

그녀가 나를 아주 유심히
지켜보고 있다는 사실을 눈치챘다.
그녀는 내 팔을 어루만지거나 목을 긁어주면
내가 차분해진다는 걸 알아차렸다. 그녀는 또
내 머리를 긁어주고 내 귀를 문질러주었다.
그녀의 그런 어루만짐에 나는 편안해졌고,
안절부절 못하는 일이 줄었다. 전에는
한 번도 경험해보지 못한
기쁨과 고요가 있다.

- 존 엘더 로비슨의《나를 똑바로 봐》중에서 -

* '아스퍼거 증후군'이라는 난치병 환자의 체험글입니다.
유심히 지켜보고 어루만지는 것만으로도 편안해지고
아픈 몸과 마음에 기쁨과 고요가 찾아옵니다.
'건강하다'는 사람에게도 마찬가지입니다.
겉은 멀쩡해 보이지만 속은 깊이 멍들고
지쳤을 때 누군가 사랑과 정성으로
지켜보고 어루만지면 다가오던
병도 한걸음 물러갑니다.
기쁨과 고요가 옵니다.


'아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

인연  (0) 2014.07.10
내 안의 '아이'  (0) 2014.07.09
마음의 빚  (0) 2014.07.07
마음의 해방  (0) 2014.07.05
휴(休)  (0) 2014.07.04

Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this simple jQuery extension

CoverVid: HTML5 background videos

CoverVid is a simple jQuery extension that lets you use an HTML5 video as a cover-size background image on a website. It’s easy to use and scales to whatever the parent element is.



Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with a simple jQuery extension. Very simple to use, just follow these few steps...

Drop the covervid.min.js file into your javascript folder and load it after jQuery.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="covervid.min.js"></script>

It is important to note that the video you target will use its' parent element to scale. With that in mind, we will create some simple markup and add some base styling to size the videos' parent/wrapper element.

<div class="covervid-wrapper">
    <video class="covervid-video" autoplay loop poster="img/video-fallback.png">
        <source src="videos/clouds.webm" type="video/webm">
        <source src="videos/clouds.mp4" type="video/mp4">
.covervid-wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

Now, we simply call the coverVid() function on the video element, passing through the native dimensions of the video.

$('.covervid-video').coverVid(1920, 1080);


jQuery Cheat Sheet: A quick API reference


This colorful jQuery Cheat Sheet is your one-stop reference for the jQuery API. It covers selectors, attributes, CSS, events, effects, and much more.









Passwordless: Authentication middleware for Express & Node.js

Javascript / Added on July 4, 2014 / Add to favorites

Passwordless is a token-based password authentication middleware for Express and Node.js. It’s faster to deploy, with just a single form and text field, with no need for separate registration, login, and lost password pages.


node.js/express module to authenticate users without password 



Passwordless is a modern node.js module for express that allows authentication and authorization without passwords by simply sending one-time password (OTPW) tokens via email or other means. It utilizes a very similar mechanism as the reset password feature of classic websites. The module was inspired by Justin Balthrop's article "Passwords are Obsolete"

Check out a demo and further documentation on https://passwordless.net or have a look at an example.

Token-based authentication is...

  • Faster to implement compared to typical user auth systems (you only need one form)
  • Better for your users as they get started with your app quickly and don't have to remember passwords
  • More secure for your users avoiding the risks of reused passwords



OuiBounce: A small modal library

/ Added on July 5, 2014 / Add to favorites

OuiBounce is a small library for creating modal windows that trigger when a user leaves your site. It aims to lower your bounce rate and increase your conversions, while offering a number of customizable options.



Increase your landing page conversion rates.


A small library enabling you to display a modal before a user leaves your website.


The philosophy behind this project

This library helps you increase landing page conversion rates. From my experience, you can expect a lift of 7% to 15% depending on your audience, traffic type (paid or unpaid) and copy.

Talking about copy... please use Ouibounce to provide value to your visitors. With tools like these it's very easy to create something spammy-looking.

Not sure what I mean by provide value? Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Demo / Examples


You have a few options to choose from:

  • Download the minified or unminified script and include it on your page
  • Get Ouibounce from cdnjs.com
  • Use Bower: curl http://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ouibounce
  • Use NPM: npm install git://github.com/carlsednaoui/ouibounce.git

Note: Ouibounce is wrapped by a umd wrapper, so if you are using requirejs/amd or commonjs/browserify, it will still work fine.



Boba.js: JavaScript for Google Analytics

Javascript / Added on July 2, 2014 / Add to favorites

Boba.js is an easily extensible JavaScript library for working with Google Analytics. It works with ga.js and analytics.js, and makes tracking everything child’s play.


Need those links tracked? "As you wish." 





Boba.js is a small, easily extensible JavaScript library that makes working with Google Analytics easier. It supports the old ga.js library as well as the new analytics.js library. It has one out of the box function,trackLinks, and makes tracking everything else child's play. Requires jQuery.

Use it

Create a new instance of Boba:

tracker = new Boba

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