
무조건 동화되지 않고 자유로운 판단하에 생각을 품는 것은 교양 있는 사람이라는 증거이다. - 아리스토 텔레스 -

It is the mark of an educated mind to be albe to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle -


25+ Excellent jQuery Menu Plugins





MenuStation – Real Unlimited Responsive Menu –



Metro Flexible Navigation – 






UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin – MORE INFO

uber menu jQuery menu plugins

UberMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable, responsive Mega Menu WordPress plugin. It works out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to create highly customized and creative mega menu configurations.

MenuStation – Real Unlimited Responsive Menu – MORE INFO


This plugin features real unlimited menu, responsive design, and many colors to change. it is easy to customize and light weight.

Menu with CSS3 Effects and Notification Bubbles – MORE INFO

menu css3 jQuery menu plugins

This Menu with CSS3 Effects and Notification Bubbles has everything you need. The functionality is divided in different parts and that makes it very powerful.

niceTree – JQuery Tree Plugin – MORE INFO

nicetree jQuery menu plugins

Get rid of that ugly tree menu on your site with niceTree. An easy to install JQuery plugin with more options than you’ll ever need. niceTree will take your HTML and turn it into a collapsible menu system with unlimited menus within menus.

Metro Flexible Navigation – MORE INFO

metro flexible menu jQuery menu plugins

The Metro Flexible Navigation is a simple, clean grid layout looking a lot like the new Windows 8 interface. It can be customized to be laid out horizontally or vertically. It’s scrollable and drag-able at the same time and contains useful sliding controls. Icons can be changed, there is a large collection available.

MeanMenu – MORE INFO

mean menu jQuery menu plugins

Main features include hide or show menu children, orientation adjustment and control screen width where the plugin activates. This plugin is easy to setup and configure and bundled with configurable CSS.

Memu – A simple CSS / JavaScript / JQuery Menu – MORE INFO

memu jQuery menu plugins

A small, solid jQuery plugin which is quite easy to use. It’s a menu which can be used with or without JQuery. It has feature so that when visitors are navigating your site, the selected item will stay highlighted.

Revolver – Sliding Website Plugin – MORE INFO

revolver jQuery menu plugins

This is not a menu plugin actually, but it can do some powerful stuff and create a creative navigation on you website. Revolver is a jQuery plugin for creating full screen sliding websites. It can be integrated into any website template.

jQuery Animated Button & Menu – MORE INFO

animated menu jQuery menu plugins

The animated button & menu jQuery plugin allows you to easily replace <a> links with animated buttons and grouping buttons into a menu (drop down menu).

jAccordion – jQuery Accordion – MORE INFO

jaccordion jQuery menu plugins

jAccordion is a complex and responsive jQuery plugin with powerful API, large amount of callbacks and options which let you customize it to suit your needs.

Cursor Following Menu – MORE INFO

cursor menu jQuery menu plugins

This is a navigation menu that will always follow your cursor. It was generated using CSS and jQuery library, which is easy to configure and implement. The script features CSS styling, 2-level navigation and simple markup.

jQuery Drilldown Menu – MORE INFO

drilldown menu jQuery menu plugins

iPhone inspired drilldown menu. So easy. So powerful.

Sticklr WP – Sticky Side Panel WordPress Plugin – MORE INFO

sticklr jQuery menu plugins

Stickr WP, a sticky side panel menu WordPress plugin. Inspired by Envato site-switcher, after released as CSS3 +jQuery, due to popular demand I decided to create this WordPress plugin version. The features are similar with jQuery version, only WordPress version has an intuitively easy administration panel, so you don’t have to know the coding behind it.

Shuffling Tiles jQuery Plugin – MORE INFO


Inspired by the step by step movements of the shuffle dance and the new Metro UI look, Shuffling Tiles combines elements from both and then some, producing a versatile, animated and compact webpage widget. Use it when you have lot’s of information that you want to fit in a small area, and you want to present it in a lively, original and interactive way.

jQuery iNav – Products Showcasing Navigation – MORE INFO

inav jQuery menu plugins

iNav it’s a jQuery plugin that let you create an amazing animated Menu (even with multiple menus) or Items Showcasing. Inspired by Apple products navigation, iNav can introduce in your website a very powerful javascript navigation! In order to work properly, iNav requires at least jQuery 1.4 or higher.

jQuery Live Menu – MORE INFO

live menu jQuery menu plugins

jQuery Live Menu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create easily nice and animated menus. Menus are opened on left or right click on the defined target. You can customize layout, effects and the tooltip design by jQuery parameters .

PullOuts – jQuery Slide-out Widgets – MORE INFO

pullouts jQuery menu plugins

PullOuts allows to grab any piece of content from a web page and display it as a pullout widget. Whether it’s a block of text, images, shopping cart, login, search or subscription form, a video or any other content – you can make it a pullout.

jQuery Push Menu – MORE INFO


Now with hoverIntent integration. Cross Browser Compliant – IE9 , FF3+,Opera, Safari, Chrome. Mobile Ready – Works in mobile browsers. Sliding Sub menu level items.

Titan Menu – MORE INFO

titan menu

Titan Menu, a fresh and powerfull menu solution.

Sticklr – Sticky Side Panel CSS3 + jQuery Plugin – MORE INFO

sticklr jQuery menu plugins

The latest version is version 1.4, made on January of 2012. Custom tab size option was added and the ability for a tab to act as link was improved.

Superfish – Free jQuery Menu Plugin - MORE INFO

superfish jQuery menu plugins

Superfish is a JQuery plugin especially dedicated to menus. It allows many improvement from what you can achieve with HTML and CSS as such as hover support for IE6, animations, keyboard accessibility and more.

Smooth Expandable Menu – MORE INFO

smooth jQuery menu plugins

Smooth Expandable Menu is the definitive tool for building minimal vertical expandable menus, which can be easily customized due to its 17 built-in config parameters, directly from the html file / script call. The pack includes 3 samples (Serif, San Serif and Tiny), to make easier the integration on any web project. It uses Google Fonts library system, so you won’t need to integrate font files or @fontface scripts. It has been optimized for mobile devices.



jMenu is a jQuery plugin that allows the creation of horizontal navigations with unlimited sub-menus. Besides jQuery, it also requires jQuery UI and supports all the effects of this library (like fadeIn or slideDown). The markup of the menu is pretty clean as it makes use of nested lists.

Navigation Menu Widget – MORE INFO

navmenu jQuery menu plugins

This is an advanced plugin that gives you total control over the output of your menus. Support shortcodes, widget and template function. Easy to customize, full features. and supports Twitter Bootstrap. Displays a list of menu as links. This plugin is based on the WordPress function: wp_nav_menu()

jPie jQuery Circular Menu – MORE INFO

jpie jQuery menu plugins

jPie is a Contextual Circular Menu for jQuery. You can create countless instances and each instance can be fully customizable using the attributes provided by the plugin.

Fancy Typewriter – jQuery plugin – MORE INFO


Fancy Typewriter is a jQuery plugin for creating stunning menu effects and much more. Just add the plugin to any tag, which contains text. Check out the preview, which says more than words.

세상도 마찬가지다.
내가 웃으면 거울도 웃고,
내가 칭찬을 하면 거울도 칭찬을 한다.
내가 세상을 도우면 세상도 나를 도와준다.
반대로 내가 다른 사람을 비난하면
세상도, 다른 사람도 나를 비난한다.
-민계식 전 현대중공업 회장

내가 칭찬받고 싶으면 먼저 칭찬하고,
도움 받고 싶으면 먼저 도와주고,
인사받고 싶으면 먼저 인사하면 됩니다.
우리는 남을 변화시킬 수는 없습니다.
나 스스로만을 바꿀 수 있습니다.
그러나 나를 바꿈으로써 남을 바꿀 수 있고,
세상을 바꿀 수 있습니다.


내일을 보며 살게 된다.
그리움은 우리를 붙들어 두지 않는다.
그것은 우리 마음을 넓게 해주고
우리를 자유롭게 숨 쉬게 한다.
우리 삶에 인간적인 존엄성을 부여한다.

- 안젤름 그륀의《하루를 살아도 행복하게》중에서 -  

* 그리움은
멀리 떨어져 있을 때 더 커집니다.
곁을 떠나 멀리 떠났을 때 더 간절해 집니다.
누군가를 사랑하고 있고, 그 사랑을 더욱 깊이
알게 되었다는 뜻입니다. 당신이 있어야
내가 살아갈 수 있다는 뜻도 됩니다.
나에게 진정 가장 소중한 것이
무엇인지도 알게 합니다. 


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

황홀경은 짧다  (0) 2013.02.07
심장의 황홀경!  (0) 2013.02.06
잠시 멈추어 서서  (0) 2013.02.04
한 걸음 떨어져서 나를 보라  (0) 2013.02.02
비밀의 땅  (0) 2013.02.01

어제 눈이 많이 내렸는데도 불구하고 출석률이 좋았단다.
6시 10분에 입수.
자유형 3
킥판잡고 평영킥 4,2
평영 4
배영킥 2
배영 4
배영 2
접영 2
자유형 대시 3
기억안나지만 힘든건 분명하다 ㅋㅋㅋ
출석률 높이자!






'운동일지 > 수영' 카테고리의 다른 글

2013.02.07 수영일지  (0) 2013.02.07
2013.02.06 수영일지  (0) 2013.02.06
2013.02.03 수영일지  (0) 2013.02.03
2013.02.02 수영일지  (0) 2013.02.02
2013.01.19 수영일지  (0) 2013.01.19
진주는 조개의 상처 때문에 생긴다.
조개 안에 모래알 같은 이물질이 들어오면
조개는 그것을 감싸기 위해 체액을 분비하는데,
그 체액이 쌓여 단단한 껍질을 이루어 진주가 된다.
진주는 상처의 고통을 영롱한 아름다움으로 승화시킨 결과다.
-정호승, ‘내 인생에 용기가 되어준 한마디’에서


이물질이 들어왔을 때 고통에 저항하지 않으면
진주조개는 병들어 죽게 된다고 합니다.
결국 조개에게 고통은
자신을 아름답게 살리는 존재인 것입니다.
고통과 그 고통을 이기는
인내의 시간 없이 만들어지는 진주는 없습니다.

지금 이 순간,
숨 가쁘게 어디론가 향하고 있다면
잠시 멈추어 서서 자문해보라.
나는 도대체 무엇을 원하는 것일까?
내가 가고자 하는 곳은 어디인가?
내가 진정으로 그리워하는
것은 무엇인가?

- 안젤름 그륀의《하루를 살아도 행복하게》중에서 -  

* 뉴질랜드의 아름다운 자연을 보면서
'잠깐멈춤'의 뜻과 힘을 다시금 생각하게 됩니다.
말을 타고 달리다 '내 영혼이 잘 따라오는지' 돌아보기 위해
잠깐 멈춘다는 인디언처럼, 잠시 멈추어 선 지금의 시간이
더없이 값지고 소중하게 여겨집니다. 멈추어 서야
내가 달려온 길을 다시 돌아볼 수 있고,
내가 가고자 하는 길도
잘 보입니다.  


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

심장의 황홀경!  (0) 2013.02.06
그리워하라  (0) 2013.02.05
한 걸음 떨어져서 나를 보라  (0) 2013.02.02
비밀의 땅  (0) 2013.02.01
하늘, 바람, 햇살  (0) 2013.01.31

IT 트랜드 2013.02

Spring보다 쉽고 빠른 웹 개발
 - 파이썬3 기반 웹프레임워크 (Pylatte)

 └ http://www.pylatte.org/
 └ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pylatte
 └ http://www.facebook.com/pylatte
 └ https://github.com/rucifer1217/pylatte
 └ http://code.google.com/p/pylatte/
 └ http://code.google.com/p/pylatte/source/browse/pylatte_git/
 └ http://rucifer.tistory.com/category/Programing/Python
 └ http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks

AngularJS 시작하세요.

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