겨두지 않고 그 순간만은 모든 힘을 쏟아붓기 때문이야"
- 영화 <가타카GATTACA> 中 -
배움에 고파하라.
그럼 결코 굶주리지 않을 것이다.
성장하지 않으면 퇴보한다.
아무리 잘 훈련된 운동선수라 하더라도
훈련을 중단하면 72시간부터는 운동능력이 감소하기 시작한다.
- 브라이언 트레이시
배우지 않으면 지적능력 역시 퇴보합니다.
80:20 법칙을 연구한 한 학자에 따르면
하위 80% 사람들은 10년간 새로운 기술을 배우지 않는다고 합니다.
배움은 곧 즐거움이요, 끊임없이 성장하는 에너지의 원천입니다.
절실함이 큰 사람을 만든다. (0) | 2013.08.09 |
인생에서 가장 큰 위험은? (0) | 2013.08.08 |
큰 실패를 했다면, 자서전 집필중이라 생각하라. (0) | 2013.08.05 |
결핍이 창의성을 가져온다. (0) | 2013.08.02 |
군자도 미워하는 게 있다. (0) | 2013.08.01 |
자연을 통해
휴식을 얻을 수 있고,
자연을 통해 건강도 얻을 수 있습니다.
자연은 그 속에 있는 것만으로도 우리 몸을 치유해 줍니다.
건강만 있다면 우리는 무엇이든 꿈꿀 수 있습니다.
건강을 잃으면 성공도, 명예도, 돈도
아무것도 아닙니다.
- 이철환의《못난이 만두 이야기》중에서 -
* 어제도 어느 자리에 갔다가
대장암 진단을 받고 황망해 하는 분을 만났습니다.
너무 큰 충격과 두려움에 한동안 망연자실하다가
평소 '자연'을 멀리하고 거스르는 생활 방식에
후회와 반성을 많이 했다는 말도 했습니다.
자연을 거스르면 온갖 병이 들어오고
자연을 통하면 건강이 들어옵니다.
지금도 늦지 않았습니다.
'나는 괜찮은 사람' (0) | 2013.08.09 |
비가 내리지 않는 하늘은 없다 (0) | 2013.08.08 |
마음의 채널 (0) | 2013.08.06 |
청년의 가슴은 뛰어야 한다 (0) | 2013.08.05 |
잘 녹는 비누 (0) | 2013.08.03 |
[javascript] Pickadate.js — Responsive date & time picker (0) | 2013.08.07 |
[jQuery] Sticky-kit: A sticky element jQuery plugin (0) | 2013.08.07 |
[jQueyr] Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [27th July - 2nd August] (0) | 2013.08.06 |
[jQuery] The Holy Grail jQuery Plugin of CSS Design (0) | 2013.08.05 |
[javascript] Guideline.js — Create non-invasive tours (0) | 2013.08.05 |
Nitrous.IO - Nodejs, Django, Go (0) | 2013.08.08 |
Skeuocard: An innovative way to enter credit card details (0) | 2013.08.08 |
Furatto — A flat front-end framework (0) | 2013.08.02 |
Monsta FTP — FTP cloudware (0) | 2013.07.31 |
[Erlang] Erlang/OTP http://erlang.org (0) | 2013.07.31 |
jQuery, popular javascript framework is one of the most important part of the designing world. Considered to be the spine of web development, jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that promises to simplify HTML document traversing, animating, Ajax interactions and event handling for speedy web development. You all certainly know that jQuery plugins enrich web app development making them multifunctional and visually pleasing.
Each day ingenious minds out there come up with the innovative jQuery plugins promising to help you enhance your website by making them user friendly and visually creative. Infact, there is vast and active community that keeps building plugins to suite various needs. One might wonder as to which plugin is best for them and keeping track of what’s latest in the jQuery world is not possible especially when you are on the verge of completing the deadlines.
Here’s the smart way out! After careful brainstorming we planned to keep the track of latest jQuery plugins. After all, its our job to keep our readers updated. Jotting all of them and making a long list of the useful jQuery plugins didn’t click us as it sounded to be a time-consuming task.
So, we decided to divide the list and update the best jQuery plugins on our blog every week. To begin with, here is a list of 15 best jQuery plugins for designers and developers for this week.
Digital Slideshow is a jQuery Plugin that’s available for free download. The users can use it in their opensource commercial projects without any fuss.
Its a jQuery plugin that enables the users to switch the background image with effect.
Feyn is a jQuery plugin to let you draw Feynman diagrams with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). The very first thing you got to do while you use jQuery.Feyn is to load the scripts found in the distribution and then proceed further.
AnimatedScroll.js is a plugin that enables smooth, animated document scroll to a specific element, supporting native jQuery UI easings.
Glowspot background hover effect as the name hints displays a glowing area in the background of the selected elements using an HTML5 canvas.
jQuery plugin is for easy reloading of data from Wikipedia about Wikipedia API using JSON. It is important to pass the invite to a Wikipedia page title. The second parameter can be a number of settings for the presentation to be made.
The jQuery Nice File Input Plugin has the ability to provide batter looking file input HTML element besides making all kinds of customizations to fit your application without any fuss.
EasyDataTable AJAX pagination plugin is based on jQuery pagination plugin which is simple, clear, easy to use, flexible, comprehensive, has its own tabs, supports sorting and much more. Besides built EasyDataTable expression language can be enhanced through the JavaScript programming paging.
AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style easily by animatescroll function with the Id of the element where you want to scroll to. It gives various options to customize the style of scrolling, its speed and much more. The best part is that it supports more than 30 unique scrolling styles.
3dEye.js is a jQuery plugin developed Voidcanvas which is the web developers’ social community. The cool lightweight plugin has the ability to make a 3D view of an object with minimal effort. This plugin is cross browser supportable, and runs smoothly in iOS and Android. The first version of this plugin is released on July 2013.
Starscroll jquery plugin adds a fullscreen starfield, generated in canvas, controlled by css to any div. The parallax responds when user scrolls or when is set to animate. All thanks to starfield!
Juicy Slider is a responsive slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery. The plugin adjusts image size by computing the corresponding aspect ratio of images and viewport using javascript which makes it compatible with older browsers and more consistent.
SlimTable is a plugin for jQuery which creates sortable and pageable tables from existing table data. SlimTable is lightweight plugin and takes only 4kB when minified.
flipLightBox is a responsive Lightbox that is extremely easy to implement and doesn’t require additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries.The coolest feature of flipLightBox is that it has optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes.
jQuery Matt Tabs is a simple jQuery plugin that lets users create tabbed interfaces.
As mentioned above, we will keep you posted with the best jQuery Plugins of each week. Stay tuned for more cool stuff!
[jQuery] Sticky-kit: A sticky element jQuery plugin (0) | 2013.08.07 |
[WEB] HTML5, CSS, javascript 게임 (0) | 2013.08.06 |
[jQuery] The Holy Grail jQuery Plugin of CSS Design (0) | 2013.08.05 |
[javascript] Guideline.js — Create non-invasive tours (0) | 2013.08.05 |
[javascript] Minified.js — A much smaller JS library (0) | 2013.08.05 |