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- 경쟁의 원칙은 자기 자신을 상대하는 것이다. 자기 개선과 예전보다 더 나아지는 것의 문제라는 뜻이다. - 스티브 영 2013.08.09
- [Web] Top 10 Most Gorgeous Website Builders from 2013 2013.08.09
- 세상을 바꾸는 시간, 15분: 세바시 207회 지금 당신에게 힐링이... @고도원 (재)아침편지문화재단 이사장 2013.08.09
- [링컨학교 영어캠프 2기] 특강-왜링컨학교영어캠프인가 (고도원) 2013.08.09
- '나는 괜찮은 사람' 2013.08.09
- 절실함이 큰 사람을 만든다. 2013.08.09
경쟁의 원칙은 자기 자신을 상대하는 것이다. 자기 개선과 예전보다 더 나아지는 것의 문제라는 뜻이다. - 스티브 영
[Web] Top 10 Most Gorgeous Website Builders from 2013
Top 10 Most Gorgeous Website Builders from 2013
They say the devil is in the details, and nobody knows it better than WebStartToday. Business websites are its specialty and it comes prepared with an arsenal of over 1000 templates to match even the newest and eccentric fields and domains, from limo service to night clubs. Yes, websites for everyone, but that doesn’t mean this will kill originality. WebStartToday knows that in the near future everyone will have a website, and to this end it makes it possible to have different customization for the same template. That’s how the thousand templates multiply exponentially. All you need to do in the end is put your text instead of the dummy text and you’re done.
Cubender is another web builder focused on stores and business, but not exclusively. It’s very versatile and it combines the ease of use with thoroughness. Features include e-commerce, SEO optimization, mobile integration, Google Analytics and many more. The service is not free, but a demo is included. In 14 days you can test and build your website and then choose a package, which – considering the service quality – comes at a bargain, starting at $9.95 per month.
You’ve probably heard of Wix, as it’s been around for quite a while. It’s a balanced web builder, not too fancy and not too simple either, good for beginners in the sense that it makes suggestions based on the business domains you choose. Another nice aspect is that it doesn’t rush you to buy a package. With its free unlimited demo, you can take your time and build your site, and when you are ready, choose your plan.
What makes Webydo different from other web builders is its focus on the needs of designers. Since designers work with multiple clients, meaning they are creating multiple websites, Webydo has an awesome CMS that they can take advantage of. Designers can focus on the website and the design of it, while still give their clients control over elements of their choosing. This way, the clients will not interfere with the design and the designer can focus on the appearance. Standard DIY site builders do not always fit the needs of designers because they start to lose control of how the site looks. However with Webydo, there are no limiting templates – everything is fully customizable, making each website created on Webydo unique. Some tools used on the platform are grid generators, smart guides and snapping, layers window, text caption, form generators and more.
Webzai is one of the easiest to use and straightforward web builders. You can either use the templates or start from scratch and build everything yourself. The drag and drop menu allows you to modify anything in real time and contains everything a designer might need. SEO optimization and cloud hosting are included. Alongside the free package, there are three more premium options, priced at $6, $11, and $20 respectively.
Without registering, MadeFreshly takes you right in front of your virtual shelf, where you start adding your products. You’ve guessed it, it’s an online store web builder. For customization, it offers a few templates, not numerous but well done, and some of them are free. Without a premium plan your sales are pretty limited, i.e. one picture per product and only three pages per site, but the good news is that the plans are priced at $11.99, $19.99 and $34.99 respectively, and include promotion service, mobile support and Google Analytics, and, unlike many other web builders, you can actually have your own custom domain name.
Aircus is a revolutionary among revolutionaries. Unlike its other brethren, it is a neat and simple web builder, preferring mature and elegant designs without too much complication, and big letter fonts that are easy to read. That doesn’t make it unprofessional – style is its forte, but not for the over-sophisticated. If you want a site built right now and don’t have the time to go through thousands of templates, you might wanna take a look at Aircus. And since it started on the vibe of quickness, why not be revolutionary all the way and be available from any phone or tablet? That’s right, with Aircus you can build your site in a few easy steps no matter where you are.
uCoz website builder is a reliable SaaS (software as a service) platform offering the best cloud hosting solutions. It’s not just a site constructor, but it’s a powerful infrastructure enabling you to create, maintain, publish and optimize your website easily.
uCoz is loved for its beneficial free package. Some of the features you can get on this constructor for free are as follows:
- Unlimited traffic.
- Extended statistics.
- User group management.
- Knowledgeable, timely technical support.
- Ability to attach your own domain name.
- Custom email and many more.
uCoz is an absolutely risk-free platform: you can explore its feature set as long as you need without any fees. But once you feel you’re ready to build your website – you may opt for one of their paid subscriptions (starting with $3.09).
Kopage is a quick, complete and user friendly service with a lot of elements available ranging from slideshows to videos and galleries, even HTML.But what’s really convenient about it is that you can have it installed automatically in Cpanel. If your hosting service doesn’t have the option yet, you can always ask them to do it for you. Kopage is completely free for usual users, charging only the hosting companies.
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[링컨학교 영어캠프 2기] 특강-왜링컨학교영어캠프인가 (고도원) (0) | 2013.08.09 |
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[링컨학교 영어캠프 2기] 특강-왜링컨학교영어캠프인가 (고도원)
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비가 내리지 않는 하늘은 없다 (0) | 2013.08.08 |
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'나는 괜찮은 사람'
두려움을 극복하고 사랑을 유지하려면
나와 타인을 신뢰하고 배려할 수 있는 능력이 꼭 필요하다.
신뢰란 내 마음 안에 어떤 위험한 것이 있든
나는 그것들을 통제할 수 있으며, 비록 그런
요소들이 있다 해도 기본적으로
나는 괜찮은 사람이라고
생각하는 것이다.
- 김혜남의《어른으로 산다는 것》 중에서 -
* '괜찮은 사람'.
누구에게든 굉장한 칭찬입니다.
스스로 "나는 괜찮은 사람"이라 말하면
자신에게 굉장한 칭찬을 하고 있는 것입니다.
그리고 실제로 '괜찮은 사람'이 되어야 합니다.
그 첫걸음이 자신을 통제할 줄 아는 것이며,
자기 신뢰가 첫걸음의 시작입니다.
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[링컨학교 영어캠프 2기] 특강-왜링컨학교영어캠프인가 (고도원) (0) | 2013.08.09 |
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자연을 통해... (0) | 2013.08.07 |
마음의 채널 (0) | 2013.08.06 |
절실함이 큰 사람을 만든다.
외로운 신하와 서자로 태어난 사람은
그들의 마음가짐이 절실할 수밖에 없고,
그 어려움을 극복하는 생각이 깊을 수밖에 없다.
그러므로 그런 사람들은 남보다 뛰어난 사람이 되는 것이다.
- 맹자
남보다 부족하고 어려운 상황에 처하게 되면
마음가짐이 남과 다를 수밖에 없습니다.
남보다 몇 배 더 고민하고 몇 배 더 노력하게 됩니다.
가장 큰 어려움을 겪고 난 후 사람들은 가장 크게 성장합니다.
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