


인터랙티브한 HTML 파일 만들기에 익숙하신 분이라면 iBooks Author에 넣기 간편하기 때문에.. 웹디자이너에 대한 수요가 더 커질 것 같습니다. Adobe Edge나 Sencha Animator를 이용해서 만들고 그 HTML 파일을 아이북스 아서에 넣기만 하면 영상과 같이 제작이 가능하네요.


Welcome to the Unicode Symbol Map (☆USM★) info page




Welcome to the Unicode Symbol Map (☆USM★) info page

☆USM★ is a browser bookmarklet that pulls up expressive characters for easy copy & paste of all those crazy unicode symbols that people love to include in their emails and blog posts.

I designed this tool as a bookmarklet to find characters fast for quick messages or status updates. If you want to add it, just drag this link to ☆USM★ up to your bookmark bar or right click it and choose "Add to Favorites".


How to use: To copy and paste a symbol simply click on the symbol you want. It will be selected and copied to your clipboard.
Troubleshooting: Note that on older systems not all the symbols might be available - you can download arialuni.ttf and copy it to your C:\Windows\Fonts directory; after restarting your browser you should be fine.
Symbols: The drop-down menu lets you choose symbols from the categories:
  • most wanted symbols: "☺", "☻", "✌", "✍", "✎", "✉", "☀", "☃", "☁", "☂", "★", "☆", "☮", "☯", "〠", "☎", "☏", "♕", "❏", "☐", "☑", "☒", "✓", "✗", "¢", "€", "£", "❤", "❣", "❦", "♣", "♤", "♥", "♦", "♧", "►", "❝", "❞", "☜", "☝", "☞", "☟", "☚", "☛", "☹", "త", "☣", "☠"
  • more symbols: "✑", "✒", "÷", "‰", "√", "≠", "∞", "❛", "❜", "™", "©", "®", "✄", "✁", "✂", "✇", "✿", "❀", "“", "”", "„", "‟", "«", "»", "♪", "♫", "…", "◆", "◇", "✣", "✪", "✰", "✧", "✦", "☔", "☕", "☼", "☾", "❆", "❅", "❄", "✵", "♲", "♻", "♿", "⚅", "⚑", "⚐"
  • arrows: "←", "↑", "→", "↓", "↔", "↕", "⇄", "⇅", "↲", "↳", "↴", "↵", "↶", "↷", "↺ ", "↻", "➔", "➘", "➙", "➚", "➜", "➟", "➠", "➤", "➥", "➨", "➫", "➬", "➭", "➮", "➯", "➲", "➳", "➵", "➶", "➷", "➸", "➹", "➺", "➻", "➼", "➽", "➾", "◀", "▶", "◁", "▷", "◊"
  • other symbols: "⚒", "⚓", "⚔", "⚕", "⚘", "⚖", "⚛", "⚚", "⚠", "⚡", "♀", "♂", "⚢", "⚣", "⚤", "⚰", "⚱", "☢", "☤", "✝", "☦", "☧", "☨", "☩", "☪", "☭", "♈", "♉", "♊", "♋", "♌", "♍", "♎", "♏", "♐", "♑", "♒", "♓", "⌚", "⌛", "⌨", "⏎", "✈", "♨", "☸", "⚭", "⚮", "⚯"
  • mathematical: "∧", "∨", "∀", "∃", "∄", "¬", "∆", "∇", "∈", "∉", "∋", "∌", "∩", "∪", "⊂", "⊃", "⊄", "⊅", "⊆", "⊇", "∏", "∑", "Ω", "×", "±", "÷", "∅", "∗", "∙", "∂", "√", "∛", "∜", "∝", "∞", "∁", "∟", "∠", "∡", "∢", "∥", "∦", "⊕", "⊗", "≤", "≥", "≪", "≫"
  • mathematical 2: "∫", "∬", "∭", "∮", "∯", "∰", "∱", "∲", "∳", "∴", "∵", "∻", "∼", "∽", "∾", "≀", "≁", "≈", "≂", "≃", "≅", "≡", "≢", "≣", "≉", "≊", "≋", "≌", "≍", "≎", "≏", "≐", "≑", "≒", "≓", "≖", "≗", "≘", "≙", "≚", "≛", "≜", "≝", "≞", "≟", "≠", "⊧", "⊥"
  • mathematical 3: "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "ⁱ", "⁺", "⁻", "⁼", "⁽", "⁾", "ⁿ", "ℕ", "ℝ", "ℚ", "ℙ", "ℂ", "ℤ", "½", "¼", "¾", "α", "β", "γ", "δ", "ε", "ζ", "η", "θ", "λ", "μ", "ξ", "ω", "Φ", "Ψ", "⊨", "⊭", "⊻", "⊼", "⊽", "⋅", "⅀", "⌀", "⌈", "⌉", "⌊", "⌋", "ₓ"
  • mixed symbols: "♔", "♕", "♖", "♗", "♘", "♙", "♚", "♛", "♜", "♝", "♞", "♟", "℗", "♭", "♮", "♯", "♩", "☊", "♒", "☄", "✆", "ꁚ", "ꀪ", "ꀎ", "ꂔ", "℅", "℆", "℀", "℁", "№", "℮", "✜", "☇", "☈", "☉", "❖", "❶", "❷", "❸", "☘", "⌖", "ℹ", "⚀", "⚁", "⚂", "⚃", "⚄", "⚅"
  • international: "¡", "¿", "Á", "á", "À", "à", "Å", "å", "Ä", "ä", "Æ", "æ", "Ç", "ç", "É", "é", "È", "è", "Í", "í", "Ì", "ì", "Î", "î", "Ñ", "ñ", "Ó", "ó", "Ò", "ò", "Ô", "ô", "Ö", "ö", "Ø", "ø", "Ú", "ú", "Ù", "ù", "Ü", "ü", "Ž", "ž", "ß", "¥", "€", "£"


This is the Unicode Symbol Map Bookmarklet at http://panmental.de/symbols/info.htm.
I do not guarantee the correctness/adequateness of the script or the information given on this side and thus deny any responsibility for your use of it.
Johannes Knabe (jknabe@panmental.de)
My Homepage is http://panmental.de








백슬래쉬(Backslash) 문자란, "Reverse Solidus" 라고 불리기도 합니다. 좌측으로 기울어진 빗금입니다. 참고로 그냥 "슬래쉬(Slash)"는 / 이렇게 우측으로 기울어진 작대기입니다.

한글 윈도우에서는 백슬래시(\)가 원화(₩)기호로 나타납니다. 일본어판 윈도우에는 엔화(¥)기호로 나옵니다.

한글 폰트 자체가 그렇게 되어 있기에 그렇게 나오는 것인데,

다음의 방법을 사용하면, 한글 윈도우에서 백슬래시를 어느 정도 표현할 수 있습니다.

원화를 백슬래쉬로: 영문폰트 사용하여

한글 글꼴이 아닌 영문 폰트를 사용하는 것입니다. 영문 전용 폰트에는 원화 기호가 없기에 오리지날 백슬래시가 잘 나옵니다. 웹문서라면 다음과 같은 태그를 사용하여 폰트를 지정하면 됩니다:


한글 폰트: 굴림
<span style="font-family:Gulim">C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe</span>

<br /><br />

영문 폰트: Arial
<span style="font-family:Arial">C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared</span>

HTML 출력 결과:

한글 폰트: 굴림
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe

영문 폰트: Arial
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared

패스 문자열 속의 백슬래쉬들이 깨끗하게 표현되었습니다.

원화를 백슬래시로: 전각문자 사용하여

전각문자로 된 백슬래시를 사용하는 것입니다. (▶▶ 컴퓨터용어] 반각 문자 / 전각 문자;(半角/全角)의 의미, 차이점- Half-Width / Full-Width Character 참고)

"\" <- 바로 이것이 백슬래쉬의 전각문자 버전입니다. 이것은 한글 폰트 속에 들어 있기에 한글 윈도우에도 잘 나옵니다.

위의 전각문자를 카피하여 문서에 붙여넣고 사용하시면 됩니다.

단, 전각문자 백슬래쉬는, 진짜 백슬래시 즉 반각문자 백슬래쉬와는 코드 번호가 다릅니다. 모양은 같지만, 컴퓨터는 전각 백슬래쉬를 백슬래쉬로 인식하지 못하는 경우가 대부분입니다. 따라서 "\" 이것을 워드프로세서 문서 속에서 사용한다든지 하는 것은 괜찮지만, 프로그래밍 등에서 진짜 백슬래쉬 대신으로 사용하면 안됩니다.


Why Web Icon Fonts are brilliant


Posted Friday 14th Dec 2012 by Rob Bavington 1 Comment

My brother James and I have been chatting a lot over the past week about how amazing Icon Web Fonts are, so I’ve put together a little video blog to show the key benefits. If you’re unfamiliar with Icon Fonts, they’re not too dissimilar from Wingdings. They’re useful, lightweight, modern typefaces that are perfect for displaying icons on your website without the baggage that often comes with using images.

Now we’ll talk about these specific Icon Fonts in a moment, but typefaces like Font Awesome, which is free, or Fico carry huge benefits to designers – which is probably why they’ve been so popular with web designers in 2012.

You can think of Icon Fonts as any normal font or web-font. As a designer you can easily adjust the size, colour and even add shadows with CSS. Icon Fonts work in almost all browsers including IE6, which means you get transparency without messing around with any ugly hacks. Most importantly, a lightweight or hand-picked Web Icon Font will load quicker in the browser that it’s image counterpart which will help with your page-speed optimization.

Web Icon Fonts have been huge in 2012

James and I think there’s 3 simple, key reasons why Icon Web Fonts are so popular in 2012:

  1. The icons are simply pretty cool and modern
  2. Responsive web design
  3. Retina displays.

So with Responsive web-design, there’s a good chance that you might want to increase or decrease an icon’s size, particularly if you’re using it within a button. Just like text, you can use media queries to simply change the type size without needing to reference a different image file. And unlike raster, pixel based images – Icon Fonts are vector so they look crisp at any resolution.

If you haven’t already, we’d recommending heading over to some of the many Icon Fonts available online. Like we mentioned earlier, Font Awesome is a great starting point as their current free set includes over 200 icons and can be installed and used on your website within minutes.

There’s also plenty of premium paid Icon Fonts and also great tools like Fontello where you can create your very own hand-picked, lightweight hybrid Icon Font by combining the best of the free Icon Fonts available.

So, wrapping up – we’re pretty confident that Icon Fonts are going to continue in popularity in 2013. It wouldn’t surprise us if the Google Web Font archive dons a set or two in the near future.

Example results when using Font Awesome, as shown on their web page.

Example results when using Font Awesome, as shown on their web page.

Web Icon Fonts & SEO

Also, don’t worry about the potential SEO headache of having random single letters hanging around your HTML markup. Icon Font Packs, like Font Awesome for example, have been set-up so that you can render with empty italic tags.

If you refer to the embedded image opposite, and the HTML markup below, you can see how the empty italics tags are used with a class to render icons in a similar fashion to how we might use span tags.

<ul class="nav nav-list">
    <li class="active"><a href="#"> Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Library</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Applications</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Settings</a></li>

Thanks for watching this week, check out our supporting post for more resources and live examples of Icon Fonts in action from around the web.


40 High Quality Photoshop Web Layout Tutorials

Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win the world's biggest UI elements pack "Impressionist User Interface Elements Pack" for 3 winners (1 developer license and 2 personal license) to design your project more creatively.


In this collection, you will discover some useful Photoshop tutorials on creating appealing and excellent website layouts. Creating visually appealing website layouts is very important for every web designs, and Photoshop is the most useful tool for creating such layouts. Keeping this in mind, we thought to compile some useful tutorials that will guide you through the process behind creating web layouts in Photoshop.

As we have already published a post about Photoshop Tutorials for Website Layouts and that was greatly appreciated by our readers. Now we have gathered another great collection of some Photoshop Tutorials for Website Layouts.

Let us take a look at this collection and get some useful insight of how you can also create appealing website layouts for your website. We hope that you will like this collection. Enjoy!

We Go Retro Create Stylish Retro Website Template Using Photoshop

Follow the steps of this tutorial and you’ll learn the designing tips and tricks of this elegant template. This is the advanced level tutorial.

Create a Sleek, High-End Web Design from Scratch

In this tutorial, we’ll put together a high-end Web design using a crisp, thin font, gorgeous background images, and clever use of space and layout. You can easily use the technique to create your own unique designs.

Create a Professional Web 2.0 Layout

In this Photoshop tutorial we’re going to learn how to create a web 2.0 layout, As we go through the tutorial we’ll deal with so many Photoshop techniques. Seems kind of long? that’s because it’s very detailed. I assure you’ll find easy to follow and to get done, just give it a try!

Deep in Space Portfolio Layout Design in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will teach you how to create an outer space website layout that could be used for a portfolio design. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials, the psd is available for download.

How to Make a Highly-Textured Site Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we’ll create a textured site layout by layering multiple images. Creating highly-textured web design layouts is easier than you may think. You can learn to build image intensive designs rapidly. For intermediate Photoshop designers creating this design will take less than an hour, and you’ll learn some professional tips along the way. Let’s get started!

Create a Wooden Grunge Portfolio Web Layout in Photoshop

In this beginner-level web design tutorial, we will show you how to construct a portfolio web layout that has a fixed wooden background with Photoshop. We’ll also use some brushes to accent the design.

How to Make a Vibrant Portfolio Web Design in Photoshop

In this web design tutorial, we will create a beautiful and colorful portfolio layout using Photoshop. We will show you many techniques for creating different things like bended paper corners, dashed lines, image carousels, 3D bars, and more! We will walk you through each step in exact detail so you won’t be left guessing how to do a certain technique. We will use the 960 Grid System to create this layout.

Design a Clean Mobile App Website in Photoshop

In this tutorial i would like to show you how to create a clean mobile app website in Photoshop. You will see how to create a detailed background, trendy call to action buttons and how to stylize web typography. Hope you will find this tutorial useful and you will learn something new. Please share your opinion about this tutorial in comments section below.

Create a Minimal Resume Website Design in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a minimal resume website design in Photoshop. We will be using simple techniques to achieve clean and professional final result. You will discover how to create simple detailed background, trendy 3D elements also you will see how to effectively stylize web typography.

Create an Awesome Black Portfolio Layout

Here we will show you how to create a nice portfolio layout. It will have a nice 2.0 look. More and more webmasters are aiming to create simple layouts. The scope of web 2.0 layouts is that users will see faster what you want to offer

Create an Ecommerce Web Layout

In this tutorial we will create a spare parts ecommerce layout. It can be used for magento, oscommerce, or any e-commerce cms you want.

Create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design.

Design a Cool Textured Portfolio Website

In this tutorial you will learn how to Design a Cool Textured Portfolio Website.

Create a Clean Business Web Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial we would like to show you how to design a clean and solid fictional business layout. Following the steps in this tutorial you will learn how to use guides, how to create a detailed background using patterns and filters, how to create transparent buttons, 3D elements and how to stylize web typography. Hope you will find this tutorial useful and techniques shown in this tutorial will help you in future projects.

Design a Clean Business Layout

Grunge layouts may be all the rage right now, but they aren’t suitable for every kind of website. For this tutorial we are going to show you how to make a professional, clean business layout. This kind of design is perfect for companies or business related blogs.

Portfolio Gallery Layout

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a portfolio styled layout for your design studio gallery. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials, the psd is available for download.

Creative Studio Web Page

In this detailed tutorial we will learn how to create impressive layout for Creative Studio.

Portfolio Layout

Welcome to another portfolio layout tutorial, in this tutrial il show you how to create a cool blue portfolio layout.

Create a Slick and Minimalist Web Layout in Photoshop

In this Photoshop web design tutorial, we’re going to learn how to create a slick and minimal-looking website layout. We will use the 960 Grid System as a template to make it easy to align the design elements on the layout.

Design a Dark Business Layout

In this tutorial we will use only a few colors to create a dark business layout. With small modifications this layout can be used also as an wordpress blog. It is very important to use patterns in your layouts. We have a set with 200 seamless pixel patterns, and this little piece of graphics can change the look of the website very much.

How to create a web hosting layout

Today will show you how to create another eye catching hosting layout. In this tutorial we will use only 2-3 colors, with small variations, and you can use this layout for any internet business you have. of course you need to make small changes.

Design a Bold and Vibrant Portfolio

In this tutorial we will learn how to design a Bold and Vibrant Portfolio.

Design a Modern, Textured Portfolio Website

In this tutorial we will learn how to design a Modern, Textured Portfolio Website.

Design a Space Themed Portfolio Landing Page

In this tutorial we will learn how to Design a Space Themed Portfolio Landing Page.

Design a Creative Unusual Layout

In this tutorial we will show you how to manipulate some simple shapes, to obtain a wonderful layout. As you have seen I am trying to create unusual layouts. I want to show you that it is possible to create also another type of layouts (not usual ones).

Create a Stylish Business Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will show you how easy we will create a clean corporate layout. We wanted to create a website for a freelancer but after the first steps I’ve changed my mind.

Create a Clean Elegant WordPress Theme

In this tutorial we will show you how easy we will create a clean corporate layout.

Design a Car Dealer Website Layout with Photoshop

Here we will show you how to create a car layout. This template can suite as a design for car dealers, communities dedicated to cars and other related topics. With some small modifications you can use this layout for a WordPress blog too.

How to design a clean and beautiful portfolio webdesign

This Photoshop tutorial teaches you how to create a website layout, from the beginning, creating a document under Photoshop, how to the publication in HTML5 and CSS3. This tutorial is really useful for people willing to create their own website as well as for web designers looking for inspiration or looking for graphics resources.

Create a Grunge Personal Portfolio Layout

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a grunge personal portfolio. With small modifications you can use this layout for a photography website or for a web design agency layout.

Create a Grunge Photographer Layout

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a grunge layout for a photographer. We will use some of the vectors we have already released in the past days, and we will show you how to manipulate them to create a nice looking layout. This layout can be used also for a portfolio layout.

Create a Chalkboard Style WordPress Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a unique and original WordPress style layout that looks like a chalkboard. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials, the psd is available for download.

Create a Racing Website

We are going to create a racing website using Photoshop and a little imagination, along with a few stock images. In this tutorial we are going to learn to create an easy glossy type, quick color correction, several visual elements and the structure of a website.

Create a simle layout for Architecture or Real Estate

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a simple layout for architecture business. This layout can be used if you want a website for an architectural or building company or for real estate development, structural engineering, and architectural consulting.

Design an Elegant Rustic Layout

Here we will create a layout for a hotel. This layout will work also if you have site related to the hotel industry: bed and breakfast, motels, and it will work very good for restaurants, cafes, pizzerias , bars, wineries layouts, etc.

How to Create the Interior Design Layout

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create professional and glossy website layout for the Interior Design related company. Just follow the steps of this tutorial and you’ll find out that there is nothing so complicated in designing this stunning template.

Design a Creative Design Studio Layout

This PSD layout is aimed at design studios and agencies, designers, those involved in site design and software development, as well as graphic designers. With this design studio layout you can showcase your work or products in an easy way.

Design a Creative Cosmetics Layout with Photoshop

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a beauty layout based on some strange shapes. This PSD layout is aimed for building websites related to healthcare, medicine and health issues. It can be used for massage spa salons, spa resorts, body spa and facial spa accessories, spa equipment too.

Learn How To Create A Clean Layout In Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll learn how to create a clean looking website layout, we’ll also be using 960s grid system to keep everything aligned. This is very detailed tutorial, so if you have basic knowledge about Photoshop you should be able to easily keep up and let me guide you through this layout creation process.

How to create a distinguishable textured web layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a textured web layout, starting from the concept on paper to Photoshop design. We will discuss about site structure and will use the 960 grid to organize our contents. Also you will learn how to use layer styles to create an engraved text effect. Give it a try!

Clean and Minimalistic Portfolio Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a clean and minimalistic portfolio layout in Photoshop. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials, the psd is available for download.

Create a Vibrant Professional Web Design in Photoshop

Developing a workflow that lets you create web layouts quickly and easily while still satisfying your clients’ needs is crucial. In this Photoshop web design tutorial, I’ll show you a way to create a slick home page layout in the fastest time possible and with minimum web design skills. Let’s go!

How to Create a Unique WordPress Theme

Here we try to create another creative layout which can be converted very easy in a wordpress theme.

Related posts:

  1. Best Of 2011: 45 Photoshop Web Design Layout Tutorials
  2. 50 Truly Eye-Catching And Detailed Web Layout Tutorials
  3. Fresh And High Quality Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
  4. Best Of 2011: Ultimate Collection Of High Quality Photoshop Tutorials

Read more: http://www.smashingapps.com/2012/12/10/40-high-quality-photoshop-web-layout-tutorials.html#ixzz2EnViWBf1


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