
당신의 사이트가 사파리에서 "읽기도구"가 가능하게 하려면? http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/safari-reader

* 적용하려면

1.올바른 마크업을 사용하라.
  가장 중요한 내용이 컨테이너 요소 내부에 포장되어 있는지 확인해라.
   <article>,<div>을 사용하고, 심지어 <span>도 상관하지 않는다. - 이왕이면 <P>를 사용하지 말고.

2.내용이 충분히 있어야 한다.
  충분한 구두점을 사용하고, 충분한 단락을 사용하며, 충분한 단어 사용을 하라.
  모든 단락은 최소 100자는 되어야 한다.

3."읽기도구"는 로컬문서에 대해서는 작동하지 않는다.

Safari Reader Tests


Safari Reader


http://css-infos.net/ CSS 정보

@ CSS Sprites 생성도구 : http://ko.spritegen.website-performance.org/
  : 이미지 압축파일 올려주면 자동으로 만들어준다. 고마운 도구이군.

Image Sprites : http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp

An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image.
A web page with many images can take a long time to load and generates multiple server requests.
Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth
- 무슨 말이냐고? 하나의 이미지를 사용하는 이미지 모음을 얘기하는데,
  이를 사용하는 이점은 서버로의 호출을 줄이고 대역폭을 확보하는데 있다.
  이미지 모음을 CSS로 잘라서 사용하라는 말입니다.

예제 1 : http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_sprites_img
예제 2 : http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_sprites_nav
예제 3 : http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_sprites_hover_nav


35 inspiring light and white website designs


Today we have a bit of  inspiration for you, we have selected 35 marvellous light and white website designs. They are made from creative people throught the World. Some websites made by Poles, some by Russians, some by Brazilians, some by Americans and others.  Enjoy the eye-catching designs and feel free to leave your comments and mention your favorites.

1. ArtDesignStock – Art, Design and Stock Portfolio of Levi Szekeres (Romania)ArtDesignStock

2. Epsdesign – creative and ecological projects of interior design (Italy)Epsdesign

3. Cappen – Digital Agency´s new website. All made using html5 with some nice transitions.(Brasil)Cappen

4. designzoom – web design solutions for budget people (Bangalore and Chennai India)designzoom

5. Elegant Seagulls is a creative design agency, MI specializing in website design (Marquette)Elegant Seagulls

6. 80-20 Studio conceptualize, research, design, develop and deploy solutions that set new standards in user experience80-20 Studio

7. JavaScript for Designers. A minimalist microsite or a one day workshop for webdesigners. JavaScript for Designers

8. Lebensraum Eilenriede is one of the most important municipal forests in Europe, covers an area of roughly 650 hectares.Lebensraum Eilenriede

9. SWIST Event Agency made by Nile StudioSWIST Company

10. Vitaly Shepelev PortfolioVitaly Shepelev

11. People LABPeople LAB

12. Elliott Kember web designer create cool web site with the game on the background.Elliott Kember

13. Tyler Finck. It`s all about web design, video, motioTyler Finck

14. Catch MailCatch Mail

15. Monster`s schoolMonster`s school

16. Paradigma communication agencyParadigma communication agency

17. White Space web studio White Space

18. Index – communication agencyIndex

19. Ola Marion – design agencyOla Marion

20. MIR is a full-circle creative, design and post production company based in Russia.MIR21. Camp6 provides a range of services from bookkeeping & accounting to website design and development.Camp6

22. Creative People – creative design agencyCreative People

23. Welcome to Demo Slam.Welcome to Demo Slam

24. The Critical Mass is an interactive data visualisationThe Critical Mass

25. FlowerOscope. Playing with the concept of  the kaleidoscope.FlowerOscope

26. The hidden heroes. The hidden heroes

27. Inthel.A website, portfolio and cv for Zamfir Mihnea (Romania)Inthel

28. Sold Pink Studio.Taking over the world one gamer at a time. (Australia)Sold Pink Studio

29. A small corporate website for an ad agencyA small corporate website for an ad agency

30. Panoplie team tries to provide sensual experiences to the screen.Panoplie

31. Gluckstuck is a creative designer from germany.Gluckstuck

32. The Wilderness Downtown.The Wilderness Downtown

33. Stripes design. Portfolio of a web designer from Poland.Stripes design

34. Mark Sousa webdesigner. Webdesign Portfolio from Brazil.Mark Sousa webdesigner.

35. The Elbany. Multi disciplinary arts venue in South East London.The Elbany


The Top 8 Placeholder Services for Web Designers

* placeholder : 웹페이지에서 화면을 잡아주는 것. 이미지.

1 – PlaceKitten


A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code. Just put your image size (width & height) after our URL and you’ll get a placeholder.


  1. <img src="http://placekitten.com/200/300" /> 
  3. <!-- Black and White --> 
  4. <img src="http://placekitten.com/g/200/300" /> 

Follow the placekitten.com url with your desired dimensions. For example, if I needed a 450 x 300 placeholder image, I’d set the source attribute of an image tag to: http://placekitten.com/450/300.

2 – Placehold.it


A quick and simple image placeholder service.


  1. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150"> 
  3. <!-- Set Colors --> 
  4. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150/292929/e3e3e3"> 
  6. <!-- Add Text --> 
  7. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150&text=Hello World"> 
  9. <!-- Set Image Type --> 
  10. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150.png&text=Hello World"> 
  11. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150.gif&text=Hello World"> 
  12. <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150.jpg&text=Hello World"> 

Note that, with this service, you set your dimensions more traditionally, rather than separating the widths and heights into segments.

Placehold.it is a bit different in that, rather than using photos for placeholders, it instead uses more traditional solid color images, which might be more appealing to some designers.

3 – SheenHolders


Add some Sheen to your designs and prototypes with Charlie Sheen placeholder pictures. Simply change the width and height in the URL to get your custom placeholder.


  1. http://sheenholders.com/421x550  
  3. <img src="http://sheenholders.com/421x550" /> 

If you want your web designs to be winning, then you need the Sheen!

4 – FlickHoldr


Get placeholders related to the site you are developing, by pulling images from flickr based on tags.


FlickrHolder is helpful in that, in addition to using Flickr photos as the placeholders, it also allows you to choose a desired tag as the third segment. You can even choose to display photos in black and white.

  1. <img src="http://flickholdr.com/200/300" /> 
  3. <!-- Apply one or more tags --> 
  4. <img src="http://flickholdr.com/200/300/sea,sun" alt="" /> 
  6. <!-- Need black and white? --> 
  7. <img src="http://flickholdr.com/200/300/sea,sun/bw" alt="" /> 

5 – LoremPixum

Placeholder Images for every case. Webdesign or Print. It’s simple and absolutely free!


  1. <!-- Default --> 
  2. <img src="http://www.lorempixum.com/400/100" alt="" /> 
  4. <!-- Black and White --> 
  5. <img src="http://www.lorempixum.com/g/400/100" alt="" /> 
  7. <!-- Tagged --> 
  8. <img src="http://www.lorempixum.com/g/400/100/sports" alt="" /> 

6 – PlaceDog


Dogs are so superior to felines. Just choose your dimensions in the pathname and share the doggie love on your projects.


  1. <img src="http://placedog.com/400/300" alt="" /> 
  3. <!-- Black and White --> 
  4. <img src="http://placedog.com/g/400/300" alt="" /> 

7 – DummyImage



DummyImage is particularly nice, when compared to some of its competitors, in that it offers a great deal of flexibility. Let’s take a look at some of the available options.

  1. <!-- If you only pass a width, a square will be generated --> 
  2. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600" alt="" /> 
  4. <!-- Width and Height --> 
  5. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600x400" alt="" /> 
  7. <!-- Apply background and text colors --> 
  8. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600x400/292929/e3e3e3" alt="" /> 
  10. <!-- Set image type --> 
  11. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600x400.png/292929/e3e3e3" alt="" /> 
  12. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600x400.gif/292929/e3e3e3" alt="" /> 
  13. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/600x400.jpg/292929/e3e3e3" alt="" /> 
  15. <!-- Custom Text --> 
  16. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/800x600&text=Your Mom Goes to College" alt="" /> 
  18. or with background and text colors...  
  20. <img src="http://dummyimage.com/800x600/292929/e3e3e3&text=Your Mom Goes to College" alt="" /> 

8 – Griddle.it


A clean and simple way to help align your layouts. No complex grid frameworks necessary.

Certainly, Griddle.it is unique compared to its peers because its focus is on creating grid images, which can then be applied to the background of your web design during production. View a live demo here.


Applying a background grid requires the following format: http://griddle.it/[total width]-[number of columns]-[gutter size].

  1. /* Generate a 960px grid, with 12 columns and 30px gutter */ 
  3. body { 
  4.   background: url(http://griddle.it/960-12-30) repeat-y center top;  
  5. }  

iPad에서 Portrait & Landscape 일때 적용 CSS 예제

iPad Orientation CSS (Revised)

It doesn’t take much foresight to anticipate that with the rise of Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) like the iPhone and iPad, UI designers will have a greater responsibility to optimize for orientation-based contexts. As such, it’s quite prescient that today, the folks at Cloud Four demonstrated how to serve up stylesheets based on device orientation.

Since I have a feeling I’ll be using this quite a bit in the future, I wanted to build on Cloud Four’s work and find a way to alleviate the following issues:

  1. Extra HTTP requests
  2. Not iPad-specific
  3. Lack of reusability

So, without further ado, here’s my proposed revision to the iPad orientation CSS:

<!-- css -->
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait) { 
    .landscape { display: none; }
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (orientation:landscape) { 
    .portrait { display: none; }

<!-- example markup -->
<h1 class="portrait">Your device orientation is "portrait"<h1>
<h1 class="landscape">Your device orientation is "landscape"<h1>

As you can see, I’ve also changed the markup in a predictable way. An explanation of the changes and the reasoning behind them can be found below.


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