아침에 일어나 눈을 뜨면
차가운 물을 한 잔 마시고 화장실에 간다.
그 다음에는 옷을 벗고 몸을 씻는다. 매일 아침
자신의 몸을 씻는 일은 일종의 의식과도 같다.
깨끗한 몸으로 하루를 맞고 싶은 것이다.
그러니 자신의 몸을 씻는 행위는
하루의 시작을 알리는
경건한 의식이다.

- 박영택의《하루》중에서 -

* 하루의 시작은
또 하나의 '경건한 의식'과도 같습니다.
저도 아침에 일어나면 물을 마시고 몸을 씻습니다.
깨끗하고 경건한 마음으로 이메일 함을 열어
간밤에 쏟아져 들어온 메일들을 읽습니다.
그리고 다음날 나갈 아침편지를 씁니다.
그러기를 12년째. 퐁퐁퐁 샘물처럼
맑은 기운이 매일 아침 솟아나길
꿈꾸며 하루를 시작합니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

세상을 지배하는 힘  (0) 2013.03.01
스스로 이겨내기  (0) 2013.02.28
희열감이 뭉게구름처럼  (0) 2013.02.26
인생 마라톤  (0) 2013.02.25
고마워...  (0) 2013.02.23

나의 일상은 지극히 단조로운 날들의 반복이었다.
잠자고 일어나서 밥 먹고 연습,
자고 일어나서 밥 먹고 다시 연습,
어찌 보면 수행자와 같은 하루하루를 불태웠을 뿐이다.
조금 불을 붙이다 마는 것이 아니라,
재까지 한 톨 남지 않도록 태우고 또 태웠다.
그런 매일 매일의 지루한, 그러면서도 지독하게 치열했던
하루의 반복이 지금의 나를 만들었다.
-강수진, ‘나는 내일을 기다리지 않는다.’에서


세계적 발레리나 강수진은
자신이 생각하는 가장 큰 업적, 가장 듣고 싶은 찬사는
‘보잘 것 없어 보이는 하루하루를 반복하여
대단한 하루를 만들어 낸 사람’이라고 합니다.
지극히 규칙적이고 지루한 반복적 일상이
위대함을 만듭니다.


자신이 원하는 바가 무엇인지 모르거나 그것을 그리 강렬히 원하지 않을 때 성공은 요원하다. - Frank Crane -

You do not succeed because you do not know what you want, or you don't want it intensely enough.


30 jQuery UI Framework Plugins


jQuery, is it a popular buzzword or an effective JavaScript, what to say and how to define it? Yes, they both add values to the word jQuery. It is a popular JavaScript and a rocking word in the web industry nowadays. jQuery is being used by 40% of the websites nowadays. And, its demand is getting more and more because of its updated and feature content plugins. The functional boundaries are constantly getting pushed forward by the jQuery plugins because of the actual release of new plugins every now and then.

The web designer face the biggest challenge in their life about how to satisfy the customers with their websites and do you say it is not that much tough to make it possible? You can’t because you might have experienced the same. This popular JavaScript library is in the list of most commonly used script libraries that too by most popular websites.

It is needless to say that jQuery plugins increases performance and attractiveness of a blog. So since beginning we have been contributing informative articles about jQuery. We have previously published jQuery scrolling plugins, jQuery plugins for Responsive websites, jQuey plugins and coding techniques and many more. If you are a newbie you may find this guide to jQuery very helpful. In order to help you to find some of the freshest jQuery plugins, we have rounded up a list of 30 amazing jQuery plugins.


This JavaScript library will make your web content look like a real time book. It has developed for HTML 5 applications. And, you can expect this to go well with other gadgets like tablets and even Smartphones. It’s a very less space occupying plugin, say something around 15 kilobytes.

dd Slick

It is one another small size JavaScript plugin which will let the users to create a dropdown box in their web pages and the thing is it not only allows the texts as dropdown lists, but also it lets you include images too.


You want to depict some graphs in your web pages? Here you go with this JavaScript plugin. Sparklines will let you create small inline charts. The input data for the charts should be provided through JavaScript or using inline in the HTML.


As the name suggests, this query will provide you a way for creating a simple slideshow. The slideshow will contain all features like a normal one say the auto play, slide transition effects, fade etc.


Here again the name suggests the functionality of the plugin. This plugin will let you magnify the picture easily and quickly. You should be ready with two copies of the same pictures that you want to zoom.


This jQuery plugin deals with creating animation characters and background animations using java script and HTML. It is one another light weight and simple jQuery. Make your website more animated and lively with the help of this plugin.

Hover intent

It’s a plugin where the main goal is to work based on the web user’s intent. It is similar to that of the function of jQuery’s built-in-hover functionality, but expresses some difference in terms of mouse movement.


You wish to embed the Google maps in your website? Make it possible using this plugin. You can customize it as per your needs and again, the size of this plugin is too small.


A plugin used for editing the contents. This functionality requires very few lines of JavaScript code.


If you want to support not only images, but also videos, flash and other image formats, then this plugin will be more useful for you. Almost all of the web browsers will accept this plugin and the setup is too simple.

Ajax fancy captcha

A big challenge for all web owners is to protect their website from bots and spams. And, this plugin helps you with that by providing you the way for creating captcha.

Star Rating plugin

As the name suggests, this plugin is for providing ways to create a rating functionality in your website. You can simply turn out your radio boxes into star ratings with very simple code.


When you have so many pages in your website, there you will find this plugin very useful. The users can be easily navigated through pages, if you use this plugin to include page numbers on your website.

Tablesorter 2.0

This plugin will let you sort the tables, if you have any in your website in a sortable format. It is possible to sort even linked data in the table using this plugin.


It’s a plugin for developing full customized and useful drag-drop calendar. You can easily customize this calendar as per your needs and requirements. You can use your own feed format for the data for calendar.

Date picker

Selecting particular date ranges is possible with this jQuery plugin. It will provide you a standard form of input field. You will get either a popup or inline calendar with this plugin.


Shortened URLs are really useful. Sharing your favourite links to others goes easier with the help of shortened URLs. And, that’s become possible with the help of lLy1 jQuery plugin.


You could have seen table of contents in book front page. And, this became more common nowadays in websites too. And, the same can be achieved using this jQuery plugin. It makes user to navigate to the particular content topic or page that they wish to access.


Create warnings, ideas, errors, alert messages etc. using this plugin. It will be useful for almost all of the website owners because displaying error or warning messages is more needed now for user’s support and convenience.


Do you have to more content in your website and want to add a customized scrollbar to your webpage? Just get it done through this plugin.


You can add tabs to your website using this plugin. You will find similar type of plugins a lot, but this will be more useful and flexible.

Progress bar plugin

The name itself explains that this plugin is used to indicate the progress status of either loading your website or a particular topic or whatever progressing stages it is.

Color picker

The color picker which you will generally see available in photoshop or any photo editors can be added to you website using this jQuery plugin.


A tooltip plugin, more user friendly and at the same time more feature rich will have lots and lots of useful features. You will get tips in speech bubble format, rounded corner edges format etc.


This plugin will let you insert grids in your webpages or in a particular place in your website. It is possible to toggle between front and back of the webpage.

Kendo UI

Its programming interface, MVVM framework, Data Source, internationalization and many other features makes it the most desirable jQuery plugins for web developers.


You can create shadow and drop shadows for images using this jQuery plugin. Such kind of shadow appearing images will generally look appealing and attractive.


This plugin will be helpful for creating calculation form using JavaScripts. This is the initially released version and lots of development has been made recently.


This phrase you could have seen in almost all of the websites. You may be at the bottom of the website and you can suddenly reach the top using the button ‘Back to Top’.


This plugin allows automatic resizing of the text based on the text area space and height. When used this plugin, the text area will grow when the input length grows.


jQuery’s success and popularity is all because of the web development community globally and everyone deserves the full credit for it. It continues to grow more and it is more thriving. Just get informed about all jQueries and be a successful web developer!

Source: http://designmodo.com/jquery-ui-framework-plugins/#ixzz2LxmU3odk


100% 밝은 마음에는
병이 깃들 수 없다는 것이
나의 변함없는 신념이 되었다.
이렇게 긍정적인 마음의 힘과 작용을
몸으로 직접 체험하게 되니 마음과 정신의
본질에 대해서 깊이 생각하게 되고 자연적으로
명상에도 심취하게 되었다. 내 몸 속에서는
희열감이 뭉게구름처럼 떠오르곤 했다.

- 이남순의《나는 이렇게 평화가 되었다》중에서 -

*100% 밝은 마음.
이를 가리켜 '절대 긍정'이라 말합니다.
어떻게 100% 밝은 마음이 가능하겠습니까.
그러나 한 번쯤 도전해 볼 만한 일이 아닐까요?
몸과 마음의 병, 삶의 무게를 말끔히 털어내고
희열감이 뭉게구름처럼 피어오르는 길이
100% 밝은 마음, 절대 긍정에
숨겨져 있습니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

스스로 이겨내기  (0) 2013.02.28
하루를 시작하는 '경건한 의식'  (0) 2013.02.27
인생 마라톤  (0) 2013.02.25
고마워...  (0) 2013.02.23
'굿바이 슬픔'  (0) 2013.02.22

비판을 좋아하는 사람은 아무도 없다.
하지만 나는 이런 비판에 익숙해져 있다.
리더에게 비판은 일종의 삶의 자극제다.
만일 비판을 받아들일 수 없다면,
비판으로부터 지혜를 배우고
한 발짝 물러서서 자신을 바라볼 수 있는 힘이 없다면,
리더가 될 수 없다.
-카를로스 곤, 르노 회장

공자도 니체도 비판을 즐기라 말합니다.
진리를 향해 나아가는 데에는
동조자 보다 비판자가 도움이 됩니다.(공자)
비판은 쉼 없이 들을수록 좋습니다.(니체)
‘다른 사람의 비판을 피하려면 아무 행동도 하지 말고,
어떤 말도 하지 말아야 하며,
그 어떤 존재가 되어서도 안됩니다.(알버트 허바드)’



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